1st they came for your SUV's, then your gas stoves and grills, now they want your water heaters....I kid you not. Democrat = Fascism.

What they are truly interested in is complete and total oversight/control of your entire home. Your thermostat, your dishwasher, washer/dryer, etc…

How do I know this?… I work for an electric utility company. A large one. They’re not quite sure how to make it work yet, but they are fully committed to telling all of us how to live our lives and forcing it on us if we don’t agree.
What they are truly interested in is complete and total oversight/control of your entire home. Your thermostat, your dishwasher, washer/dryer, etc…

How do I know this?… I work for an electric utility company. A large one. They’re not quite sure how to make it work yet, but they are fully committed to telling all of us how to live our lives and forcing it on us if we don’t agree.
That's why they want you to use these "smart" devices in your home

With them they can control your thermostats your electric appliances etc all while gathering video and audio
Don't forget how many also want to come for your kids so they can mutilate their genitals.
We've told you before that your fantasizing about children's genitals all day long marks you as an uberperv.

You don't care. You still do it. You are not normal. That's why small animals and children instinctively shy away from you. They can tell.
Is that why Joe Biden cornholed foreign countries into giving him 17 million dollars?
Is there any Chinese propaganda that you don't willingly spread?

Just how much has China paid you? They're definitely not getting their money's worth, given how badly you suck at lying
Lol, soo let me get this strait you owned these weapons and someone came knocked on your door and collected them?
No , since I’m a California CCW holder and did not want it yanked I had to Reconfigure to legality ( but those I listed and Hundreds more types and Brands and models are verboten and Illegal to own .
No , since I’m a California CCW holder and did not want it yanked I had to Reconfigure to legality ( but those I listed and Hundreds more types and Brands and models are verboten and Illegal to own .
Lol, so no one came to get them. Ever hear of the Brady bill? You know it was because Reagan got shot? Lol, guess who brought that to ya! Lol, guess who is bringing book burning to ya!
Lol, so no one came to get them. Ever hear of the Brady bill? You know it was because Reagan got shot? Lol, guess who brought that to ya! Lol, guess who is bringing book burning to ya!
California ( Democrat Super Majority )
California ( Democrat Super Majority )
Lol, not the Brady bill there dumbass. Also the super majority did not take your guns out your safe. There was a grandfather clause. Ya just can't buy anymore. You are all for making books illegal though aren't ya!
Lol, not the Brady bill there dumbass. Also the super majority did not take your guns out your safe. There was a grandfather clause. Ya just can't buy anymore. You are all for making books illegal though aren't ya!
No Grandfather unless you register as AW , and no buying or bringing into State if you move here Weapons that are listed or off roster .
The chronology is a little off. First they come for your guns and then they come for your SUV's and energy guzzling appliances. According to the drag queen agenda they might come for your kids after that.

No Grandfather unless you register as AW , and no buying or bringing into State if you move here Weapons that are listed or off roster .
Books like The Anarchists Cookbook ? Or The Motorcycle diaries ?? Or Das Kapital
The planet is boiling and the few little things that ordinary people can do to improve the situation is just too much for conholes. Like put a mask on, it might just help a vulnerable person with a weak immune system? Fuck you!!!!! My body, my choice.
Conholes are entitlement monkeys. Me me me me. Everything is about me.

Planet isn't boiling...it is summer and it gets hot in the summer, you dumb clod........

Because it is summer...and it gets hot in the summer, you are willing to give up your freedom, your money, and your Rights to people who will have multiple air conditioners, both regular gas and pizza ovens in their mansions on the coasts........and have their yachts and private jet's gas tanks topped off and ready to go....

You are just stupid....

No Grandfather unless you register as AW , and no buying or bringing into State if you move here Weapons that are listed or off roster .
Lol, there was a grandfather. Ya, registration required or no proof of grandfather. If you are a law abiding gun owner there should be no worry about registration. Not like it would be a secret in your case you have already admitted to concealed Cary registration. Still ignoring the Brady bill brought to you by the Republican Party. There is an obvious reason for arms control. The question is where the line is drawn. I assume you are against private ownership of nuclear arms. I myself do not know where I want the line drawn. Absolutely against semi auto bans. Don't see much a need for fully auto in my life but they are fun as hell to shoot. Semi auto I use regular duck hunting. Would not take kindly to some one messing with that. Do not find myself taking to Cali limiting AR but also not for republican banning of books. Not really for republican messing with gentlemen clubs in my state. Not a place I choose to frequent but also do not think the government has the right to tell me I can't. Not really for a nanny state of any sort. Not big on seatbelt requirements nor not being allowed to ride in bed of a truck. These all seem over steps to me.
Lol, there was a grandfather. Ya, registration required or no proof of grandfather. If you are a law abiding gun owner there should be no worry about registration. Not like it would be a secret in your case you have already admitted to concealed Cary registration. Still ignoring the Brady bill brought to you by the Republican Party. There is an obvious reason for arms control. The question is where the line is drawn. I assume you are against private ownership of nuclear arms. I myself do not know where I want the line drawn. Absolutely against semi auto bans. Don't see much a need for fully auto in my life but they are fun as hell to shoot. Semi auto I use regular duck hunting. Would not take kindly to some one messing with that. Do not find myself taking to Cali limiting AR but also not for republican banning of books. Not really for republican messing with gentlemen clubs in my state. Not a place I choose to frequent but also do not think the government has the right to tell me I can't. Not really for a nanny state of any sort. Not big on seatbelt requirements nor not being allowed to ride in bed of a truck. These all seem over steps to me.
Uh no Colt (Banned by name ) ( DPMS ... Banned by name , Norinco , Poly Tech Banned by name & Model , and an unregistered AW is a Crime here

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