200 Muslims surround christian church on xmas day

this is nothing but a bait thread and a troll thread

hell, you trolled it by the post by lying about what i said

Its a legit news story and the question was pretty simple.

Even for a "lawyer".

Would the christians on this board do the same for Muslims?

Instead, you hide behind childish insults. As usual.


you went beyond the news story and baited christians. we all know your response if christians said they wouldn't and that is exactly what you're hoping for. why are you obsessed with my private life?

you whine about childish insults and then put "lawyer" in quotes...fuck you troll.

life, get one.

It was a perfectly legitimate question given how some here have been so virulently anti muslims.

This is the first time I have heard that you claim to be a "lawyer". I have to admit I am skeptical given your posts.

where did i claim i am a lawyer?

you're entitled to your opinion about the question, but you know deep down that luddly asked it as a bait question to challenge the christians on this board.

further, i'm glad that these 200 muslims did this, but luddly of course completely glosses over the REASON they did this. fact is, there are good and bad christians, just as there are good and bad muslims. but all i see from luddly is criticism of christians and praise for muslims.

If you didn't claim to be a lawyer then why did you react so virulently to having the term lawyer put in quotes?

And no, I don't know deep down anything of the sort. It was an uplifting story about reconciliation between faiths that have been at loggerheads and it was perfectly legitimate to see if that was reciprocated here in USMB.

I have seen stories where young Jews and Palestinians have reconciled. Would it be baiting if I posted those and asked a similar question of our Jewish and Muslim posters here in USMB?

If not then what is the difference other than your opinion?

it ticked me off because some loser stalked me and luddly followed suit on talking about my personal life. i don't claim to be anything, but luddly knows that putting lawyer in quotes is following howey's example of talking about my personal life. get it, good.

luddly is a troll and was hoping for christians to say no and his point was that he doesn't believe christians here would do the same. if he believed christians would do the same, then there was never a need to ask the question.
Its a legit news story and the question was pretty simple.

Even for a "lawyer".

Would the christians on this board do the same for Muslims?

Instead, you hide behind childish insults. As usual.


you went beyond the news story and baited christians. we all know your response if christians said they wouldn't and that is exactly what you're hoping for. why are you obsessed with my private life?

you whine about childish insults and then put "lawyer" in quotes...fuck you troll.

life, get one.

It was a perfectly legitimate question given how some here have been so virulently anti muslims.

This is the first time I have heard that you claim to be a "lawyer". I have to admit I am skeptical given your posts.

where did i claim i am a lawyer?

you're entitled to your opinion about the question, but you know deep down that luddly asked it as a bait question to challenge the christians on this board.

further, i'm glad that these 200 muslims did this, but luddly of course completely glosses over the REASON they did this. fact is, there are good and bad christians, just as there are good and bad muslims. but all i see from luddly is criticism of christians and praise for muslims.

If you didn't claim to be a lawyer then why did you react so virulently to having the term lawyer put in quotes?

And no, I don't know deep down anything of the sort. It was an uplifting story about reconciliation between faiths that have been at loggerheads and it was perfectly legitimate to see if that was reciprocated here in USMB.

I have seen stories where young Jews and Palestinians have reconciled. Would it be baiting if I posted those and asked a similar question of our Jewish and Muslim posters here in USMB?

If not then what is the difference other than your opinion?

it ticked me off because some loser stalked me and luddly followed suit on talking about my personal life. i don't claim to be anything, but luddly knows that putting lawyer in quotes is following howey's example of talking about my personal life. get it, good.

luddly is a troll and was hoping for christians to say no and his point was that he doesn't believe christians here would do the same. if he believed christians would do the same, then there was never a need to ask the question.


Quit trying so hard to derail this thread. If you want to whine and yurtle, take it to the Flame Zone.
stop making troll threads outside of the flame zone luddly.....
Unfortunately, no, Christians would not do the same for Muslims.

How many Americans have died to protect Muslims? How many Christians have died to help the Muslims?

Christians defend, protect, and help Muslims every second! We give them money, we offer our military, and we shed blood for them. We provide them shelter when they are homeless, we give them food when they are hungry....we have done MUCH more than you give us credit for.
How many soldiers died in Iraq and Afghanistan?
nothing but a bait thread and a troll thread

No, it's a news story, with a legitimate question.
Personally, I'm very happy to hear of things like this, and it's something I witnessed in Jakarta on Christmas day.
Muslim police officers, Muslim security guards, and Muslim army officers were guarding a Christian church against any idiotic terrorists that might have tried to hurt worshippers.
Of course, those that want to make Muslims out as all terrorists won't like this thread, or any story where religious groups get together to help each other - it ruins their hate shit.
The TNi guy in the photo is about what British people would called a TA soldier, but a regular army officer was in command.
These few had back up from roving patrols should trouble occur.

nothing but a bait thread and a troll thread

No, it's a news story, with a legitimate question.
Personally, I'm very happy to hear of things like this, and it's something I witnessed in Jakarta on Christmas day.
Muslim police officers, Muslim security guards, and Muslim army officers were guarding a Christian church against any idiotic terrorists that might have tried to hurt worshippers.
Of course, those that want to make Muslims out as all terrorists won't like this thread, or any story where religious groups get together to help each other - it ruins their hate shit.
The TNi guy in the photo is about what British people would called a TA soldier, but a regular army officer was in command.
These few had back up from roving patrols should trouble occur.


Isn't this the kind of thing both religions SAY they believe in? Didn't their gods teach tolerance and loving their fellow man?
Isn't this the kind of thing both religions SAY they believe in? Didn't their gods teach tolerance and loving their fellow man?

I would like to see it all the time, but there are sad bastards in Indonesia that dislike anything non muslim.
Saying that, the vast majority of people here, regardless of religion, interact and work together every day, all in peace and harmony.
We have an extremist group known as the FPI (Muslim defenders) who wipe Islam in the dirt every chance they get.
These extremists claim to defend Islam, but actually hurt it and Muslims.
These are the filth that idiotrosie tries to make people believe all Muslims are like.

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