2 Female Prisoners at All Womens Prison Get Pregnant From - You Guessed It - Trannie Prisoners

Al Sharpton described prison as a "Gay torture chamber where rape is the government's punishment" way back when Xi's man Biden was pushing through mandatory sentencing.

Being a CO is a thankless job and sometimes attracts less savory individuals willing to put up with the immense bullshit to play out their petty vices.

That being said the only methods known to reduce prison violence, solitary confinement of all inmates most of the time is inhumane and also prohibitively expensive.
Yet 60% of women in prison get abused by the staff. But you don't care about that.

Of course that's horrific.

That does nothing to change the fact, though, that two women prisoners got knocked up by a "transgender" prisoner.

As evidenced by your eagerness to deflect the discussion, you don't wanna' talk about that, though, do ya'?
Being a CO is a thankless job and sometimes attracts less savory individuals willing to put up with the immense bullshit to play out their petty vices.

That being said the only methods known to reduce prison violence, solitary confinement of all inmates most of the time is inhumane and also prohibitively expensive.

Prison does nothing good for anyone. It should be abolished.

If a person is a danger to society - execute them - quickly and humanly. If we seek to punish, flogging and forced labor. For most things, fines and restitution.

There should be no prisons in a modern, developed society.
LefTard Logic:
”Since women prisoners are abused by CO’s, there’s no reason we shouldn’t let trannies fuck them, abuse them and impregnate them on the taxpayer dollar.”

hahaha…and you crazy fucks wonder why nobody decent and sane takes you seriously.
The deranged automatically justifies the worst criminal behavior by pointing to other wrong behavior. The men claiming to be women to get housed with women are those who are in prison because of crimes committed against women. They are rapists, beaters and killers of women. Those unfortunate souls who have one of these maniacs as a cell mate experience nightly beatings, violent rapes. Some are killed. Because the killers and rapists claim to be women, their crimes are delivered up by the state as a smorgasbord of victims.
Inmates are running the asylum.

You cultists have to wake up...what will it take?

Death obviously.
The Left is chronically in denial....it's their extreme narcissism. They simply cannot accept the fact that they are flawed.

So in spite of their denials (and blaming Trump forever), their own decisions are resulting in their deaths.
every day we see in the news reports of NY subway shootings or violent felons released in democrat cities only to go right back and kill some more.

So, they choose death and they are getting it. And apparently, that is what it will take for them.
Being a CO is a thankless job and sometimes attracts less savory individuals willing to put up with the immense bullshit to play out their petty vices.

That being said the only methods known to reduce prison violence, solitary confinement of all inmates most of the time is inhumane and also prohibitively expensive.

China has 4 times as many people as the USA....and only a small fraction of the incarceration rate. They have another solution.
The man about to pull the trigger has absolutely ZERO remorse or concern for the life he is about to take. He probably relishes doing this.
Many of the Leftist on this forum applaud this and want it for America.

That is a great scam.

If you are male and have to go to prison then why not claim to be a woman?

That way you will get into a woman's prison instead of a male one. Then you can spend your time fucking the women prisoners instead of being butt fucked yourself.

The guy in the article was thinking outside the box. Good for him!
60% is a low number. And yes, the OP doesn't care about that because it's HETERO MALES. Just like it's HETERO MALES who sexually abuse 1 in 4 girls and HETERO MALES who murder their pregnant SOs.
But your kind likes the killng of babies why care at all. Slaughtering the unborn is a drug to a demonicrat.
Memo: If ever sentenced to prison claim to be woman so you are locked in cells with females.

The Lefts anti science insistence that humans can change sex on a whim is pure evil.

Time to push that filth back into the closet... at law... and society-wide...

And there's not a snowball's-chance-in-hell that that will happen with Democrats in charge...

Republicans need to pick a strong candidate for their next shot at the brass ring... so long as it's not Cadet Bone Spurs...
Memo: If ever sentenced to prison claim to be woman so you are locked in cells with females.

The Lefts anti science insistence that humans can change sex on a whim is pure evil.

I can assure you if I ever go to prison I will be most certainly claiming I am a woman.
I noticed you and Bodie deflected away from the 'actual' topic, moonie.

Moonpie is not worth communicating with. Ask him if he disagreed with obama about anything. I asked him to name just one thing, and he couldn't.

Then he called us Trump cultists cause Trump brags constantly about the vaccines. Which I responded, if we were Trump cultists, we would take that vaccine thar Trump brags about, but being that we don't take it, means we are Trump voters not Trump cultists.

That like many other things confuse them and they go away.

Like, the same group of people who yell and shout that transwomen are real women and then in the same breath declare we cannot define what a real woman is since we aren't biologists.

Yeap.I see no reason whatsoever to communicate with them other than hitting them with rhetorical questions that leaves them too perplexed and I go away before they deploy their race card grenade.
Prison does nothing good for anyone. It should be abolished.

If a person is a danger to society - execute them - quickly and humanly. If we seek to punish, flogging and forced labor. For most things, fines and restitution.

There should be no prisons in a modern, developed society.
But in that scenario Negan never would have become the hero.

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