1st they came for your SUV's, then your gas stoves and grills, now they want your water heaters....I kid you not. Democrat = Fascism.

MSN Govenment is always trying to force you to live under their iron fist. If you dont comply, they will bring the 87,000 IRS armed agents to bring you to your knees. Is this what you voted for?
This is a lie – more fearmongering and demagoguery from the dishonest right.
There is very little water vapor from the combustion of natural gas.

There are two moles of water vapor produced for every mole of methane combusted.

CH4 + 2 O2 -> CO2 + 2 H2O

There is twice as much water vapor by volume as methane combusted.

But how much heat is actually available is a different story.

There are two moles of water vapor produced for every mole of methane combusted.

CH4 + 2 O2 -> CO2 + 2 H2O

There is twice as much water vapor by volume as methane combusted.
if you condense a cubic foot of methane to a liquid (like water is) the volume is quite small.
and here it is, while you were in the basement eating oatmeal with Biden, congress passed a ton of regulations.
Check it out.

All the conservatives here actually think that energy standards for appliances are something that the Biden admin invented.

They're typical conservative mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed shit.
Check it out.
This one actually thinks that energy standards for appliances are something that the Biden admin invented.
Typical conservative mushroom, kept in the dark and fed shit.
Biden as a senator voted for these rules and regulations. Talk about the stupid showing their ugly face, thinking Biden was only a president and not a senator since the early 1970's

do you even have a brain, maMOOT, you make this to easy, you make yourself look stupid, I dont have to do anything other than quote you.
if you condense a cubic foot of methane to a liquid (like water is) the volume is quite small.
Yeah, it's tiny. A cubic meter of water vapor condenses to half a liter of liquid water. 1/2000th of the volume of vapor.
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Check it out.

All the conservatives here actually think that energy standards for appliances are something that the Biden admin invented.

They're typical conservative mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed shit.
If you think this is a good idea, put your money where your mouth is and upgrade your existing wasteful hot water heater with the $3000 you have sitting around.

This Conservative can do math.

If you think this is a good idea, put your money where your mouth is and upgrade your existing wasteful hot water heater with the $3000 you have sitting around.
So who told you that you have to replace an existing water heater, and why did you believe a lie that was so transparently stupid?

The new standards would apply to new water heaters, starting in 2029.

Contrary to what you masters told you to believe, in order to keep you hysterical and obedient, there are no water heater police coming to your house.
Check it out.

All the conservatives here actually think that energy standards for appliances are something that the Biden admin invented.

They're typical conservative mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed shit.
Biden made them stricture, turd. That makes all appliances more expensive.
So who told you that you have to replace an existing water heater, and why did you believe a lie that was so transparently stupid?

The new standards would apply to new water heaters, starting in 2029.

Contrary to what you masters told you to believe, in order to keep you hysterical and obedient, there are no water heater police coming to your house.
Excuse me, but I did not fall for any of the nonsense you made up out of thin air. Not sure where that came from.

You are arguing that these new efficiency standards are a good thing. If that's so, you might want to implement them yourself before you start forcing them on others, don't ya think?

Me, I'm against these mandates for the reasons I mentioned in post 22. I am familiar with the various technologies, and I prefer my standard electric hot water heater. They don't last forever, and I don't want to have to buy a heat pump version when it's time. I really don't need an air conditioner in my basement, and that's exactly what the new rules require.
Trump is trying to overthrow democracy and we’re supposed to worry about your water heater fantasies? :rolleyes-41:
What the fuck is your dysfunction. It is Joe Biden, that is doing the harm to this country, and all you can do is bitch about a guy who isnt in power. You are a retard of the Nth degree.
Probably the best way to prolong the life of your existing hot water heater is to replace the anode. They can last for decades like mine if you do.

Most people never replace them.

Once the anode goes, the tank rusts. I replace mine every six years. Life of the anode depends upon your water quality and how much hot water you use. They cost ballpark $40 and are well worth it.
Excuse me, but I did not fall for any of the nonsense you made up out of thin air. Not sure where that came from.

You are arguing that these new efficiency standards are a good thing. If that's so, you might want to implement them yourself before you start forcing them on others, don't ya think?

Me, I'm against these mandates for the reasons I mentioned in post 22. I am familiar with the various technologies, and I prefer my standard electric hot water heater. They don't last forever, and I don't want to have to buy a heat pump version when it's time. I really don't need an air conditioner in my basement, and that's exactly what the new rules require.
The heat pump version undoubtedly costs 5 times as much.
The heat pump version undoubtedly costs 5 times as much.



Heat pump:

Yeah, but you'd save like $30 a year.
You actually don't save anything for a while since you'll pay $1000-$1500 more up front.

The estimated annual electricity cost of the conventional version is $494.

The estimated annual electricity cost of the heat pump version is $120.

So, after about 4+ years, you start saving money at 14 cents/kWh, factoring in inflation.
Regarding the proposed mandate to require heat pumps on electric hot water heaters...

Biden wants to add a motor to everyone's hot water heater. They are loud.

Electric hot water heaters are already over 90% efficient..

Heat pump hot water heaters cost more than twice as much as conventional ones.

They are much more complicated, require more maintenance, break down more frequently, and repairs are vastly more expensive.

Heat pump hot water heaters are huge. If your current tank is in a tight space, you may need some significant remodeling to accommodate a heat pump version.

If you don't vent these outside (I've never seen one vented outside), they pump cold air into your house, making your HVAC work harder in Winter.

If these heat pump water heaters are a good idea and save people money, there is no need to mandate them, as people would naturally switch to them.

It's just one more bad idea from this Admin who thinks they have to tell everyone what lightbulb, car, dishwasher, or water heater they should buy for their own good.

Do you really think this is about efficient energy and savings?

This is about making energy more scarce.....
I refuse to type or utter those 2 words in combination. Last guy I know that did that had to get one the next day.

I am going to learn from his mistake, and have been for a decade or so. :aargh:
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