2 cops shot (one killed) in Brooklyn

They got one in Tarpon Springs FL today too.

View attachment 35236

why was this guy even on the streets

he had almost 30 felonies
That's what I don't understand, is how do these felons get out so many times to just recommit crimes over and over again until someone finally pays with their life ? I think it's pressure by the government to release, and the politicians/leaders that botch these things over and over again in this nation, but whose keeping score right ?

so the guy was out on parole and in a parole violation

he said to the cops -he did it because he felt caged and did not want to return to prison-

maybe the parole board should ask questions that get into this line of thinking

before they release such scum back onto the streets
This is what happens when we have weak pathetic leadership in this nation.. Period!

Oh, yes, this is certainly all Obama's fault!! Impeach him!!!
Obama, Eric holder, Al sharpton, Deblasio helped to foment this instead, of doing what responsible leaders would do.There is no problem with police killing unarmed, innocent, people, but they fed the narrative. You and people like you fell right in line, and this is the result..... Congratulations

You're right, Jroc.
Oh, fer fux sakes. Get a grip.

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He released a statment on Michael Brown far longer than 22 hours after the incident.
Thats because he was busy meeting with Al Sharpton and other feral black community agitators preparing plans to incite violence in Ferguson and around the nation.

It's just too bad they're not inciting violence in Jewish communities, right? Your bigotry has no place in real conservatism.
Neither does yours. Your ilk destroys true conservatism...your ilk feeds the McGarretts of this forum...of course, as long as he talks about Jews...you are against him, but when he spews his venom on blacks...you are suspiciously silent!

No, everyone else is suspiciously silent. I clearly am not. I also have no tolerance for politichic because of her hatred for Native Americans which happens to be my race. I see those two as no different than you, race hustling and race baiting while accusing everyone else of bigotry. And you, being another Leftist, racist bigot don't get to decide what real conservatism is. You done bumped your head on that one.
There are bigots and racists on all sides of the equation, but the sheer number of such on the Right dwarfs those on the Left, by a longshot. You have a lot to learn, I see.

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If it was my family I'd tell him he wasn't welcome
How about Amadou Diallo's family or one of the many other families who lost who've lost innocent sons and daughters to trigger-happy NYPD cops?
"The Shooting of Amadou Diallo occurred on February 4, 1999, when Amadou Diallo, a 23-year-old immigrant from Guinea, was shot and killed by fourNew York City Police Department plain-clothed officers..."
Shooting of Amadou Diallo - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
How about it?

Did any cops try to attend his funeral? If they did then his family had every right to tell them they were not welcome

Here is a clip from your link.

A blue wall of angry police officers turned their backs on Mayor de Blasio Saturday night when he showed up at the hospital to pay his respects for the fallen officers. How the Mayor responded to this is both repugnant and about what you would expect.

Via NY Post:

As the mayor and his entourage snaked through a jammed third-floor corridor at Woodhull Hospital, where two officers had been pronounced dead just hours earlier, scores of grieving cops faced the walls — and away from the leader they believe has failed them.

Earlier, de Blasio approached a cluster of cops at the Brooklyn Hospital and offered, “We’re all in this together.”

Something I noticed with Communists is that they really make intentional attempts at deepening an already open wound. Like pouring salt into it. It is most likely because they are God haters first and foremost and in their minds, anything that will create a root of bitterness / unforgiveness from the pain they inflict is an added bonus. I do believe the people of NYC should demand De Blasio's resignation. If there is a big enough outcry against this communist Mayor remaining in office - perhaps they will succeed in putting him out of office. I certainly hope so. For the good of New York, De Blasio must go.
If you honestly think that Libs are communists, then you really are as batshit crazy as your writing indicates. Oy, Gewalt.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
LOL...that is ignorant. Most muslim nations...they are using Filipinos as their new slave.
In other words...you can't point out any liberal viewpoints. Sorry...hate is not a conservative value. Sorry I haven't jumped on the racist bandwagon to satisfy your fucked up definition of what it means to be conservative. Sorry, I don't buy into your childish and sophomoric arguments and believe that Obama is the Kenyan Muslim who is trying to enslave white people.

You are truly a pathetic, a hate monster. Just realize...if you are truly Native American and are of a darker hue...you are still a n!gger to all of those who you support on this forum. If they saw you on the street...they might even try to lynch you!

I'm just noting the history of Islam, Nutz. That is why the word Abed is for both slave and black man. No difference in their world back then. In fact, if a Muslim girl dated a black guy or married him - that put her in great danger. It was highly offensive to the parents of Muslim children for their daughter to date a black man. Mohammad used to call black people raisin heads. Did you not know the history of this? It's true.
It was the same with whites and blacks! What is your point...you are trying to say all blacks are wannabe muslims...the hell with you for that nonsense propaganda.

Your knowledge of history is nothing more than a narrative that you have been fed to propagate stereotype and hate.

Do you deny that Muslims are making far more inroads in black communities, especially in prisons and poor neighborhoods? Why are you so terrified of the facts?
What facts are am I afraid of. How about some stats...I simply don't believe it. I simply believe this to be nothing more than another attempt for whites to attack black people by comparing them to terrorists.

Odd, considering I'm not white. Your racism is blinding you again. So you do deny that Islam has been winning several converts in prisons and poor black neighborhoods. Glad to get that on the record.
Islam is a scourge on all of humanity. It, based on that shitty book called Kuran. It is much more of an oppressive ideology than a religion and my heart breaks for the poor sops who have the bad fortune of being born into that fucked up hateful ideological call. I have love of fellow homosapiens, but no love for the Kuran. Spit.

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Why would there need to be a press conference? You sound like a kid wondering why the other kid got some candy and he didnt.
LOL. What a tard. So he rushes to the camera to speak out against the death of black perps when the the jury acquitted the shooters but can't be bothered with cops murdered in the line of duty? You stupid asshole.
You are very angry.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Here is a clip from your link.

A blue wall of angry police officers turned their backs on Mayor de Blasio Saturday night when he showed up at the hospital to pay his respects for the fallen officers. How the Mayor responded to this is both repugnant and about what you would expect.

Via NY Post:

As the mayor and his entourage snaked through a jammed third-floor corridor at Woodhull Hospital, where two officers had been pronounced dead just hours earlier, scores of grieving cops faced the walls — and away from the leader they believe has failed them.

Earlier, de Blasio approached a cluster of cops at the Brooklyn Hospital and offered, “We’re all in this together.”

Something I noticed with Communists is that they really make intentional attempts at deepening an already open wound. Like pouring salt into it. It is most likely because they are God haters first and foremost and in their minds, anything that will create a root of bitterness / unforgiveness from the pain they inflict is an added bonus. I do believe the people of NYC should demand De Blasio's resignation. If there is a big enough outcry against this communist Mayor remaining in office - perhaps they will succeed in putting him out of office. I certainly hope so. For the good of New York, De Blasio must go.
If you honestly think that Libs are communists, then you really are as batshit crazy as your writing indicates. Oy, Gewalt.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

The current leftist trash aren't libs. They're filthy socialist trash.

Here is a clip from your link.

A blue wall of angry police officers turned their backs on Mayor de Blasio Saturday night when he showed up at the hospital to pay his respects for the fallen officers. How the Mayor responded to this is both repugnant and about what you would expect.

Via NY Post:

As the mayor and his entourage snaked through a jammed third-floor corridor at Woodhull Hospital, where two officers had been pronounced dead just hours earlier, scores of grieving cops faced the walls — and away from the leader they believe has failed them.

Earlier, de Blasio approached a cluster of cops at the Brooklyn Hospital and offered, “We’re all in this together.”

Something I noticed with Communists is that they really make intentional attempts at deepening an already open wound. Like pouring salt into it. It is most likely because they are God haters first and foremost and in their minds, anything that will create a root of bitterness / unforgiveness from the pain they inflict is an added bonus. I do believe the people of NYC should demand De Blasio's resignation. If there is a big enough outcry against this communist Mayor remaining in office - perhaps they will succeed in putting him out of office. I certainly hope so. For the good of New York, De Blasio must go.
If you honestly think that Libs are communists, then you really are as batshit crazy as your writing indicates. Oy, Gewalt.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

The current leftist trash aren't libs. They're filthy socialist trash.
Only in your strange wet-dreams.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
He released a statment on Michael Brown far longer than 22 hours after the incident.
Thats because he was busy meeting with Al Sharpton and other feral black community agitators preparing plans to incite violence in Ferguson and around the nation.

It's just too bad they're not inciting violence in Jewish communities, right? Your bigotry has no place in real conservatism.
Neither does yours. Your ilk destroys true conservatism...your ilk feeds the McGarretts of this forum...of course, as long as he talks about Jews...you are against him, but when he spews his venom on blacks...you are suspiciously silent!

No, everyone else is suspiciously silent. I clearly am not. I also have no tolerance for politichic because of her hatred for Native Americans which happens to be my race. I see those two as no different than you, race hustling and race baiting while accusing everyone else of bigotry. And you, being another Leftist, racist bigot don't get to decide what real conservatism is. You done bumped your head on that one.
There are bigots and racists on all sides of the equation, but the sheer number of such on the Right dwarfs those on the Left, by a longshot. You have a lot to learn, I see.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

We constitutional conservatives are centrists. Very little racism here. So maybe you should leave the leftist, Israel hating scum and join us :thup:
How about it?

Did any cops try to attend his funeral? If they did then his family had every right to tell them they were not welcome
Killer cops probably wouldn't be welcome at their victim's funerals, but a mayor trying to reign in rogue cops would.

Yeah rogue cops.

Tell me as a percentage of population how many cops kill people compared to everyone else.

We all know black people are far far more likely to be killed by other black people than by cops

Here is a clip from your link.

A blue wall of angry police officers turned their backs on Mayor de Blasio Saturday night when he showed up at the hospital to pay his respects for the fallen officers. How the Mayor responded to this is both repugnant and about what you would expect.

Via NY Post:

As the mayor and his entourage snaked through a jammed third-floor corridor at Woodhull Hospital, where two officers had been pronounced dead just hours earlier, scores of grieving cops faced the walls — and away from the leader they believe has failed them.

Earlier, de Blasio approached a cluster of cops at the Brooklyn Hospital and offered, “We’re all in this together.”

Something I noticed with Communists is that they really make intentional attempts at deepening an already open wound. Like pouring salt into it. It is most likely because they are God haters first and foremost and in their minds, anything that will create a root of bitterness / unforgiveness from the pain they inflict is an added bonus. I do believe the people of NYC should demand De Blasio's resignation. If there is a big enough outcry against this communist Mayor remaining in office - perhaps they will succeed in putting him out of office. I certainly hope so. For the good of New York, De Blasio must go.
If you honestly think that Libs are communists, then you really are as batshit crazy as your writing indicates. Oy, Gewalt.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Bill de Blasio actually is a communist.
He released a statment on Michael Brown far longer than 22 hours after the incident.
Thats because he was busy meeting with Al Sharpton and other feral black community agitators preparing plans to incite violence in Ferguson and around the nation.

It's just too bad they're not inciting violence in Jewish communities, right? Your bigotry has no place in real conservatism.
Neither does yours. Your ilk destroys true conservatism...your ilk feeds the McGarretts of this forum...of course, as long as he talks about Jews...you are against him, but when he spews his venom on blacks...you are suspiciously silent!

No, everyone else is suspiciously silent. I clearly am not. I also have no tolerance for politichic because of her hatred for Native Americans which happens to be my race. I see those two as no different than you, race hustling and race baiting while accusing everyone else of bigotry. And you, being another Leftist, racist bigot don't get to decide what real conservatism is. You done bumped your head on that one.
There are bigots and racists on all sides of the equation, but the sheer number of such on the Right dwarfs those on the Left, by a longshot. You have a lot to learn, I see.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
You're an idiot if you believe that.
How about it?

Did any cops try to attend his funeral? If they did then his family had every right to tell them they were not welcome
Killer cops probably wouldn't be welcome at their victim's funerals, but a mayor trying to reign in rogue cops would.

Yeah rogue cops.

Tell me as a percentage of population how many cops kill people compared to everyone else.

We all know black people are far far more likely to be killed by other black people than by cops
Tired ass deflection. We know white people are far more likely to be killed by other whites than cops too. The problem with your retarded comparison is that people automatically expect people that commit murder to do just that. They dont expect cops to do it you fucking idiot.

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