2 cops shot (one killed) in Brooklyn

If the Right-Wing claims that protestors are to blame, they must admit that Sarah Palin was to blame for Gabby Giffords:


Here is a clip from your link.

A blue wall of angry police officers turned their backs on Mayor de Blasio Saturday night when he showed up at the hospital to pay his respects for the fallen officers. How the Mayor responded to this is both repugnant and about what you would expect.

Via NY Post:

As the mayor and his entourage snaked through a jammed third-floor corridor at Woodhull Hospital, where two officers had been pronounced dead just hours earlier, scores of grieving cops faced the walls — and away from the leader they believe has failed them.

Earlier, de Blasio approached a cluster of cops at the Brooklyn Hospital and offered, “We’re all in this together.”

Something I noticed with Communists is that they really make intentional attempts at deepening an already open wound. Like pouring salt into it. It is most likely because they are God haters first and foremost and in their minds, anything that will create a root of bitterness / unforgiveness from the pain they inflict is an added bonus. I do believe the people of NYC should demand De Blasio's resignation. If there is a big enough outcry against this communist Mayor remaining in office - perhaps they will succeed in putting him out of office. I certainly hope so. For the good of New York, De Blasio must go.
If you honestly think that Libs are communists, then you really are as batshit crazy as your writing indicates. Oy, Gewalt.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

The current leftist trash aren't libs. They're filthy socialist trash.
Only in your strange wet-dreams.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Thanks for the validation.

Here is a clip from your link.

A blue wall of angry police officers turned their backs on Mayor de Blasio Saturday night when he showed up at the hospital to pay his respects for the fallen officers. How the Mayor responded to this is both repugnant and about what you would expect.

Via NY Post:

As the mayor and his entourage snaked through a jammed third-floor corridor at Woodhull Hospital, where two officers had been pronounced dead just hours earlier, scores of grieving cops faced the walls — and away from the leader they believe has failed them.

Earlier, de Blasio approached a cluster of cops at the Brooklyn Hospital and offered, “We’re all in this together.”

Something I noticed with Communists is that they really make intentional attempts at deepening an already open wound. Like pouring salt into it. It is most likely because they are God haters first and foremost and in their minds, anything that will create a root of bitterness / unforgiveness from the pain they inflict is an added bonus. I do believe the people of NYC should demand De Blasio's resignation. If there is a big enough outcry against this communist Mayor remaining in office - perhaps they will succeed in putting him out of office. I certainly hope so. For the good of New York, De Blasio must go.
If you honestly think that Libs are communists, then you really are as batshit crazy as your writing indicates. Oy, Gewalt.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

The current leftist trash aren't libs. They're filthy socialist trash.
Only in your strange wet-dreams.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Thanks for the validation.
That you have strange wet-dreams.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Here is a clip from your link.

A blue wall of angry police officers turned their backs on Mayor de Blasio Saturday night when he showed up at the hospital to pay his respects for the fallen officers. How the Mayor responded to this is both repugnant and about what you would expect.

Via NY Post:

As the mayor and his entourage snaked through a jammed third-floor corridor at Woodhull Hospital, where two officers had been pronounced dead just hours earlier, scores of grieving cops faced the walls — and away from the leader they believe has failed them.

Earlier, de Blasio approached a cluster of cops at the Brooklyn Hospital and offered, “We’re all in this together.”

Something I noticed with Communists is that they really make intentional attempts at deepening an already open wound. Like pouring salt into it. It is most likely because they are God haters first and foremost and in their minds, anything that will create a root of bitterness / unforgiveness from the pain they inflict is an added bonus. I do believe the people of NYC should demand De Blasio's resignation. If there is a big enough outcry against this communist Mayor remaining in office - perhaps they will succeed in putting him out of office. I certainly hope so. For the good of New York, De Blasio must go.
If you honestly think that Libs are communists, then you really are as batshit crazy as your writing indicates. Oy, Gewalt.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

The current leftist trash aren't libs. They're filthy socialist trash.
Only in your strange wet-dreams.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Thanks for the validation.
That you have strange wet-dreams.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Harvard grad?
If the Right-Wing claims that protestors are to blame, they must admit that Sarah Palin was to blame for Gabby Giffords:


I don't recall Sarah Palin shouting "Dead Gabby" and "Gabby in a blanket".

They got one in Tarpon Springs FL today too.

View attachment 35236

why was this guy even on the streets

he had almost 30 felonies
That's what I don't understand, is how do these felons get out so many times to just recommit crimes over and over again until someone finally pays with their life ? I think it's pressure by the government to release, and the politicians/leaders that botch these things over and over again in this nation, but whose keeping score right ?

so the guy was out on parole and in a parole violation

he said to the cops -he did it because he felt caged and did not want to return to prison-

maybe the parole board should ask questions that get into this line of thinking

before they release such scum back onto the streets

I believe Florida has the death penalty. If you kill a police officer you'd be on death row. I cannot imagine he'll ever see daylight again.

Actually, Neil, this one is questionable - I listened to the video recording that they retrieved from Cloud - it was erased by dept and retrieved again on Cloud and it supports her version of what happened. She is recording the police - they tell her to move her car forward - she says how can I do that when there is a police car in the way - after she gets in the car - you see tazer lights going off and the police are cursing at her get out of the car you blank blank - then they arrest her and say she tried to run over a police officer - I do not believe them - they overstepped their authority in what they did to this woman. Watch the video.

They got one in Tarpon Springs FL today too.

View attachment 35236

why was this guy even on the streets

he had almost 30 felonies
That's what I don't understand, is how do these felons get out so many times to just recommit crimes over and over again until someone finally pays with their life ? I think it's pressure by the government to release, and the politicians/leaders that botch these things over and over again in this nation, but whose keeping score right ?

so the guy was out on parole and in a parole violation

he said to the cops -he did it because he felt caged and did not want to return to prison-

maybe the parole board should ask questions that get into this line of thinking

before they release such scum back onto the streets

I believe Florida has the death penalty. If you kill a police officer you'd be on death row. I cannot imagine he'll ever see daylight again.

yes perhaps that is the case

it seems this could have been avoided had the parole board

been a little stiffer on this guy

Actually, Neil, this one is questionable - I listened to the video recording that they retrieved from Cloud - it was erased by dept and retrieved again on Cloud and it supports her version of what happened. She is recording the police - they tell her to move her car forward - she says how can I do that when there is a police car in the way - after she gets in the car - you see tazer lights going off and the police are cursing at her get out of the car you blank blank - then they arrest her and say she tried to run over a police officer - I do not believe them - they overstepped their authority in what they did to this woman. Watch the video.

Police lie all the damn time. (Not all police) Its amazing people just are now starting to understand this. SMDH
Enough to make it empirical and not anomalous.
"EXCLUSIVE: In 179 fatalities involving on-duty NYPD cops in 15 years, only 3 cases led to indictments — and just 1 conviction
A Daily News analysis of NYPD-involved deaths starts with the 1999 slaying of unarmed Amadou Diallo in a hail of bullets in the Bronx and ends with last month’s shooting death of Akai Gurley in a Brooklyn stairwell. Where race was known, 86% were black or Hispanic."
Empirical or irregular?

In 179 NYPD-involved deaths only 3 indicted EXCLUSIVE - NY Daily News

Actually, Neil, this one is questionable - I listened to the video recording that they retrieved from Cloud - it was erased by dept and retrieved again on Cloud and it supports her version of what happened. She is recording the police - they tell her to move her car forward - she says how can I do that when there is a police car in the way - after she gets in the car - you see tazer lights going off and the police are cursing at her get out of the car you blank blank - then they arrest her and say she tried to run over a police officer - I do not believe them - they overstepped their authority in what they did to this woman. Watch the video.

Police lie all the damn time. (Not all police) Its amazing people just are now starting to understand this. SMDH

What they are understanding more however is that this black victimhood crap needs to be highlighted for what it is.......crap.:2up:
Enough to make it empirical and not anomalous.
"EXCLUSIVE: In 179 fatalities involving on-duty NYPD cops in 15 years, only 3 cases led to indictments — and just 1 conviction
A Daily News analysis of NYPD-involved deaths starts with the 1999 slaying of unarmed Amadou Diallo in a hail of bullets in the Bronx and ends with last month’s shooting death of Akai Gurley in a Brooklyn stairwell. Where race was known, 86% were black or Hispanic."
Empirical or irregular?

In 179 NYPD-involved deaths only 3 indicted EXCLUSIVE - NY Daily News

Bernhard Goetz - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Enough to make it empirical and not anomalous.
"EXCLUSIVE: In 179 fatalities involving on-duty NYPD cops in 15 years, only 3 cases led to indictments — and just 1 conviction
A Daily News analysis of NYPD-involved deaths starts with the 1999 slaying of unarmed Amadou Diallo in a hail of bullets in the Bronx and ends with last month’s shooting death of Akai Gurley in a Brooklyn stairwell. Where race was known, 86% were black or Hispanic."
Empirical or irregular?

In 179 NYPD-involved deaths only 3 indicted EXCLUSIVE - NY Daily News
You would first have to determine guilt and then establish that as a pattern.
Instead you create a condition to satisfy an agenda.
Enough to make it empirical and not anomalous.
"EXCLUSIVE: In 179 fatalities involving on-duty NYPD cops in 15 years, only 3 cases led to indictments — and just 1 conviction
A Daily News analysis of NYPD-involved deaths starts with the 1999 slaying of unarmed Amadou Diallo in a hail of bullets in the Bronx and ends with last month’s shooting death of Akai Gurley in a Brooklyn stairwell. Where race was known, 86% were black or Hispanic."
Empirical or irregular?

In 179 NYPD-involved deaths only 3 indicted EXCLUSIVE - NY Daily News

IN 15 YEARS? are you frikken serious. the Daily news should ashamed and shunned. that is race baiting at it finest. and you fit right in with them...shameful
Wow. That's amazing. 1 wrong in 179 cases. Those guys are uber professional.
"'In most of those cases it would be the local district attorney who’s bringing up the charges, if any,' said Robert Gangi, executive director of the Prison Reform Organizing Project.

“'There’s an inherent conflict of interest. . . . The police and DA work very closely together, and so they need each other to carry out their jobs,' said Gangi, adding he’s encouraged by the mainstream political support from Gov. Cuomo to state Assembly members to create a special prosecutor who would handle police-involved deaths."

In 179 NYPD-involved deaths only 3 indicted EXCLUSIVE - NY Daily News
IN 15 YEARS? are you frikken serious. the Daily news should ashamed and shunned. that is race baiting at it finest. and you fit right in with them...shameful
You could learn a lot by reading the Daily News:

"The grieving mother of the gunman who killed two NYPD police officers extended her condolences to their families Monday, saying she understood their pain.

“'I am still deeply sorry about what happened at the hands of my son,' said Shakuwra Dabre, 54, of Brooklyn. “'And please accept my deepest condolences, sincerely. As a mother now I hurt for the loss of my son. Just like they’re hurting for the loss of their sons.'”
Mother of NYPD cop killer Ismaaiyl Brinsley deeply sorry - NY Daily News

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