2 cops shot (one killed) in Brooklyn

Actually I was surprised. I wouldn't have expected a Muslim to be murdering cops on behalf of African Americans. In their own countries they see them as slaves. In fact, the Arabic word Abed means black man but it also means slave. In their minds - it is the same thing. Just a little background on that.

And Muslims, who the Left dotes on, have been enslaving blacks for centuries before American slavery ever existed. Don't expect any of them to know that.
LOL...that is ignorant. Most muslim nations...they are using Filipinos as their new slave.
No, everyone else is suspiciously silent. I clearly am not. I also have no tolerance for politichic because of her hatred for Native Americans which happens to be my race. I see those two as no different than you, race hustling and race baiting while accusing everyone else of bigotry. And you, being another Leftist, racist bigot don't get to decide what real conservatism is. You done bumped your head on that one.
That is where you are mistaken, redskin...I am a true conservative. You are nothing more than a hate monger who destroys true conservatism with your hate for black people. Get it...Wahoo?

You are nothing more than a hypocrite who practices knee jerk politics and sides with the most virulent of racists on this forum as you cheer when your comrades call black people n1gger and other nonsense. You have defined yourself. on many occasions...it is a shame the mods 'cleaned up' this thread. The truth about you and your ilk were revealed many times over. You destroy true conservatism with your sophomoric arguments and hate filled vitriol. You only stand up for anti-semitic assholes...you join racist assholes who hate blacks.

You're not a conservative in any way, shape, or form. I've seen enough of your posts to know that for certain. I am starting to think you're deluded, possibly mentally ill with schizophrenia or gender identity dysphoria. Just like a man who thinks he's really a woman, you're a Leftist claiming to be really a conservative....even though all of your posts militate against such a claim.

I'm actually starting to pity you.
LMAO...show me one viewpoint that I have expressed that is liberal. Just because I stand up to the racist teapers and their childish arguments...that doesn't mean I am liberal. Just becaiuse I am not anti_obama because he breathes my air...that doesn't make me a liberal. I guess you and your ilk are just too stupid and bent on hate to realize that. I actually pity you...so consumed with hate, you can't even see it anymore.
Oh...and I probably have more Native American blood than your racist ass.

I really don't care whether your believe me or not. You're a racist and a Leftist, therefore a hack. And I can't cite a single post because ALL of your posts are Leftist. You aren't even remotely conservative, but you are delusional and apparently off your meds.
In other words...you can't point out any liberal viewpoints. Sorry...hate is not a conservative value. Sorry I haven't jumped on the racist bandwagon to satisfy your fucked up definition of what it means to be conservative. Sorry, I don't buy into your childish and sophomoric arguments and believe that Obama is the Kenyan Muslim who is trying to enslave white people.

You are truly a pathetic, a hate monster. Just realize...if you are truly Native American and are of a darker hue...you are still a n!gger to all of those who you support on this forum. If they saw you on the street...they might even try to lynch you!

Is Al Sharpton a race hustler?

As a communist, I'm sure that De Blasio is pissed that he's not in a real communist regime where he could have those cops executed.

Actually if it was a real communist regime - he would first have the protesters executed because once they get to stage 4 - Normalization - they do not need them any more and Communists do not let dissidents stay alive after they take over. They are the first to go.
Once again, rely on the anomalous and anecdotal. Left wing bullshit
There's nothing anecdotal about the NYPD shooting of Amadou Diallo or the resulting settlement
"Litigation Lawsuit filed against city and officers for $61 million, settled for $3 million
Daniels, et al. v. the City of New York (class-action lawsuit)"
The NYPD has a well established history of brutalizing innocent citizens, and now it's reaping what it has sown.
Shooting of Amadou Diallo - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Actually I was surprised. I wouldn't have expected a Muslim to be murdering cops on behalf of African Americans. In their own countries they see them as slaves. In fact, the Arabic word Abed means black man but it also means slave. In their minds - it is the same thing. Just a little background on that.

And Muslims, who the Left dotes on, have been enslaving blacks for centuries before American slavery ever existed. Don't expect any of them to know that.
LOL...that is ignorant. Most muslim nations...they are using Filipinos as their new slave.
That is where you are mistaken, redskin...I am a true conservative. You are nothing more than a hate monger who destroys true conservatism with your hate for black people. Get it...Wahoo?

You are nothing more than a hypocrite who practices knee jerk politics and sides with the most virulent of racists on this forum as you cheer when your comrades call black people n1gger and other nonsense. You have defined yourself. on many occasions...it is a shame the mods 'cleaned up' this thread. The truth about you and your ilk were revealed many times over. You destroy true conservatism with your sophomoric arguments and hate filled vitriol. You only stand up for anti-semitic assholes...you join racist assholes who hate blacks.

You're not a conservative in any way, shape, or form. I've seen enough of your posts to know that for certain. I am starting to think you're deluded, possibly mentally ill with schizophrenia or gender identity dysphoria. Just like a man who thinks he's really a woman, you're a Leftist claiming to be really a conservative....even though all of your posts militate against such a claim.

I'm actually starting to pity you.
LMAO...show me one viewpoint that I have expressed that is liberal. Just because I stand up to the racist teapers and their childish arguments...that doesn't mean I am liberal. Just becaiuse I am not anti_obama because he breathes my air...that doesn't make me a liberal. I guess you and your ilk are just too stupid and bent on hate to realize that. I actually pity you...so consumed with hate, you can't even see it anymore.
Oh...and I probably have more Native American blood than your racist ass.

I really don't care whether your believe me or not. You're a racist and a Leftist, therefore a hack. And I can't cite a single post because ALL of your posts are Leftist. You aren't even remotely conservative, but you are delusional and apparently off your meds.
In other words...you can't point out any liberal viewpoints. Sorry...hate is not a conservative value. Sorry I haven't jumped on the racist bandwagon to satisfy your fucked up definition of what it means to be conservative. Sorry, I don't buy into your childish and sophomoric arguments and believe that Obama is the Kenyan Muslim who is trying to enslave white people.

You are truly a pathetic, a hate monster. Just realize...if you are truly Native American and are of a darker hue...you are still a n!gger to all of those who you support on this forum. If they saw you on the street...they might even try to lynch you!

I'm just noting the history of Islam, Nutz. That is why the word Abed is for both slave and black man. No difference in their world back then. In fact, if a Muslim girl dated a black guy or married him - that put her in great danger. It was highly offensive to the parents of Muslim children for their daughter to date a black man. Mohammad used to call black people raisin heads. Did you not know the history of this? It's true.
It was the same with whites and blacks! What is your point...you are trying to say all blacks are wannabe muslims...the hell with you for that nonsense propaganda.

Your knowledge of history is nothing more than a narrative that you have been fed to propagate stereotype and hate.
Actually I was surprised. I wouldn't have expected a Muslim to be murdering cops on behalf of African Americans. In their own countries they see them as slaves. In fact, the Arabic word Abed means black man but it also means slave. In their minds - it is the same thing. Just a little background on that.

And Muslims, who the Left dotes on, have been enslaving blacks for centuries before American slavery ever existed. Don't expect any of them to know that.
LOL...that is ignorant. Most muslim nations...they are using Filipinos as their new slave.
You're not a conservative in any way, shape, or form. I've seen enough of your posts to know that for certain. I am starting to think you're deluded, possibly mentally ill with schizophrenia or gender identity dysphoria. Just like a man who thinks he's really a woman, you're a Leftist claiming to be really a conservative....even though all of your posts militate against such a claim.

I'm actually starting to pity you.
LMAO...show me one viewpoint that I have expressed that is liberal. Just because I stand up to the racist teapers and their childish arguments...that doesn't mean I am liberal. Just becaiuse I am not anti_obama because he breathes my air...that doesn't make me a liberal. I guess you and your ilk are just too stupid and bent on hate to realize that. I actually pity you...so consumed with hate, you can't even see it anymore.
Oh...and I probably have more Native American blood than your racist ass.

I really don't care whether your believe me or not. You're a racist and a Leftist, therefore a hack. And I can't cite a single post because ALL of your posts are Leftist. You aren't even remotely conservative, but you are delusional and apparently off your meds.
In other words...you can't point out any liberal viewpoints. Sorry...hate is not a conservative value. Sorry I haven't jumped on the racist bandwagon to satisfy your fucked up definition of what it means to be conservative. Sorry, I don't buy into your childish and sophomoric arguments and believe that Obama is the Kenyan Muslim who is trying to enslave white people.

You are truly a pathetic, a hate monster. Just realize...if you are truly Native American and are of a darker hue...you are still a n!gger to all of those who you support on this forum. If they saw you on the street...they might even try to lynch you!

I'm just noting the history of Islam, Nutz. That is why the word Abed is for both slave and black man. No difference in their world back then. In fact, if a Muslim girl dated a black guy or married him - that put her in great danger. It was highly offensive to the parents of Muslim children for their daughter to date a black man. Mohammad used to call black people raisin heads. Did you not know the history of this? It's true.
It was the same with whites and blacks! What is your point...you are trying to say all blacks are wannabe muslims...the hell with you for that nonsense propaganda.

Your knowledge of history is nothing more than a narrative that you have been fed to propagate stereotype and hate.

Do you deny that Muslims are making far more inroads in black communities, especially in prisons and poor neighborhoods? Why are you so terrified of the facts?
Once again, rely on the anomalous and anecdotal. Left wing bullshit
There's nothing anecdotal about the NYPD shooting of Amadou Diallo or the resulting settlement
"Litigation Lawsuit filed against city and officers for $61 million, settled for $3 million
Daniels, et al. v. the City of New York (class-action lawsuit)"
The NYPD has a well established history of brutalizing innocent citizens, and now it's reaping what it has sown.
Shooting of Amadou Diallo - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
In the context of allegations that police departments have institutional problems regarding shooting blacks it is nothing but anecdotal.

Oh, really...

BBC News - Barack Obama denounces killing of NYPD officers
Plus, of course he's not at the podium in front of the White House - he's in Hawaii.
Actually I was surprised. I wouldn't have expected a Muslim to be murdering cops on behalf of African Americans. In their own countries they see them as slaves. In fact, the Arabic word Abed means black man but it also means slave. In their minds - it is the same thing. Just a little background on that.

And Muslims, who the Left dotes on, have been enslaving blacks for centuries before American slavery ever existed. Don't expect any of them to know that.
LOL...that is ignorant. Most muslim nations...they are using Filipinos as their new slave.
LMAO...show me one viewpoint that I have expressed that is liberal. Just because I stand up to the racist teapers and their childish arguments...that doesn't mean I am liberal. Just becaiuse I am not anti_obama because he breathes my air...that doesn't make me a liberal. I guess you and your ilk are just too stupid and bent on hate to realize that. I actually pity you...so consumed with hate, you can't even see it anymore.
Oh...and I probably have more Native American blood than your racist ass.

I really don't care whether your believe me or not. You're a racist and a Leftist, therefore a hack. And I can't cite a single post because ALL of your posts are Leftist. You aren't even remotely conservative, but you are delusional and apparently off your meds.
In other words...you can't point out any liberal viewpoints. Sorry...hate is not a conservative value. Sorry I haven't jumped on the racist bandwagon to satisfy your fucked up definition of what it means to be conservative. Sorry, I don't buy into your childish and sophomoric arguments and believe that Obama is the Kenyan Muslim who is trying to enslave white people.

You are truly a pathetic, a hate monster. Just realize...if you are truly Native American and are of a darker hue...you are still a n!gger to all of those who you support on this forum. If they saw you on the street...they might even try to lynch you!

I'm just noting the history of Islam, Nutz. That is why the word Abed is for both slave and black man. No difference in their world back then. In fact, if a Muslim girl dated a black guy or married him - that put her in great danger. It was highly offensive to the parents of Muslim children for their daughter to date a black man. Mohammad used to call black people raisin heads. Did you not know the history of this? It's true.
It was the same with whites and blacks! What is your point...you are trying to say all blacks are wannabe muslims...the hell with you for that nonsense propaganda.

Your knowledge of history is nothing more than a narrative that you have been fed to propagate stereotype and hate.

Do you deny that Muslims are making far more inroads in black communities, especially in prisons and poor neighborhoods? Why are you so terrified of the facts?
What facts are am I afraid of. How about some stats...I simply don't believe it. I simply believe this to be nothing more than another attempt for whites to attack black people by comparing them to terrorists.

Here is a clip from your link.

A blue wall of angry police officers turned their backs on Mayor de Blasio Saturday night when he showed up at the hospital to pay his respects for the fallen officers. How the Mayor responded to this is both repugnant and about what you would expect.

Via NY Post:

As the mayor and his entourage snaked through a jammed third-floor corridor at Woodhull Hospital, where two officers had been pronounced dead just hours earlier, scores of grieving cops faced the walls — and away from the leader they believe has failed them.

Earlier, de Blasio approached a cluster of cops at the Brooklyn Hospital and offered, “We’re all in this together.”

Something I noticed with Communists is that they really make intentional attempts at deepening an already open wound. Like pouring salt into it. It is most likely because they are God haters first and foremost and in their minds, anything that will create a root of bitterness / unforgiveness from the pain they inflict is an added bonus. I do believe the people of NYC should demand De Blasio's resignation. If there is a big enough outcry against this communist Mayor remaining in office - perhaps they will succeed in putting him out of office. I certainly hope so. For the good of New York, De Blasio must go.
And Muslims, who the Left dotes on, have been enslaving blacks for centuries before American slavery ever existed. Don't expect any of them to know that.
LOL...that is ignorant. Most muslim nations...they are using Filipinos as their new slave.
I really don't care whether your believe me or not. You're a racist and a Leftist, therefore a hack. And I can't cite a single post because ALL of your posts are Leftist. You aren't even remotely conservative, but you are delusional and apparently off your meds.
In other words...you can't point out any liberal viewpoints. Sorry...hate is not a conservative value. Sorry I haven't jumped on the racist bandwagon to satisfy your fucked up definition of what it means to be conservative. Sorry, I don't buy into your childish and sophomoric arguments and believe that Obama is the Kenyan Muslim who is trying to enslave white people.

You are truly a pathetic, a hate monster. Just realize...if you are truly Native American and are of a darker hue...you are still a n!gger to all of those who you support on this forum. If they saw you on the street...they might even try to lynch you!

I'm just noting the history of Islam, Nutz. That is why the word Abed is for both slave and black man. No difference in their world back then. In fact, if a Muslim girl dated a black guy or married him - that put her in great danger. It was highly offensive to the parents of Muslim children for their daughter to date a black man. Mohammad used to call black people raisin heads. Did you not know the history of this? It's true.
It was the same with whites and blacks! What is your point...you are trying to say all blacks are wannabe muslims...the hell with you for that nonsense propaganda.

Your knowledge of history is nothing more than a narrative that you have been fed to propagate stereotype and hate.

Do you deny that Muslims are making far more inroads in black communities, especially in prisons and poor neighborhoods? Why are you so terrified of the facts?
What facts are am I afraid of. How about some stats...I simply don't believe it. I simply believe this to be nothing more than another attempt for whites to attack black people by comparing them to terrorists.

Odd, considering I'm not white. Your racism is blinding you again. So you do deny that Islam has been winning several converts in prisons and poor black neighborhoods. Glad to get that on the record.
Why would there need to be a press conference? You sound like a kid wondering why the other kid got some candy and he didnt.
LOL. What a tard. So he rushes to the camera to speak out against the death of black perps when the the jury acquitted the shooters but can't be bothered with cops murdered in the line of duty? You stupid asshole.
Actually I was surprised. I wouldn't have expected a Muslim to be murdering cops on behalf of African Americans. In their own countries they see them as slaves. In fact, the Arabic word Abed means black man but it also means slave. In their minds - it is the same thing. Just a little background on that.

And Muslims, who the Left dotes on, have been enslaving blacks for centuries before American slavery ever existed. Don't expect any of them to know that.
LOL...that is ignorant. Most muslim nations...they are using Filipinos as their new slave.
You're not a conservative in any way, shape, or form. I've seen enough of your posts to know that for certain. I am starting to think you're deluded, possibly mentally ill with schizophrenia or gender identity dysphoria. Just like a man who thinks he's really a woman, you're a Leftist claiming to be really a conservative....even though all of your posts militate against such a claim.

I'm actually starting to pity you.
LMAO...show me one viewpoint that I have expressed that is liberal. Just because I stand up to the racist teapers and their childish arguments...that doesn't mean I am liberal. Just becaiuse I am not anti_obama because he breathes my air...that doesn't make me a liberal. I guess you and your ilk are just too stupid and bent on hate to realize that. I actually pity you...so consumed with hate, you can't even see it anymore.
Oh...and I probably have more Native American blood than your racist ass.

I really don't care whether your believe me or not. You're a racist and a Leftist, therefore a hack. And I can't cite a single post because ALL of your posts are Leftist. You aren't even remotely conservative, but you are delusional and apparently off your meds.
In other words...you can't point out any liberal viewpoints. Sorry...hate is not a conservative value. Sorry I haven't jumped on the racist bandwagon to satisfy your fucked up definition of what it means to be conservative. Sorry, I don't buy into your childish and sophomoric arguments and believe that Obama is the Kenyan Muslim who is trying to enslave white people.

You are truly a pathetic, a hate monster. Just realize...if you are truly Native American and are of a darker hue...you are still a n!gger to all of those who you support on this forum. If they saw you on the street...they might even try to lynch you!

I'm just noting the history of Islam, Nutz. That is why the word Abed is for both slave and black man. No difference in their world back then. In fact, if a Muslim girl dated a black guy or married him - that put her in great danger. It was highly offensive to the parents of Muslim children for their daughter to date a black man. Mohammad used to call black people raisin heads. Did you not know the history of this? It's true.
It was the same with whites and blacks! What is your point...you are trying to say all blacks are wannabe muslims...the hell with you for that nonsense propaganda.

Your knowledge of history is nothing more than a narrative that you have been fed to propagate stereotype and hate.

That is not true. I am not saying that all black people want to be Muslims - only that black people who have converted to Islam obviously do not know the history of how their own people have been treated by Muslims for many centuries. Beginning with Mohammad. I do my own research and can assure you I am neither attempting to propagate stereotypes or hatred. I'm merely stating the facts. If any black Muslim knew the truth of the history of how his or her people had been treated by Islam and its founder they would have absolutely nothing do with it. (If they had any regard for their ancestors and people whatsoever) Slavery continues in the Arab Muslim world today. It is what it is.
Why would there need to be a press conference? You sound like a kid wondering why the other kid got some candy and he didnt.
LOL. What a tard. So he rushes to the camera to speak out against the death of black perps when the the jury acquitted the shooters but can't be bothered with cops murdered in the line of duty? You stupid asshole.
Why would he bothered? That would be like having a press conference everytime someone was killed in a war. You are a fucking idiot.
Actually I was surprised. I wouldn't have expected a Muslim to be murdering cops on behalf of African Americans. In their own countries they see them as slaves. In fact, the Arabic word Abed means black man but it also means slave. In their minds - it is the same thing. Just a little background on that.

And Muslims, who the Left dotes on, have been enslaving blacks for centuries before American slavery ever existed. Don't expect any of them to know that.
LOL...that is ignorant. Most muslim nations...they are using Filipinos as their new slave.
LMAO...show me one viewpoint that I have expressed that is liberal. Just because I stand up to the racist teapers and their childish arguments...that doesn't mean I am liberal. Just becaiuse I am not anti_obama because he breathes my air...that doesn't make me a liberal. I guess you and your ilk are just too stupid and bent on hate to realize that. I actually pity you...so consumed with hate, you can't even see it anymore.
Oh...and I probably have more Native American blood than your racist ass.

I really don't care whether your believe me or not. You're a racist and a Leftist, therefore a hack. And I can't cite a single post because ALL of your posts are Leftist. You aren't even remotely conservative, but you are delusional and apparently off your meds.
In other words...you can't point out any liberal viewpoints. Sorry...hate is not a conservative value. Sorry I haven't jumped on the racist bandwagon to satisfy your fucked up definition of what it means to be conservative. Sorry, I don't buy into your childish and sophomoric arguments and believe that Obama is the Kenyan Muslim who is trying to enslave white people.

You are truly a pathetic, a hate monster. Just realize...if you are truly Native American and are of a darker hue...you are still a n!gger to all of those who you support on this forum. If they saw you on the street...they might even try to lynch you!

I'm just noting the history of Islam, Nutz. That is why the word Abed is for both slave and black man. No difference in their world back then. In fact, if a Muslim girl dated a black guy or married him - that put her in great danger. It was highly offensive to the parents of Muslim children for their daughter to date a black man. Mohammad used to call black people raisin heads. Did you not know the history of this? It's true.
It was the same with whites and blacks! What is your point...you are trying to say all blacks are wannabe muslims...the hell with you for that nonsense propaganda.

Your knowledge of history is nothing more than a narrative that you have been fed to propagate stereotype and hate.

That is not true. I am not saying that all black people want to be Muslims - only that black people who have converted to Islam obviously do not know the history of how their own people have been treated by Muslims for many centuries. Beginning with Mohammad. I do my own research and can assure you I am neither attempting to propagate stereotypes or hatred. I'm merely stating the facts. If any black Muslim knew the truth of the history of how his or her people had been treated by Islam and its founder they would have absolutely nothing do with it. (If they had any regard for their ancestors and people whatsoever) Slavery continues in the Arab Muslim world today. It is what it is.
Youre totally wrong. Islam didnt enslave Black people. Arabs did. Just like supposed Christians did.
Why would there need to be a press conference? You sound like a kid wondering why the other kid got some candy and he didnt.
LOL. What a tard. So he rushes to the camera to speak out against the death of black perps when the the jury acquitted the shooters but can't be bothered with cops murdered in the line of duty? You stupid asshole.
Why would he bothered? That would be like having a press conference everytime someone was killed in a war. You are a fucking idiot.
Are you serious? It isn't supposed to be a war. One side is making it a war the other is trying to do their job. No one is in a better position to speak out on this shit and nip it in the bud. It isn't just two deaths, cops probably die every day. It's in retaliation to the media frenzy and race baiting. 98% of black voters voted for him, he could have an influence instead of the disproportionate concern.
Why would there need to be a press conference? You sound like a kid wondering why the other kid got some candy and he didnt.
LOL. What a tard. So he rushes to the camera to speak out against the death of black perps when the the jury acquitted the shooters but can't be bothered with cops murdered in the line of duty? You stupid asshole.

He dreams about killing cops (see sig) so he wouldn't have any problem with Obama's listless
And Muslims, who the Left dotes on, have been enslaving blacks for centuries before American slavery ever existed. Don't expect any of them to know that.
LOL...that is ignorant. Most muslim nations...they are using Filipinos as their new slave.
I really don't care whether your believe me or not. You're a racist and a Leftist, therefore a hack. And I can't cite a single post because ALL of your posts are Leftist. You aren't even remotely conservative, but you are delusional and apparently off your meds.
In other words...you can't point out any liberal viewpoints. Sorry...hate is not a conservative value. Sorry I haven't jumped on the racist bandwagon to satisfy your fucked up definition of what it means to be conservative. Sorry, I don't buy into your childish and sophomoric arguments and believe that Obama is the Kenyan Muslim who is trying to enslave white people.

You are truly a pathetic, a hate monster. Just realize...if you are truly Native American and are of a darker hue...you are still a n!gger to all of those who you support on this forum. If they saw you on the street...they might even try to lynch you!

I'm just noting the history of Islam, Nutz. That is why the word Abed is for both slave and black man. No difference in their world back then. In fact, if a Muslim girl dated a black guy or married him - that put her in great danger. It was highly offensive to the parents of Muslim children for their daughter to date a black man. Mohammad used to call black people raisin heads. Did you not know the history of this? It's true.
It was the same with whites and blacks! What is your point...you are trying to say all blacks are wannabe muslims...the hell with you for that nonsense propaganda.

Your knowledge of history is nothing more than a narrative that you have been fed to propagate stereotype and hate.

That is not true. I am not saying that all black people want to be Muslims - only that black people who have converted to Islam obviously do not know the history of how their own people have been treated by Muslims for many centuries. Beginning with Mohammad. I do my own research and can assure you I am neither attempting to propagate stereotypes or hatred. I'm merely stating the facts. If any black Muslim knew the truth of the history of how his or her people had been treated by Islam and its founder they would have absolutely nothing do with it. (If they had any regard for their ancestors and people whatsoever) Slavery continues in the Arab Muslim world today. It is what it is.
Youre totally wrong. Islam didnt enslave Black people. Arabs did. Just like supposed Christians did.

Slavery was illegal in every Christian nation during the 15th century when Muslims were trading black slaves all over the globe. You're so ignorant you make the angels weep!
Islam most definitely did turn black people into slaves and it continues to do so today. The Arabs were the original Muslims - the rest were converted. The religion began in Mecca after Mohammad was born in 577 A.D. - we know Islam was established at least by 622 A.D. look it up, Asceplias. As for the Americans who bought slaves from Arab Muslim Slavers - I am totally against it - feel it was a terrible wrong that never should have happened - but it did.
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