17 yo boy shot by police because he wasn't resisting arrest.

Police have to defend themselves too.
I don't know if this is valid. Shouldn't they be more selfless because their job is to protect the public?

Does anyone believe that cop, with training, time on the job, weapons at his disposal, needed to shoot this child because he was unruly? Goodness, the boy had committed no crime to begin with. Now he's dead.
Resisting arrest is a crime. Now you know.

Yes, but he committed no crime to begin with. He flashed his lights. Now he's dead. I hope you're happy. I'm not happy. I find this incredibly horrible and depressing. Yes, teen boys can overreact and it's hormonal.
Help me understand how committing a crime changes the self-defense dynamic that cops are claiming. We can be summarily shot for committing traffic 'crime'?
Cops must deal with criminals, the mentally insane, the millions of cases of road rage, people trying to find a way to sue the cops. Not to mention sub-humans whose main interest in life is to hurt innocents. They have to attend horrific cars crash scenes. They serve the community in a thousand small ways many people will never know about.
When a cop pulls you over he/she many times make life and death snap judgement calls.
The brat was clearly looking for a problem and he made sure he created one.
Good fucking riddance.
Police have to defend themselves too.
I don't know if this is valid. Shouldn't they be more selfless because their jobn is to protect the public?
no cops have the same rights as everyone else.
Justifiably killing police in self defense is a fallacy, so how does your view of 'everyone else' make sense?
False . Calling it a fallacy is a failed attempt to bolster an inane argument.
This country, no matter how many times we brag about being the greatest nation on earth.....has got to burn someday in hell for housing so many gotdamn sorry mf's who will always always always find their brand of rational bullshit okay when trying to justify killing another human being....just because. If there is a place in hell, large enough and wide enough, may those who cherish bullets and guns and insanity rest in peace there...cause no way in Hell is God pleased with your stupidity and your lack of compassion for human fuckin beings.....AWWWWWGGGGG
Uh huh. Do you realize 3 abortions occurred during the time you wrote that post? How pleased do you think God is with the Left's demonic support for infanticide?
The brat claimed the cop had his high beams on.
What the brat and many here didn't/don't comprehend is today's police cruisers all carry a 'little black box'. The is exactly the same technology that modern planes carry.
The 'box' records to the time stamped millisecond literally everything the car does. The on board GPS records the precise location of the car at all times. Acceleration/deceleration/speed/ corner 'G's' horn/signals LIGHTS!!!!!!!! HIGH AND LOW BEAM and a thousand other data inputs. The 'box' even records data when the car is parked and turned off. If anyone touches the car or rocks it even the smallest amount that data is recorded. It's so sophisticated that if a cop parks the car and locks it and leaves it then returns if the car has been literally moved a millimeter a warning light goes off on the screen on the on-board computer. And that's only scratching the surface of the technology in modern cop cars.
Remember. Every cop in everyone of these cars KNOWS the data is being recorded and it may end up in front of a DA/judge/jury.
The cop KNEW he wasn't driving with his high beams on. As soon as the brat lied the cop knew he was dealing with a liar and who knows what else.
The DA examined the data from the car.


Good then I get the last say. He died because he attacked an officer who was carrying a gun. He's walking in the same flames of Hell with The Gentle Giant.
Police have to defend themselves too.
I don't know if this is valid. Shouldn't they be more selfless because their job is to protect the public?

Does anyone believe that cop, with training, time on the job, weapons at his disposal, needed to shoot this child because he was unruly? Goodness, the boy had committed no crime to begin with. Now he's dead.
Resisting arrest is a crime. Now you know.

Yes, but he committed no crime to begin with. He flashed his lights. Now he's dead. I hope you're happy. I'm not happy. I find this incredibly horrible and depressing. Yes, teen boys can overreact and it's hormonal.
Help me understand how committing a crime changes the self-defense dynamic that cops are claiming. We can be summarily shot for committing traffic 'crime'?
How many times do we have to say that he died because he attacked a cop.
Police have to defend themselves too.
I don't know if this is valid. Shouldn't they be more selfless because their job is to protect the public?

Does anyone believe that cop, with training, time on the job, weapons at his disposal, needed to shoot this child because he was unruly? Goodness, the boy had committed no crime to begin with. Now he's dead.
Resisting arrest is a crime. Now you know.

Yes, but he committed no crime to begin with. He flashed his lights. Now he's dead. I hope you're happy. I'm not happy. I find this incredibly horrible and depressing. Yes, teen boys can overreact and it's hormonal.
Help me understand how committing a crime changes the self-defense dynamic that cops are claiming. We can be summarily shot for committing traffic 'crime'?
You are now being a troll.
Cop kicks phone out of teen's hand, shoots 7 times - CNN Video

Oh wait, he was.

When you resist police, you increase the chances of getting hurt or ventilated. Body bags will continue to fill as long as thugs keep ignoring this simple truth.
No he wasn't.Pig ILLEGALLY pulled this CHILD over,harassed him,then murdered him. Plain. Simple. That fact this nut case with a badge is back patrolling the streets would scare the shit out of me if I was in Michigan.
Cop kicks phone out of teen's hand, shoots 7 times - CNN Video

Oh wait, he was.

When you resist police, you increase the chances of getting hurt or ventilated. Body bags will continue to fill as long as thugs keep ignoring this simple truth.
No he wasn't.Pig ILLEGALLY pulled this CHILD over,harassed him,then murdered him. Plain. Simple. That fact this nut case with a badge is back patrolling the streets would scare the shit out of me if I was in Michigan.
Wow! Your view of the world really is skin deep! I'm going to hazard a guess that you saw the boy was white.
Cop kicks phone out of teen's hand, shoots 7 times - CNN Video

Oh wait, he was.

When you resist police, you increase the chances of getting hurt or ventilated. Body bags will continue to fill as long as thugs keep ignoring this simple truth.
No he wasn't.Pig ILLEGALLY pulled this CHILD over,harassed him,then murdered him. Plain. Simple. That fact this nut case with a badge is back patrolling the streets would scare the shit out of me if I was in Michigan.
Wow! Your view of the world really is skin deep! I'm going to hazard a guess that you saw the boy was white.
I saw this on the news days ago. He was murdered and pig did an illegal stop anyways. SC has ruled on flashing headlights because I do the same thing to people not only to tell them their lights are to bright etc but also to warn about pigs ahead.
Cop kicks phone out of teen's hand, shoots 7 times - CNN Video

Oh wait, he was.

When you resist police, you increase the chances of getting hurt or ventilated. Body bags will continue to fill as long as thugs keep ignoring this simple truth.
No he wasn't.Pig ILLEGALLY pulled this CHILD over,harassed him,then murdered him. Plain. Simple. That fact this nut case with a badge is back patrolling the streets would scare the shit out of me if I was in Michigan.
Wow! Your view of the world really is skin deep! I'm going to hazard a guess that you saw the boy was white.
I saw this on the news days ago. He was murdered and pig did an illegal stop anyways. SC has ruled on flashing headlights because I do the same thing to people not only to tell them their lights are to bright etc but also to warn about pigs ahead.
You should go out into the streets and find a "pig" and tell him how you feel. Make sure to shout and use wild hand gestures so he understands how strongly you feel about it. You should do this right away.
You should see the video, the cop lied and escalated the situation. In a unmarked car I think, and was high beaming everyone in the face with his lights which he denied...then told the boy if he had treated the POLICE differently the POLICE wouldnt have pulled HIM over for the POLICE blinding people.

Anyone who watches this video and claims that shooting was justified hasnt shot shit off except their mouth
The police officer told this kid 6 times to give him his license, registration and proof of insurance. The kid never complied, saying once he "didn't have to." Uh, that kind of attitude will get you arrested which is exactly what was going on. The kid then still argues that he doesn't have to get out of the car, wouldn't get down when told to, and fought back. The parents are suing instead of apologizing to the officer for bringing up a brat that thinks he's entitled to ignore police officers' demands. For those who think the officer was wrong, try ignoring the police when they stop you. BTW, the kid admitted he didn't have a license on him. Maybe that was the reason he was so belligerent. Good bye sonny. Maybe this thread will set some people straight.
Police have to defend themselves too.
I saw the bodycam video. The cop was not in any sort of physical danger.

He was just pissed off because several people flashed their high beams to let him know that he had his brights on.

Most likely the cop did not have the high beams on, I think it is likely that the headlights on his new vehicle were simply not adjusted properly.

It was obviously a case of road rage. 2nd degree murder.
Police have to defend themselves too.
I don't know if this is valid. Shouldn't they be more selfless because their jobn is to protect the public?
no cops have the same rights as everyone else.
Justifiably killing police in self defense is a fallacy, so how does your view of 'everyone else' make sense?
False . Calling it a fallacy is a failed attempt to bolster an inane argument.
You're an idiot. So we can shoot cops in justifiable self defense?
I don't know if this is valid. Shouldn't they be more selfless because their job is to protect the public?

Does anyone believe that cop, with training, time on the job, weapons at his disposal, needed to shoot this child because he was unruly? Goodness, the boy had committed no crime to begin with. Now he's dead.
Resisting arrest is a crime. Now you know.

Yes, but he committed no crime to begin with. He flashed his lights. Now he's dead. I hope you're happy. I'm not happy. I find this incredibly horrible and depressing. Yes, teen boys can overreact and it's hormonal.
Help me understand how committing a crime changes the self-defense dynamic that cops are claiming. We can be summarily shot for committing traffic 'crime'?
How many times do we have to say that he died because he attacked a cop.
Clearly the COP attacked him.
I don't know if this is valid. Shouldn't they be more selfless because their job is to protect the public?

Does anyone believe that cop, with training, time on the job, weapons at his disposal, needed to shoot this child because he was unruly? Goodness, the boy had committed no crime to begin with. Now he's dead.
Resisting arrest is a crime. Now you know.

Yes, but he committed no crime to begin with. He flashed his lights. Now he's dead. I hope you're happy. I'm not happy. I find this incredibly horrible and depressing. Yes, teen boys can overreact and it's hormonal.
Help me understand how committing a crime changes the self-defense dynamic that cops are claiming. We can be summarily shot for committing traffic 'crime'?
You are now being a troll.
People are claiming it was criminal wrongdoing that justified the shooting. I thought the man was scared that the teenager was going to kill him or end his career in disability. Does policing include capital jury duty when under duress?
Cop kicks phone out of teen's hand, shoots 7 times - CNN Video

Oh wait, he was.

When you resist police, you increase the chances of getting hurt or ventilated. Body bags will continue to fill as long as thugs keep ignoring this simple truth.
No he wasn't.Pig ILLEGALLY pulled this CHILD over,harassed him,then murdered him. Plain. Simple. That fact this nut case with a badge is back patrolling the streets would scare the shit out of me if I was in Michigan.
That's NOT how the DA saw the FACTS asshole.
Whine your punk head off.
Crawl back under your rock and wait for another 'cause' to make a fool of yourself supporting.
This one is old news.

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