17 yo boy shot by police because he wasn't resisting arrest.

Am I not supposed to respond to people's posts that are addressed to me on a message board? :lol:
why not discuss reasonably and debate? You've been told why your ideas won't work. yet you keep posting them like no one answered you. That's belligerent friend.

I have been reasonable. It's you who isn't being reasonable, sorry to say. Now, if we can afford to send billions of dollars to other countries, we can certainly afford to equip our police with everything they need to do their jobs effectively with minimal civilian casualties.
Federal money is not what funds local police so, can't have that. It would be the same as bringing in the national and federal armies. Doh!!!!

Well, maybe we should rethink the way we do things. Saving lives is worth it. I never claimed to have ALL the answers. This is my suggestion, and so far, I have seen really nothing major that would make me think it wouldn't work to help save lives of officers as well as citizens.
sure you think you do, you won't let go ideas you've been told already won't work, why they won't work and yet you keep posting them. over and over and over, like maybe if you post it once more everyone will agree. That isn't a very bright path to take. And proven to be useless.

Look, you don't KNOW that they would not work, do you? So YOU tell me my idea won't work, and I'm just supposed to say, "oh, okay, Mister from the internet." Lol.
why not discuss reasonably and debate? You've been told why your ideas won't work. yet you keep posting them like no one answered you. That's belligerent friend.

I have been reasonable. It's you who isn't being reasonable, sorry to say. Now, if we can afford to send billions of dollars to other countries, we can certainly afford to equip our police with everything they need to do their jobs effectively with minimal civilian casualties.
Federal money is not what funds local police so, can't have that. It would be the same as bringing in the national and federal armies. Doh!!!!

Well, maybe we should rethink the way we do things. Saving lives is worth it. I never claimed to have ALL the answers. This is my suggestion, and so far, I have seen really nothing major that would make me think it wouldn't work to help save lives of officers as well as citizens.
sure you think you do, you won't let go ideas you've been told already won't work, why they won't work and yet you keep posting them. over and over and over, like maybe if you post it once more everyone will agree. That isn't a very bright path to take. And proven to be useless.

Look, you don't KNOW that they would not work, do you? So YOU tell me my idea won't work, and I'm just supposed to say, "oh, okay, Mister from the internet." Lol.
sure I do because you haven't given what it is you're trying to fix.
Seriously, I don't what you people are getting so worked up over. You people have some serious problems, I think.
ahem, maybe ....... wait for it.....YOU!!!!!!

17 year old brat sponsored by ChrisL.

So you are all worked up about me? Interesting. :D And here, I'm not even TRYING to troll you. Lol.
nope, you're just being a big ole baby on an internet forum.
I have been reasonable. It's you who isn't being reasonable, sorry to say. Now, if we can afford to send billions of dollars to other countries, we can certainly afford to equip our police with everything they need to do their jobs effectively with minimal civilian casualties.
Federal money is not what funds local police so, can't have that. It would be the same as bringing in the national and federal armies. Doh!!!!

Well, maybe we should rethink the way we do things. Saving lives is worth it. I never claimed to have ALL the answers. This is my suggestion, and so far, I have seen really nothing major that would make me think it wouldn't work to help save lives of officers as well as citizens.
sure you think you do, you won't let go ideas you've been told already won't work, why they won't work and yet you keep posting them. over and over and over, like maybe if you post it once more everyone will agree. That isn't a very bright path to take. And proven to be useless.

Look, you don't KNOW that they would not work, do you? So YOU tell me my idea won't work, and I'm just supposed to say, "oh, okay, Mister from the internet." Lol.
sure I do because you haven't given what it is you're trying to fix.

??? I haven't given what it is I'm trying to fix? Police and citizen shootings/deaths.
Seriously, I don't what you people are getting so worked up over. You people have some serious problems, I think.
ahem, maybe ....... wait for it.....YOU!!!!!!

17 year old brat sponsored by ChrisL.

So you are all worked up about me? Interesting. :D And here, I'm not even TRYING to troll you. Lol.
nope, you're just being a big ole baby on an internet forum.

I don't think so. I'm not the one using my caps and yelling. I'm cool, calm and collected. :D I'm awesome like that.
Free and civil society. Think about that.

Free. Meaning no laws or very few laws.
Civil. Meaning everyone is polite and respectful and life occurs peacefully and smoothly with little conflict.

Free and civil depends on humans to naturally be civil. To naturally choose to be nice and fair and peaceful and considerate of each other.

Which as we know....is NOT human nature.

You can have free.
You can have civil.

It's hard to have a lot of both.

Bucs, you would have loved 12th Century Romania. Feudal lords had gangs of thugs who beat and killed anyone who failed to drop to their knees.

We used to be a civilized nation. Now we return to the dark ages.
WHAT is the OP? Do you know what you are talking about? I made a suggestion. If you are angry about my suggestion . . . I think that you have some unresolved issues.
I do, answers to the questions I asked you. Why are you avoiding them? got something to hide do ya? Still haven't stated how to pay for two cops in a car, haven't answer how two cops are better than one, never provided one study that confirms your train of thought would work. So right now you are a big 'O' (oh) for

Why would I "hide?" Are you for real? :lol:

Now, I posted many links in this thread for you to read. Did you read any of them? My links show that indeed some communities have two officers per car. The money wasted on law suits that would be saved could help pay. No? Right now, it seems that police departments throughout the US are being sued on a pretty regular basis for what are considered "unlawful" shootings. Now, two officers per car would cut down on that.
AND I HAVE ANSWERED THIS MULTIPLE TIMES. How are you going to pay for two cops per car? How are you going to get enough cops to respond to 911 calls? How are you going to train an infinite number of scenarios. YOU'VE ANSWERED NOTHING!!!!!

Give them what they need. That's my answer.
give who what?
Can you in your worst nightmare imagine being married to this bitch?
She LOVES getting into 'circular' arguments that never fucking end.
Fucking mental case.
Imagine what a joy she would be in person.
You're an asshole!
You are the reason fucking brats, losers, thugs and scum bag criminals are getting shot. They read your anti cop anti respect for any authority and they end up in the fucking grave.
Keep it up asshole. Sincerely. Keep it up. You're ironically helping civilized decent normal people get rid of fucking scum lifelong losers like you.
Don't forget your old lady has to get to the welfare office by four.

Yes Comrade, GLORIOUS peoples police must be have rights to kill running dog CAPITALIST PIGS with their decadent talk of freedom and rights for any or no reason.

Jackbooted thugs killing without restraint. Do you have a poster of Pol Pot on your bedroom ceiling?
I do, answers to the questions I asked you. Why are you avoiding them? got something to hide do ya? Still haven't stated how to pay for two cops in a car, haven't answer how two cops are better than one, never provided one study that confirms your train of thought would work. So right now you are a big 'O' (oh) for

Why would I "hide?" Are you for real? :lol:

Now, I posted many links in this thread for you to read. Did you read any of them? My links show that indeed some communities have two officers per car. The money wasted on law suits that would be saved could help pay. No? Right now, it seems that police departments throughout the US are being sued on a pretty regular basis for what are considered "unlawful" shootings. Now, two officers per car would cut down on that.
AND I HAVE ANSWERED THIS MULTIPLE TIMES. How are you going to pay for two cops per car? How are you going to get enough cops to respond to 911 calls? How are you going to train an infinite number of scenarios. YOU'VE ANSWERED NOTHING!!!!!

Give them what they need. That's my answer.
give who what?
Can you in your worst nightmare imagine being married to this bitch?
She LOVES getting into 'circular' arguments that never fucking end.
Fucking mental case.
Imagine what a joy she would be in person.

Dude, therapy. Get some. :D
and you've ignored every reply. So as stated by more than just me, they are unrealistic. Now, what else is there?

Actually, I have not ignored them at all. I think I've addressed all of your concerns. Now, what is your solution?
there isn't one because you have never stated what the problem is you're trying to solve. What is the problem statement?

Shootings of police and citizens of course. I think I did state that. Lol. Having 2 officers per car would more than likely cut back on those incidents. The police would have backup immediately available instead of having to wait. An extra pair of hands and eyes as well. Couldn't hurt, that's for sure.
based on what for the hundredth time, where's your study to make that statement? dude you're just a knee slappin fool.

I think maybe you need a nappy or something. :D
You need to have a fucking shower bitch.
You are drop dead fucking nuts.
You need to change the pony bitch!

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