17 yo boy shot by police because he wasn't resisting arrest.

Instead of using his brain and his strength, he pulled out his weapon and killed someone, someone's child.
So, I guess for some of you sick bastards, that is the thing to do. Child doesn't cooperate? Shoot and kill him.

I don't feel that way, but it does appear the kid escalated what should have been a a very non-combative stop.

The KID escalated it? I don't think so. The kid was acting like most 17-year-old kids. The officer was the one who is the adult and the officer and he is the one who escalated the situation. He is a rotten cop.

When I was 17 I had enough sense to do as ordered by a cop. It's not like the cop was asking him to do something illegal, or harmful, cops always ask for your license and insurance when you get pulled over.
I'm not saying the kid should have been shot, but it seems today cops shoot instead of using bodily force.

Well, other kids do not. That kid was not even a "big" kid. If that alleged trained officer cannot handle a 17-year-old boy who is not even armed, then he's got no business being a cop, IMO. He had a terrible attitude, he handled the situation stupidly and aggressively. He was a complete idiot, and THAT is why the kid was killed. Because this cop sucks at his job.

Maybe so, but had the kid just handed over his damn license he no doubt would have never had to have gotten out of the car in the first place. His stubbornness led to him losing his life.
Meanwhile you can not even answer a simple question.... Who has more information to make an informed decision in this case the DA with all his resources and evidence, or you from a single news article?
Makes me wonder if the kid has listened to too many black ass rap songs about cops, and so he gets pulled over and immediately starts to record the cop in hopes of catching a cop going off.
Obviously, you feel angry and slighted because some people are not happy like you about a 17-year-old kid being shot 7 times and killed by a police officer.
You are describing yourself. The fact is the youth struggled with the cop, then hurt the cop, and then the cop killed him. The youth had no legal or moral right to resist.
The willingness of so many of our USMB anti-government nutbags to suggest that a citizen do whatever he is told by a person in uniform is fucking weird.

Under normal circumstances, I'm not likely to resist the actions or "orders" of a LEO......but if he/she is out of line and fucking with my rights......I'm going to voice my opinion. What good are these rights if we've got to wait until later to realize them?

The word "comply" doesn't sit well with me..........I am in favor of all parties following the law.
You should see the video, the cop lied and escalated the situation. In a unmarked car I think, and was high beaming everyone in the face with his lights which he denied...then told the boy if he had treated the POLICE differently the POLICE wouldnt have pulled HIM over for the POLICE blinding people.

Anyone who watches this video and claims that shooting was justified hasnt shot shit off except their mouth
I watched the video the cop did not lie, the boy lied about high beams. The cop asked him repeatedly for his id and info and the kid refused. The cop ordered him out of his car and the kid CHOSE to fight him when he removed his phone. Sounds and LOOKS like a solid shoot to me.

You are insane.
You should see the video, the cop lied and escalated the situation. In a unmarked car I think, and was high beaming everyone in the face with his lights which he denied...then told the boy if he had treated the POLICE differently the POLICE wouldnt have pulled HIM over for the POLICE blinding people.

Anyone who watches this video and claims that shooting was justified hasnt shot shit off except their mouth
I watched the video the cop did not lie, the boy lied about high beams. The cop asked him repeatedly for his id and info and the kid refused. The cop ordered him out of his car and the kid CHOSE to fight him when he removed his phone. Sounds and LOOKS like a solid shoot to me.

You are insane.
Your whining is wasted. The kid was white.
We have red light cameras which allow for traffic citations to be issued without any interaction between law enforcement and citizen. When a traffic violation such as this occurs, and the driver is uncooperative, it could be treated like a red light camera. The officer writes the citation and the driver gets the ticket in the mail.....which he can choose to dispute or not.

Allowing assholes in uniform to exorcise their demons on unsuspecting citizens....using a traffic violation as an excuse.....is bullshit.
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Once again you liar the end of the tape which is done in slow motion shows the kid attacking the cop, further his actions broke the camera and caused physical damage to the cop.

To WHOM are you speaking? Tell us where on the counter this incident occurs please. This is request number FOUR. Shall I wait. Perhaps you're just having hallucinations.
YOU are a RETARD. I told you the end of the tape it is clear as a bell and shows the kid in slow motion attacking the cop. You can ask for it all you want it has been provided now at least three times. You are beyond stupid blind and a retard if you can not see it or understand simple facts and video evidence. Once again you dumb ass the DA reviewed the case INCLUDING the video and determined no charges would be filed. Unless you can show a conspiracy you got nothing but your ignorant ranting and inability to view tapes.

You sir, are the retard here. I am sick and tired of these cowards who have guns, rely on these guns to protect themselves and the hell with everybody involved.......these highly paid, highly trained cowards are gonna have to learn to not only use better judgement when dealing with unruly suspects...unless their lives are in danger and then shoot to mame, not kill, a gun ends a persons right to a trial. 7 motherfucken bullets, really? Some people, do not deserve to be in law enforcement, because they're too gotdamned cowardly to serve the public properly.
We have red light cameras which allow for traffic citations to be issued without any interaction between law enforcement and citizen. When a traffic violation such as this occurs, and the driver is uncooperative, it could be treated like a red light camera. The officer writes the citation and the driver gets the ticket in the mail.....which he can choose to dispute or not.

Allowing assholes in uniform to exorcise their demons on unsuspecting citizens....using a traffic violation as an excuse.....is bullshit.

Thank you...this coward could have easily ran the kids license plate after returning to his car, given the guy a ticket and let it go. We're talking about flashing fuckin beams. And for all the shit, the kid gets 7 bullets????? My God, 7 fuckin bullets for flashing his beams???? I hope his family sue the city and this coward into 3rd world status.
Once again you liar the end of the tape which is done in slow motion shows the kid attacking the cop, further his actions broke the camera and caused physical damage to the cop.

To WHOM are you speaking? Tell us where on the counter this incident occurs please. This is request number FOUR. Shall I wait. Perhaps you're just having hallucinations.
YOU are a RETARD. I told you the end of the tape it is clear as a bell and shows the kid in slow motion attacking the cop. You can ask for it all you want it has been provided now at least three times. You are beyond stupid blind and a retard if you can not see it or understand simple facts and video evidence. Once again you dumb ass the DA reviewed the case INCLUDING the video and determined no charges would be filed. Unless you can show a conspiracy you got nothing but your ignorant ranting and inability to view tapes.

NO, it is not in slow motion. Obviously you are hallucinating. And again, you cannot give me the time on the counter where your "fantasy" occurs.

And BTW, YOU are the RETARD for thinking it is okay to shoot and kill children.
You are proving just how fucking stupid you really are. The end of the tape clearly shows the "boy" attacking the cop as I have said 4 times now. I am not responsible for your ignorance or your stupidity nor for your inability to see. I am all for cops defending themselves from persons of any age that chose to attack them.

Yeah, sure you are...until they pump 7 bullets into your kid....get the fuck outta here. I live for the day, just once you hear about a mf getting 7 gotdamned BULLETS FOR SOMETHING OF SUBSTANCE...THESE MINDLESS KILLINGS ARE JUST SICKENING....THE KID FLASHED HIS FUCKIN LIGHTS AND EVEN IF HE DID ATTACK THE COP, DO THESE COWARDS KNOW HOW TO FUKIN FIGHT WITH A GUN???? WHAT KIND OF FUCKIN TRAINING TO THESE COWARDS GET???
Once again you liar the end of the tape which is done in slow motion shows the kid attacking the cop, further his actions broke the camera and caused physical damage to the cop.

To WHOM are you speaking? Tell us where on the counter this incident occurs please. This is request number FOUR. Shall I wait. Perhaps you're just having hallucinations.
YOU are a RETARD. I told you the end of the tape it is clear as a bell and shows the kid in slow motion attacking the cop. You can ask for it all you want it has been provided now at least three times. You are beyond stupid blind and a retard if you can not see it or understand simple facts and video evidence. Once again you dumb ass the DA reviewed the case INCLUDING the video and determined no charges would be filed. Unless you can show a conspiracy you got nothing but your ignorant ranting and inability to view tapes.

You sir, are the retard here. I am sick and tired of these cowards who have guns, rely on these guns to protect themselves and the hell with everybody involved.......these highly paid, highly trained cowards are gonna have to learn to not only use better judgement when dealing with unruly suspects...unless their lives are in danger and then shoot to mame, not kill, a gun ends a persons right to a trial. 7 motherfucken bullets, really? Some people, do not deserve to be in law enforcement, because they're too gotdamned cowardly to serve the public properly.

Point of contention.

American police officers are not highly paid. And...for that very reason, they are not expected to be highly trained. It is a job that is not compensated well enough here.....and as a result.....fails to attract the finest citizens to apply.

Being a police officer ought to be thought of as a professional occupation. Becoming one should be more difficult.....with A LOT more training. And...it should be paid extremely well.
The faggot cop was butthurt the kid flashed his lights. The faggot cop did imply he would let the kid go if you provided the usual info even though the stop was illegal. The faggot kid did not realize he was at a traffic stop, not a road block. The faggot cop did what the ZOG policy makers taught him.
The people who remind us that "not all Muslims are terrorists, only a small percentage" are the same people who are pretending that the police are running amok on our streets.

How ironic.

Once an issue becomes politicized, no partisan ideologue can be believed.
The people who remind us that "not all Muslims are terrorists, only a small percentage" are the same people who are pretending that the police are running amok on our streets.

Once an issue becomes politicized, no partisan ideologue can be believed.

Really? The same people are pretending that? You passive aggressive little prick, ya.
Those speed and red light cameras aren't allowed up here; my state pretty much said, "no way, if you want to ticket me, you gotta catch me" heh

In any event, I don't get this whole "I don't have to show ID" thing at all. I mean, this is a "new" thing right? Cops asking for that stuff is SOP isn't it? Officer asks for license, registration, proof of insurance, even if he's not pulling you over they get that shit. I just don't get the objection to it, its required by law to drive on public roads... For me, and I'm sure cops as well, not giving up the ID is a warning flag that they've done something wrong. Why else would they be hiding their identity? I really can't fathom a legit reason for a non-criminal to refuse to show ID or at least give their name (if they forgot their license or w/e.)

To me, this kind of thing is an intentionally belligerent act, and I'd even hazard to say it's done with the explicit purpose of turning the situation in to a 'physical' one so that they can escalate it, be it for a famous video, or to attack the cop and get away. (Because the next step after someone refuses to give their ID/name is a seat in the back of the officers car while they look your name up - especially if you're being belligerent. I once forgot my ID and the officer was nice enough to let me sit in my car because I had my kidos with me, every other time I've forgotten my ID, (which I'm afraid is often because I hate purses heh,) I've had to hang out in the back of the cop car while he looked me up. I don't mind it too much, it's SOP and it's my own fault for forgetting my plastic; mostly we chatter while the computer does its search.

In any event, I can kind of see the kid wanting to record it and having the cell phone out, but the cop, I think, has the right to ask him to put it down and really the cop was wearing a camera, but maybe he couldn't see it idk (dark with a flash light shining on you etc.) I do kind of think the cop should have given a little leeway, especially since the kid said he had the phone out to record the interaction; I do think citizens have that "right" as it were.

Still none of that excuses that kid jumping off the ground and lunging at the officer. ChrisL you want to say that was when the kid got tazed, except you forget that the officer was struggling with the kid because he was refusing to get cuffed while on his stomach, then the cop starts falling backward, he had to put his hand on the car door so he didn't go down, and the next thing you can make out, that kid is no longer laying down to be cuffed "in compliance." So why did the kid stand up? You think because the phone got kicked out of his hand? So if an officer kicks something in your hand, also SOP btw, then that gives the person about to get cuffed some kind of right to not get arrested now, or to stand up? Even if we want to assume the "best case" for the kid, that he /wasn't/ struggling and fighting while the cop was trying to cuff him, that his struggling isn't why the officer lost his balance and had to grab the car to avoid falling over. How does that give the kid any right to stand up?

What I see is that the kid was struggling and resisting having his hands cuffed, in the struggle the officer lost his balance, the kid jumped up thinking to make a run for it, but the officer didn't fall, so he a) pushed the officer or b) flat out attacked him. And judging from the angle of the kids hand, up by his head, he was physically attacking, not pushing. But either way, the second he moved toward that officer it is considered an attack. Hell they /teach/ you to let an officer fall on his ass up here, because the officer would rather have a bruised behind than have to worry about if you're attacking or not. Why force a split second decision...

Of course officers are high strung, they're used to dealing with criminals, all those people that /we/ citizens don't want to have to deal with. That's why they're there, it's what we pay them for - law enforcement, not law education... Its really not hard, don't make an officer feel threatened. That's pretty much why we "compliers" treat them with respect, not because we're sheep who don't care about our rights, but because we understand that they're under a lot of stress and are more used to criminal intent than good intent. Those "reactions" are what keeps them alive and I'd rather they have them than not - a lot of my neighbors are cops, I don't want their kids growing up without a mom or dad because the officer was trying to be "nice" to a criminals and got killed...

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