17 yo boy shot by police because he wasn't resisting arrest.

Why do you think the camera went black?
Answer the kid lunged at the cop if you can't see it , you sure as hell can hear it.
Necessary doesn't enter in .

So, you think this shooting was okay? You are okay with this?
yep. Moral of the story, listen to the police on traffic stop. Do what you're supposed to do when a police officer asks you for your ID, Insurance and Registration, you provide it or state you don't have them. Not confront the officer like some tough guy. See what can happen. They are the LAW. I'm tired of people thinking they don't have to obey a police officer's request and instead get violent with them. Where are the parents at in this! What have they taught the youths of today? Shame

If you had any kind of psychological or parental background, you would know it is perfectly normal for teenaged boys to challenge authority.

Teenagers: Why Do They Rebel?

Driving fast, breaking curfew, arguing, shoplifting. Teenagers can push your patience, but unfortunately, some kids go as far as blatantly flouting rules or breaking the law, often with tragic results. What's with this rebellious streak? How can parents funnel it into less risky business?

All teens go through similar phases -- the need for independence, a separate identity, testing authority. It's part of growing up; it's also linked to developmental changes in the brain that will eventually help them become analytical adults.
dude, then expect this kind of reaction. I'm sorry the cop has a life as well and quite frankly the kid lost my respect when he failed to respect the officer of the law. Doesn't matter what he got pulled over for. BTW, if the kid did flash his lights, it is a ticketed offense. go look it up!!!

Dude, cops need to be trained WELL to deal with the people they have to deal with. This police officer, instead of understanding that he was dealing with a teen and using his smarts, got angry and an attitude, to say the least. These police need to be trained to deal with teens and other people who may or may not be suffering from a mental illness or something. There are good cops out there who know how to deal with the people and how to de-escalate the situation. There are bad cops out there who do not and do not care.
huh, so you don't think police are trained? funny stuff. Not sure what point you're trying to make. How about the parents teach the teen to respect their elders, the law and a cop. Let's try that direction friend.

And the kid, ...stupid and now dead BTW, his reward for escalating the situation.
WHERE on the video does this occur. I missed it. Now please, tell me on the counter where this allegedly happens.
The last 5 seconds or so and its not in slow motion

I watched it again and I still don't see the boy lunge at him. I saw his arm move. Why do you think it was necessary to shoot this boy 7 times?
Why do you think the camera went black?
Answer the kid lunged at the cop if you can't see it , you sure as hell can hear it.
Necessary doesn't enter in .

So, you think this shooting was okay? You are okay with this?
yep. Moral of the story, listen to the police on traffic stop. Do what you're supposed to do when a police officer asks you for your ID, Insurance and Registration, you provide it or state you don't have them. Not confront the officer like some tough guy. See what can happen. They are the LAW. I'm tired of people thinking they don't have to obey a police officer's request and instead get violent with them. Where are the parents at in this! What have they taught the youths of today? Shame

It's the fucking millenial generation and the brat kids they're having.

To them....there is no authority. No one has the right to judge on anything. EVERYTHING IS ok.....or maybe not....or maybe. It's all up for debate. It's all voluntary. And when one feels uncomfortable.....it should just stop.

God. Police. Management. None of them have a right to authority and they dont have to listen to them. That's what millenials and their brat offspring think.
The last 5 seconds or so and its not in slow motion

I watched it again and I still don't see the boy lunge at him. I saw his arm move. Why do you think it was necessary to shoot this boy 7 times?
Why do you think the camera went black?
Answer the kid lunged at the cop if you can't see it , you sure as hell can hear it.
Necessary doesn't enter in .

So, you think this shooting was okay? You are okay with this?
yep. Moral of the story, listen to the police on traffic stop. Do what you're supposed to do when a police officer asks you for your ID, Insurance and Registration, you provide it or state you don't have them. Not confront the officer like some tough guy. See what can happen. They are the LAW. I'm tired of people thinking they don't have to obey a police officer's request and instead get violent with them. Where are the parents at in this! What have they taught the youths of today? Shame

It's the fucking millenial generation and the brat kids they're having.

To them....there is no authority. No one has the right to judge on anything. EVERYTHING IS ok.....or maybe not....or maybe. It's all up for debate. It's all voluntary. And when one feels uncomfortable.....it should just stop.

God. Police. Management. None of them have a right to authority and they dont have to listen to them. That's what millenials and their brat offspring think.

That may be somewhat true, but that is no reason to shoot and kill children. There should be two officers per car at ALL times. PERIOD.
Have any of you heard THIS one yet? And you are telling me that the cops are NOT poorly trained? Good grief!!! This is just one example out of many.

Ohio cop shoots girl, 4, while aiming for charging dog

An Ohio police officer accidentally shot a 4-year-old girl in the leg while trying to stop her family's dog from attacking him Friday, authorities said.

Ava Ellis, of Columbus, is expected to make a full recovery, the Columbus Dispatch reported.

The officer, who has not yet been identified, was called over to the girl's house after leaving the home of a neighbor who had earlier been hit by a car, police said.

Her aunt screamed that Ava's mom had cut herself and needed assistance, police spokeswoman Denise Alex-Bouzounis told the Dispatch.

When the officer got to the house, a dog charged him, Alex-Bouzounis said. He fired one shot at the dog to make it stop, but the bullet accidentally hit Ava in the right leg.

"She was saying something about 'Why would you try to shoot the dog?' and he said something like the dog was attacking him," neighbor Gary Parsley told10TV. "Then, she started saying 'You shot my kid!'."

The girl and her mother were transported to the hospital, and the officer was not injured.

The Ellis family has two dogs that wear shock collars, preventing them from leaving the house, neighbor Carrie Britton said.
This country, no matter how many times we brag about being the greatest nation on earth.....has got to burn someday in hell for housing so many gotdamn sorry mf's who will always always always find their brand of rational bullshit okay when trying to justify killing another human being....just because. If there is a place in hell, large enough and wide enough, may those who cherish bullets and guns and insanity rest in peace there...cause no way in Hell is God pleased with your stupidity and your lack of compassion for human fuckin beings.....AWWWWWGGGGG
Uh huh. Do you realize 3 abortions occurred during the time you wrote that post? How pleased do you think God is with the Left's demonic support for infanticide?
The melodrama! False comparison.
That cop either had terrible training or has let the job go to his head. I think that much is obvious by his immediate attitude problem at having someone flash their lights at him. He was angry that a teenager challenged his authority. I wonder what he does at home when his children do the same?
I repeat you LOON, you claim you know more about this incident then a DA with all the facts, the evidence and videos? You know better, right?
Why do you think the camera went black?
Answer the kid lunged at the cop if you can't see it , you sure as hell can hear it.
Necessary doesn't enter in .

So, you think this shooting was okay? You are okay with this?
yep. Moral of the story, listen to the police on traffic stop. Do what you're supposed to do when a police officer asks you for your ID, Insurance and Registration, you provide it or state you don't have them. Not confront the officer like some tough guy. See what can happen. They are the LAW. I'm tired of people thinking they don't have to obey a police officer's request and instead get violent with them. Where are the parents at in this! What have they taught the youths of today? Shame

If you had any kind of psychological or parental background, you would know it is perfectly normal for teenaged boys to challenge authority.

Teenagers: Why Do They Rebel?

Driving fast, breaking curfew, arguing, shoplifting. Teenagers can push your patience, but unfortunately, some kids go as far as blatantly flouting rules or breaking the law, often with tragic results. What's with this rebellious streak? How can parents funnel it into less risky business?

All teens go through similar phases -- the need for independence, a separate identity, testing authority. It's part of growing up; it's also linked to developmental changes in the brain that will eventually help them become analytical adults.
dude, then expect this kind of reaction. I'm sorry the cop has a life as well and quite frankly the kid lost my respect when he failed to respect the officer of the law. Doesn't matter what he got pulled over for. BTW, if the kid did flash his lights, it is a ticketed offense. go look it up!!!

Dude, cops need to be trained WELL to deal with the people they have to deal with. This police officer, instead of understanding that he was dealing with a teen and using his smarts, got angry and an attitude, to say the least. These police need to be trained to deal with teens and other people who may or may not be suffering from a mental illness or something. There are good cops out there who know how to deal with the people and how to de-escalate the situation. There are bad cops out there who do not and do not care.
How was he to understand he was dealing with a teen when the idiot wouldn't give him his license? 17 year olds look an awful lot like 22 year olds. And that's if we accept your premise that a belligerent teen should be treated differently than a belligerent adult.

You really should start thinking before you post.
So, you think this shooting was okay? You are okay with this?
yep. Moral of the story, listen to the police on traffic stop. Do what you're supposed to do when a police officer asks you for your ID, Insurance and Registration, you provide it or state you don't have them. Not confront the officer like some tough guy. See what can happen. They are the LAW. I'm tired of people thinking they don't have to obey a police officer's request and instead get violent with them. Where are the parents at in this! What have they taught the youths of today? Shame

If you had any kind of psychological or parental background, you would know it is perfectly normal for teenaged boys to challenge authority.

Teenagers: Why Do They Rebel?

Driving fast, breaking curfew, arguing, shoplifting. Teenagers can push your patience, but unfortunately, some kids go as far as blatantly flouting rules or breaking the law, often with tragic results. What's with this rebellious streak? How can parents funnel it into less risky business?

All teens go through similar phases -- the need for independence, a separate identity, testing authority. It's part of growing up; it's also linked to developmental changes in the brain that will eventually help them become analytical adults.
dude, then expect this kind of reaction. I'm sorry the cop has a life as well and quite frankly the kid lost my respect when he failed to respect the officer of the law. Doesn't matter what he got pulled over for. BTW, if the kid did flash his lights, it is a ticketed offense. go look it up!!!

Dude, cops need to be trained WELL to deal with the people they have to deal with. This police officer, instead of understanding that he was dealing with a teen and using his smarts, got angry and an attitude, to say the least. These police need to be trained to deal with teens and other people who may or may not be suffering from a mental illness or something. There are good cops out there who know how to deal with the people and how to de-escalate the situation. There are bad cops out there who do not and do not care.
How was he to understand he was dealing with a teen when the idiot wouldn't give him his license? 17 year olds look an awful lot like 22 year olds. And that's if we accept your premise that a belligerent teen should be treated differently than a belligerent adult.

You really should start thinking before you post.
Chrissy Poo won't even admit that the DA with ALL the facts is better informed then Chris could ever be and chose not to charge the cop with anything. Meanwhile according to Chrissy we should have special treatment for those that are belligerent offensive and aggressive. Just because they might be "acting out"
We have red light cameras which allow for traffic citations to be issued without any interaction between law enforcement and citizen. When a traffic violation such as this occurs, and the driver is uncooperative, it could be treated like a red light camera. The officer writes the citation and the driver gets the ticket in the mail.....which he can choose to dispute or not.

Allowing assholes in uniform to exorcise their demons on unsuspecting citizens....using a traffic violation as an excuse.....is bullshit.

And lets not forget, there WAS NO traffic violation. The only violation was the cop blinding people after being told repeatedly about it. Which he admitted.

It's almost like if someone would've wrecked from being blinded they would find the driver at fault saying "well, He IS a cop though" while scratching their ass crack
We have red light cameras which allow for traffic citations to be issued without any interaction between law enforcement and citizen. When a traffic violation such as this occurs, and the driver is uncooperative, it could be treated like a red light camera. The officer writes the citation and the driver gets the ticket in the mail.....which he can choose to dispute or not.

Allowing assholes in uniform to exorcise their demons on unsuspecting citizens....using a traffic violation as an excuse.....is bullshit.

And lets not forget, there WAS NO traffic violation. The only violation was the cop blinding people after being told repeatedly about it. Which he admitted.

It's almost like if someone would've wrecked from being blinded they would find the driver at fault saying "well, He IS a cop though" while scratching their ass crack
Lets not forget the kid was combative and refused to show id when requested. All he had to do was show the fucking license, proof of insurance, and registration. But that was too hard for him so he shouldn't of been driving.
We have red light cameras which allow for traffic citations to be issued without any interaction between law enforcement and citizen. When a traffic violation such as this occurs, and the driver is uncooperative, it could be treated like a red light camera. The officer writes the citation and the driver gets the ticket in the mail.....which he can choose to dispute or not.

Allowing assholes in uniform to exorcise their demons on unsuspecting citizens....using a traffic violation as an excuse.....is bullshit.

And lets not forget, there WAS NO traffic violation. The only violation was the cop blinding people after being told repeatedly about it. Which he admitted.

It's almost like if someone would've wrecked from being blinded they would find the driver at fault saying "well, He IS a cop though" while scratching their ass crack
Lets not forget the kid was combative and refused to show id when requested. All he had to do was show the fucking license, proof of insurance, and registration. But that was too hard for him so he shouldn't of been driving.
Being pulled over probably interrupted his listening to cop killer rap music. His frame of mind seems to indicate cop hating conditioning. You need look no further than this forum to see cop haters sewing their poison. At least this kid had the guts to go down fighting "the pigs" unlike the whiny pussy bitches who write cop hater threads here.
We have red light cameras which allow for traffic citations to be issued without any interaction between law enforcement and citizen. When a traffic violation such as this occurs, and the driver is uncooperative, it could be treated like a red light camera. The officer writes the citation and the driver gets the ticket in the mail.....which he can choose to dispute or not.

Allowing assholes in uniform to exorcise their demons on unsuspecting citizens....using a traffic violation as an excuse.....is bullshit.

And lets not forget, there WAS NO traffic violation. The only violation was the cop blinding people after being told repeatedly about it. Which he admitted.

It's almost like if someone would've wrecked from being blinded they would find the driver at fault saying "well, He IS a cop though" while scratching their ass crack
Lets not forget the kid was combative and refused to show id when requested. All he had to do was show the fucking license, proof of insurance, and registration. But that was too hard for him so he shouldn't of been driving.

Well since he told him he didn't have his license I guess asking him for something he doesn't have is pretty resonable.

Like I said. You guys have moved the goal posts from being a threat to be shot to simply DISOBEYING ORDERS.

The word escalation, look it up. The cop was doing that for no reason. Pulled him over for no reason and confronted him for no reason. Hell, tased him for no reason. So keep with the "he had a bad attitude" schtick. Because that's all you have. The escalation was unwarranted. Period.
We have red light cameras which allow for traffic citations to be issued without any interaction between law enforcement and citizen. When a traffic violation such as this occurs, and the driver is uncooperative, it could be treated like a red light camera. The officer writes the citation and the driver gets the ticket in the mail.....which he can choose to dispute or not.

Allowing assholes in uniform to exorcise their demons on unsuspecting citizens....using a traffic violation as an excuse.....is bullshit.

And lets not forget, there WAS NO traffic violation. The only violation was the cop blinding people after being told repeatedly about it. Which he admitted.

It's almost like if someone would've wrecked from being blinded they would find the driver at fault saying "well, He IS a cop though" while scratching their ass crack
Lets not forget the kid was combative and refused to show id when requested. All he had to do was show the fucking license, proof of insurance, and registration. But that was too hard for him so he shouldn't of been driving.
Being pulled over probably interrupted his listening to cop killer rap music. His frame of mind seems to indicate cop hating conditioning. You need look no further than this forum to see cop haters sewing their poison. At least this kid had the guts to go down fighting "the pigs" unlike the whiny pussy bitches who write cop hater threads here.

Its cute when you try so hard for daddy to notice you. You're just acting out :itsok:
We have red light cameras which allow for traffic citations to be issued without any interaction between law enforcement and citizen. When a traffic violation such as this occurs, and the driver is uncooperative, it could be treated like a red light camera. The officer writes the citation and the driver gets the ticket in the mail.....which he can choose to dispute or not.

Allowing assholes in uniform to exorcise their demons on unsuspecting citizens....using a traffic violation as an excuse.....is bullshit.

And lets not forget, there WAS NO traffic violation. The only violation was the cop blinding people after being told repeatedly about it. Which he admitted.

It's almost like if someone would've wrecked from being blinded they would find the driver at fault saying "well, He IS a cop though" while scratching their ass crack
Lets not forget the kid was combative and refused to show id when requested. All he had to do was show the fucking license, proof of insurance, and registration. But that was too hard for him so he shouldn't of been driving.

Well since he told him he didn't have his license I guess asking him for something he doesn't have is pretty resonable.

Like I said. You guys have moved the goal posts from being a threat to be shot to simply DISOBEYING ORDERS.

The word escalation, look it up. The cop was doing that for no reason. Pulled him over for no reason and confronted him for no reason. Hell, tased him for no reason. So keep with the "he had a bad attitude" schtick. Because that's all you have. The escalation was unwarranted. Period.
Once again for the truly slow stupid and moronic, he got shot for ATTACKING the cop.
Just as a note, not one of my three boys "rebelled" - at worst they blamed their brothers for shit. Never did they break curfew, never did they shoplift, and never did they even raise their voices at us. So no, I don't think that young man was acting like a "normal" teen at all, he was being a punk and then he attacked the officer, likely because for some reason there is a group of moron's who think that acting like a punk is okay so they never taught the kid that being a punk is unacceptable.
You should see the video, the cop lied and escalated the situation. In a unmarked car I think, and was high beaming everyone in the face with his lights which he denied...then told the boy if he had treated the POLICE differently the POLICE wouldnt have pulled HIM over for the POLICE blinding people.

Anyone who watches this video and claims that shooting was justified hasnt shot shit off except their mouth
The police officer told this kid 6 times to give him his license, registration and proof of insurance. The kid never complied, saying once he "didn't have to." Uh, that kind of attitude will get you arrested which is exactly what was going on. The kid then still argues that he doesn't have to get out of the car, wouldn't get down when told to, and fought back. The parents are suing instead of apologizing to the officer for bringing up a brat that thinks he's entitled to ignore police officers' demands. For those who think the officer was wrong, try ignoring the police when they stop you. BTW, the kid admitted he didn't have a license on him. Maybe that was the reason he was so belligerent. Good bye sonny. Maybe this thread will set some people straight.
I have yelled, cussed,called him a nazi stormtrooper etc before yet the pig didn't even pull his gun. Closest I ever got was pig threatening to taze me for going back to my home...should have let him i would be rich and he would be fired since I was unarmed and turned away from him oh and my wife was recording it as we have started doing ALL interactions with pigs
Just as a note, not one of my three boys "rebelled" - at worst they blamed their brothers for shit. Never did they break curfew, never did they shoplift, and never did they even raise their voices at us. So no, I don't think that young man was acting like a "normal" teen at all, he was being a punk and then he attacked the officer, likely because for some reason there is a group of moron's who think that acting like a punk is okay so they never taught the kid that being a punk is unacceptable.

Well, I don't believe you. :D It is normal for teen boys to challenge authority from time to time.

Oh, I forgot, you and your children are "perfect." :lol: They never do anything wrong, that you know of anyways.
Just as a note, not one of my three boys "rebelled" - at worst they blamed their brothers for shit. Never did they break curfew, never did they shoplift, and never did they even raise their voices at us. So no, I don't think that young man was acting like a "normal" teen at all, he was being a punk and then he attacked the officer, likely because for some reason there is a group of moron's who think that acting like a punk is okay so they never taught the kid that being a punk is unacceptable.

So basically you are saying that the boy "deserved" to die. And you have the nerve to call anyone else a "moron?" Laughable. Not only that, you must be one rotten person.
We have red light cameras which allow for traffic citations to be issued without any interaction between law enforcement and citizen. When a traffic violation such as this occurs, and the driver is uncooperative, it could be treated like a red light camera. The officer writes the citation and the driver gets the ticket in the mail.....which he can choose to dispute or not.

Allowing assholes in uniform to exorcise their demons on unsuspecting citizens....using a traffic violation as an excuse.....is bullshit.

And lets not forget, there WAS NO traffic violation. The only violation was the cop blinding people after being told repeatedly about it. Which he admitted.

It's almost like if someone would've wrecked from being blinded they would find the driver at fault saying "well, He IS a cop though" while scratching their ass crack
Lets not forget the kid was combative and refused to show id when requested. All he had to do was show the fucking license, proof of insurance, and registration. But that was too hard for him so he shouldn't of been driving.

Well since he told him he didn't have his license I guess asking him for something he doesn't have is pretty resonable.

Like I said. You guys have moved the goal posts from being a threat to be shot to simply DISOBEYING ORDERS.

The word escalation, look it up. The cop was doing that for no reason. Pulled him over for no reason and confronted him for no reason. Hell, tased him for no reason. So keep with the "he had a bad attitude" schtick. Because that's all you have. The escalation was unwarranted. Period.
Once again for the truly slow stupid and moronic, he got shot for ATTACKING the cop.

He got shot because the cop was a piss poor excuse for a cop who obviously doesn't know how to do his job properly and to the best of his ability. Killing unarmed kids is completely UNACCEPTABLE.

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