The Party leaders will try to get Biden to resign before the election

Trust me it was worse...That was the era of watergate and the beginning of the removal of elected officials by way of media, it was chaotic to say the least.

yeah, the GOP was sunk into the political abyss after the 76 election, they looked to be on the way out as a political entity altogether, they actually had no future at all and then just 4 years later they were winning landslide elections.
Yeah, I remember. I don't remember it as crazy as now.
Hey Robert W and marvin martian , you clowns still going with the "The (D) are the racists." Good Lord, he even says it out loud.

Poster White is definitely on the correct side.

Yup, I'll take this as racist.
Guess Democrat Neo-Marxists would rather be affiliated with anti-semetism rather than racism.
But face it 'Winco' Democrats like you are at the ajax of both, making the KKK, Nazi's and Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge look like boy scouts.
LBJ was elected to both VP 1960 and POTUS 1964
Indeed he did , if only because JFK was assassinated. Seems the jury is still out that Oswald was not the lone shooyer and our government had a lot to do with offing JFK.
Just as the security became so lax guarding Trump that a perp with .22 could have hit him.
I've shot coyote at longer distances than this perp had to shoot and hit the target with the same type AR-15 chambered in 5.56 using 55gr FMJ surplus ammo.
If Joe Biden resigns before the election that would make Harris the president.
The Democrats could run her as the incumbent and as the first black female president.
I thought you retards wanted Biden to resign?

Guess it took you awhile but you finally figured out that Biden resigning makes Kamala the incumbent?

And you wonder why people laugh at you. :itsok:
I'm on my side. Tends to work for me and mine. Economically, it works for the vast majority of people. Historically, supporting the continuity of governance under the existing rule of law and our Constitution has proven to be the way to go. We just are not suited to Trumpian totalitarian rule.
Trump wasn't a tyrant in his 1st term and he wont be if he gets a second term .. if you want to talk about tyranny you should point to the tyranny people in blue states and blue cities had to live through during COVID ... the only guy that forced mandates on people were Dems and Briben ..

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