1st they came for your SUV's, then your gas stoves and grills, now they want your water heaters....I kid you not. Democrat = Fascism.

Uh no Colt (Banned by name ) ( DPMS ... Banned by name , Norinco , Poly Tech Banned by name & Model , and an unregistered AW is a Crime here
Your equating California Democrat Gun Banning and our AWB CA to banning tranny & Gay Smut in a middle school is disingenuous
Uh no Colt (Banned by name ) ( DPMS ... Banned by name , Norinco , Poly Tech Banned by name & Model , and an unregistered AW is a Crime here
I am not for any of it. Not for the left banning guns nor the right banning books. Lol, they can both leave me the hell alone.
Just what Pedo / NAMBLA types mean when they say “ stay outta our Bedrooms “
Lol. The old fall back of the retard that no longer has a comeback just call them a pedo. Didn't tell me it was retard story time. More retard stories please love to laugh.
Lol. The old fall back of the retard that no longer has a comeback just call them a pedo. Didn't tell me it was retard story time. More retard stories please love to laugh.
Just call them Racis or Bigoted or Islamophobic or Good Ol Boy or Homophobic or Transphobic or Boomer or Breeder or ...

Just call them Racis or Bigoted or Islamophobic or Good Ol Boy or Homophobic or Transphobic or Boomer or Breeder or ...
Lol, called ya none of the above there retard. Lol but your retarded ass had no issue insinuating the pedo thing. Lol,
Lol, called ya none of the above there retard. Lol but your retarded ass had no issue insinuating the pedo thing. Lol,
Fuck off , and don’t point that finger with the brown ring around it at me you Neckbeard in need of dental work .
Fuck off , and don’t point that finger with the brown ring around it at me you Neckbeard in need of dental work .
Lol, look at the little retard get huffy. Lol, gunna stomp your feet and hold your breath. Lolno calling me a pedo this time? Hilarious 😂 insults from retards don't work. They are meaningless. But they are hilarious 😂 More please love to see retards get huffy very entertaining! What's next internet tuff guy making threats? You can do it stick with that play book!
MSN Govenment is always trying to force you to live under their iron fist. If you dont comply, they will bring the 87,000 IRS armed agents to bring you to your knees. Is this what you voted for?

The leftist asshats used to say that republicans wanted to tell you what to do in your bedrooms..........what they failed to add to that statement is that the democrat party/leftists want to tell you what to do in every other aspect of your life, and telling you what to do in your bedroom will simply be farther down on the list...........because if the democrats are going to tell you how big your restaurant portion size can be, what you can put on your popcorn (old favorites of the democrats) what toilet you can have, what car you can drive, what size home you can have, what type of furnace, stove and water heater you can have.....

Do you really think they will stop at the bedroom door?
Water heaters could soon be subject to much more stringent efficiency requirements if a recent Department of Energy proposal that has been criticized by Republican lawmakers goes into effect.

In a draft rule unveiled Friday, the Biden administration is seeking to compel most electric water heaters to deploy heat pump technology and gas-fired ones to use condensing technology.

It comes months after the Biden administration ignited a firestorm over feared stove top regulations, after Albany lawmakers enacted a controversial first-in-the-nation gas stove ban in New York.

“Today’s actions—together with our industry partners and stakeholders—improve outdated efficiency standards for common household appliances, which is essential to slashing utility bills for American families and cutting harmful carbon emissions,” Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm.

We told you that Climate Change is about power and control.
Are we entering a dark time in humanity?
Where will the Crazy Climate Change Cult stop?
They want control of everything.
And no dissension is allowed.
Water heaters could soon be subject to much more stringent efficiency requirements if a recent Department of Energy proposal that has been criticized by Republican lawmakers goes into effect.

In a draft rule unveiled Friday, the Biden administration is seeking to compel most electric water heaters to deploy heat pump technology and gas-fired ones to use condensing technology.

It comes months after the Biden administration ignited a firestorm over feared stove top regulations, after Albany lawmakers enacted a controversial first-in-the-nation gas stove ban in New York.

“Today’s actions—together with our industry partners and stakeholders—improve outdated efficiency standards for common household appliances, which is essential to slashing utility bills for American families and cutting harmful carbon emissions,” Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm.

We told you that Climate Change is about power and control.
Are we entering a dark time in humanity?
Where will the Crazy Climate Change Cult stop?
They want control of everything.
And no dissension is allowed.
Trump is trying to overthrow democracy and we’re supposed to worry about your water heater fantasies? :rolleyes-41:
That's right conservatives. Hide in your bunkers. The water heater police are coming for you.

The point is that conservatives use a constant barrage of dumb propaganda to keep their base hysterical, which keeps them obedient.
maMOOT, another moot point based on maMOOT's ignorance.

They already began, California put rules and laws and regulations on hot water heaters years ago. I bet if one looked we will find that hot water heaters already have been ruled and regulated by Congress.
That's right conservatives. Hide in your bunkers. The water heater police are coming for you.

The point is that conservatives use a constant barrage of dumb propaganda to keep their base hysterical, which keeps them obedient.
and here it is, while you were in the basement eating oatmeal with Biden, congress passed a ton of regulations.

Energy Conservation Standards for Residential Water Heaters, Direct Heating Equipment, and Pool Heaters​


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