17 people have been killed during the riots, almost all black....nice going liberals.


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Black lives matter???? :auiqs.jpg:


17 lives in exchange for Floyd? Huh? A drug addict who robbed and beat and threatened to shoot a pregnant woman in the stomach?

The left is so far gone, it’s unbelievably disgusting. You fools are sheep, doing the bidding of a handful of wealthy communists.

Wake the fuck up.

If black lives matter, why did so many blacks die during the riots?

I have never been so trusting and appreciative of the police in all my life (74 years), as I am now. Rioters and protestors have given police a BOOST in stature.



When BLM blocked traffic in Tampa , FL for 2 hours, they weren't concerned about a lot of black motorists who were stuck in the traffic jam. For all those morons knew, there could have been a pregnant woman rushing to the hospital to give birth.

Could have been somebody badly bleeding on the way to the emergency room.

Could have been a fire truck on the way to a fire.

Dumbass Democrat mayor (Bob Buckhorn) let them get away with it.
Black lives matter???? :auiqs.jpg:


17 lives in exchange for Floyd? Huh? A drug addict who robbed and beat and threatened to shoot a pregnant woman in the stomach?

The left is so far gone, it’s unbelievably disgusting. You fools are sheep, doing the bidding of a handful of wealthy communists.

Wake the fuck up.

If black lives matter, why did so many blacks die during the riots?

Hilarious. Thank you! 17 people got themselves killed rioting over a 5 time loser felon who robbed and commited crime all his life that they never even met. Just like every other Black martyr they've rioted over. A BUM. That's just about as stupid as the whole rest of this event.
When BLM blocked traffic in Tampa , FL for 2 hours, they weren't concerned about a lot of black motorists who were stuck in the traffic jam. For all those morons knew, there could have been a pregnant woman rushing to the hospital to give birth.

Could have been somebody badly bleeding on the way to the emergency room.

Could have been a fire truck on the way to a fire.

Dumbass Democrat mayor (Bob Buckhorn) let them get away with it.

Here are four examples of Black Lives Matter blocking ambulances.

I believe that black lives matter.

But I don't believe that these "Black Lives Matter" protestors care about black lives, because for all they knew, these ambulances could have been takng black people to the hospital.

1) In December 2014, in Berkeley, Missouri, Alvin Henry Jones Jr., 62, died two days after Black Lives Matter protestors blocked an ambulance that was carrying him.

Source: Paramedics were delayed Berkeley by protest - patient later died

2) In January 2015, in Milton, Massachusettes, Black Lives Matter protestors blocked an ambulance that was carrying Richard McGrath, 82. The protestors chained themselves to barrels full of concrete to make especially sure that no vehicles could get by. In February 2016, after 10 of the protestors pled guilty to “willfully impending an emergency vehicle,” and were sentenced to six months of probation and 60 hours of community service, their spokesperson said that they were not sorry for what they had done.

Source: Black Lives Matter protesters who shut down Southeast Expressway in Milton plead guilty - The Boston Globe

3) In July 2016, in Memphis, Tennessee, Black Lives Matter protestors blocked an ambulance that was trying to get to a child, after the same Black Lives Matter protestors had blocked the same child’s parents’ car from taking him to the hospital.

Source: http://www.wistv.com/story/32421175...-during-rally?clienttype=generic&sf30802995=1

4) In March 2016, in Chicago, Illinois, Black Lives Matter protestors blocked an ambulance that had its emergency sirens blaring. In this video, you can see that many of the protestors deliberately repositioned themselves so they were standing specifically, directly in front of the ambulance, even though its emergency sirens had already been blaring for quite some time:

Source and video:

Scary isn't it? It never had to come to this but people like you refuse to listen until the torches and pitchforks come out.
You gotta kill more black people to get people to listen how important a career criminals life is to the left
Even the ancient Romans understood the psychology of mass protests and civil unrest. The right continues to be ignorant.
These are the suspects in David Dorn's murder. I am 100% certain that the social justice warriors will never, ever protest against any of them.

Thank you so much for posting that!!

I pray that Dorn’s Murderer is brought to justice.

No one on the left gives a shit, certainly not “BLACK LIVES MATTER”.
When BLM blocked traffic in Tampa , FL for 2 hours, they weren't concerned about a lot of black motorists who were stuck in the traffic jam. For all those morons knew, there could have been a pregnant woman rushing to the hospital to give birth.

Could have been somebody badly bleeding on the way to the emergency room.

Could have been a fire truck on the way to a fire.

Dumbass Democrat mayor (Bob Buckhorn) let them get away with it.

Here are four examples of Black Lives Matter blocking ambulances.

I believe that black lives matter.

But I don't believe that these "Black Lives Matter" protestors care about black lives, because for all they knew, these ambulances could have been takng black people to the hospital.

1) In December 2014, in Berkeley, Missouri, Alvin Henry Jones Jr., 62, died two days after Black Lives Matter protestors blocked an ambulance that was carrying him.

Source: Paramedics were delayed Berkeley by protest - patient later died

2) In January 2015, in Milton, Massachusettes, Black Lives Matter protestors blocked an ambulance that was carrying Richard McGrath, 82. The protestors chained themselves to barrels full of concrete to make especially sure that no vehicles could get by. In February 2016, after 10 of the protestors pled guilty to “willfully impending an emergency vehicle,” and were sentenced to six months of probation and 60 hours of community service, their spokesperson said that they were not sorry for what they had done.

Source: Black Lives Matter protesters who shut down Southeast Expressway in Milton plead guilty - The Boston Globe

3) In July 2016, in Memphis, Tennessee, Black Lives Matter protestors blocked an ambulance that was trying to get to a child, after the same Black Lives Matter protestors had blocked the same child’s parents’ car from taking him to the hospital.

Source: http://www.wistv.com/story/32421175...-during-rally?clienttype=generic&sf30802995=1

4) In March 2016, in Chicago, Illinois, Black Lives Matter protestors blocked an ambulance that had its emergency sirens blaring. In this video, you can see that many of the protestors deliberately repositioned themselves so they were standing specifically, directly in front of the ambulance, even though its emergency sirens had already been blaring for quite some time:

Source and video:

My man! Welcome to the board! We need good posters like you that come correct with facts and information. It’s the antidote to left wing lunatics. God bless you.
Scary isn't it? It never had to come to this but people like you refuse to listen until the torches and pitchforks come out.
You gotta kill more black people to get people to listen how important a career criminals life is to the left
Even the ancient Romans understood the psychology of mass protests and civil unrest. The right continues to be ignorant.
So burn down more of your businesses. Thatll show us!
Scary isn't it? It never had to come to this but people like you refuse to listen until the torches and pitchforks come out.
You gotta kill more black people to get people to listen how important a career criminals life is to the left
Even the ancient Romans understood the psychology of mass protests and civil unrest. The right continues to be ignorant.

If the right is ignorant, then why is it always Democrats, and never Republicans, who burn their own cities down?
When BLM blocked traffic in Tampa , FL for 2 hours, they weren't concerned about a lot of black motorists who were stuck in the traffic jam. For all those morons knew, there could have been a pregnant woman rushing to the hospital to give birth.

Could have been somebody badly bleeding on the way to the emergency room.

Could have been a fire truck on the way to a fire.

Dumbass Democrat mayor (Bob Buckhorn) let them get away with it.

Here are four examples of Black Lives Matter blocking ambulances.

I believe that black lives matter.

But I don't believe that these "Black Lives Matter" protestors care about black lives, because for all they knew, these ambulances could have been takng black people to the hospital.

1) In December 2014, in Berkeley, Missouri, Alvin Henry Jones Jr., 62, died two days after Black Lives Matter protestors blocked an ambulance that was carrying him.

Source: Paramedics were delayed Berkeley by protest - patient later died

2) In January 2015, in Milton, Massachusettes, Black Lives Matter protestors blocked an ambulance that was carrying Richard McGrath, 82. The protestors chained themselves to barrels full of concrete to make especially sure that no vehicles could get by. In February 2016, after 10 of the protestors pled guilty to “willfully impending an emergency vehicle,” and were sentenced to six months of probation and 60 hours of community service, their spokesperson said that they were not sorry for what they had done.

Source: Black Lives Matter protesters who shut down Southeast Expressway in Milton plead guilty - The Boston Globe

3) In July 2016, in Memphis, Tennessee, Black Lives Matter protestors blocked an ambulance that was trying to get to a child, after the same Black Lives Matter protestors had blocked the same child’s parents’ car from taking him to the hospital.

Source: http://www.wistv.com/story/32421175...-during-rally?clienttype=generic&sf30802995=1

4) In March 2016, in Chicago, Illinois, Black Lives Matter protestors blocked an ambulance that had its emergency sirens blaring. In this video, you can see that many of the protestors deliberately repositioned themselves so they were standing specifically, directly in front of the ambulance, even though its emergency sirens had already been blaring for quite some time:

Source and video:

My man! Welcome to the board! We need good posters like you that come correct with facts and information. It’s the antidote to left wing lunatics. God bless you.

Thanks, and thanks.

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