169,000 Americans Drop Out of Labor Force in January As Unemployment Ticks Up


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
169,000 Americans Drop Out of Labor Force in January As Unemployment Ticks Up

The number of Americans not in the labor force grew by 169,000 in January, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ latest jobs report.

BLS labels people who are unemployed and no longer looking for work as “not in the labor force,” including people who have retired on schedule, taken early retirement, or simply given up looking for work. There were 89 million of them last month.

The number of people not in the labor force had declined in December to 88.8 million from 88.9 million in November.

The nation's unemployment rate increased a tenth of a point in January, rising to 7.9 percent from 7.8 percent, a level the Labor Department described as "essentially unchanged."


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169,000 Americans Drop Out of Labor Force in January As Unemployment Ticks Up | CNS News
Businesses afraid to hire...
Gallup: 61% of Small Business ‘Worried’ Over Healthcare Costs -- 30% Not Hiring, Fear Going Out of Business
January 31, 2013 -- Sixty-one percent of U.S. small business owners said they were “worried about the potential cost of healthcare” and 56 percent said they were “worried about new government regulations,” according to the Wells Fargo/Gallup small business index released on Jan. 31, which also showed that 30 percent of small business owners are not hiring and fear going out of business within a year.
“At the bottom of the list, but still at a surprisingly high level, 30% of owners say they are not hiring because they are worried they may no longer be in business in 12 months,” according to Gallup’s index summary. “This is up from 24% who had the same worry in January 2012.” Over the last 12 months, there have been more small business owners in the United States who reported they let workers go more than they hired new ones.

Although business owners cited usual reasons for not hiring more, such as not needing new personnel or sales not justifying new employees, owners also cited other reasons such as healthcare and government regulations. More small business owners report intentions to hire employees over the next 12 months. However, 17 percent say they expect to add more jobs to their businesses during the same time period.

Gallup said the reasons given for less hiring, such as healthcare and government regulations, are “troublesome” and have negative implications for the U.S. economy. “Finally, the fact that so many owners say worries about such things as potential healthcare costs and potential new government regulations are holding back hiring is troublesome for the job market outlook,” the index summary said. “Still, probably the most worrisome response is that 30% of small business owners fear they may not be in business 12 months from now.” The survey was conducted between Jan. 7-11, 2013 with a random sample of 601 small business owners.

169,000 Americans Drop Out of Labor Force in January As Unemployment Ticks Up

The number of Americans not in the labor force grew by 169,000 in January, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ latest jobs report.

BLS labels people who are unemployed and no longer looking for work as “not in the labor force,” including people who have retired on schedule, taken early retirement, or simply given up looking for work. There were 89 million of them last month.

The number of people not in the labor force had declined in December to 88.8 million from 88.9 million in November.

The nation's unemployment rate increased a tenth of a point in January, rising to 7.9 percent from 7.8 percent, a level the Labor Department described as "essentially unchanged."


Read more:
169,000 Americans Drop Out of Labor Force in January As Unemployment Ticks Up | CNS News

This is not at all surprising and is due to Hurricane Sandy. Many jobs were lost in the 4th quarter after Sandy hit. We will see an uptick come first quarter, and second quarter will be much stronger as the weather warms up and the rebuilding really starts. Thinking the downward trend is an omen of things to come is a mistake. Growth has not been very strong, so the effects of Sandy were more than evident in the numbers.
Of course they are.

They won't hire or expand because of the ACA. Hell. That sucker has 21 tax increases in it.

To bad the Democratic Fucks in congress who shoved it down or throats didn't read the damned thing before they passed it.
169,000 Americans Drop Out of Labor Force in January As Unemployment Ticks Up

The number of Americans not in the labor force grew by 169,000 in January, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ latest jobs report.

Good Lord, can people not do math?
December 2012
Adult Civilian Non-Institutional Population : 244,350,000
Labor Force (employed + unemployed): 155,511,000
Employed: 143,305,000
Unemployed: 12,206,000​
Not in the Labor Force: 88,839,000
Not in the Labor Force, wants job now: 6,750,000​

January 2012
Adult Civilian Non-Institutional Population : 244,663,000
Labor Force (employed + unemployed): 155,654,000
Employed: 143,322,000
Unemployed: 12,332,000​
Not in the Labor Force: 89,008,000
Not in the Labor Force, wants job now: 6,631,000​

month to month change:
Adult Civilian Non-Institutional Population : +313,000
Labor Force (employed + unemployed): +143,000
Employed: +17,000
Unemployed: +126,000​
Not in the Labor Force: +169,000
Not in the Labor Force, wants job now: -119,000​

An increase in Not in the Labor Force would only mean a drop in the Labor Force IF the population was the same.
It was a pretty good jobs report. Nonfarm payrolls rose by ~160k and revisions were +130k. That's one reason why stocks exploded upwards today.

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