2 cops shot (one killed) in Brooklyn

There is a reason some are unable to think for themselves. They are products of Marxist indoctrination which has dulled their abilities "to" reason. According to one former KGB Agent who was an expert in Subversion - highly trained and skilled in the technique - Communism takes over a nation in 4 stages. The first stage is Demoralization. Demoralization is where the people begin to demoralize themselves and blame their own nation for having a system that promotes freedom, defends itself - even by war - promotes Capitolism, Christianity, good morals, etc. They have to turn the people against their own nation and create an atmosphere of shame. Think back to Vietnam Era and the 60's - it began there, I believe. Thus the term - demoralization. Next comes Destabalization - that happens when the military is weakened, strong leaders replaced with weaklings, Constitution no longer enforced, people dependent on huge government handouts, everything is given away rather than earned, lawlessness abounds (such as video above depicted in marching the streets of NYC unabated demanding murder of Police Officers) more government jobs, big, big government, taking over everything from car industries to banks, etc. Destabilization is stage 2. Then comes stage 3 which is Crisis and this takes 6 weeks ( America appears to be at the door to it) to complete according to Yuri Bemzanov Russian defector who taught on Communist takeovers of nations - and finally you have stage 4 and the Communists have a special word for this. It's called Normalization. Things are normalized once the Communists march in, tanks roll in and takeover phase is now finished. Nation is officially under banner of Communism.

What the people who assist Communists do not understand is that in every Communist takeover the very first people to be executed were the ones who rebelled against their government and assisted in Communist takeover. Why? Yuri said the Communists believe if these people will rebel on and betray their own people and their own nation - they cannot be trusted to be left alive. That means that those defending Marxism today - Professors, actors, actresses, producers in Hollywood, Music Moguls, writers, News media personalities, etc will be the first to go once the Communists "NORMALIZE" here in the USA. They will be executed. Then they will understand what they do not appear to understand now. And not until then - for most of them.

Which is why the Russian Communists coined a phrase for such people. "Useful Idiots". Horrific. Isn't it?

You should write novels. You have a very vivid fantasy life.
Not her quote genius

Here is one from the early 80's also.

For all who have viewed this video? Now you understand what the Communists are doing to America. It is very simple. They have a system and they are following it - 1, 2, 3..... You see how this is playing out in America? Now copy the video and send it to everyone you know.

Oh, fer fux sakes.

If this thread disturbs you, find another one Stat. I am surprised at how sensitive you appear to be over the mention of Communism / the video of the ex-KGB agent who is exposing the 4 stages of a Communist take over. Any idea why that is?
It's a tangled web the leftists, terrorist muslims, and THUG BLACKS seem to be weaving to TAKE DOWN this country..... Of much interest....

The Man Who Just Murdered Two Police Officers In Brooklyn Is A Muslim Jihadist

Shoebot.com Action and Awareness ^

So Ismaaiyl Brinsley the killer of the two cops in Brooklyn, NY, has two Muslim names “Ismaaiyl” and a middle name “Abdullah” (see mugshot bellow) which means “servant of Allah,” is a fan of sheikh Yusuf Estes, who is not only neck deep in the Muslim Da’wa movement (the call to convert westerners to Islam) but Estes meets with both ISIS and Hamas financiers, and Brinsley loved the Koran, specifically Surah 8 on his own Facebook page, which calls for arming for preparation for Jihad war; it says all on what we need for motive as to why Brinsley shot...

ALWAYS look for the many SUBVERSIVE MOVEMENTS to have ties to each other!...And I hate to say this but WHITE, FORMALLY JEWISH, NOW LIBERALS, are the MONEY behind these ties! These people have given up the religion they were born into for the ravages of Liberalism, Socialism, and the many other dictator controlled ISMS!
Black and a muslim, Gee what a surprise.

He released a statment on Michael Brown far longer than 22 hours after the incident.
Thats because he was busy meeting with Al Sharpton and other feral black community agitators preparing plans to incite violence in Ferguson and around the nation.

It's just too bad they're not inciting violence in Jewish communities, right? Your bigotry has no place in real conservatism.
This is what YOU need to realize, as a patriotic conservative, I don't believe in speaking politically correct to appease the sensitive. I speak my mind and the truth. With that said, the "affluent" New Yorkers are mostly Jews or Judeo-Left transplants who are fomenting and encouraging these blacks. The "hipster" and Jewish vote in conjunction with the exodus of white working people (because of real estate prices, increasing non-white population, and lack of jobs) was what brought De Blasio into the municipality.

The people screaming "KILL THE COPS" in the streets are incompetent thinking blacks led by upper/middle class cultural Marxists/communists. All the police need to do is stop policing Williamsburg and Bushwick and let the feral blacks have their way there and then, suddenly, all the Judeo-leftist trustafarian social justice warriors pretending blacks are actually innocent in these cases will shut their damn mouths. Or better yet leave.

Here's the difference between you and real conservatives. You actually hate blacks just like you hate Jews. Conservatives don't hate anyone and while finding persisting problems in some ethnic groups rueful, we want them to embrace freedom, responsibility, and the upward ascendancy that can be experienced by everyone, regardless of race, by applying true conservative principles.

Some people can be fooled by your pitched anti-black commentary into thinking you're a conservative but I see right through you. You're a right wing bigot and that's not conservatism rooted in love of God and love of country. You're not one of us, you belong to Satan just like any Leftist.
LMAO! You are sensitive.
Actually I was surprised. I wouldn't have expected a Muslim to be murdering cops on behalf of African Americans. In their own countries they see them as slaves. In fact, the Arabic word Abed means black man but it also means slave. In their minds - it is the same thing. Just a little background on that.
Actually I was surprised. I wouldn't have expected a Muslim to be murdering cops on behalf of African Americans. In their own countries they see them as slaves. In fact, the Arabic word Abed means black man but it also means slave. In their minds - it is the same thing. Just a little background on that.

Somalia is an excellent example of black muslims...Boko Harem anyone?
Actually I was surprised. I wouldn't have expected a Muslim to be murdering cops on behalf of African Americans. In their own countries they see them as slaves. In fact, the Arabic word Abed means black man but it also means slave. In their minds - it is the same thing. Just a little background on that.

And Muslims, who the Left dotes on, have been enslaving blacks for centuries before American slavery ever existed. Don't expect any of them to know that.
Thats because he was busy meeting with Al Sharpton and other feral black community agitators preparing plans to incite violence in Ferguson and around the nation.

It's just too bad they're not inciting violence in Jewish communities, right? Your bigotry has no place in real conservatism.
Neither does yours. Your ilk destroys true conservatism...your ilk feeds the McGarretts of this forum...of course, as long as he talks about Jews...you are against him, but when he spews his venom on blacks...you are suspiciously silent!

No, everyone else is suspiciously silent. I clearly am not. I also have no tolerance for politichic because of her hatred for Native Americans which happens to be my race. I see those two as no different than you, race hustling and race baiting while accusing everyone else of bigotry. And you, being another Leftist, racist bigot don't get to decide what real conservatism is. You done bumped your head on that one.
That is where you are mistaken, redskin...I am a true conservative. You are nothing more than a hate monger who destroys true conservatism with your hate for black people. Get it...Wahoo?

You are nothing more than a hypocrite who practices knee jerk politics and sides with the most virulent of racists on this forum as you cheer when your comrades call black people n1gger and other nonsense. You have defined yourself. on many occasions...it is a shame the mods 'cleaned up' this thread. The truth about you and your ilk were revealed many times over. You destroy true conservatism with your sophomoric arguments and hate filled vitriol. You only stand up for anti-semitic assholes...you join racist assholes who hate blacks.

You're not a conservative in any way, shape, or form. I've seen enough of your posts to know that for certain. I am starting to think you're deluded, possibly mentally ill with schizophrenia or gender identity dysphoria. Just like a man who thinks he's really a woman, you're a Leftist claiming to be really a conservative....even though all of your posts militate against such a claim.

I'm actually starting to pity you.
LMAO...show me one viewpoint that I have expressed that is liberal. Just because I stand up to the racist teapers and their childish arguments...that doesn't mean I am liberal. Just becaiuse I am not anti_obama because he breathes my air...that doesn't make me a liberal. I guess you and your ilk are just too stupid and bent on hate to realize that. I actually pity you...so consumed with hate, you can't even see it anymore.
Oh...and I probably have more Native American blood than your racist ass.
It's just too bad they're not inciting violence in Jewish communities, right? Your bigotry has no place in real conservatism.
Neither does yours. Your ilk destroys true conservatism...your ilk feeds the McGarretts of this forum...of course, as long as he talks about Jews...you are against him, but when he spews his venom on blacks...you are suspiciously silent!

No, everyone else is suspiciously silent. I clearly am not. I also have no tolerance for politichic because of her hatred for Native Americans which happens to be my race. I see those two as no different than you, race hustling and race baiting while accusing everyone else of bigotry. And you, being another Leftist, racist bigot don't get to decide what real conservatism is. You done bumped your head on that one.
That is where you are mistaken, redskin...I am a true conservative. You are nothing more than a hate monger who destroys true conservatism with your hate for black people. Get it...Wahoo?

You are nothing more than a hypocrite who practices knee jerk politics and sides with the most virulent of racists on this forum as you cheer when your comrades call black people n1gger and other nonsense. You have defined yourself. on many occasions...it is a shame the mods 'cleaned up' this thread. The truth about you and your ilk were revealed many times over. You destroy true conservatism with your sophomoric arguments and hate filled vitriol. You only stand up for anti-semitic assholes...you join racist assholes who hate blacks.

You're not a conservative in any way, shape, or form. I've seen enough of your posts to know that for certain. I am starting to think you're deluded, possibly mentally ill with schizophrenia or gender identity dysphoria. Just like a man who thinks he's really a woman, you're a Leftist claiming to be really a conservative....even though all of your posts militate against such a claim.

I'm actually starting to pity you.
LMAO...show me one viewpoint that I have expressed that is liberal. Just because I stand up to the racist teapers and their childish arguments...that doesn't mean I am liberal. Just becaiuse I am not anti_obama because he breathes my air...that doesn't make me a liberal. I guess you and your ilk are just too stupid and bent on hate to realize that. I actually pity you...so consumed with hate, you can't even see it anymore.
Oh...and I probably have more Native American blood than your racist ass.

I really don't care whether your believe me or not. You're a racist and a Leftist, therefore a hack. And I can't cite a single post because ALL of your posts are Leftist. You aren't even remotely conservative, but you are delusional and apparently off your meds.
Actually I was surprised. I wouldn't have expected a Muslim to be murdering cops on behalf of African Americans. In their own countries they see them as slaves. In fact, the Arabic word Abed means black man but it also means slave. In their minds - it is the same thing. Just a little background on that.

And Muslims, who the Left dotes on, have been enslaving blacks for centuries before American slavery ever existed. Don't expect any of them to know that.

I would expect them to read Don Richardson's book, Secrets of the Koran and learn that after National Geographic did a study on why over 300 million Black people were missing in the Sub Saharan region the interviews with tribes there discovered that it was due to the practice of castration by Arab slavers on the black people there for a steady 600 years. Over 300 Million missing black people - is the population of the USA. The light skinned Mauritanian people living today are due to Arabs replacing all those black men in procreating - they castrated these black men because they did not want the slaves to be able to have children with those women. They took all of the women for themselves. Quite despicable, isn't it? Over 300 million missing black people in the Sub Saharan region and the African American people think their original religion is Islam? No that was the religion they were forced into as slaves. They need to wake up.
It's just too bad they're not inciting violence in Jewish communities, right? Your bigotry has no place in real conservatism.
Neither does yours. Your ilk destroys true conservatism...your ilk feeds the McGarretts of this forum...of course, as long as he talks about Jews...you are against him, but when he spews his venom on blacks...you are suspiciously silent!

No, everyone else is suspiciously silent. I clearly am not. I also have no tolerance for politichic because of her hatred for Native Americans which happens to be my race. I see those two as no different than you, race hustling and race baiting while accusing everyone else of bigotry. And you, being another Leftist, racist bigot don't get to decide what real conservatism is. You done bumped your head on that one.
That is where you are mistaken, redskin...I am a true conservative. You are nothing more than a hate monger who destroys true conservatism with your hate for black people. Get it...Wahoo?

You are nothing more than a hypocrite who practices knee jerk politics and sides with the most virulent of racists on this forum as you cheer when your comrades call black people n1gger and other nonsense. You have defined yourself. on many occasions...it is a shame the mods 'cleaned up' this thread. The truth about you and your ilk were revealed many times over. You destroy true conservatism with your sophomoric arguments and hate filled vitriol. You only stand up for anti-semitic assholes...you join racist assholes who hate blacks.

You're not a conservative in any way, shape, or form. I've seen enough of your posts to know that for certain. I am starting to think you're deluded, possibly mentally ill with schizophrenia or gender identity dysphoria. Just like a man who thinks he's really a woman, you're a Leftist claiming to be really a conservative....even though all of your posts militate against such a claim.

I'm actually starting to pity you.
LMAO...show me one viewpoint that I have expressed that is liberal. Just because I stand up to the racist teapers and their childish arguments...that doesn't mean I am liberal. Just becaiuse I am not anti_obama because he breathes my air...that doesn't make me a liberal. I guess you and your ilk are just too stupid and bent on hate to realize that. I actually pity you...so consumed with hate, you can't even see it anymore.
Oh...and I probably have more Native American blood than your racist ass.

Your Racist Teepers shows you have about as much Conservative in you as Starkey does...talk a good fight but most can see through your racist roots!
Actually I was surprised. I wouldn't have expected a Muslim to be murdering cops on behalf of African Americans. In their own countries they see them as slaves. In fact, the Arabic word Abed means black man but it also means slave. In their minds - it is the same thing. Just a little background on that.

Somalia is an excellent example of black muslims...Boko Harem anyone?

Yes, it is a shame they do not have the story on how their ancestors were "forced into Islam" as slaves. If they knew about that? They might think twice.
I am retired LEO. I said you are an idiot, idiot.
Good to know....this guy is a racist buffoon. One of his first posts was about getting a black person to steal him a monkey or some other racist nonsense.. But, there are no racist cops.
Now I don't know who you were referring to.
Willful ignorance...these are the people YOU support. Tea Party terrorists and rabid racists. You chose some nice friends there.

Thanks for clearing that up. You're a racist calling others racist. Got it.
Youre a racist with a reading comprehension problem.
No, the biggest racist idiots are you and theft.
What an incredible waste of ones time

It's protests like this in support of two criminals and against the police is what pushed that black Muslim thug to murder those two cops in NYC?

Quiet idiot. No one should be killed for selling loose cigarettes (which isn't even a misdemeanor)
It's people like you with a agenda of inciting riots. That fatass wasn't killed for selling loose cigarettes. He died because he's a fatass resisting arrest.
She doesn't care. She's like a little sheep. Unable to think for herself these are the people the leftist love. Educated people, who tow the line, and fall in line with the narrative pushed by the leftist, race baiting, scum

Neocon wackjobs should be seen and not hesrd
This is what happens when you cater to the trash of society for political gain. The Mayor is toast.
It's protests like this in support of two criminals and against the police is what pushed that black Muslim thug to murder those two cops in NYC?

Quiet idiot. No one should be killed for selling loose cigarettes (which isn't even a misdemeanor)
It's people like you with a agenda of inciting riots. That fatass wasn't killed for selling loose cigarettes. He died because he's a fatass resisting arrest.
She doesn't care. She's like a little sheep. Unable to think for herself these are the people the leftist love. Educated people, who tow the line, and fall in line with the narrative pushed by the leftist, race baiting, scum

Neocon wackjobs should be seen and not hesrd
This is what happens when you cater to the trash of society for political gain. The Mayor is toast.

Unfortunately NYC is made up of at least 60% THUG SUPPORTERS, black white and Hispanic! Easier to impeach the Manchurian muslim, than get rid of the Commie mayor!
Actually I was surprised. I wouldn't have expected a Muslim to be murdering cops on behalf of African Americans. In their own countries they see them as slaves. In fact, the Arabic word Abed means black man but it also means slave. In their minds - it is the same thing. Just a little background on that.

And Muslims, who the Left dotes on, have been enslaving blacks for centuries before American slavery ever existed. Don't expect any of them to know that.
LOL...that is ignorant. Most muslim nations...they are using Filipinos as their new slave.
Neither does yours. Your ilk destroys true conservatism...your ilk feeds the McGarretts of this forum...of course, as long as he talks about Jews...you are against him, but when he spews his venom on blacks...you are suspiciously silent!

No, everyone else is suspiciously silent. I clearly am not. I also have no tolerance for politichic because of her hatred for Native Americans which happens to be my race. I see those two as no different than you, race hustling and race baiting while accusing everyone else of bigotry. And you, being another Leftist, racist bigot don't get to decide what real conservatism is. You done bumped your head on that one.
That is where you are mistaken, redskin...I am a true conservative. You are nothing more than a hate monger who destroys true conservatism with your hate for black people. Get it...Wahoo?

You are nothing more than a hypocrite who practices knee jerk politics and sides with the most virulent of racists on this forum as you cheer when your comrades call black people n1gger and other nonsense. You have defined yourself. on many occasions...it is a shame the mods 'cleaned up' this thread. The truth about you and your ilk were revealed many times over. You destroy true conservatism with your sophomoric arguments and hate filled vitriol. You only stand up for anti-semitic assholes...you join racist assholes who hate blacks.

You're not a conservative in any way, shape, or form. I've seen enough of your posts to know that for certain. I am starting to think you're deluded, possibly mentally ill with schizophrenia or gender identity dysphoria. Just like a man who thinks he's really a woman, you're a Leftist claiming to be really a conservative....even though all of your posts militate against such a claim.

I'm actually starting to pity you.
LMAO...show me one viewpoint that I have expressed that is liberal. Just because I stand up to the racist teapers and their childish arguments...that doesn't mean I am liberal. Just becaiuse I am not anti_obama because he breathes my air...that doesn't make me a liberal. I guess you and your ilk are just too stupid and bent on hate to realize that. I actually pity you...so consumed with hate, you can't even see it anymore.
Oh...and I probably have more Native American blood than your racist ass.

I really don't care whether your believe me or not. You're a racist and a Leftist, therefore a hack. And I can't cite a single post because ALL of your posts are Leftist. You aren't even remotely conservative, but you are delusional and apparently off your meds.
In other words...you can't point out any liberal viewpoints. Sorry...hate is not a conservative value. Sorry I haven't jumped on the racist bandwagon to satisfy your fucked up definition of what it means to be conservative. Sorry, I don't buy into your childish and sophomoric arguments and believe that Obama is the Kenyan Muslim who is trying to enslave white people.

You are truly a pathetic, a hate monster. Just realize...if you are truly Native American and are of a darker hue...you are still a n!gger to all of those who you support on this forum. If they saw you on the street...they might even try to lynch you!
Actually I was surprised. I wouldn't have expected a Muslim to be murdering cops on behalf of African Americans. In their own countries they see them as slaves. In fact, the Arabic word Abed means black man but it also means slave. In their minds - it is the same thing. Just a little background on that.

And Muslims, who the Left dotes on, have been enslaving blacks for centuries before American slavery ever existed. Don't expect any of them to know that.
LOL...that is ignorant. Most muslim nations...they are using Filipinos as their new slave.
No, everyone else is suspiciously silent. I clearly am not. I also have no tolerance for politichic because of her hatred for Native Americans which happens to be my race. I see those two as no different than you, race hustling and race baiting while accusing everyone else of bigotry. And you, being another Leftist, racist bigot don't get to decide what real conservatism is. You done bumped your head on that one.
That is where you are mistaken, redskin...I am a true conservative. You are nothing more than a hate monger who destroys true conservatism with your hate for black people. Get it...Wahoo?

You are nothing more than a hypocrite who practices knee jerk politics and sides with the most virulent of racists on this forum as you cheer when your comrades call black people n1gger and other nonsense. You have defined yourself. on many occasions...it is a shame the mods 'cleaned up' this thread. The truth about you and your ilk were revealed many times over. You destroy true conservatism with your sophomoric arguments and hate filled vitriol. You only stand up for anti-semitic assholes...you join racist assholes who hate blacks.

You're not a conservative in any way, shape, or form. I've seen enough of your posts to know that for certain. I am starting to think you're deluded, possibly mentally ill with schizophrenia or gender identity dysphoria. Just like a man who thinks he's really a woman, you're a Leftist claiming to be really a conservative....even though all of your posts militate against such a claim.

I'm actually starting to pity you.
LMAO...show me one viewpoint that I have expressed that is liberal. Just because I stand up to the racist teapers and their childish arguments...that doesn't mean I am liberal. Just becaiuse I am not anti_obama because he breathes my air...that doesn't make me a liberal. I guess you and your ilk are just too stupid and bent on hate to realize that. I actually pity you...so consumed with hate, you can't even see it anymore.
Oh...and I probably have more Native American blood than your racist ass.

I really don't care whether your believe me or not. You're a racist and a Leftist, therefore a hack. And I can't cite a single post because ALL of your posts are Leftist. You aren't even remotely conservative, but you are delusional and apparently off your meds.
In other words...you can't point out any liberal viewpoints. Sorry...hate is not a conservative value. Sorry I haven't jumped on the racist bandwagon to satisfy your fucked up definition of what it means to be conservative. Sorry, I don't buy into your childish and sophomoric arguments and believe that Obama is the Kenyan Muslim who is trying to enslave white people.

You are truly a pathetic, a hate monster. Just realize...if you are truly Native American and are of a darker hue...you are still a n!gger to all of those who you support on this forum. If they saw you on the street...they might even try to lynch you!

I'm just noting the history of Islam, Nutz. That is why the word Abed is for both slave and black man. No difference in their world back then. In fact, if a Muslim girl dated a black guy or married him - that put her in great danger. It was highly offensive to the parents of Muslim children for their daughter to date a black man. Mohammad used to call black people raisin heads. Did you not know the history of this? It's true.

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