18 Years & 6 Months Without an Increase in Global Warming. Warming Alarmists Scramble for Excuses

Some in this country and world have no problem with the LIARS and BS artist of this world................
It doesn't bother me you post on this forum, true. Is that a bad thing?

As in the hundreds of threads on this now..................did they get caught changing the raw data..............I'm tired of quoting them admitting mistakes.............and going silent when shown the original Raw data...........

The nerve of people saving RAW DATA information to catch their dang lies............
Global warming isn't a thing. Climate change is. Warmer in some places, colder in others, different weather events everywhere. Ask Texas. When they dry out.

Climate change is going to make for more unpredictable weather as we can see happening already wqith how unreliable weather forecasts are utilizing older computer modelling software. The changes are happening so fast tht it's difficult to even forecast the temperature for tmorrow. Weather Channel's been coming in plus or minus half-a-dozen degrees so far this year. I only know it's going to rain if my head gets wet, not because of any weather forecast.
Some in this country and world have no problem with the LIARS and BS artist of this world................
It doesn't bother me you post on this forum, true. Is that a bad thing?

As in the hundreds of threads on this now..................did they get caught changing the raw data..............I'm tired of quoting them admitting mistakes.............and going silent when shown the original Raw data...........

The nerve of people saving RAW DATA information to catch their dang lies............

Admitting mistakes is not fudging data.

They corrected inaccuracies.

Still doesn't change the fact that 2014 was the warmest year on record....

The OP is bullshit.

You're a liar.

Will you admit that?
Some in this country and world have no problem with the LIARS and BS artist of this world................
It doesn't bother me you post on this forum, true. Is that a bad thing?

As in the hundreds of threads on this now..................did they get caught changing the raw data..............I'm tired of quoting them admitting mistakes.............and going silent when shown the original Raw data...........

The nerve of people saving RAW DATA information to catch their dang lies............

Admitting mistakes is not fudging data.

They corrected inaccuracies.

Still doesn't change the fact that 2014 was the warmest year on record....

The OP is bullshit.

You're a liar.

Will you admit that?

Take raw data and Historical evidence and CHANGE IT...........to give us the HOCKEY STICK..............

Admitting one small error is one thing....................Changing raw data from the 30's to prove make their rhetoric look justified...............is utter BS.........especially when they are paid by the taxpayers.
I haven't seen one link in eagle's posts. Not a fact to be found, no where, no how.

Is that how she just gives up?

Oh, well, it was fun while it lasted.
I haven't seen one link in eagle's posts. Not a fact to be found, no where, no how.

Is that how she just gives up?

Oh, well, it was fun while it lasted.
Data is being posted on a multitude of threads....................

and more and more threads are appearing.................

Even though this one was not started by the Cult Warmists..................it is part of many threads ongoing now................

and on every one of these.....................POST YOUR DATA POST YOUR DATA...........

Even though it was in their freaking faces on the other thread............perhaps it would be unfair to Hazlnut as she hasn't been involved with many of those threads.............but it is why I'm tired of posting the same stuff over and over again.............

Like Crick.............who keeps posting a different thread over and over again............Hoping for a different outcome............

It is what it tis............
I haven't seen one link in eagle's posts. Not a fact to be found, no where, no how.

Is that how she just gives up?

Oh, well, it was fun while it lasted.
Data is being posted on a multitude of threads....................

"is being..."

Yeah, you trolls have all kinds of free time, since you got laid off.

Meanwhile, back at NASA...

Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Global Temperature

Cling to your ignorance, boy, and you'll wake up some day and realize you really have nothing to show for your life.

"Chinese coal", has no effect on the atmosphere ? only the U.S.A.'s coal ?
these dimwit demorats feeeeel that only the U.S.A. can change the Earths warming :lmao: pollution etc. by shutting down our coal fired power plants, also these same dimwits do not know their electric/alternative fuel cars are powered by coal fired power plants.

does this liberfool idiocy ever end ? GOD help us if there is another dimwit demorat is elected president! :up:
No one denies that ice is melting............

but there are many who deny there is ice and snow is increasing i hope some, if any intelligent liberdenier will read this:
Global Snow Ice - April 2015 National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

get back to me after you (all liberdeniers) have read and understand that what melts another place is increasing.
In some areas in declines...........In some areas it increases as Mother Nature Adapts............

The Reality is that it's been melting since the last ice age.........

The Global Cultist want to hose over the world with the Man Mad Portion of it................even though Mother Nature is almost all of it..............and has a way of adapting................which is why their projections and computer models are sooooooo wrong................not to mention they fudge data to make money.
What is the motivation for being so opposed to living more cleanly and beautifully?

everyone agrees that we need to stop polluting the planet. Where we disagree is when you libs claim that pollution is causing climate change.

Why not pick a real cause and get behind it? Attack pollution. Stop making up lies about man made climate change.

Pollution is bad

Man made climate change is a hoax.
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maybe cows and dinasours havent been farting as frequent as they were 20 years ago?
Lets all hope it starts warming up, what science is really concerned with is the next ice age when glaciers a mile high will wipe much of the north east off the map. Ice age science is not in dispute unlike this global warming nonsense.
18 Years & 6 Months Without an Increase in Global Warming. Warming Alarmists Scramble for Excuses

That's Right, It's all Politics Folks




Hide the Hiatus How the Climate Alarmists Eliminated the Inconvenient Pause in Global Warming - Breitbart
Global warming standstill pause increases to a new record length 18 years 6 months Climate Depot

For 222 months, since December 1996, there has been no global warming at all (Fig. 1). This month’s RSS temperature – still unaffected by a slowly strengthening el Niño, which will eventually cause temporary warming – passes another six-month milestone, and establishes a new record length for the Pause: 18 years 6 months.

What is more, the IPCC’s centrally-predicted warming rate since its First Assessment Report in 1990 is now more than two and a half times the measured rate. On any view, the predictions on which the entire climate scare was based were extreme exaggerations.

However, it is becoming ever more likely that the temperature increase that usually accompanies an el Niño may come through after a lag of four or five months. The Pause may yet shorten somewhat, just in time for the Paris climate summit, though a subsequent La Niña would be likely to bring about a resumption of the Pause.

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK Updated list of 66 excuses for the 18-26 year pause in global warming


An updated list of at least 29 32 36 38 39 41 51 52 63 64 65 66 excuses for the 18-26 year statistically significant 'pause' in global warming, including recent scientific papers, media quotes, blogs, and related debunkings:

1) Low solar activity

2) Oceans ate the global warming [debunked] [debunked] [debunked]

3) Chinese coal use [debunked]

4) Montreal Protocol

5) What ‘pause’? [debunked] [debunked] [debunked] [debunked]

6) Volcanic aerosols [debunked]

7) Stratospheric Water Vapor

8) Faster Pacific trade winds [debunked]

9) Stadium Waves

10) ‘Coincidence!’

11) Pine aerosols

12) It's "not so unusual" and "no more than natural variability"

13) "Scientists looking at the wrong 'lousy' data" http://

14) Cold nights getting colder in Northern Hemisphere

15) We forgot to cherry-pick models in tune with natural variability [debunked]

16) Negative phase of Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation

17) AMOC ocean oscillation

18) "Global brightening" has stopped

19) "Ahistorical media"

See More Here>>>>> THE HOCKEY SCHTICK Updated list of 66 excuses for the 18-26 year pause in global warming

Well Cycles tend to come and go... so guess what they're desperately waiting for.
Some in this country and world have no problem with the LIARS and BS artist of this world................
It doesn't bother me you post on this forum, true. Is that a bad thing?

As in the hundreds of threads on this now..................did they get caught changing the raw data..............I'm tired of quoting them admitting mistakes.............and going silent when shown the original Raw data...........

The nerve of people saving RAW DATA information to catch their dang lies............

Some in this country and world have no problem with the LIARS and BS artist of this world................
It doesn't bother me you post on this forum, true. Is that a bad thing?

As in the hundreds of threads on this now..................did they get caught changing the raw data..............I'm tired of quoting them admitting mistakes.............and going silent when shown the original Raw data...........

The nerve of people saving RAW DATA information to catch their dang lies............

Admitting mistakes is not fudging data.

They corrected inaccuracies.

Still doesn't change the fact that 2014 was the warmest year on record....

The OP is bullshit.

You're a liar.

Will you admit that?
you think by saying warmest year on record wins you brownie points? God Damn fool the earth is 4.5 billion year's old not 130 .
Global warming aka Climate Change will be the explanation from the left as to why there hasn't been an increase.
What is the motivation for being so opposed to living more cleanly and beautifully?

everyone agrees that we need to stop polluting the planet. Where we disagree is when you libs claim that pollution is causing climate change.

Why not pick a real cause and get behind it? Attack pollution. Stop making up lies about man made climate change.

Pollution is bad

Man made climate change is a hoax.

What kills me with Obama and the left is the claim that the USA is responsible for any change in the climate.
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