150 Years after The Emancipation Proclamation … Slavery Re-introduced into the U.S.


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
150 Years after The Emancipation Proclamation … Slavery Re-introduced into the U.S.​

Dr.Charles Ormsby

On September 22, 1862 President Lincoln used the news from Antietam (fought on September 17, 1862) to announce his proclamation freeing the slaves in those states still in active rebellion against the Federal Government as of January 1, 1863.

Amazingly, 150 years later, our recent national election endorsed a philosophy that embraces many of the core tenets of slavery. Ironically, this tightening of our shackles is being led by our first black president, was endorsed by well over ninety percent of American blacks and was supported by a super-majority of Jews who have had a history with slavery – and worse.

While The Emancipation Proclamation was announced somewhat precipitously, the abolition of slavery was a work in progress prior to Lincoln’s presidency and it wasn’t fully realized until December 1865 when the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution became effective.

The current re-imposition of slavery is also a work in progress – one that is now approximately 75 years in the making – but the pace is quickening and the outcome becoming more certain. The recent election was a major victory for those who seek to cement our present course.


Read more:
150 Years after The Emancipation Proclamation … Slavery Re-introduced into the U.S. | The Valley Patriot
On September 22, 1862 President Lincoln used the news from Antietam (fought on September 17, 1862) to announce his proclamation freeing the slaves in those states still in active rebellion against the Federal Government as of January 1, 1863.

But Lincoln had no control over the states in rebellion so the EP didn't free the slaves there. OTOH there were four northern states where slavery was legal and lincoln could have freed them, but he chose not to. The EP was just a PR stunt that didn't free any slaves.. You should be ashamed of yourself for not knowing that.
Let me know when you are shackled to a post and whipped until yOur back is raw. Let me know when your children are taken away from you and sold. You really are a despicable human being.
What "core tenants" of "slavery" is this administration "embracing"?
Let me know when you are shackled to a post and whipped until yOur back is raw. Let me know when your children are taken away from you and sold. You really are a despicable human being.

dictionary.com :

the condition of a slave; bondage.
the keeping of slaves as a practice or institution.
a state of subjection like that of a slave: He was kept in slavery by drugs.
severe toil; drudgery.

Says nothing about shackles or whipping. Up your vocabulary, slavery is not a single instance, it is an idea of involuntary servitude by any means for any reason, to do any thing.
Let me know when you are shackled to a post and whipped until yOur back is raw. Let me know when your children are taken away from you and sold. You really are a despicable human being.

Therefore you are acceptable to the enslavement of Communism? You speak as if you personally have been shackled to a post, whipped until your back is raw, or had your children taken from you to be sold. Have you? I doubt it very much. That is unless you've lived under Marxist or Islamic rule. We just happened to fight a war against those very things that "Democrats" of the South perpetuated against Afro-Americans. Wait there's more, after the EP, Democrats formed the Ku Klux Klan and continued their domination of black people right up to and through the sixties.
It seems now that Democrats are sweet and butter wouldn't melt in their hate filled mouths today.
One thing is true: Every American...all 330 million of us, are at the very least, slaves to debt.
On September 22, 1862 President Lincoln used the news from Antietam (fought on September 17, 1862) to announce his proclamation freeing the slaves in those states still in active rebellion against the Federal Government as of January 1, 1863.

But Lincoln had no control over the states in rebellion so the EP didn't free the slaves there. .

You are seriously an ignorant shit.
150 Years after The Emancipation Proclamation … Slavery Re-introduced into the U.S.​

Dr.Charles Ormsby

On September 22, 1862 President Lincoln used the news from Antietam (fought on September 17, 1862) to announce his proclamation freeing the slaves in those states still in active rebellion against the Federal Government as of January 1, 1863.

Amazingly, 150 years later, our recent national election endorsed a philosophy that embraces many of the core tenets of slavery. Ironically, this tightening of our shackles is being led by our first black president, was endorsed by well over ninety percent of American blacks and was supported by a super-majority of Jews who have had a history with slavery – and worse.

While The Emancipation Proclamation was announced somewhat precipitously, the abolition of slavery was a work in progress prior to Lincoln’s presidency and it wasn’t fully realized until December 1865 when the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution became effective.

The current re-imposition of slavery is also a work in progress – one that is now approximately 75 years in the making – but the pace is quickening and the outcome becoming more certain. The recent election was a major victory for those who seek to cement our present course.


Read more:
150 Years after The Emancipation Proclamation … Slavery Re-introduced into the U.S. | The Valley Patriot

Please show us an example of this:

[sleyv] Show IPA noun, verb, slaved, slav·ing.
a person who is the property of and wholly subject to another; a bond servant.

a person entirely under the domination of some influence or person: a slave to a drug.
a drudge: a housekeeping slave.
a slave ant.
Photography . a subsidiary flash lamp actuated through its photoelectric cell when the principal flash lamp is discharged. "
It's not my fault you're stupid. Go do something about it if you're unsatisfied with being stupid.

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