20 year old nursing student dies day after getting COVID Vaccine.

The chance of a 20 year old having a heart attack are low. 1in 100,000. But then there are millions of twenty something’s so yea… it happens.

Blaming it on the COVID vaccine is bullshit
When Trump was in office 95-year-old people dying were promoted as from Covid. The real tragedy is how the people who did not Vax got treated like pariah in public places and fired from jobs. Things like this means we can be manipulated to round up groups when the time comes and do the worst to them. We have been manipulated on Ukraine.
They need temporary asylums for all the idiots who think taking this stupid drug is wise if you're otherwise a healthy person.

I was thinking more like all the people who hated and condemned unvaxxed people wishing death on them ought to now be strapped down and given five covid injections a day for a week, just to see what would happen. . . .

Science marches on.
Lol, OK twas the shot. Yet I am still walking around. All my family is still walking around. Lol, guess we just beat the odds huh. What a crock.
So what did the autopsy say?

Oh, wait! They haven't done one yet!

Want to place a wager that if the autopsy comes back and says she had a a congenital heart defect that we will never hear of this case again?

We know that an autopsy will probably not link it to the COVID vaccine simply because there is no link, hard as you fucktards try to create one!
The chance of a 20 year old having a heart attack are low. 1in 100,000. But then there are millions of twenty something’s so yea… it happens.

Blaming it on the COVID vaccine is bullshit
Actually, I've seen no evidence that she had a heart attack.

Some random moron who calls themself "Citizen Free Press" is too ignorant of medical science to comprehend the difference between cardiac arrest and a heart attack.

Generally, sudden cardiac arrest in a 20 year old is caused by a drug overdose. Usually it's fentanyl overdose these days, the same drug that killed George Floyd. Or oftentimes a combination of fentanyl and one of the benzodiazepines, such as Xanax.

I'd bet a dollar to a dime that the 20 year old Kansas girl overdosed.

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So what did the autopsy say?

Oh, wait! They haven't done one yet!

Want to place a wager that if the autopsy comes back and says she had a a congenital heart defect that we will never hear of this case again?

We know that an autopsy will probably not link it to the COVID vaccine simply because there is no link, hard as you fucktards try to create one!
As in Myocarditis? The VAX causes that in some young folks.
So what did the autopsy say?

Oh, wait! They haven't done one yet!

Want to place a wager that if the autopsy comes back and says she had a a congenital heart defect that we will never hear of this case again?

We know that an autopsy will probably not link it to the COVID vaccine simply because there is no link, hard as you fucktards try to create one!
So why is the FDA hiding the data from those autopsies?



You never heard of HIPAA?

Only the family of the decedent could release that info, and we know there was nothing in them for them to report because they did not!
So the FDA can’t release statistics without releasing personal information of individuals?

Gawd you people are nuts.

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