‘2000 Mules’ offers the least convincing election-fraud theory yet

Actually, they haven't been a popcorn fart.

Suck on it, loser.

because they don't need to....DOJ is watching the hearings....if they see anything criminal they want to investigate, they will....was my understanding of what he said.

And Cheney, the Vice Chair said, they will wait till the hearings and investigation is done, and then decide....?
'At its heart, “2000 Mules” is a triumph of capitalism. There’s huge demand for proving that Trump didn’t lose in 2020, and this film provides just enough of a veneer of authority to let people collapse comfortably into that belief. That it doesn’t survive even mild external scrutiny is as irrelevant as pointing out contradictions in a religious text is to recent converts: They want to believe what they want to believe.

“Their ability to keep their side ignorant is total,” radio host Dennis Prager said during the pundit panel portion of the film. It’s an interesting commentary on how partisan belief works, certainly.'

And for conservatives, that ignorance is willful.

2000 mules is a steaming pile of debunked horse shit.
because they don't need to....DOJ is watching the hearings....if they see anything criminal they want to investigate, they will....was my understanding of what he said.

And Cheney, the Vice Chair said, they will wait till the hearings and investigation is done, and then decide....?
Horseshit.....There will be no criminal referrals....This performance art crap is even more toothless than the Trey Gowdy Benghazi Kabuki dance.
Fox was very proud of its forecasting model which was ahead of the game.they said this would happen and were able to call arizona first because of it.
Uh-huh, sure.

Their forecasting model was so far "ahead of the game" that they could call AZ with a mere 60% of the vote in, while WI, MI, & PA were "too close to call" with nearly 85% of the vote in and Xiden losing.

The really amusing thing about that is you have no idea how fucking stupid you sound.
In Pa. where the legislature has been in Republican hands for 30 of the last 32 years, they didn`t allow the mail in ballots to be counted until the polls closed. Why they quit counting at midnight was so they can do what everybody else does at night. Sleep! The J6 committee put a stake in the heart of the voter fraud crap this morning. Trump made asses of all of you. Why are you still letting him victimize you?

Pa never had a problem counting the votes and declaring a winner on election night before. Now they’re illegally receiving and counting ballots for 4 days.
Uh-huh, sure.

Their forecasting model was so far "ahead of the game" that they could call AZ with a mere 60% of the vote in, while WI, MI, & PA were "too close to call" with nearly 85% of the vote in and Xiden losing.

The really amusing thing about that is you have no idea how fucking stupid you sound.
Well they were actually right. That is the point. Cyber Ninjas confirmed it later.
It`s the J6 hearings that hit home. Actually, it was a Grand Slam.
Those hearings are a joke and a disgrace. The only thing they have hit is the reputation of the liars behind them. The media loses more of the credibility, that they do not have anyway.
Well they were actually right. That is the point. Cyber Ninjas confirmed it later.
The Cyber Ninjas confirmed that the election in AZ. had 0 integrity. 30 laws were broken and rules were ignored. The RINO AG has the evidence but refuses to act on it. Try the truth, and clean up your shithole country before you hand out advice.
2000 mules is a steaming pile of debunked horse shit.
It is not debunked. It really can't be. If it has been, why are people making up ridiculous excuses for the same people and repeated visits to drop boxes. Those people have admitted that activity did take place. There is only one logical conclusion. Massive organized fraud took place. Period.
The Cyber Ninjas confirmed that the election in AZ. had 0 integrity. 30 laws were broken and rules were ignored. The RINO AG has the evidence but refuses to act on it. Try the truth, and clean up your shithole country before you hand out advice.
They are always RINOs aent they ? If they do not kiss trumps ring they are RINOS. The Arizona result was in line wih all the polls including those run by those Rinos at FOX.

The whole steal scam was a money making grift for Trump. Pretty much all his team knew this and all his daft ideas were debunked by his own people.

Are you Russian ?
They are always RINOs aent they ? If they do not kiss trumps ring they are RINOS. The Arizona result was in line wih all the polls including those run by those Rinos at FOX.

The whole steal scam was a money making grift for Trump. Pretty much all his team knew this and all his daft ideas were debunked by his own people.

Are you Russian ?
They have not and cannot debunk 2,000 Mules.
I haven’t heard from the #January6th Committee even though I’m one of the leading figures proving the “big lie” is not a lie and the 2020 election was stolen. I dare the committee to have me screen “2000 Mules” at their public hearing, and let’s see them refute it if they can
— Dinesh D’Souza (@DineshDSouza) June 11, 2022

Think the committee will take him upon that? They should be able to handle it, right?

"The number of trafficked ballots exceeds the margin of victory for Joe Biden in several battleground states including Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia. Without these ballots, and not counting the thousands of other stolen ballots in the 2020 election, President Donald Trump would have easily won his reelection.

The mainstream media has either ignored the film or pushed shallow easily debunked arguments on the findings discussed in the documentary."
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Why doesnt the fraudster take his "evidence" to a court ? Hmmm, let me think.
What corrupt court will hear it? This administration will not allow it. If it did get to court it would be proven easily. The SCOTUS accepts digital evidence.
What corrupt court will hear it? This administration will not allow it. If it did get to court it would be proven easily. The SCOTUS accepts digital evidence.
They took 62 cases to various courts where trump appointed judges were not impressed. Do you see a trend here ?

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