1969 H&R 930 .22 Revolver

You have to have the gift, but you have to follow fundamentals and there's a lot that goes into doing it properly.
It's nice to have a spotter, but when you can't have one....sometimes you only have one shot and it has to be on target the first time, then you have to move or you're dead.

Yup. Before him I was an expert at the follow-up shot.

He made me a cold shot expert.
We took some of the Marine snipers out in a Blackhawk when I was in Somalia in 93'.
They wanted to do some rooftop dustoffs with us and set up sniper positions, which is kind of ridiculous because if you're going to hide somewhere to shoot someone you'll only draw attention to yourself if you land on a roof with a chopper.
Anyway, the Nightstalker Blackhawk pilots liked pulling this maneuver where they went straight up and then stalled out and then turned and recovered before hitting the ground. I was sitting in front of the Marines watching them, and when we started going up their eyes started to bug out. I was laughing my ass off.

A friend of mine was with TF 160 and flying with him is a hoot! Low, and very fast is his forte!
The thing they stress in sniper school is the stalk. Getting into position in your Gillie Suit and drag-bag is as important as shooting.

Even more so to be honest. They do FAR more low crawling than shooting. Most of their missions are full on Intel gathering.
A friend of mine was with TF 160 and flying with him is a hoot! Low, and very fast is his forte!
NOE. They don't let them do it much here at Ft Campbell, but they were doing stuff in Somalia they never allow them to do stateside.
I was flying with them for a couple of months over Mogadishu. We were involved in a manhunt with the SEALs. They were trying to catch Aideed....and all he did was drive to CNN and hide there till we had to refuel. Then he took off.
We should have just busted down the doors at CNN and took him but we couldn't get authorization.
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NOE. They don't let them do it much here at Ft Campbell, but they were doing stuff in Somalia they never allow them to do stateside.
I was flying with them for a couple of months over Mogadishu. We were involved in manhunt with the SEALs. They were trying to catch Aideed....and all he did was drive to CNN and hide there till we had to refuel. Then he took off.
We should have just busted down the doors at CNN and took him but we couldn't get authorization.
Yup CNN is the ally of terrorism everywhere.
We had to kick the Italians off of the embassy compound because they kept feeding info to Aideed as well.

Not surprising. They are, and have been, corrupt as hell.
We learned that the only troops we could trust in Somalia was the Australians and the Canadians.

Seemed that anyone who worked under UNSOM was trying to screw the USA over.

The UN is corrupt as hell. Anyplace I worked in Africa, if they were there, it was a shit show.

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