17 yo boy shot by police because he wasn't resisting arrest.

That cop either had terrible training or has let the job go to his head. I think that much is obvious by his immediate attitude problem at having someone flash their lights at him. He was angry that a teenager challenged his authority. I wonder what he does at home when his children do the same?
That cop either had terrible training or has let the job go to his head. I think that much is obvious by his immediate attitude problem at having someone flash their lights at him. He was angry that a teenager challenged his authority. I wonder what he does at home when his children do the same?
It sure would be interesting to check out what the kids of some forum members are behaving like.
All six of my 'kids' are normal, peaceful, law abiding, well educated, hard working, successful adults.
Not one time did they ever hit their mother.
None of them has ever had any negative involvement with the cops.
We taught them from babies to respect others and themselves.
That cop either had terrible training or has let the job go to his head. I think that much is obvious by his immediate attitude problem at having someone flash their lights at him. He was angry that a teenager challenged his authority. I wonder what he does at home when his children do the same?
It sure would be interesting to check out what the kids of some forum members are behaving like.
All six of my 'kids' are normal, peaceful, law abiding, well educated, hard working, successful adults.
Not one time did they ever hit their mother.
None of them has ever had any negative involvement with the cops.
We taught them from babies to respect others and themselves.

Oh, I'm sure you and your children are perfect human beings. Your teenaged sons never questioned authority and never did anything wrong.
That cop either had terrible training or has let the job go to his head. I think that much is obvious by his immediate attitude problem at having someone flash their lights at him. He was angry that a teenager challenged his authority. I wonder what he does at home when his children do the same?
It sure would be interesting to check out what the kids of some forum members are behaving like.
All six of my 'kids' are normal, peaceful, law abiding, well educated, hard working, successful adults.
Not one time did they ever hit their mother.
None of them has ever had any negative involvement with the cops.
We taught them from babies to respect others and themselves.

Hit their mother? Where the hell did that come from? :dunno:
Anyhoo :uhoh3:, back to the conversation. The biggest problem is lack of good training. Officers only have to attend police academy for 6 weeks in some places (not sure if it's like that everywhere). The officers are supposed to realize that they could be dealing with a person with mental issues or a drunk person, anything.

Another thing, they should NEVER be allowed to patrol alone. There should be two officers in every patrol car at all times. I think this would cut down immensely on these types of incidents. The cop would have had help, and he probably would have felt more confident and not resorted to shooting this unruly child.
The cop politely and professionally asked for the brat's paperwork 6 times. The brat was clearly looking to provoke an incident. He attacked the cop after the Taser didn't work.
The DA saw all the evidence and the cop wasn't even charged with picking his nose in public.
You really need to get over your obvious nonsense in defending of the brat.
You are the classic 'enabler' of negative behaviour especially seen in young men.
It's your attitude/s that 'enables' spoiled brats to get themselves shot by the people they hang out with or a cop only doing their duty.
The cop politely and professionally asked for the brat's paperwork 6 times. The brat was clearly looking to provoke an incident. He attacked the cop after the Taser didn't work.
The DA saw all the evidence and the cop wasn't even charged with picking his nose in public.
You really need to get over your obvious nonsense in defending of the brat.
You are the classic 'enabler' of negative behaviour especially seen in young men.
It's your attitude/s that 'enables' spoiled brats to get themselves shot by the people they hang out with or a cop only doing their duty.

I'll defend whomever I want, got that?

I am not enabling anyone. I don't even know this boy and neither do you.

My opinion, which is obviously backed by the numerous shootings by police of citizens, is that the police lack proper training and should never be alone in a patrol car. Now, do you want to address those things, or just keep acting like a 17-year-old brat yourself?
I think the idea of always having two policemen per car is a great one. It might be more expensive, but it will save lives, not only citizen lives but police officer lives. Stupid idea to send them out on patrol alone to begin with.
Police have to defend themselves too.
I saw the bodycam video. The cop was not in any sort of physical danger.

He was just pissed off because several people flashed their high beams to let him know that he had his brights on.

Most likely the cop did not have the high beams on, I think it is likely that the headlights on his new vehicle were simply not adjusted properly.

It was obviously a case of road rage. 2nd degree murder.
To the idiot.

Police cars have black box data recorders. The investigation proved conclusively that the cops high beams were not on and the angelic white boy (which is the only reason you are pissed) was lying his white ass off.

Hell, I'm talking to a troll whose reaction would be totally different if this kid were black. I hate racists.
In the infamous LIB controlled shithole cities where 99% of the violent crimes are committed by negroes the predominantly negro city officials have cut the police force budget to the bone.
Any police chief in those cities will agree. Lib negro politicians HATE the police force and the feeling is mutual.
The odds that ANY of these shithole cities would put two LEO's in all the cars are fucking zero.
As it is the police forces in these shithole cities have to watch every drop of gas so they can even make it back to headquarters.
Nowadays a cop has to factor in using up his tank of tank of gas in a high speed chase.
That cop either had terrible training or has let the job go to his head. I think that much is obvious by his immediate attitude problem at having someone flash their lights at him. He was angry that a teenager challenged his authority. I wonder what he does at home when his children do the same?
It sure would be interesting to check out what the kids of some forum members are behaving like.
All six of my 'kids' are normal, peaceful, law abiding, well educated, hard working, successful adults.
Not one time did they ever hit their mother.
None of them has ever had any negative involvement with the cops.
We taught them from babies to respect others and themselves.

Oh, I'm sure you and your children are perfect human beings. Your teenaged sons never questioned authority and never did anything wrong.
It's not that hard to raise respectful boys. You teach them to be disciplined and respect all authority, you teach them to respect their mother, and you TAKE THEIR DAMN RAP MUSIC AWAY!

Your failure as a parent, which puts your kids at risk of attacking cops and getting shot, does not mean other parents can't do it right.
I think the idea of always having two policemen per car is a great one. It might be more expensive, but it will save lives, not only citizen lives but police officer lives. Stupid idea to send them out on patrol alone to begin with.
It makes them less effective. Two cars can cover twice the amount of patrol area as one, that doubles the number of eyes all over the city.

Leave police work to the police. They know what they're doing. You don't.
The typical LIB response to your post is to claim: "But by disciplining him as a little boy I was afraid I'd break his spirit. And all little boys hit their mothers. My brothers did it to my mom you know".
These are actual words I heard come out of the mouth of a mother whose son had just been arrested for committing two felony grand thefts.
The mother to this day claims her precious little boy was 'set up' by the cops. Her precious little boy admitted he committed the crimes in court.
The fucking (white) brat was sentenced to 12 years.
Denial and enabling. Hallmarks of LIB mothers with brat sons headed towards prison or worse.
The brat ended up being literally bought by a 300 pound negro 'brother' who strung the brat out on crack then pimped the brat out in the prison to anyone with a ten dollar commissary chit.
Now the brat can see his flip flops through his asshole.
"Thanks Mom".
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If 3 different motorists flash their high beams at you, common sense should tell you that you are at fault, not them. And if your high beams were not on then you need to get your vehicle off the fucking road ASAP.

That pig is an idiot and a murderer.
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The kid lunges at the cop in the last few seconds before the shots.

WHERE on the video does this occur. I missed it. Now please, tell me on the counter where this allegedly happens.
The last 5 seconds or so and its not in slow motion

I watched it again and I still don't see the boy lunge at him. I saw his arm move. Why do you think it was necessary to shoot this boy 7 times?
Why do you think the camera went black?
Answer the kid lunged at the cop if you can't see it , you sure as hell can hear it.
Necessary doesn't enter in .

So, you think this shooting was okay? You are okay with this?
yep. Moral of the story, listen to the police on traffic stop. Do what you're supposed to do when a police officer asks you for your ID, Insurance and Registration, you provide it or state you don't have them. Not confront the officer like some tough guy. See what can happen. They are the LAW. I'm tired of people thinking they don't have to obey a police officer's request and instead get violent with them. Where are the parents at in this! What have they taught the youths of today? Shame
Don't be assholes, folks.

Do what the cop says, and let your lawyer sue them big time later.
Yeah, if you want to live, bow down to the motherfuckers who's salaries you pay. Bow down to mf's who would just as well shoot you than get beat up.
yes exactly. We all hired them for that exact thing. For assholes who can't follow directions. Yes siree bob!!!
WHERE on the video does this occur. I missed it. Now please, tell me on the counter where this allegedly happens.
The last 5 seconds or so and its not in slow motion

I watched it again and I still don't see the boy lunge at him. I saw his arm move. Why do you think it was necessary to shoot this boy 7 times?
Why do you think the camera went black?
Answer the kid lunged at the cop if you can't see it , you sure as hell can hear it.
Necessary doesn't enter in .

So, you think this shooting was okay? You are okay with this?
yep. Moral of the story, listen to the police on traffic stop. Do what you're supposed to do when a police officer asks you for your ID, Insurance and Registration, you provide it or state you don't have them. Not confront the officer like some tough guy. See what can happen. They are the LAW. I'm tired of people thinking they don't have to obey a police officer's request and instead get violent with them. Where are the parents at in this! What have they taught the youths of today? Shame

If you had any kind of psychological or parental background, you would know it is perfectly normal for teenaged boys to challenge authority.

Teenagers: Why Do They Rebel?

Driving fast, breaking curfew, arguing, shoplifting. Teenagers can push your patience, but unfortunately, some kids go as far as blatantly flouting rules or breaking the law, often with tragic results. What's with this rebellious streak? How can parents funnel it into less risky business?

All teens go through similar phases -- the need for independence, a separate identity, testing authority. It's part of growing up; it's also linked to developmental changes in the brain that will eventually help them become analytical adults.
The last 5 seconds or so and its not in slow motion

I watched it again and I still don't see the boy lunge at him. I saw his arm move. Why do you think it was necessary to shoot this boy 7 times?
Why do you think the camera went black?
Answer the kid lunged at the cop if you can't see it , you sure as hell can hear it.
Necessary doesn't enter in .

OF course necessity is a part of it. That is KEY in ALL cases of cop shootings. Hello?
Necessity is relative .
The cop shot as many times as he needed to stop the threat.
Standard procedure.

SEVEN times? You think it took 7 shots to injure this boy enough? So, you are good with this shooting then? No biggie?
that's what it took right? yep!!!!
The last 5 seconds or so and its not in slow motion

I watched it again and I still don't see the boy lunge at him. I saw his arm move. Why do you think it was necessary to shoot this boy 7 times?
Why do you think the camera went black?
Answer the kid lunged at the cop if you can't see it , you sure as hell can hear it.
Necessary doesn't enter in .

So, you think this shooting was okay? You are okay with this?
yep. Moral of the story, listen to the police on traffic stop. Do what you're supposed to do when a police officer asks you for your ID, Insurance and Registration, you provide it or state you don't have them. Not confront the officer like some tough guy. See what can happen. They are the LAW. I'm tired of people thinking they don't have to obey a police officer's request and instead get violent with them. Where are the parents at in this! What have they taught the youths of today? Shame

If you had any kind of psychological or parental background, you would know it is perfectly normal for teenaged boys to challenge authority.

Teenagers: Why Do They Rebel?

Driving fast, breaking curfew, arguing, shoplifting. Teenagers can push your patience, but unfortunately, some kids go as far as blatantly flouting rules or breaking the law, often with tragic results. What's with this rebellious streak? How can parents funnel it into less risky business?

All teens go through similar phases -- the need for independence, a separate identity, testing authority. It's part of growing up; it's also linked to developmental changes in the brain that will eventually help them become analytical adults.
dude, then expect this kind of reaction. I'm sorry the cop has a life as well and quite frankly the kid lost my respect when he failed to respect the officer of the law. Doesn't matter what he got pulled over for. BTW, if the kid did flash his lights, it is a ticketed offense. go look it up!!!
I watched it again and I still don't see the boy lunge at him. I saw his arm move. Why do you think it was necessary to shoot this boy 7 times?
Why do you think the camera went black?
Answer the kid lunged at the cop if you can't see it , you sure as hell can hear it.
Necessary doesn't enter in .

So, you think this shooting was okay? You are okay with this?
yep. Moral of the story, listen to the police on traffic stop. Do what you're supposed to do when a police officer asks you for your ID, Insurance and Registration, you provide it or state you don't have them. Not confront the officer like some tough guy. See what can happen. They are the LAW. I'm tired of people thinking they don't have to obey a police officer's request and instead get violent with them. Where are the parents at in this! What have they taught the youths of today? Shame

If you had any kind of psychological or parental background, you would know it is perfectly normal for teenaged boys to challenge authority.

Teenagers: Why Do They Rebel?

Driving fast, breaking curfew, arguing, shoplifting. Teenagers can push your patience, but unfortunately, some kids go as far as blatantly flouting rules or breaking the law, often with tragic results. What's with this rebellious streak? How can parents funnel it into less risky business?

All teens go through similar phases -- the need for independence, a separate identity, testing authority. It's part of growing up; it's also linked to developmental changes in the brain that will eventually help them become analytical adults.
dude, then expect this kind of reaction. I'm sorry the cop has a life as well and quite frankly the kid lost my respect when he failed to respect the officer of the law. Doesn't matter what he got pulled over for. BTW, if the kid did flash his lights, it is a ticketed offense. go look it up!!!

Dude, cops need to be trained WELL to deal with the people they have to deal with. This police officer, instead of understanding that he was dealing with a teen and using his smarts, got angry and an attitude, to say the least. These police need to be trained to deal with teens and other people who may or may not be suffering from a mental illness or something. There are good cops out there who know how to deal with the people and how to de-escalate the situation. There are bad cops out there who do not and do not care.

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