17 million cars sold this year for the first time since 2001 — and only the third year ever



I'm glad Obama didn't let the auto industry go bankrupt. Aren't you? Thank God we didn't listen to Romney.

2015 U.S. auto sales on pace to eclipse 2014 - Tire Business - The Tire Dealer s No. 1 News Source

The National Automobile Dealers Association this week increased its forecast for new light-vehicle deliveries in 2015 to 17.2 million from 16.9 million. The NADA is also projecting U.S. sales will rise to 17.6 million in 2016, toppling the record of 17.4 million established in 2000.
Yea Rderp good thing Obama bailed out Honda, Nissan, Toyota, Fiat and Honda....

From your link dumbass....

DETROIT (July 2, 2015) — U.S. light-vehicle sales, fueled by strong light truck volume at Nissan Motor Co., Fiat Chrysler, Honda Motor Co. and Toyota Motor Corp., rose 3.9 percent in June as the industry continued to climb toward one of its biggest sales years ever.
Actually GM and Chrysler DID go bankrupt. What Obama prevented was the application of our bankruptcy laws to them - part of his "Illegal Imperial Presidency" don't you know.

This was and remains the biggest example of "Political corruption" in American history.

Political corruption, in its purest form, is when you pay a politician for political favors, and he provides those favors on demand.

The UAW and AFLCIO provided tens of millions of dollars to finance Democrat candidates in 2008, and provided many times that amount in "in-kind services" in support of those campaigns. In return, the President turned our bankruptcy laws on their head to protect the workers of the UAW, while screwing stockholders, bond-holders, trade creditors, secured creditors, and the American taxpayers. But he didn't care about those people - only the ones who support his campaign.

We will never know what would have happened if the President had not taken this opportunity to repay his political benefactors. Surely, investors would have purchased the viable product lines of GM, as well as the factories and equipment that were still valuable, and surely Americans would buy as many cars as they needed in coming years. Would they be Buicks? Who knows and who cares? If I break the law (the Bankruptcy Code) and the result is favorable, it's still breaking the law.

Don't drink the Kool-Aid.
And whom do you suppose would have produced those 17 million cars? Fairies?

A UAW job is no better than a non-union job.

Of course, if the B'ruptcy would have proceeded according to the Law, the UAW contracts would have been completely on the table for revision by the Trustee. This logical option was taken off the table by Barry and his minions.
Yea Rderp good thing Obama bailed out Honda, Nissan, Toyota, Fiat and Honda....

From your link dumbass....

DETROIT (July 2, 2015) — U.S. light-vehicle sales, fueled by strong light truck volume at Nissan Motor Co., Fiat Chrysler, Honda Motor Co. and Toyota Motor Corp., rose 3.9 percent in June as the industry continued to climb toward one of its biggest sales years ever.
A rising tide lifts all boats.
No one wanted to invest in those car companies. Not even Bain Capital. The Republicans put us into a deep, deep recession. There was zero capital floating around. Bankruptcy most certainly meant liquidation. How can you guys not know that????

Why The Right Is Wrong About Saving Detroit Research Media Matters for America

"There were two ways to do it - either use crony capitalism, where government picks the winners and losers, or you go through the traditional reorganization process," said Saul Anuzis, a Romney supporter and former head of the Michigan Republican Party.

Sean McAlinden, chief economist at the Center for Automotive Research, or CAR, said there was one problem with that argument: a private bankruptcy for automakers would not have been possible during the 2008-2009 financial crisis because credit markets were frozen and GM and Chrysler were unable to get private financing to keep operating through bankruptcy.

Without federal help, the companies could have been forced to shut down, which would have devastated parts suppliers and threatened solvent carmakers such as Ford and Toyota, McAlinden said.

The intervention saved 1.3 million jobs in 2009, CAR estimates.

"It was the most successful peacetime industrial intervention in U.S. history," McAlinden said. [Reuters, 2/10/12]
I'm glad Obama didn't let the auto industry go bankrupt. Aren't you? Thank God we didn't listen to Romney.

2015 U.S. auto sales on pace to eclipse 2014 - Tire Business - The Tire Dealer s No. 1 News Source

The National Automobile Dealers Association this week increased its forecast for new light-vehicle deliveries in 2015 to 17.2 million from 16.9 million. The NADA is also projecting U.S. sales will rise to 17.6 million in 2016, toppling the record of 17.4 million established in 2000.
The whole industry wouldn't have gone bankrupt you hack just the shitty companies like GM
I'm glad Obama didn't let the auto industry go bankrupt. Aren't you? Thank God we didn't listen to Romney.

2015 U.S. auto sales on pace to eclipse 2014 - Tire Business - The Tire Dealer s No. 1 News Source

The National Automobile Dealers Association this week increased its forecast for new light-vehicle deliveries in 2015 to 17.2 million from 16.9 million. The NADA is also projecting U.S. sales will rise to 17.6 million in 2016, toppling the record of 17.4 million established in 2000.
The whole industry wouldn't have gone bankrupt you hack just the shitty companies like GM
OMG. You don't know do you?

Take away a couple of the car companies and the suppliers go bankrupt. Republicans are supposed to know "trickle down". What companies like GM brings to the economy "trickles down". Try to figure out why.
I'm glad Obama didn't let the auto industry go bankrupt. Aren't you? Thank God we didn't listen to Romney.

2015 U.S. auto sales on pace to eclipse 2014 - Tire Business - The Tire Dealer s No. 1 News Source

The National Automobile Dealers Association this week increased its forecast for new light-vehicle deliveries in 2015 to 17.2 million from 16.9 million. The NADA is also projecting U.S. sales will rise to 17.6 million in 2016, toppling the record of 17.4 million established in 2000.
The whole industry wouldn't have gone bankrupt you hack just the shitty companies like GM
OMG. You don't know do you?

Take away a couple of the car companies and the suppliers go bankrupt. Republicans are supposed to know "trickle down". What companies like GM brings to the economy "trickles down". Try to figure out why.

I'm sure the other solvent car companies would have picked up the slack and those suppliers would have been just fine because the other companies current suppliers would most likely nt be able to pick up all the extra business

GM is not the be all end all of car companies in this country you know

Or maybe you don't know
why do you hate this corporation but worship others?
For one I don't "hate " or "worship" any corporation

And if a business can't stay solvent it isn't any of the fucking government's business and tax payers are not responsible for propping them up.

There is no emotion whatsoever involved.
I'm glad Obama didn't let the auto industry go bankrupt. Aren't you? Thank God we didn't listen to Romney.

2015 U.S. auto sales on pace to eclipse 2014 - Tire Business - The Tire Dealer s No. 1 News Source

The National Automobile Dealers Association this week increased its forecast for new light-vehicle deliveries in 2015 to 17.2 million from 16.9 million. The NADA is also projecting U.S. sales will rise to 17.6 million in 2016, toppling the record of 17.4 million established in 2000.
The whole industry wouldn't have gone bankrupt you hack just the shitty companies like GM
OMG. You don't know do you?

Take away a couple of the car companies and the suppliers go bankrupt. Republicans are supposed to know "trickle down". What companies like GM brings to the economy "trickles down". Try to figure out why.

I'm sure the other solvent car companies would have picked up the slack and those suppliers would have been just fine because the other companies current suppliers would most likely nt be able to pick up all the extra business

GM is not the be all end all of car companies in this country you know

Or maybe you don't know
Picked up the slack? What are you talking about. All those unemployed. That means no one is buying cars. Are you about 13 or 14? Cuz it seems you don't know very much or how things work.
why do you hate this corporation but worship others?
For one I don't "hate " or "worship" any corporation

And if a business can't stay solvent it isn't any of the fucking government's business and tax payers are not responsible for propping them up.

There is no emotion whatsoever involved.
Republicans deregulated and we all suffered.
Yea Rderp good thing Obama bailed out Honda, Nissan, Toyota, Fiat and Honda....

From your link dumbass....

DETROIT (July 2, 2015) — U.S. light-vehicle sales, fueled by strong light truck volume at Nissan Motor Co., Fiat Chrysler, Honda Motor Co. and Toyota Motor Corp., rose 3.9 percent in June as the industry continued to climb toward one of its biggest sales years ever.
A rising tide lifts all boats.
you are such a liar Rderp.

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