17 yo boy shot by police because he wasn't resisting arrest.

Most likely? But not certain. In other words, just a guess.

Lets raise taxes and put two cops in every car 'cause it might help.

I'm sure it would help. How wouldn't it? Why does it make you so angry?

What makes you so sure? You have nothing but opinion to go on. We are all just supposed to go with your opinion and agree to pay higher taxes? Don't flatter yourself, you could never make me angry.

When isn't four eyes and four hands better than two eyes and two hands. If you were a cop, would you rather be alone or have a partner? I would rather have a partner to back me up if need be.

Of course you would because you do not have the courage it takes to be an officer. You would be a terrible officer and you would fold at the first sign of conflict.

I wouldn't be a cop if I thought that I couldn't do my job without someone's help.

Yes and eight eyes are better than four. so what? It will not stop an irrational person from behaving irrationally.
Would you call for back up? PUSSY! Then I guess you can't do your job.

You know who should have called for back up?

GRAPHIC: SC cop fatally shoots man as he's running away | Daily Mail Online

Depends on the situation. For a simple traffic stop no, for a felony traffic stop yes. There are procedures for when back-up is required.
Bullshit I grew up in the OC
The upscale is a facade there is as much domestic violence there as there is in LA and just as many gangs .
False they don't always it's more like one in 3 vehicles has two officers.

There are parts of Santa Ana, Stanton, and other areas that are pretty bad.

In Yorba Linda, the contract with the Sheriffs stipulates 2 officers in the cars. You see duhs, these things are up to each city. While your Stalinist buddy dannyboys dreams of federal troops bashing people with rifle butts for not bowing to a picture of Emperor Barack, but in the real world, police are hired by each city and follow the rules set forth by those cities.
Yorba Linda is no safer than Santa Ana.
The rest of your post is the usual mix of delusion and distortion you are infamous for.
Shootings of police and citizens of course. I think I did state that. Lol. Having 2 officers per car would more than likely cut back on those incidents. The police would have backup immediately available instead of having to wait. An extra pair of hands and eyes as well. Couldn't hurt, that's for sure.

Most likely? But not certain. In other words, just a guess.

Lets raise taxes and put two cops in every car 'cause it might help.

I'm sure it would help. How wouldn't it? Why does it make you so angry?

What makes you so sure? You have nothing but opinion to go on. We are all just supposed to go with your opinion and agree to pay higher taxes? Don't flatter yourself, you could never make me angry.

When isn't four eyes and four hands better than two eyes and two hands. If you were a cop, would you rather be alone or have a partner? I would rather have a partner to back me up if need be.

Of course you would because you do not have the courage it takes to be an officer. You would be a terrible officer and you would fold at the first sign of conflict.

I wouldn't be a cop if I thought that I couldn't do my job without someone's help.

Yes and eight eyes are better than four. so what? It will not stop an irrational person from behaving irrationally.
Cops can be and are just as irrational as everyone else, however the cop in this case was not.
Most likely? But not certain. In other words, just a guess.

Lets raise taxes and put two cops in every car 'cause it might help.

I'm sure it would help. How wouldn't it? Why does it make you so angry?

What makes you so sure? You have nothing but opinion to go on. We are all just supposed to go with your opinion and agree to pay higher taxes? Don't flatter yourself, you could never make me angry.

When isn't four eyes and four hands better than two eyes and two hands. If you were a cop, would you rather be alone or have a partner? I would rather have a partner to back me up if need be.

Of course you would because you do not have the courage it takes to be an officer. You would be a terrible officer and you would fold at the first sign of conflict.

I wouldn't be a cop if I thought that I couldn't do my job without someone's help.

Yes and eight eyes are better than four. so what? It will not stop an irrational person from behaving irrationally.
Cops can be and are just as irrational as everyone else, however the cop in this case was not.

There are irrational individuals in all walks of life. Out of the millions of police interactions every day, there may be a very small fraction that overstep.
well perhaps you should go outside in the real world once in a while!! So you're ok with an unlicensed driver driving at night? Keep them by your house ok?

The kid was a licensed driver. He simply didn't have his license with him. That is a minor infraction, not to shoot someone over.
and off to right field we go. What the hell is that, take a leap at all dude? funny stuff, I tell you what, you name a state, a city, a town that allows someone to drive a vehicle without a license? Oki-doki?

Measured response.

You don't kill because someone didn't pick up their wallet.
I'm sure it would help. How wouldn't it? Why does it make you so angry?

What makes you so sure? You have nothing but opinion to go on. We are all just supposed to go with your opinion and agree to pay higher taxes? Don't flatter yourself, you could never make me angry.

When isn't four eyes and four hands better than two eyes and two hands. If you were a cop, would you rather be alone or have a partner? I would rather have a partner to back me up if need be.

Of course you would because you do not have the courage it takes to be an officer. You would be a terrible officer and you would fold at the first sign of conflict.

I wouldn't be a cop if I thought that I couldn't do my job without someone's help.

Yes and eight eyes are better than four. so what? It will not stop an irrational person from behaving irrationally.
Cops can be and are just as irrational as everyone else, however the cop in this case was not.

There are irrational individuals in all walks of life. Out of the millions of police interactions every day, there may be a very small fraction that overstep.
that would be is .
well perhaps you should go outside in the real world once in a while!! So you're ok with an unlicensed driver driving at night? Keep them by your house ok?

The kid was a licensed driver. He simply didn't have his license with him. That is a minor infraction, not to shoot someone over.
that's not what got him shot. why are trying to obscure what did?
Then they deserve to get shot.

Of course they do.

Probably turn out he was a Republican, and Republicans should be shot on sight!

Once I saw the story they ran on This Week with George Stephanopolis, I realized that it is not fair for citizens to get aggressive with cops. We need to retrain the cops yes to be better at defusing situations but we also need to retrain the public.

Fuck that, "I know my rights" crap. If you do, then tell it to the judge. But if one of our boys in blue says you are under arrest, you better put your hands behind your back. And if you fight after you get a taser in the ass, I say the cop should be able to shoot you dead. I don't think society will miss any of the people who get in trouble and resist arrest. Maybe their deaths will be a lesson to other stupid people.

Here is the piece: Washington DC Police Look for Ways to Connect With City Youth

Yeah, bourgeoisie concepts like "civil rights' have no place is the GLORIOUS PEOPLES STATE.

Obey - or be shot dead - the new DNC motto!
What better training do they need in your opinion? You've been asked this before and yet you haven't responded.

So you have zero evidence that two cops in a car and better training, whatever the hell that consists of, would reduce these types of incidents. We are just supposed to take your word for it. A person with zero law enforcement experience. SMH

I already explained that in the beginning of this thread. They need to learn how to de-escalate situations and not escalate them. I think that is an important thing to learn how to do for an officer, and that would take a bit of training.
well how do you train for that? Do you know? Why is the mental institutions can't figure it out and how long have they been treating humans with issues? just admit you're in over your head, we all already know that. you are just repeating yourself and saying nothing. NOTHING.

And BTW, the training today is to defend yourself once you're in a position that is life threatening. See because life threatening is indeterminable and can't be trained fully

I am saying plenty. Two officers per car, better training. Even the police officials agree that officers need more training, as my link showed.
Two officers per car , that takes funding , you know the stuff republicans hate!

I'm not a republican, nor am I a liberal. If the state or feds are spending our tax money on something worthwhile, I don't have a problem with it. I think police and citizen safety is a worthwhile cause.
again federal dollars don't pay local cops.
What makes you so sure? You have nothing but opinion to go on. We are all just supposed to go with your opinion and agree to pay higher taxes? Don't flatter yourself, you could never make me angry.

When isn't four eyes and four hands better than two eyes and two hands. If you were a cop, would you rather be alone or have a partner? I would rather have a partner to back me up if need be.

Of course you would because you do not have the courage it takes to be an officer. You would be a terrible officer and you would fold at the first sign of conflict.

I wouldn't be a cop if I thought that I couldn't do my job without someone's help.

Yes and eight eyes are better than four. so what? It will not stop an irrational person from behaving irrationally.
Cops can be and are just as irrational as everyone else, however the cop in this case was not.

There are irrational individuals in all walks of life. Out of the millions of police interactions every day, there may be a very small fraction that overstep.
that would be is .

That would require knowing about every incident that occurs daily. Information that you nor I posses. So a definite "is" cannot be attributed.
Free and civil society. Think about that.

Free. Meaning no laws or very few laws.
Civil. Meaning everyone is polite and respectful and life occurs peacefully and smoothly with little conflict.

Free and civil depends on humans to naturally be civil. To naturally choose to be nice and fair and peaceful and considerate of each other.

Which as we know....is NOT human nature.

You can have free.
You can have civil.

It's hard to have a lot of both.

Bucs, you would have loved 12th Century Romania. Feudal lords had gangs of thugs who beat and killed anyone who failed to drop to their knees.

We used to be a civilized nation. Now we return to the dark ages.
another dive into the tank of gas I see.
Can you in your worst nightmare imagine being married to this bitch?
She LOVES getting into 'circular' arguments that never fucking end.
Fucking mental case.
Imagine what a joy she would be in person.

Out of curiosity, do you use meth?

You have no self-control and cannot discuss without becoming an emotional little bitch. Is it that you are so jacked up on crank that you can't control yourself?
funny I was thinking the same thing about you! Holy crap talk about walking around in a field someplace, dude I don't think russia would want your nasty.
funny I was thinking the same thing about you! Holy crap talk about walking around in a field someplace, dude I don't think russia would want your nasty.

I'm not trying to recreate Stalinist Russia.

I leave that to you folks.
there isn't one because you have never stated what the problem is you're trying to solve. What is the problem statement?

Shootings of police and citizens of course. I think I did state that. Lol. Having 2 officers per car would more than likely cut back on those incidents. The police would have backup immediately available instead of having to wait. An extra pair of hands and eyes as well. Couldn't hurt, that's for sure.

Most likely? But not certain. In other words, just a guess.

Lets raise taxes and put two cops in every car 'cause it might help.

I'm sure it would help. How wouldn't it? Why does it make you so angry?

What makes you so sure? You have nothing but opinion to go on. We are all just supposed to go with your opinion and agree to pay higher taxes? Don't flatter yourself, you could never make me angry.

When isn't four eyes and four hands better than two eyes and two hands. If you were a cop, would you rather be alone or have a partner? I would rather have a partner to back me up if need be.
but you aren't a cop so it is irrelevant.
funny I was thinking the same thing about you! Holy crap talk about walking around in a field someplace, dude I don't think russia would want your nasty.

I'm not trying to recreate Stalinist Russia.

I leave that to you folks.
haven't seen anybody but you discussing stalin, so it is you who is obsessed with the man. Like I said, I'm fairly confident that russia don't want him anymore
well perhaps you should go outside in the real world once in a while!! So you're ok with an unlicensed driver driving at night? Keep them by your house ok?

The kid was a licensed driver. He simply didn't have his license with him. That is a minor infraction, not to shoot someone over.
so how does the cop or I know that if he doesn't carry it? Please explain. And your diatribe into papers, I asked you to post a city or town that allows drivers without a license. Got it yet?

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