‘2000 Mules’ offers the least convincing election-fraud theory yet

You're actually fool enough to believe the permanent bureaucrat/technocrat/spook state inspires trust?

I'd believe the most obvious lies of a five-year-old before I'd believe Trump. They're pretty much the same thing.
I think that the amount of effort expended by the willfully propagandized such as yourself, is in and of itself, very telling on how much you fear it.
If the election was as clean and pure as the child drag show fans say, they wouldn't need to send shills to make threads like this.
I'd believe the most obvious lies of a five-year-old before I'd believe Trump. They're pretty much the same thing.
Trump isn't the issue here....The technology used to track the ballot box stuffers here has been deemed good enough to convict murderers, and you poo-poo it as "bigfoot videos".

Must suck to have your mind so poisoned by blind hatred.
Look dumbshit, I have explained this in the thread already. Libraries, recreation centers, and community centers. The drop box is right at the front door. Employees, parents of athletes, people working out, senior citizens going to adult daycare, the mailman, the UPS driver, security guards, students studying at the library, hell homeless people finding respite in the library--every damn one of them passes within ten feet of the drop box and not a single damn one of them is a mule.
I've read it is 30 meters, 100ft and not 10 ft. The company the pings were gotten from... record pings within 100 ft of the gps location.....or the ballot boxes.

100 ft. You can be driving a car by in the strret, or walking across the street or shopping in a store 100ft away, and those people were counted as a dot for the ballot box.

What bull crud!
I've read it is 30 meters, 100ft and not 10 ft. The company the pings were gotten from... record pings within 100 ft of the gps location.....or the ballot boxes.

100 ft. You can be driving a car by in the strret, or walking across the street or shopping in a store 100ft away, and those people were counted as a dot for the ballot box.

What bull crud!
Yet it's accurate enough to convict murderers.....It's accurate enough to have tracked people room-to-room in the Capitol during the riot....It's accurate enough to nag you through your phone as you walk past a restaurant that algorithms say that you should like.

But it's completely unreliable here.

Here, you need one of these......

Trump isn't the issue here....The technology used to track the ballot box stuffers here has been deemed good enough to convict murderers, and you poo-poo it as "bigfoot videos".

Must suck to have your mind so poisoned by blind hatred.
Name one murderer who was convicted using these cell phone pings. And don't even try to claim it solved the Secoriea Turner case. That is one of the most easily proven lies of 2,000 mules.

Authorities in Georgia arrested and secured indictments against two suspects in the murder of Secoriea Turner in August 2021.

In response to NPR's inquiries, True The Vote acknowledged it had contacted law enforcement more than two months later, meaning it played no role in those arrests or indictments.

So there, you got lied to. You were mislead. And, unfortunately, a huge part of your ability to rationalize the absolute insanity of believing that cell phone data represents anything is tied up in that lie.

See, here is when a normal person would go, "Um. Fucker lied to me, wonder what else he lied about". And abnormal Trump supporter will immediately attack the source, NPR. D'Souza, NPR--uh who to believe. Again, an easy choice for a normal person with half a damn brain. But the dates are not in dispute. The trail was heavily covered by the local Atlanta press. Nothing, nothing at all at trial about cell phone pings. I mean you have been had. Sadly, all you Trump supporters have been. But as PT Barnum put it, you can never underestimate the intelligence of the American public.
I've read it is 30 meters, 100ft and not 10 ft. The company the pings were gotten from... record pings within 100 ft of the gps location.....or the ballot boxes.

100 ft. You can be driving a car by in the strret, or walking across the street or shopping in a store 100ft away, and those people were counted as a dot for the ballot box.,

What bull crud!
Hell, I am willing to give them the ten feet, it still has no creditability.
So, you are making fun of proven facts because your dimwitted Dim buddies laughed at a fact based movie that proves the criminality of dimwitted Dims and you call Trump nonsensical? Do you not see how ignorant that is Commie?
Im laughing at stupid people treating propaganda made by a fraudster as if it is some eternal truth handed down on digital tablets.
All educated people are laughing.
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Except for the over 40,000 ballots that were determined to be fraudulent in Maricopa county.

Except for the numerous precincts in Wayne County (Detroit), where the number of votes exceed the population, including children.

Except for the roughly 200,000 ballots that an investigator in Wisconsin found to be fraudulently cast.

Except for the ballots that mysteriously appeared in the dead of night in both Milwaukee and Detroit, which broke 99% for Xiden.

Except for the more than 200,000 more votes counted than ballots cast in PA.

Except for the video evidence in Fulton County, where the vote riggers were caught rolling out tens of thousands of fake votes from concealment, and counted with no observers.

Newp....Not a shred of evidence!
All of this was debunked by Trumps own people and reported back to the loon.Trump knows its crap but kept on with the lie to keep the cash rolling in.
'At its heart, “2000 Mules” is a triumph of capitalism. There’s huge demand for proving that Trump didn’t lose in 2020, and this film provides just enough of a veneer of authority to let people collapse comfortably into that belief. That it doesn’t survive even mild external scrutiny is as irrelevant as pointing out contradictions in a religious text is to recent converts: They want to believe what they want to believe.

“Their ability to keep their side ignorant is total,” radio host Dennis Prager said during the pundit panel portion of the film. It’s an interesting commentary on how partisan belief works, certainly.'

And for conservatives, that ignorance is willful.

And not a single piece of the evidence presented in the film was even mentioned nevermind rebutted, in this wall of text.
After a day when trumpism was laid bare it was probably not wise to lead the counter attack with a comic cuts doc.
You will need to do better than this.
And not a single piece of the evidence presented in the film was even mentioned nevermind rebutted, in this wall of text.
In the 6 battle ground states, a legal voter has to individually put in a request for an absentee ballot to be sent to them. The voter had to be a legally registered voter on their voter rolls, not dead, not a felon etc.....for them to be mailed a ballot. Some states barcode their absentee ballots and have websites where the citizen can track their absentee ballot return, so they can be certain it is received and counted....like Georgia.

Any absentee ballot returned is checked again when received to make certain the voter had not died between the time the ballot was requested and election day.

This is how all the states caught those republican voters who cast ballots in their recently deceased mother, or wife, etc and were CAUGHT committing the fraud.

Also only absentee ballots requested by the individual were counted....the mail in ballot, had to be requested....there is NO OPPORTUNITY to ballot stuff with fake ballots.

So, what is the fraud that took place with your alleged 2000 mules? Whose ballots were they picking up, then dropping off? Only real live, legal voters, who requested a mail in ballot? Those would not be illegal ballots? Those votes would count, the voter did not commit fraud or break an election law....the alleged harvester did.....

How come there has been ZERO VOTERS that have come forward to say their ballot was harvested from them? Eh? Not one! So where did these legal ballots allegedly being dropped off by these mules come from? Remember, only legally requested ballots by the legally registered voter, were mailed out to them, and only those are counted.

And these states barcode, so the voter can see if their ballot arrived....if a harvester stole their ballot and kept it from counting, they would know.....

There is so much about this film that as Bill Barr testified, is utter bull shit.
'At its heart, “2000 Mules” is a triumph of capitalism. There’s huge demand for proving that Trump didn’t lose in 2020, and this film provides just enough of a veneer of authority to let people collapse comfortably into that belief. That it doesn’t survive even mild external scrutiny is as irrelevant as pointing out contradictions in a religious text is to recent converts: They want to believe what they want to believe.

“Their ability to keep their side ignorant is total,” radio host Dennis Prager said during the pundit panel portion of the film. It’s an interesting commentary on how partisan belief works, certainly.'

And for conservatives, that ignorance is willful.

And let me guess: You didn't bother to read anything that defends 2000 Mules, anything that answer the so-called "fact checks" that have attacked the documentary, right? Right? It never occurred to you that the Washington Post would not give you an objective, honest analysis of the documentary, right?

Folks, go watch 2000 Mules and then read the pitiful "fact checks" that liberal news outlets have done against it.

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