16-Year Old Boy Attempts To Shoot Up/Kill Church Full Of Kids Receiving First Communion


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2020
Hayward Wisconsin
Would anyone of you "fascist sexually deviant democrat street trash" care to speculate as to why this boy was gonna murder 60 little boys and girls??? I would wager a boatload of cash he is a sexual deviant whose delusion has been affirmed over and over and over to the point he was prepared to murder children free of delusion!

The teen clearly has mental issues going on. As for it being a lack of religion:
The Spanish Inquisition period: 3,000 to 5,000 people murdered by the Catholic Church in Spain. Reason: Not converting to Catholicism.
Often the most pious can be the most dangerous, especially in the religion of Islam. It is hands down absolutely, the most violent of all the religions on the planet.
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Would anyone of you "fascist sexually deviant democrat street trash" care to speculate as to why this boy was gonna murder 60 little boys and girls??? I would wager a boatload of cash he is a sexual deviant whose delusion has been affirmed over and over and over to the point he was prepared to murder children free of delusion!

Looks like another typical Antifa fag:

Guns are far more accessible than mental health providers.

What do you expect?
The teen clearly has mental issues going on. As for it being a lack of religion:
The Spanish Inquisition period: 3,000 to 5,000 people murdered by the Catholic Church in Spain. Reason: Not converting to Catholicism.
Often the most pious can be the most dangerous, especially in the religion of Islam. It is hands down absolutely, the most violent of all the religions on the planet.
We have a winner, literally winner of the stupidest fucking comment ever penned to posterity! Above is so fucking incoherent I don't even know where to begin, so I won't! :laughing0301:
Would anyone of you "fascist sexually deviant democrat street trash" care to speculate as to why this boy was gonna murder 60 little boys and girls??? I would wager a boatload of cash he is a sexual deviant whose delusion has been affirmed over and over and over to the point he was prepared to murder children free of delusion!

Global warming done it.

Besides, January 6th.
Would anyone of you "fascist sexually deviant democrat street trash" care to speculate as to why this boy was gonna murder 60 little boys and girls??? I would wager a boatload of cash he is a sexual deviant whose delusion has been affirmed over and over and over to the point he was prepared to murder children free of delusion!

Much more likely he's a RWNJ in training.
We have a winner, literally winner of the stupidest fucking comment ever penned to posterity! Above is so fucking incoherent I don't even know where to begin, so I won't! :laughing0301:
Well, it is true. The real coherent understanding of what is going on is Satan attacks the religious and non-religious to cause death and destruction. I think that is all he is referring to. We know that Stalin and Mao used communist methods to kill 100 million who believed in God. But, religions like the Catholic Church have a bad record of evil as well.
The teen clearly has mental issues going on. As for it being a lack of religion:
The Spanish Inquisition period: 3,000 to 5,000 people murdered by the Catholic Church in Spain. Reason: Not converting to Catholicism.
Often the most pious can be the most dangerous, especially in the religion of Islam. It is hands down absolutely, the most violent of all the religions on the planet.
You said it. Muslims beat up this little girl because she is an infidel.

The beginning of sharia.
Guns are far more accessible than mental health providers.

What do you expect?

You can pay for all the mental health providers you need in your area.
Not on me, hopefully no where near me. My mental health would be a belt whooping or 2x4 to the back of the knees.

Of note:......the thing probably went thru public schools year after year......yet they saw nothing? did nothing? maybe they encourage these sorts? We pay for that already. They have school "counselors" on site. Sod off pig licker.
You said it. Muslims beat up this little girl because she is an infidel.

The beginning of sharia.

4 or 5 nine year olds beating up one kid now.....tricking her. "if you fight back we will injure ourselves and tell the teacher you did it". So mommy I just had to lay there and let them hit me. WOW!

Where do you jail 4-5 little muslims? Do you send them to another school? punish them how? Month long suspension? lol! nothing will happen I suppose?
Guns are far more accessible than mental health providers.

What do you expect?
Guns were far more accessible than mental health providers when I was growing up too with far fewer regulations demanding they be locked in cabinets, trigger locks, restricted magazines, etc. Almost all of us had at least one loaded gun in the house.

And I don't recall a single school shooting or other mass shooting the entire time where the killers set out just to kill somebody, anybody. Any form of gun crime was extremely rare.

But there were shared values of personal responsibility and accountability then. We still respected the flag and National Anthem, school children recited the Pledge of Allegiance. God and prayer was welcome in the schools, most people went to Church or Synagogue, and prayer was common at sporting and other public events.

And nobody but NOBODY made excuses for lawless thugs and criminals or tried to blame anybody or any thing but them. They were arrested, tried, convicted, and imprisoned for a very long time if not life and/or executed if the crime was terrible enough. And the media all identified them as what they were, i.e. lawless thugs and didn't try to pretend it was their politics or whatever that made them that way.
You said it. Muslims beat up this little girl because she is an infidel.

The beginning of sharia.
Yeah. The fact that it occurred in Minnesota isn't surprising, as it has become "Somalia 2.0." Diversity isn't a strength when Islam is in the mix with non-Muslims, it's a danger. I am an Atheist, and I generally don't have a problem with the religions (the religion peddlers at the door can be annoying, as are those that insist prayer be reintroduced into public schools), but to me, its been, live and let live. Islam on the other hand is a worldwide danger and where it is, so too are terrorist attacks.
Hungary made it clear to the European Union that they would not allow Muslims into their nation and not surprisingly, they are one of the only European nations that haven't had a single terrorist attack. Their citizens made it clear they were flat out, not accepting the danger.

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