170 Prominent Economists Back Bernie Sanders’ Plan to Rein in Wall Street

No they didn't . Their shareholders and taxpayers did. The people making the decisions still got their golden parachutes, severance packages and new jobs.

Yes they did. The banks lost trillions. The share price went down. Shareholders lost money.
CEOs were fired. CEOs lost on their stock and options. Which CEOs got new jobs? Link?
Links to fired CEOs?

Links to fired CEOs who waltzed into new jobs.
My request is better because practically no CEOs or bank managers were fired for pushing junk.

Angelo Mozilo, Stan O’Neal, Ken Lewis, John Thain, Jimmy Cayne, Dick Fuld, Alvaro de Molina.
All 7; the HORROR, considering over 700,000 average schmucks lost their jobs every month for at least one year following their nation wide fuckup.
And as I remember, Fuld was an obnoxious fuck head who pretty much denied any responsibility for what he did.
The entirety of Wall Street can move off shore and make the new Wall Street a cruise ship with people going to work by helicopter. They can fold Wall Street into the Chinese market. No company, no business has to tolerate government abuse. Right now there are trillions of dollars sitting off shore that won't come here because of the taxes. Sanders might well turn those trillions into quadrillions.

His tax and spend socialism policies end in severe shortages and rationing.
The entirety of Wall Street can move off shore and make the new Wall Street a cruise ship with people going to work by helicopter. They can fold Wall Street into the Chinese market. No company, no business has to tolerate government abuse. Right now there are trillions of dollars sitting off shore that won't come here because of the taxes. Sanders might well turn those trillions into quadrillions.

His tax and spend socialism policies end in severe shortages and rationing.
Presidents have enormous leverage when it comes to Foreign Trade.
We should also keep in mind that the main consumer of most products is the American market.
Yes they did. The banks lost trillions. The share price went down. Shareholders lost money.
CEOs were fired. CEOs lost on their stock and options. Which CEOs got new jobs? Link?
Links to fired CEOs?

Links to fired CEOs who waltzed into new jobs.
My request is better because practically no CEOs or bank managers were fired for pushing junk.

Angelo Mozilo, Stan O’Neal, Ken Lewis, John Thain, Jimmy Cayne, Dick Fuld, Alvaro de Molina.
All 7; the HORROR, considering over 700,000 average schmucks lost their jobs every month for at least one year following their nation wide fuckup.
And as I remember, Fuld was an obnoxious fuck head who pretty much denied any responsibility for what he did.

Yup, lots of people lost their jobs.
Jimmy Cayne lost almost a billion and Fuld probably lost $300-$400 million.
Links to fired CEOs?

Links to fired CEOs who waltzed into new jobs.
My request is better because practically no CEOs or bank managers were fired for pushing junk.

Angelo Mozilo, Stan O’Neal, Ken Lewis, John Thain, Jimmy Cayne, Dick Fuld, Alvaro de Molina.
All 7; the HORROR, considering over 700,000 average schmucks lost their jobs every month for at least one year following their nation wide fuckup.
And as I remember, Fuld was an obnoxious fuck head who pretty much denied any responsibility for what he did.

Yup, lots of people lost their jobs.
Jimmy Cayne lost almost a billion and Fuld probably lost $300-$400 million.

I doubt Fuld lost anything; he wasn't upset one bit after his grilling.
Links to fired CEOs who waltzed into new jobs.
My request is better because practically no CEOs or bank managers were fired for pushing junk.

Angelo Mozilo, Stan O’Neal, Ken Lewis, John Thain, Jimmy Cayne, Dick Fuld, Alvaro de Molina.
All 7; the HORROR, considering over 700,000 average schmucks lost their jobs every month for at least one year following their nation wide fuckup.
And as I remember, Fuld was an obnoxious fuck head who pretty much denied any responsibility for what he did.

Yup, lots of people lost their jobs.
Jimmy Cayne lost almost a billion and Fuld probably lost $300-$400 million.

I doubt Fuld lost anything; he wasn't upset one bit after his grilling.

He's a miserable prick, but his millions of shares of stock still went to zero.
My request is better because practically no CEOs or bank managers were fired for pushing junk.

Angelo Mozilo, Stan O’Neal, Ken Lewis, John Thain, Jimmy Cayne, Dick Fuld, Alvaro de Molina.
All 7; the HORROR, considering over 700,000 average schmucks lost their jobs every month for at least one year following their nation wide fuckup.
And as I remember, Fuld was an obnoxious fuck head who pretty much denied any responsibility for what he did.

Yup, lots of people lost their jobs.
Jimmy Cayne lost almost a billion and Fuld probably lost $300-$400 million.

I doubt Fuld lost anything; he wasn't upset one bit after his grilling.

He's a miserable prick, but his millions of shares of stock still went to zero.
I guess there's some justice after all.
I wonder which of his inner circle hired him without fanfare.
I assume Sarbanes/Oxley wasn't pulled on him and he's probably worth millions.
Has anyone seen this list of "prominent" economist ?

all from Venezuela, Cuba, etc? what a joke
I must have missed the plans other candidates have for breaking up the banks. Could somebody enlighten me for compare and contrast purposes?

170 Prominent Economists Back Bernie Sanders' Plan to Rein in Wall Street

Financial experts, academics, and economists from across the nation are officially endorsing Bernie Sanders’ proposal to break up big banks and bring justice to Wall Street. In a speech earlier this month in the heart of New York City’s financial district, Sanders outlined his plan to reform Wall Street that included, among other things, passing a new law similar to the Glass-Steagall bill of the 1930s that would separate commercial banking from investment banking — effectively breaking up the biggest Wall Street banks into smaller institutions. Sanders also pledged to take action to cap ATM fees at $2 per use, make usurious interest fees illegal, levy a sales tax on all financial transactions on Wall Street to discourage speculative trading, and bring criminal charges against the banking executives responsible for the 2008 financial crisis. Here’s video of the full speech:
I'm always suspicious of things presented in an authoritative manner, like '170 prominent economists say' then it says 'financial experts, academics and economists'. That could mean 1 expert and 169 dumbfucks that believe we can tax out way into prosperity.

Laws should be in place to keep government from making sweetheart deals with banks, if that's what Bernie wants I'd support it. But I doubt he has a clue. He wants to keep ATM fees to $2? How stupid is that? I pay nothing because I use my banks ATM machines, that's the way it works. If you don't have the foresight and use one in a store you need to pay for the machine and it's expenses. How does Bernie know what that will be?

And if it did become law, we would all have to pay, which is the fatal flaw with socialism. It doesn't take personal responsibility into account and makes everyone share in lifting up the lowest common denominator, putting a drag on everything. Socialism is for the mentally weak and incompetent. Let the able minded do their thing and the economy rises up.
come on aren't we just SUPPOSED to swallow something because it's from:
Experts, prominent economist and ACIDEMICS TOO. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
all schooled in Socialism communism I suppose.
Well, socialism is always good to the elite. Always good to the upper class. Always.


They love the fact that it sets up mass road blocks for the poor class to ever reach their level. Yes, they certainly love that. The rich (especially those that have been rich for a couple of generations) hate the notion of anyone from the peasant class (the serfs) having AN OPPORTUNITY to ever reach their level. In fact the very NOTION makes them sick.

All we see are these propaganda films put out by people like Michael Moore with the texture of a documentary showing people how great the "healthcare" is in a socialist or communist government. Yeah, filming only the privileged in those countries and never ever ever showing the drawbacks.

Oh, I am sure things are just "great" for everyone in Cuba.

The left in this country have NO FUCKING CLUE. It is scary watching them cheering for a "revolution" for socialism.

We will all get what we deserve. The only joy I get out of it is the probability of seeing the unreal misery in the faces of those liberals who are not rich living through socialist conditions.

Get ready to experience what the serfs experienced in the Feudal System for centuries.
These economists are virtually all in colleges.

I'm open to all opinions on economics, but I would be very curious to know how many of these economists have significant and successful experience working in the private realm and how many are just theorists.
A single city here is larger and much more diverse. That's like saying what works for your family will work for all 330 million of us.

How would our size prevent us from doing what Scandinavia does? They are smaller, yes, and they make much less money as well. We are larger and much richer. I don't accept that guaranteed healthcare and education are unaffordable in the richest country on Earth.
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Scandinavia seems to be doing okay.
A single city here is larger and much more diverse. That's like saying what works for your family will work for all 330 million of us.

How would our size prevent us from doing what Scandinavia does? They are smaller, yes, and they make much less money as well. We are a larger and much richer nation. I don't accept that guaranteed healthcare and education are unaffordable in the richest country on Earth.[/QUOTE]
I laugh at all of you libs always pointing to those countries as examples of socialism working. Funny.
Why do the banks need to be broken up?

They need to be broken up because they are "too big to fail." A bank that is too big to fail is too big to exist. Our economy should not be at the mercy of banks that have to succeed.

Too big to fail is a myth.
The Myth of Too Big to Fail

The logic behind "too big to fail" is that if a large financial firm or corporation goes under, it can drag along not just its own investors, creditors, and employees but also entire industries. But it's not merely a question of size. Neither Lehman Brothers nor Bear Stearns were among the largest banks in terms of assets, but their roles in the market gave their troubles an outsize negative effect on the broader economy. In other words, when we say "too big to fail," what we actually mean is "systemically risky" for any number of different reasons.

"It's just so nice and simple to say, 'If it's too big to fail, why don't we just keep them from getting big?'" says Diana Farrell, a top White House official working on financial regulation. She points out that some Japanese and European institutions are much larger than their U.S. counterparts, suggesting that size alone does not explain risk. "Let's recognize we live in a sophisticated economy that is going to require large, interconnected, complex firms. Let's make sure that we recognize them, ensure they do not pose a risk to the system," and guarantee they follow stricter rules.
A single city here is larger and much more diverse. That's like saying what works for your family will work for all 330 million of us.

How would our size prevent us from doing what Scandinavia does? They are smaller, yes, and they make much less money as well. We are a larger and much richer nation. I don't accept that guaranteed healthcare and education are unaffordable in the richest country on Earth.
You only saw size. I also said diversity. But there's a lot of misinformation about Scandanavian "socialism". It's a long article buts starts out:

The Scandinavian Socialism Argument Debunked - The great liberal myth
1. Scandinavia isn’t really all that socialist
Scandinavian countries have certain socialist characteristics such as high taxes and extensive welfare systems. However, these countries have relatively capitalistic markets. Scandinavian businesses are mostly free from regulation, nationalization and protectionism.

Let’s look at a few key indicators of free enterprise in Scandinavia.


Ranks higher than the US in business freedom, monetary freedom, investment freedom, financial freedom, property freedom and freedom from corruption.



Ranks higher than the US in business freedom, monetary freedom, investment freedom, fiscal freedom, property freedom and freedom from corruption.



Iceland ranks a little lower than the US in most of these key indicators. It’s close, though. Remember also that Iceland has a smaller total population (320,000) than Wichita, KS.



Ranks higher than the US in trade freedom, property freedom and freedom from corruption.



Ranks higher than the US in business freedom, monetary freedom, investment freedom, financial freedom, property freedom and freedom from corruption.

Oh man, we've heard all this before. Hussein was that guy too. Meanwhile, he took several $Millions from Corporate Banks and Wall Sreet is seeing record profits. Where are all those Obamabot 'Occupiers' these days? How'd that work out?

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