17 yo boy shot by police because he wasn't resisting arrest.

Obviously, you dummies can't argue any of my points. :lol:
Would you like to go to the 'sun room' now?
You can whine about a loser brat getting shot for attacking a cop all you want. Nothing changes the fact that the brat made a conscious choice to get into a fight with a cop.
The brat 'got dead'.
I couldn't be more pleased.
When was the last time you wore your 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' T-shirt in public? HAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAA!

I wonder how the police would handle someone like yourself? You can't even keep your cool on a forum.
You call people jerks and dummies and a douche and you claim others can't keep their cool?
You are correct about the "kid" not being a punk or a loser. He's neither now. He's actually doing some good: He's keeping ten thousand maggots from going hungry.
His mother always knew he'd amount to something in spite of what everyone who ever had anything to do with him told her from the times when he would smack her face when he was four b/c she wouldn't allow him to grab a chocolate bar from the check-out line.

Truth hurts.

You don't know anything about the boy at all.

What in the hell are you talking about? Are you crazy? Well, I wouldn't act that way towards a police officer if I were you. He may drag you from your car, kick you and shoot you.
Obviously, you dummies can't argue any of my points. :lol:
Would you like to go to the 'sun room' now?
You can whine about a loser brat getting shot for attacking a cop all you want. Nothing changes the fact that the brat made a conscious choice to get into a fight with a cop.
The brat 'got dead'.
I couldn't be more pleased.
When was the last time you wore your 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' T-shirt in public? HAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAA!

He's not a loser brat, you jerk. You don't know anything about the boy. I would say that you need to calm the hell down, freak.
He's a loser who can't deal with authority figures who probably could never hold down a job and would be a leach on society for the rest of his life had the cop not ended it.

Oh, now you're making up stories about a kid who had been alive for a whole 17 years and insinuating that someone you know nothing about (a BOY no less) deserves to be dead? Good grief. That is really, really sick and disturbing. What is WRONG with you people? Something is, that much is obvious.
I know what I saw on the video. So did the DA. The punk brat attacked the cop. The punk brat got shot fo his behavior.
Now his mommy won't have to sneak cash to the loser punk brat behind the father's back anymore.
She should be relived. She can now spend the money on shoes from Walmart instead.

Okaaaay, nutter butter. :lol:
Here is an officer dealing with a VERY difficult motorist that he pulled over. Now, see how the cop handles this driver. THIS is how the police need to behave. This officer should be an example to ALL police officers. He keeps his cool. He never takes it personally. He realizes that this motorist has some "issues." He remains calm and does NOT escalate the situation. It's not right for an officer to rip someone out of their car because he is angry. This is part of his job, dealing with difficult people.

There's a difference bitch. The "difficult" motorist DID hand over the paperwork asked for by the cop.
The loser punk brat repeatedly refused to hand over the paperwork.
The cop asked the loser punk brat SIX times nice a politely and calmly for the paperwork. The thankfully happily dead loser punk brat refused and he choose to attack the cop. Good day for the rest of us. We'll never have to deal with the loser punk brat.
Thanks to mommy's Liberal enabling (cough) parenting skills.
Here is an officer dealing with a VERY difficult motorist that he pulled over. Now, see how the cop handles this driver. THIS is how the police need to behave. This officer should be an example to ALL police officers. He keeps his cool. He never takes it personally. He realizes that this motorist has some "issues." He remains calm and does NOT escalate the situation. It's not right for an officer to rip someone out of their car because he is angry. This is part of his job, dealing with difficult people.

There's a difference bitch. The "difficult" motorist DID hand over the paperwork asked for by the cop.
The loser punk brat repeatedly refused to hand over the paperwork.
The cop asked the loser punk brat SIX times nice a politely and calmly for the paperwork. The thankfully happily dead loser punk brat refused and he choose to attack the cop. Good day for the rest of us. We'll never have to deal with the loser punk brat.
Thanks to mommy's Liberal enabling (cough) parenting skills.

Was that you in that car? :lol:

Anyhow, the cop completely lost his cool. He is terrible at his job and should resign before he kills another unarmed child because he's angry at his authority being challenged. :dunno: We citizens have rights. The police do not have the right to shoot unarmed teenagers. That is why there needs to be two officers per car. That would cut down on these kinds of incidents. Correct?
Here is an officer dealing with a VERY difficult motorist that he pulled over. Now, see how the cop handles this driver. THIS is how the police need to behave. This officer should be an example to ALL police officers. He keeps his cool. He never takes it personally. He realizes that this motorist has some "issues." He remains calm and does NOT escalate the situation. It's not right for an officer to rip someone out of their car because he is angry. This is part of his job, dealing with difficult people.

There's a difference bitch. The "difficult" motorist DID hand over the paperwork asked for by the cop.
The loser punk brat repeatedly refused to hand over the paperwork.
The cop asked the loser punk brat SIX times nice a politely and calmly for the paperwork. The thankfully happily dead loser punk brat refused and he choose to attack the cop. Good day for the rest of us. We'll never have to deal with the loser punk brat.
Thanks to mommy's Liberal enabling (cough) parenting skills.

You're crazy. Seek help before you get shot by the police when you freak out on them. :D
Would you like to go to the 'sun room' now?
You can whine about a loser brat getting shot for attacking a cop all you want. Nothing changes the fact that the brat made a conscious choice to get into a fight with a cop.
The brat 'got dead'.
I couldn't be more pleased.
When was the last time you wore your 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' T-shirt in public? HAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAA!

He's not a loser brat, you jerk. You don't know anything about the boy. I would say that you need to calm the hell down, freak.
He's a loser who can't deal with authority figures who probably could never hold down a job and would be a leach on society for the rest of his life had the cop not ended it.

Oh, now you're making up stories about a kid who had been alive for a whole 17 years and insinuating that someone you know nothing about (a BOY no less) deserves to be dead? Good grief. That is really, really sick and disturbing. What is WRONG with you people? Something is, that much is obvious.
I know what I saw on the video. So did the DA. The punk brat attacked the cop. The punk brat got shot fo his behavior.
Now his mommy won't have to sneak cash to the loser punk brat behind the father's back anymore.
She should be relived. She can now spend the money on shoes from Walmart instead.

Okaaaay, nutter butter. :lol:
Says someone who's put up 32000 posts in 15 months. Do the math loser.
He's not a loser brat, you jerk. You don't know anything about the boy. I would say that you need to calm the hell down, freak.
He's a loser who can't deal with authority figures who probably could never hold down a job and would be a leach on society for the rest of his life had the cop not ended it.

Oh, now you're making up stories about a kid who had been alive for a whole 17 years and insinuating that someone you know nothing about (a BOY no less) deserves to be dead? Good grief. That is really, really sick and disturbing. What is WRONG with you people? Something is, that much is obvious.
I know what I saw on the video. So did the DA. The punk brat attacked the cop. The punk brat got shot fo his behavior.
Now his mommy won't have to sneak cash to the loser punk brat behind the father's back anymore.
She should be relived. She can now spend the money on shoes from Walmart instead.

Okaaaay, nutter butter. :lol:
Says someone who's put up 32000 posts in 15 months. Do the math loser.

What does that have to do with anything at all? That's right. I talk a lot. Doesn't make me a crazy ass loon like yourself.
He's not a loser brat, you jerk. You don't know anything about the boy. I would say that you need to calm the hell down, freak.
He's a loser who can't deal with authority figures who probably could never hold down a job and would be a leach on society for the rest of his life had the cop not ended it.

Oh, now you're making up stories about a kid who had been alive for a whole 17 years and insinuating that someone you know nothing about (a BOY no less) deserves to be dead? Good grief. That is really, really sick and disturbing. What is WRONG with you people? Something is, that much is obvious.
I know what I saw on the video. So did the DA. The punk brat attacked the cop. The punk brat got shot fo his behavior.
Now his mommy won't have to sneak cash to the loser punk brat behind the father's back anymore.
She should be relived. She can now spend the money on shoes from Walmart instead.

Okaaaay, nutter butter. :lol:
Says someone who's put up 32000 posts in 15 months. Do the math loser.

Now, how about you try to address the serious issues here. The cops should never go out on patrol alone. There should be two per car and the cops should be trained better to deal with "difficult" citizens.
Well, let me just say, if it makes me a liberal because I care about kids and don't want to see police officers out of control, bullying people and killing them, then I am PROUD to be a liberal. :D
I care about my kids too which is why I teach them to respect authority and don't accept the "boys will be boys" bullshit you clearly do.
Here is an officer dealing with a VERY difficult motorist that he pulled over. Now, see how the cop handles this driver. THIS is how the police need to behave. This officer should be an example to ALL police officers. He keeps his cool. He never takes it personally. He realizes that this motorist has some "issues." He remains calm and does NOT escalate the situation. It's not right for an officer to rip someone out of their car because he is angry. This is part of his job, dealing with difficult people.

Cops are human, not robots. For all we know, this cop just went home and took it out on his wife and kids. Something has to give.
Here is an officer dealing with a VERY difficult motorist that he pulled over. Now, see how the cop handles this driver. THIS is how the police need to behave. This officer should be an example to ALL police officers. He keeps his cool. He never takes it personally. He realizes that this motorist has some "issues." He remains calm and does NOT escalate the situation. It's not right for an officer to rip someone out of their car because he is angry. This is part of his job, dealing with difficult people.

There's a difference bitch. The "difficult" motorist DID hand over the paperwork asked for by the cop.
The loser punk brat repeatedly refused to hand over the paperwork.
The cop asked the loser punk brat SIX times nice a politely and calmly for the paperwork. The thankfully happily dead loser punk brat refused and he choose to attack the cop. Good day for the rest of us. We'll never have to deal with the loser punk brat.
Thanks to mommy's Liberal enabling (cough) parenting skills.

Was that you in that car? :lol:

Anyhow, the cop completely lost his cool. He is terrible at his job and should resign before he kills another unarmed child because he's angry at his authority being challenged. :dunno: We citizens have rights. The police do not have the right to shoot unarmed teenagers. That is why there needs to be two officers per car. That would cut down on these kinds of incidents. Correct?

The teenager did in fact have arms and attached were hands. (Not sure how much good they are now though). The teenager attacked the cop with arms and hands.......which are legally considered 'weapons' BTW. The cop needed medical assistance after the teenager attacked him.
What advice would you give any teenager who gets stopped by a cop.....for any reason?
Would you advise the teenager to behave the way the now dead loser punk brat behaved?
Thought not.
Here is an officer dealing with a VERY difficult motorist that he pulled over. Now, see how the cop handles this driver. THIS is how the police need to behave. This officer should be an example to ALL police officers. He keeps his cool. He never takes it personally. He realizes that this motorist has some "issues." He remains calm and does NOT escalate the situation. It's not right for an officer to rip someone out of their car because he is angry. This is part of his job, dealing with difficult people.

There's a difference bitch. The "difficult" motorist DID hand over the paperwork asked for by the cop.
The loser punk brat repeatedly refused to hand over the paperwork.
The cop asked the loser punk brat SIX times nice a politely and calmly for the paperwork. The thankfully happily dead loser punk brat refused and he choose to attack the cop. Good day for the rest of us. We'll never have to deal with the loser punk brat.
Thanks to mommy's Liberal enabling (cough) parenting skills.

Was that you in that car? :lol:

Anyhow, the cop completely lost his cool. He is terrible at his job and should resign before he kills another unarmed child because he's angry at his authority being challenged. :dunno: We citizens have rights. The police do not have the right to shoot unarmed teenagers. That is why there needs to be two officers per car. That would cut down on these kinds of incidents. Correct?

The teenager did in fact have arms and attached were hands. (Not sure how much good they are now though). The teenager attacked the cop with arms and hands.......which are legally considered 'weapons' BTW. The cop needed medical assistance after the teenager attacked him.
What advice would you give any teenager who gets stopped by a cop.....for any reason?
Would you advise the teenager to behave the way the now dead loser punk brat behaved?
Thought not.

Of course I wouldn't advise anyone to behave that. Some people can't help themselves. Teenage boys are hormonal, have a lot of boyhood pride, and get adrenaline when challenged. Anyone who knows kids knows this much. It's also widely recognized in the psychiatric community. That is why we classify a 17-year-old boy as a CHILD. That is why he can't drink, smoke, vote, etc.

If there had been two officers, this probably would not have happened.
I watched it again and I still don't see the boy lunge at him. I saw his arm move. Why do you think it was necessary to shoot this boy 7 times?
Why do you think the camera went black?
Answer the kid lunged at the cop if you can't see it , you sure as hell can hear it.
Necessary doesn't enter in .

So, you think this shooting was okay? You are okay with this?
yep. Moral of the story, listen to the police on traffic stop. Do what you're supposed to do when a police officer asks you for your ID, Insurance and Registration, you provide it or state you don't have them. Not confront the officer like some tough guy. See what can happen. They are the LAW. I'm tired of people thinking they don't have to obey a police officer's request and instead get violent with them. Where are the parents at in this! What have they taught the youths of today? Shame

It's the fucking millenial generation and the brat kids they're having.

To them....there is no authority. No one has the right to judge on anything. EVERYTHING IS ok.....or maybe not....or maybe. It's all up for debate. It's all voluntary. And when one feels uncomfortable.....it should just stop.

God. Police. Management. None of them have a right to authority and they dont have to listen to them. That's what millenials and their brat offspring think.

That may be somewhat true, but that is no reason to shoot and kill children. There should be two officers per car at ALL times. PERIOD.
well there is when a life is threatened. And if you ever look at the picture of the cop, well, oh never mind. You have no ability to observe and see something for what it is. You are a typical liberal minded fool who thinks cops should go away.
We have red light cameras which allow for traffic citations to be issued without any interaction between law enforcement and citizen. When a traffic violation such as this occurs, and the driver is uncooperative, it could be treated like a red light camera. The officer writes the citation and the driver gets the ticket in the mail.....which he can choose to dispute or not.

Allowing assholes in uniform to exorcise their demons on unsuspecting citizens....using a traffic violation as an excuse.....is bullshit.

And lets not forget, there WAS NO traffic violation. The only violation was the cop blinding people after being told repeatedly about it. Which he admitted.

It's almost like if someone would've wrecked from being blinded they would find the driver at fault saying "well, He IS a cop though" while scratching their ass crack
so what? did the kid hit his brights or not? If he did, it is a ticket-able offense. Period. He was getting a life lesson and failed. All the kid needed to do was follow the officer's directions and take the ticket to court and make his claim that the cop hit his brights first. If it was in fact true, the judge would have had others that corroborated the claim by the kid. But instead, the kid became a punk and aggressive and sought his reward. I only blame the cop for flashing his brights. Nothing else. BTW, the cop should be ticketed and pay his fine for flashing and attempting to blind oncoming traffic. That's it.
Obviously, you dummies can't argue any of my points. :lol:

What exactly are your points?

From what I have seen the driver failed to comply with just about every instruction given to him and then did in fact attack the officer. Police just want to do there job and go home at the end of the day, they don't need belligerent punks giving them a hard time. If the kid would have simply complied the odds are he would have got a warning for flashing his high beams and been on his way. HE chose to make things hard for himself and it ultimately cost him.

That there needs to be two officers per patrol car at all time. At no time should an officer be out on patrol alone. This is nothing but trouble. He/she has no one to back them and have to wait for help to get there. This is going to make them more likely to shoot instead of trying to restrain.

The police need better training to deal with kids who might be difficult or others that might be suffering from some kind of mental illness that would make it difficult for them to cooperate. The police are here to protect and serve and are paid by taxpayer money. They are OUR employees. Something THEY need to realize. They are not the Gestapo.

How about people obey the officers instructions and not having to have two cops on scene.

You seem to blame the cop when the idiot driver is the only one at fault.

Kids who are difficult need better parenting. They are here to protect and serve and to ticket and arrest those that violate the law.
We have red light cameras which allow for traffic citations to be issued without any interaction between law enforcement and citizen. When a traffic violation such as this occurs, and the driver is uncooperative, it could be treated like a red light camera. The officer writes the citation and the driver gets the ticket in the mail.....which he can choose to dispute or not.

Allowing assholes in uniform to exorcise their demons on unsuspecting citizens....using a traffic violation as an excuse.....is bullshit.

And lets not forget, there WAS NO traffic violation. The only violation was the cop blinding people after being told repeatedly about it. Which he admitted.

It's almost like if someone would've wrecked from being blinded they would find the driver at fault saying "well, He IS a cop though" while scratching their ass crack
BTW, if a driver would have had an accident as a result of the cop flashing his lights, then yes he would be totally liable. Let's not make accusations on things that didn't happen though. the facts are the facts and you don't like the facts, right?
Here is an officer dealing with a VERY difficult motorist that he pulled over. Now, see how the cop handles this driver. THIS is how the police need to behave. This officer should be an example to ALL police officers. He keeps his cool. He never takes it personally. He realizes that this motorist has some "issues." He remains calm and does NOT escalate the situation. It's not right for an officer to rip someone out of their car because he is angry. This is part of his job, dealing with difficult people.

Notice the driver obeyed all the commands.
Obviously, you dummies can't argue any of my points. :lol:

What exactly are your points?

From what I have seen the driver failed to comply with just about every instruction given to him and then did in fact attack the officer. Police just want to do there job and go home at the end of the day, they don't need belligerent punks giving them a hard time. If the kid would have simply complied the odds are he would have got a warning for flashing his high beams and been on his way. HE chose to make things hard for himself and it ultimately cost him.

That there needs to be two officers per patrol car at all time. At no time should an officer be out on patrol alone. This is nothing but trouble. He/she has no one to back them and have to wait for help to get there. This is going to make them more likely to shoot instead of trying to restrain.

The police need better training to deal with kids who might be difficult or others that might be suffering from some kind of mental illness that would make it difficult for them to cooperate. The police are here to protect and serve and are paid by taxpayer money. They are OUR employees. Something THEY need to realize. They are not the Gestapo.

How about people obey the officers instructions and not having to have two cops on scene.

You seem to blame the cop when the idiot driver is the only one at fault.

Kids who are difficult need better parenting. They are here to protect and serve and to ticket and arrest those that violate the law.

So your solution to the problem is shoot citizens if they are "difficult." Sorry, unacceptable. I don't care if a child is "bratty." That is not a capital punishment crime. Now, my solution would fix most of these issues.
Here is an officer dealing with a VERY difficult motorist that he pulled over. Now, see how the cop handles this driver. THIS is how the police need to behave. This officer should be an example to ALL police officers. He keeps his cool. He never takes it personally. He realizes that this motorist has some "issues." He remains calm and does NOT escalate the situation. It's not right for an officer to rip someone out of their car because he is angry. This is part of his job, dealing with difficult people.

Notice the driver obeyed all the commands.

Notice how the cop kept his cool and did not escalate the situation. THAT is what the point of that video was. The cop in THIS particular instance was acting the same as the 17-year-old child. The cops set the tone.
Here is an officer dealing with a VERY difficult motorist that he pulled over. Now, see how the cop handles this driver. THIS is how the police need to behave. This officer should be an example to ALL police officers. He keeps his cool. He never takes it personally. He realizes that this motorist has some "issues." He remains calm and does NOT escalate the situation. It's not right for an officer to rip someone out of their car because he is angry. This is part of his job, dealing with difficult people.

There's a difference bitch. The "difficult" motorist DID hand over the paperwork asked for by the cop.
The loser punk brat repeatedly refused to hand over the paperwork.
The cop asked the loser punk brat SIX times nice a politely and calmly for the paperwork. The thankfully happily dead loser punk brat refused and he choose to attack the cop. Good day for the rest of us. We'll never have to deal with the loser punk brat.
Thanks to mommy's Liberal enabling (cough) parenting skills.

Was that you in that car? :lol:

Anyhow, the cop completely lost his cool. He is terrible at his job and should resign before he kills another unarmed child because he's angry at his authority being challenged. :dunno: We citizens have rights. The police do not have the right to shoot unarmed teenagers. That is why there needs to be two officers per car. That would cut down on these kinds of incidents. Correct?

The teenager did in fact have arms and attached were hands. (Not sure how much good they are now though). The teenager attacked the cop with arms and hands.......which are legally considered 'weapons' BTW. The cop needed medical assistance after the teenager attacked him.
What advice would you give any teenager who gets stopped by a cop.....for any reason?
Would you advise the teenager to behave the way the now dead loser punk brat behaved?
Thought not.

Of course I wouldn't advise anyone to behave that. Some people can't help themselves. Teenage boys are hormonal, have a lot of boyhood pride, and get adrenaline when challenged. Anyone who knows kids knows this much. It's also widely recognized in the psychiatric community. That is why we classify a 17-year-old boy as a CHILD. That is why he can't drink, smoke, vote, etc.

If there had been two officers, this probably would not have happened.

There's a little thing called Social Darwinism.
Pretty much 100% of people who at any age "can't help themselves" to the point where they are refusing to comply with a lawful order from a cop and end up attacking the cop get shot.
You attack a cop and you have signed your death warrant. This is the only way to prevent total anarchy. Which is how the dead loser punk brat was certainly behaving at home with parents who were enabling the behavior.
It's not any cops 'duty' to look at anyone of any age and say themselves: "This person just can't help himself so I won't do my duty".
Cops and prisons exist to protect normal people from those who "can't help themselves".

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