One Million Gun Sales for 58 Months Straight

/-----/ Nothing is ever Biden's fault. One more time, Trump didn't shut down the economy, the governors did. Biden didn't reopen the economy, the governors did.
Can you get that through your thick skull?
Basically what I was saying, none of it is Biden’s fault! But Trump calling for “Warp Speed” development of a vaccine, stepping on the roll out, which led to many more deaths and the resultant added costs, is totally on him.

Basically what I was saying, none of it is Biden’s fault! But Trump calling for “Warp Speed” development of a vaccine, stepping on the roll out, which led to many more deaths and the resultant added costs, is totally on him.

/------/ "But Trump calling for “Warp Speed” development of a vaccine, stepping on the roll out, "

WTF are you talking about? Warp Speed worked. How did he "step" on the rollout?
You're just grasping at straws.
Did he encourage his supporters to “get the jab”? Honestly, now! :dunno:

/---/ Trump renews praise for Covid vaccines, 'one of the greatest achievements of mankind'
Trump also said people who are vaccinated aren't the ones becoming seriously ill.

"The ones that get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don't do the vaccine, but it's still their choice," he said. "And if you take the vaccine you're protected, the results of the vaccine are good."
May marked the 58th month in a row that the number of firearms sold—as reflected by the volume of National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) requests processed by the FBI—exceeded one million. The news wasn’t all good, though. The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) estimates, based on NICS figures, that sales decreased by 7.2 percent when compared to purchases made in May of 2023.

The total number of firearms sold last month nationwide came in at roughly 1,089,117, according to NSSF’s figures. During the same reporting period in 2023 the total was 1,174,142.

Those are rookie numbers. We gotta get those up.

It's as if millions of Americans are looking at all the anti-gun propaganda and instead believing their own lying eyes...

So let’s see Democrats try to grab ‘em.
To 32% of the population.
You have a problem with firearms?
I am concerned about the recent problem MAGA leaders have pointed out, regarding people lying about drug use on a gun application. It would seem, since they seem to be in vogue, that a routine blood test could be taken, as well as a background check.

May marked the 58th month in a row that the number of firearms sold—as reflected by the volume of National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) requests processed by the FBI—exceeded one million. The news wasn’t all good, though. The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) estimates, based on NICS figures, that sales decreased by 7.2 percent when compared to purchases made in May of 2023.

The total number of firearms sold last month nationwide came in at roughly 1,089,117, according to NSSF’s figures. During the same reporting period in 2023 the total was 1,174,142.

Those are rookie numbers. We gotta get those up.

It's as if millions of Americans are looking at all the anti-gun propaganda and instead believing their own lying eyes...

So let’s see Democrats try to grab ‘em.
Let’s make April 19th, The shot heard around the world a Federal holiday
Mexico has some of the strictest gun laws in the world. That just makes their law abiding citizens sitting ducks for the criminals. Their murder rate is nearly FIVE TIMES HIGHER than the US.
California has had Democrat supermajority rule for decades and has every ‘smart gun control’ law on their books.

And one of the highest gun violence rates in the US.

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