Why I carry a handgun, 2024

The 2nd Amendment represents a very important God-given right, but do all of the folks posting about this really have ZERO confidence in their ability to protect themselves physically? What the hell happened to manhood?
Sissy Boy

I have been in most of our major cities and never needed to be armed.

I feel sorry for you NRA nuts afraid to go out in public and looking around every corner looking for bad guys

I would not want to live like you.
Isn't it cool that they have the choice to protect themselves if they want to?

Why I carry a handgun, 2024

25 May 2024 ~~ By Mike McDaniel

No one really knows how many Americans regularly carry handguns, concealed or openly. The number of concealed carry licenses doesn’t tell the tale, particularly since 29 states are now “constitutional carry states.” Unless otherwise prohibited by law, Americans need no license to carry concealed weapons in those states. As I recently noted here at AT, some 36 states allow open carry.
We do know that April was the 57th consecutive month of more than one million gun sales. It’s reasonable to believe tens of millions of Americans regularly carry, and most don’t advertise the fact. But why should anyone carry?

Never leave home without it! Biden’s Amerika is about as safe as any Third World country at this point.
Firearms are like parachutes; if the situation arises where you need either and you don’t have one…. you're S.O L..
"Gun laws disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”
- Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776

Who else remembers, back in 2008 when that smartly dressed, well-spoken, Radical Marxist usurper and closet Muslim with questionable citizenship credentials promised us a ‘Fundamental Transformation’ of America and told us how important it was that ‘We’ had a national security force just as powerful, just as strong and just as well funded as the military? Interestingly he neglected to identify exactly who the ‘We’ actually was…. We the People or we the Government? Initially there was speculation that the Peace Corps (Oh the irony!) would become the nucleus of his proposed neo-Marxist-Brown Shirt Brigade but it now seems that the IRS, having already amassed so much data on so much of the population, is apparently considered a more viable candidate. From 2020 to the present the IRS has spent over $10M on firearms, including fully automatic long guns, tactical gear and ammunition. The IRS…!
Please note. The Second Amendment isn’t complicated, Yet, Democrat Neo-Marxists and the "Deep State" have been intent on endless further restrictions, or even overturning it completely, since at least 1934, and probably earlier than that. I’m not onboard with their goals.
Is like the American Express Card.

Don't leave home without it.
I have been to million dollar condos and never needed a gun
There's a saying in trucking... you can go down the mountain too slowly a thousand times...but you'll only go down too fast once.

Same goes for carrying a firearm.

You may carry you gun and not need it a thousand times... but you'll only need it and not have it... once.

Why I carry a handgun, 2024

25 May 2024 ~~ By Mike McDaniel

No one really knows how many Americans regularly carry handguns, concealed or openly. The number of concealed carry licenses doesn’t tell the tale, particularly since 29 states are now “constitutional carry states.” Unless otherwise prohibited by law, Americans need no license to carry concealed weapons in those states. As I recently noted here at AT, some 36 states allow open carry.
We do know that April was the 57th consecutive month of more than one million gun sales. It’s reasonable to believe tens of millions of Americans regularly carry, and most don’t advertise the fact. But why should anyone carry?

Never leave home without it! Biden’s Amerika is about as safe as any Third World country at this point.
Firearms are like parachutes; if the situation arises where you need either and you don’t have one…. you're S.O L..
"Gun laws disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”
- Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776

Who else remembers, back in 2008 when that smartly dressed, well-spoken, Radical Marxist usurper and closet Muslim with questionable citizenship credentials promised us a ‘Fundamental Transformation’ of America and told us how important it was that ‘We’ had a national security force just as powerful, just as strong and just as well funded as the military? Interestingly he neglected to identify exactly who the ‘We’ actually was…. We the People or we the Government? Initially there was speculation that the Peace Corps (Oh the irony!) would become the nucleus of his proposed neo-Marxist-Brown Shirt Brigade but it now seems that the IRS, having already amassed so much data on so much of the population, is apparently considered a more viable candidate. From 2020 to the present the IRS has spent over $10M on firearms, including fully automatic long guns, tactical gear and ammunition. The IRS…!
Please note. The Second Amendment isn’t complicated, Yet, Democrat Neo-Marxists and the "Deep State" have been intent on endless further restrictions, or even overturning it completely, since at least 1934, and probably earlier than that. I’m not onboard with their goals.

People carry guns in the US because the government sucks and people don't do anything about it, and because the country is dangerous, and they don't do anything about it.
People carry guns in the US because the government sucks and people don't do anything about it, and because the country is dangerous, and they don't do anything about it.
Are you claiming that American cities in general have become less dangerous?
Biden has forced America to take in 10 million or more illegal aliens in the last 3.5 years.
Women are being raped and killed in higher numbers, robberies and assaults are skyrocketing, and so are home invasions.
Regretfully, the Stasi FBI refuses to release these reports...
All you have to do is watch/read the reports of violence for the 4th of July/
Are you claiming that American cities in general have become less dangerous?
Biden has forced America to take in 10 million or more illegal aliens in the last 3.5 years.
Women are being raped and killed in higher numbers, robberies and assaults are skyrocketing, and so are home invasions.
Regretfully, the Stasi FBI refuses to release these reports...
All you have to do is watch/read the reports of violence for the 4th of July/

Are cities more dangerous? Not really, crime dropped, mostly because of modern technology, why commit crime when you can stay home and kill not-real people on GTA?

However they are still dangerous. Is it because of immigrants? Not really, but also immigrants will take part in the things the country has to offer, like drug dealing, being in gangs and the like, though they can do this because they country doesn't solve this problem in the first place.

So you're claiming higher rates of crime, but claiming the FBI isn't releasing these reports....

Rape, for example. The state with the highest rape is Alaska, New York had the lowest rape. Why? I thought with guns everyone would be safe, but no, guns can be used to help someone rape someone else.

According to this rape rates increased from 2012 onward, hitting a high in 2018 and then dropping a bit. Is this because of immigrants? Nope, it's because of a revision in how statistics are collected.


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