2 cops shot (one killed) in Brooklyn

Here is a clip from your link.

A blue wall of angry police officers turned their backs on Mayor de Blasio Saturday night when he showed up at the hospital to pay his respects for the fallen officers. How the Mayor responded to this is both repugnant and about what you would expect.

Via NY Post:

As the mayor and his entourage snaked through a jammed third-floor corridor at Woodhull Hospital, where two officers had been pronounced dead just hours earlier, scores of grieving cops faced the walls — and away from the leader they believe has failed them.

Earlier, de Blasio approached a cluster of cops at the Brooklyn Hospital and offered, “We’re all in this together.”

Something I noticed with Communists is that they really make intentional attempts at deepening an already open wound. Like pouring salt into it. It is most likely because they are God haters first and foremost and in their minds, anything that will create a root of bitterness / unforgiveness from the pain they inflict is an added bonus. I do believe the people of NYC should demand De Blasio's resignation. If there is a big enough outcry against this communist Mayor remaining in office - perhaps they will succeed in putting him out of office. I certainly hope so. For the good of New York, De Blasio must go.
I listened to that man De Blasio, and he is an idiot period, and the police should be ashamed that they have such an idiot in charge of them. Face to the wall is right, and it shouldn't stop there, where as they should shun this man out of office.

Here is a clip from your link.

A blue wall of angry police officers turned their backs on Mayor de Blasio Saturday night when he showed up at the hospital to pay his respects for the fallen officers. How the Mayor responded to this is both repugnant and about what you would expect.

Via NY Post:

As the mayor and his entourage snaked through a jammed third-floor corridor at Woodhull Hospital, where two officers had been pronounced dead just hours earlier, scores of grieving cops faced the walls — and away from the leader they believe has failed them.

Earlier, de Blasio approached a cluster of cops at the Brooklyn Hospital and offered, “We’re all in this together.”

Something I noticed with Communists is that they really make intentional attempts at deepening an already open wound. Like pouring salt into it. It is most likely because they are God haters first and foremost and in their minds, anything that will create a root of bitterness / unforgiveness from the pain they inflict is an added bonus. I do believe the people of NYC should demand De Blasio's resignation. If there is a big enough outcry against this communist Mayor remaining in office - perhaps they will succeed in putting him out of office. I certainly hope so. For the good of New York, De Blasio must go.
I listened to that man De Blasio, and he is an idiot period, and the police should be ashamed that they have such an idiot in charge of them. Face to the wall is right, and it shouldn't stop there, where as they should shun this man out of office.

Part of Communism is mediocrity - at every level - consider the NY Times as Yuri Bemzenov noted - their journalists are all mediocre - no one stands out - it's all mediocrity - no one really writes - no great talent there - same goes for the leaders - everyone is dumbed down - look at the people we see in office - this is all part of the destabilizing of America that happened some time back but now we are really taking note of it - we wonder - how did these people ever get into office? After viewing Yuri's videos on Subversive techniques of the Communists we can see how.

They definitely should push hard to force De Blasio out of office. No question about it.
In the context of allegations that police departments have institutional problems regarding shooting blacks it is nothing but anecdotal.
Mention that to Sean Bell:
"In New York, a coalition of civil rights advocates are calling for a permanent state-level special prosecutor to handle police brutality cases following the acquittal of three NYPDdetectives in the killing of Sean Bell. The twenty-three-year-old Bell died in a hail of fifty police bullets on the morning of what would have been his wedding day in November 2006. Two of his friends were also injured in the shooting. All three men were unarmed."

Following Acquittal of NYPD Officers in Sean Bell Killing Advocates Call for Special Prosecutor in Police Brutality Cases Democracy Now
Now Sharpton thinks that the shooting will slow down his Nationwide anti-police peaceful demonstrations......I HOPE SO!
And Muslims, who the Left dotes on, have been enslaving blacks for centuries before American slavery ever existed. Don't expect any of them to know that.
LOL...that is ignorant. Most muslim nations...they are using Filipinos as their new slave.
I really don't care whether your believe me or not. You're a racist and a Leftist, therefore a hack. And I can't cite a single post because ALL of your posts are Leftist. You aren't even remotely conservative, but you are delusional and apparently off your meds.
In other words...you can't point out any liberal viewpoints. Sorry...hate is not a conservative value. Sorry I haven't jumped on the racist bandwagon to satisfy your fucked up definition of what it means to be conservative. Sorry, I don't buy into your childish and sophomoric arguments and believe that Obama is the Kenyan Muslim who is trying to enslave white people.

You are truly a pathetic, a hate monster. Just realize...if you are truly Native American and are of a darker hue...you are still a n!gger to all of those who you support on this forum. If they saw you on the street...they might even try to lynch you!

I'm just noting the history of Islam, Nutz. That is why the word Abed is for both slave and black man. No difference in their world back then. In fact, if a Muslim girl dated a black guy or married him - that put her in great danger. It was highly offensive to the parents of Muslim children for their daughter to date a black man. Mohammad used to call black people raisin heads. Did you not know the history of this? It's true.
It was the same with whites and blacks! What is your point...you are trying to say all blacks are wannabe muslims...the hell with you for that nonsense propaganda.

Your knowledge of history is nothing more than a narrative that you have been fed to propagate stereotype and hate.

That is not true. I am not saying that all black people want to be Muslims - only that black people who have converted to Islam obviously do not know the history of how their own people have been treated by Muslims for many centuries. Beginning with Mohammad. I do my own research and can assure you I am neither attempting to propagate stereotypes or hatred. I'm merely stating the facts. If any black Muslim knew the truth of the history of how his or her people had been treated by Islam and its founder they would have absolutely nothing do with it. (If they had any regard for their ancestors and people whatsoever) Slavery continues in the Arab Muslim world today. It is what it is.
Youre totally wrong. Islam didnt enslave Black people. Arabs did. Just like supposed Christians did.

Oh yeah, and none of those Arabs were Muslim, huh. No one is immune from sin. Deal with the problem Instead of deflecting.
LOL...that is ignorant. Most muslim nations...they are using Filipinos as their new slave.
In other words...you can't point out any liberal viewpoints. Sorry...hate is not a conservative value. Sorry I haven't jumped on the racist bandwagon to satisfy your fucked up definition of what it means to be conservative. Sorry, I don't buy into your childish and sophomoric arguments and believe that Obama is the Kenyan Muslim who is trying to enslave white people.

You are truly a pathetic, a hate monster. Just realize...if you are truly Native American and are of a darker hue...you are still a n!gger to all of those who you support on this forum. If they saw you on the street...they might even try to lynch you!

I'm just noting the history of Islam, Nutz. That is why the word Abed is for both slave and black man. No difference in their world back then. In fact, if a Muslim girl dated a black guy or married him - that put her in great danger. It was highly offensive to the parents of Muslim children for their daughter to date a black man. Mohammad used to call black people raisin heads. Did you not know the history of this? It's true.
It was the same with whites and blacks! What is your point...you are trying to say all blacks are wannabe muslims...the hell with you for that nonsense propaganda.

Your knowledge of history is nothing more than a narrative that you have been fed to propagate stereotype and hate.

That is not true. I am not saying that all black people want to be Muslims - only that black people who have converted to Islam obviously do not know the history of how their own people have been treated by Muslims for many centuries. Beginning with Mohammad. I do my own research and can assure you I am neither attempting to propagate stereotypes or hatred. I'm merely stating the facts. If any black Muslim knew the truth of the history of how his or her people had been treated by Islam and its founder they would have absolutely nothing do with it. (If they had any regard for their ancestors and people whatsoever) Slavery continues in the Arab Muslim world today. It is what it is.
Youre totally wrong. Islam didnt enslave Black people. Arabs did. Just like supposed Christians did.

Oh yeah, and none of those Arabs were Muslim, huh. No one is immune from sin. Deal with the problem Instead of deflecting.
All Muslims are not Arabs. I agree no one is immune from sin. I just disagree with the claim that Muslims have treated Blacks any worse than say Christians.
In the context of allegations that police departments have institutional problems regarding shooting blacks it is nothing but anecdotal.
Mention that to Sean Bell:
"In New York, a coalition of civil rights advocates are calling for a permanent state-level special prosecutor to handle police brutality cases following the acquittal of three NYPDdetectives in the killing of Sean Bell. The twenty-three-year-old Bell died in a hail of fifty police bullets on the morning of what would have been his wedding day in November 2006. Two of his friends were also injured in the shooting. All three men were unarmed."

Following Acquittal of NYPD Officers in Sean Bell Killing Advocates Call for Special Prosecutor in Police Brutality Cases Democracy Now
OK, so call for a special prosecutor or anything else that pertains to the law, but how about lets keep the media and the race hustlers out of it ?
I'm just noting the history of Islam, Nutz. That is why the word Abed is for both slave and black man. No difference in their world back then. In fact, if a Muslim girl dated a black guy or married him - that put her in great danger. It was highly offensive to the parents of Muslim children for their daughter to date a black man. Mohammad used to call black people raisin heads. Did you not know the history of this? It's true.
It was the same with whites and blacks! What is your point...you are trying to say all blacks are wannabe muslims...the hell with you for that nonsense propaganda.

Your knowledge of history is nothing more than a narrative that you have been fed to propagate stereotype and hate.

That is not true. I am not saying that all black people want to be Muslims - only that black people who have converted to Islam obviously do not know the history of how their own people have been treated by Muslims for many centuries. Beginning with Mohammad. I do my own research and can assure you I am neither attempting to propagate stereotypes or hatred. I'm merely stating the facts. If any black Muslim knew the truth of the history of how his or her people had been treated by Islam and its founder they would have absolutely nothing do with it. (If they had any regard for their ancestors and people whatsoever) Slavery continues in the Arab Muslim world today. It is what it is.
Youre totally wrong. Islam didnt enslave Black people. Arabs did. Just like supposed Christians did.

Oh yeah, and none of those Arabs were Muslim, huh. No one is immune from sin. Deal with the problem Instead of deflecting.
All Muslims are not Arabs. I agree no one is immune from sin. I just disagree with the claim that Muslims have treated Blacks any worse than say Christians.

Because you're ignorant and you think that American slavery is the only interaction that Christians had with black people. Christianity is the only religion in the history of man that banned the use of slavery over a significant portion of the globe and sustained such a ban for centuries. Islam by contrast has been a strong proliferator of slavery since it's beginning when it took Medina and made slaves out of the Jewish women and children after slaughtering the men and pubescent boys. There has never been a time in Islam without slavery, and unlike Christianity, there was never even a moral struggle over the practice and certainly no war to end it. This is why I enjoy comparing Christianity's record with that of Islam with ignoramuses like you who have no familiarity with history whatsoever.
Now Sharpton thinks that the shooting will slow down his Nationwide anti-police peaceful demonstrations......I HOPE SO!

Not so peaceful if the protesters are calling for dead cops...
But hey that's just my opinion.
The feds have given some groups a get out of trouble free card, while everyone else has to walk a thin line in America now.
In fact, if a Muslim girl dated a black guy or married him - that put her in great danger. It was highly offensive to the parents of Muslim children for their daughter to date a black man.
You are full of BS and a pathological hater and liar. ..... :cool:

What the fuck are you talking about... you fucking scum KILL the boyfriend and the daughter if she dates a muslim of another sect!!!!... The same fucking people with a DIFFERENCE of OPINION over a fucking pedophile raghead!
Islam most definitely did turn black people into slaves and it continues to do so today. The Arabs were the original Muslims - the rest were converted. The religion began in Mecca after Mohammad was born in 577 A.D. - we know Islam was established at least by 622 A.D. look it up, Asceplias. As for the Americans who bought slaves from Arab Muslim Slavers - I am totally against it - feel it was a terrible wrong that never should have happened - but it did.

Excuse me I have a typo here - Mohammad was born about 570 A.D. not 577 A.D. I just caught my mistake.
I'm just noting the history of Islam, Nutz. That is why the word Abed is for both slave and black man. No difference in their world back then. In fact, if a Muslim girl dated a black guy or married him - that put her in great danger. It was highly offensive to the parents of Muslim children for their daughter to date a black man. Mohammad used to call black people raisin heads. Did you not know the history of this? It's true.
It was the same with whites and blacks! What is your point...you are trying to say all blacks are wannabe muslims...the hell with you for that nonsense propaganda.

Your knowledge of history is nothing more than a narrative that you have been fed to propagate stereotype and hate.

That is not true. I am not saying that all black people want to be Muslims - only that black people who have converted to Islam obviously do not know the history of how their own people have been treated by Muslims for many centuries. Beginning with Mohammad. I do my own research and can assure you I am neither attempting to propagate stereotypes or hatred. I'm merely stating the facts. If any black Muslim knew the truth of the history of how his or her people had been treated by Islam and its founder they would have absolutely nothing do with it. (If they had any regard for their ancestors and people whatsoever) Slavery continues in the Arab Muslim world today. It is what it is.
Youre totally wrong. Islam didnt enslave Black people. Arabs did. Just like supposed Christians did.

Oh yeah, and none of those Arabs were Muslim, huh. No one is immune from sin. Deal with the problem Instead of deflecting.
All Muslims are not Arabs. I agree no one is immune from sin. I just disagree with the claim that Muslims have treated Blacks any worse than say Christians.

I never said they were. I said the beginning of Islam - started with Mohammad and his Arab family and others converting in Mecca, etc. It began with Arab people. From there people everywhere were converted by the sword. Who told you that the Arab Muslim slavers were not Muslim? Yes, they were. They are still enslaving people to this very day, Asceplias.

Read this, Asceplias. I will post a clip from it here -

TheReligionofPeace - Strange Brew Islam and Black Pride

The awful truth is that Arabs ravaged Africa for almost a thousand years before Europeans ever began to export black slaves. In fact, it was the foundation of slave procurement and trading established by the Muslims (usually through Jihad) that enabled the European practice.

Far more Africans were swallowed up in the fourteen hundred years of Islamic slave trading than in the three centuries of European practice. An estimated 17 to 20 million Africans were exported from their native land to the Muslim world, but this isn't the whole story. With a transport survival rate of less than 1 in 3, Dr. John Alembellah Azumah estimates that perhaps 50 to 80 million more died in route.

Here is a quote from an observer in Zanzibar that sheds light on the harsh conditions of Islamic slavery:

"As they filed past, we noticed many chained together by the neck... The women, who were as numerous as the men, carried babies on their backs in addition to a tusk of ivory or other burden on their heads... It is difficult to adequately describe the filthy state of their bodies; in many instances not only scarred by [the whip], but feet and shoulders were a mass of open sores... half-starved ill-treated creatures who, weary and friendless must have longed for death."

The text (quoted from Dr. Azumah's The Legacy of Arab-Islam in Africa) goes on to describe the fate of those who became too ill or too weak to continue the journey - as related by a Muslim "herdsman":

"Spear them at once! For, if we did not, others would pretend they are ill in order to avoid carrying their loads. No! We never leave them alive on the road; they all know this custom."

When asked who carries the ivory when a mother gets too tired to carry both her baby and the ivory, the herdsman replied, "She does! We cannot leave valuable ivory on the road. We spear the child and make her burden lighter."

After Muhammad's companions overthrew the Christians in Egypt shortly after his death, they began demanding slaves from the Nubians to the south. For over 600 years, the black African kingdom was forced to send a tribute of slaves to Cairo on a regular basis.
The slavery trade run by the Arabs on the continent of Africa have always been Muslim, Asceplias. I am sorry to break this news to you - but you need to know the truth. I do not want you to believe the lie that the Arabs that enslaved the black men and women of Africa were non - Muslim. They were Muslims and they are still Muslims today over there enslaving black men, women and children. Horrific but true. Another horrific truth. If you count the 300 missing black people due to 600 years of Arab slavers castrating black slaves continually and the 80 million put to death by Islam during early slavery and then factor in the millions who have since been killed - it is quite likely that Islam is responsible for the deaths /murder / and prevention of birth of more than 1/2 billion Black people. How horrific is that? Do you think any black person would remain a Muslim if they knew the true roots of Islam concerning their ancestors? NOT A CHANCE.
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It was the same with whites and blacks! What is your point...you are trying to say all blacks are wannabe muslims...the hell with you for that nonsense propaganda.

Your knowledge of history is nothing more than a narrative that you have been fed to propagate stereotype and hate.

That is not true. I am not saying that all black people want to be Muslims - only that black people who have converted to Islam obviously do not know the history of how their own people have been treated by Muslims for many centuries. Beginning with Mohammad. I do my own research and can assure you I am neither attempting to propagate stereotypes or hatred. I'm merely stating the facts. If any black Muslim knew the truth of the history of how his or her people had been treated by Islam and its founder they would have absolutely nothing do with it. (If they had any regard for their ancestors and people whatsoever) Slavery continues in the Arab Muslim world today. It is what it is.
Youre totally wrong. Islam didnt enslave Black people. Arabs did. Just like supposed Christians did.

Oh yeah, and none of those Arabs were Muslim, huh. No one is immune from sin. Deal with the problem Instead of deflecting.
All Muslims are not Arabs. I agree no one is immune from sin. I just disagree with the claim that Muslims have treated Blacks any worse than say Christians.

I never said they were. I said the beginning of Islam - started with Mohammad and his Arab family and others converting in Mecca, etc. It began with Arab people. From there people everywhere were converted by the sword. Who told you that the Arab Muslim slavers were not Muslim? Yes, they were. They are still enslaving people to this very day, Asceplias.

Ascelpias...its the new narratiove...all blacks are now killer muslims. It makes these people feel better about their hate.
OK, so call for a special prosecutor or anything else that pertains to the law, but how about lets keep the media and the race hustlers out of it ?
Local DAs should not be in charge of GJ investigations that involve local police officers; that's the most important point I've learned since Ferguson and Staten Island. IMHO, the first incident didn't result in a miscarriage of justice and the second did. As long as law enforcement doesn't hold its criminal elements to the same standards they apply to civilians, special prosecutors seem the only option.
LOL...that is ignorant. Most muslim nations...they are using Filipinos as their new slave.
In other words...you can't point out any liberal viewpoints. Sorry...hate is not a conservative value. Sorry I haven't jumped on the racist bandwagon to satisfy your fucked up definition of what it means to be conservative. Sorry, I don't buy into your childish and sophomoric arguments and believe that Obama is the Kenyan Muslim who is trying to enslave white people.

You are truly a pathetic, a hate monster. Just realize...if you are truly Native American and are of a darker hue...you are still a n!gger to all of those who you support on this forum. If they saw you on the street...they might even try to lynch you!

I'm just noting the history of Islam, Nutz. That is why the word Abed is for both slave and black man. No difference in their world back then. In fact, if a Muslim girl dated a black guy or married him - that put her in great danger. It was highly offensive to the parents of Muslim children for their daughter to date a black man. Mohammad used to call black people raisin heads. Did you not know the history of this? It's true.
It was the same with whites and blacks! What is your point...you are trying to say all blacks are wannabe muslims...the hell with you for that nonsense propaganda.

Your knowledge of history is nothing more than a narrative that you have been fed to propagate stereotype and hate.

That is not true. I am not saying that all black people want to be Muslims - only that black people who have converted to Islam obviously do not know the history of how their own people have been treated by Muslims for many centuries. Beginning with Mohammad. I do my own research and can assure you I am neither attempting to propagate stereotypes or hatred. I'm merely stating the facts. If any black Muslim knew the truth of the history of how his or her people had been treated by Islam and its founder they would have absolutely nothing do with it. (If they had any regard for their ancestors and people whatsoever) Slavery continues in the Arab Muslim world today. It is what it is.
Youre totally wrong. Islam didnt enslave Black people. Arabs did. Just like supposed Christians did.

Oh yeah, and none of those Arabs were Muslim, huh. No one is immune from sin. Deal with the problem Instead of deflecting.

The entire slave trade on continent of Africa was run by Arab Muslim Slave Traders, Neil. Long before Europeans - LONG BEFORE. Going back over a thousand years ago.
Ascelpias...its the new narratiove...all blacks are now killer muslims. It makes these people feel better about their hate.

Utter nonsense. No one said that all black people are killer Muslims. Stop with the outrageous accusations. That won't help your credibility here as a poster at all, Nutz. Address the point made and if you cannot address it consider that you may not have all the facts about the history on Black Slaves and Islam and if you did perhaps you would not be so sensitive about my pointing out the history of horrific abuse, torture, murder and practices against black people on the continent of Africa - such as the practice of castrating all black male slaves which went on for over 600 years and resulted in the missing of over 300 million black people - the equivalent - approx - of the USA population. If your concern for African american people is genuine one would think that bit of news would outrage you! It does me! Do you care or is this just political jockeying for you?

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