One Million Gun Sales for 58 Months Straight

Agreed but most of the violence being created with guns is because the guns are acquired illegally; in many cases, an illegal market or outright stolen. Combine that with a sub culture that glorifies gun violence (Hollywood) and it’s no wonder we have such levels of violence. What I don’t get is that the Left gets more concerned about lawful gun owners than they do unlawful gun owners. If the Left got their wish and the 2nd Amendment was eliminated, do they honestly believe gun violence with illegal guns is going to substantially decline? No. What will happen is they will give rise to an Illegal Market..

Because it has nothing to do with safety or the prevention of violence. The left are perfectly happy to preside over the daily slaughter of (mostly black) people in their shithole cities, which has been going on for decades. They LOVE the illegal gun trade that fuels that urban genocide.

The reason they go after lawful gun owners is because we're the ones who are a threat to their power. The gangbangers killing each other (and random women and children) are status quo for the left, good population control, and they love it. But people like us, who follow the law, love our civil rights, and will defend those rights, are the ones the left worries about and wants to destroy.
Does California or any other state have guarded borders to keep guns out of their states? Yes, you failed again Mr. Zero but perhaps you`re new to this country and have never crossed a state line.
Been to 42 States , Remember I Raced Motorbikes ( Professionally Then Wrenched and was a Team Driver & Manager ) and was a Drum Tech/ Crew Member for Signed Bands and toured
No, shutting down was the right thing to do.
You're claiming it wasn't.
Of course you place the blame solely on governors, instead of your dear leader.

/----/ "Of course you place the blame solely on governors, instead of your dear leader."

The governors shut down their economies, not Trump. The governors reopened their economies, not Biden.

Trump wanted to reopen early but governors said no. It was their call.
Despite the president's determination, it isn't solely in his control. The decision will likely fall to state and local officials, and members of the public will decide when they feel confident to return to work.

"Reopening is both an economic and a public health question," New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Saturday, "and I'm unwilling to divorce the two. You can't ask the people of this state or this country to choose between lives lost and dollars gained." › politics › donald-trump › trump-eager-restart-economy-may-he-weighs-toughest-decision-his-n1182351

Trump eager to restart economy by May as he weighs 'toughest' decision ...

President Donald Trump appears determined to open the economy with a "big bang" early next month, say people familiar with the decision-making process. ... Some industries may be advised to reopen ...
/----/ "Of course you place the blame solely on governors, instead of your dear leader."

The governors shut down their economies, not Trump. The governors reopened their economies, not Biden.

Trump wanted to reopen early but governors said no. It was their call.
Despite the president's determination, it isn't solely in his control. The decision will likely fall to state and local officials, and members of the public will decide when they feel confident to return to work.

"Reopening is both an economic and a public health question," New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Saturday, "and I'm unwilling to divorce the two. You can't ask the people of this state or this country to choose between lives lost and dollars gained." › politics › donald-trump › trump-eager-restart-economy-may-he-weighs-toughest-decision-his-n1182351

Trump eager to restart economy by May as he weighs 'toughest' decision ...

President Donald Trump appears determined to open the economy with a "big bang" early next month, say people familiar with the decision-making process. ... Some industries may be advised to reopen ...
So, if Trump didn't shut down the economy, what was he opening?
/----/ What a blithering idiot. He was CALLING for the governors to reopen. The governors said it was a state's right issue and they would make the decision.
That's why Trump REALLY loves you............You're dumber than he is.
Which makes you, the blistering IDIOT.

Trump administration pushing to reopen much of the U.S. ...​

Washington Post › national › 2020/04/09

Apr 9, 2020 — It's more complicated. 3:34. President Trump claimed on April 13 that he has the final say in reopening states amid the coronavirus pandemic.
That's why Trump REALLY loves you............You're dumber than he is.
Which makes you, the blistering IDIOT.

Trump administration pushing to reopen much of the U.S. ...

View attachment 967665
Washington Post › national › 2020/04/09
Apr 9, 2020 — It's more complicated. 3:34. President Trump claimed on April 13 that he has the final say in reopening states amid the coronavirus pandemic.
/----/ He CLAIMED he did, but the states pushed back and did their own thing. Again, it was the Governors who controlled the closing and reopening of their individual economies? Are you too young to remember the Michigan Gov and her draconian actions?
/----/ He CLAIMED he did, but the states pushed back and did their own thing. Again, it was the Governors who controlled the closing and reopening of their individual economies? Are you too young to remember the Michigan Gov and her draconian actions?
So, none of that was Biden’s fault. He brought us back to normalcy.

We don't LOVE our guns ... any more than we love our power saws or lawnmowers.

We OWN them because they are useful tools and we are are allowed to own them.
OK, not love, let’s call it fetishism.



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