‘2000 Mules’ offers the least convincing election-fraud theory yet

Nice try. The number of Americans questioning the legitimacy of that election is growing steadily. This doco made its biggest splash in the community of Independent voters. Here's the thing, Norton... we don't give a fook whether YOU and those LIKE YOU believe it. It will NOT be allowed again without chaos following on the heels of it.
You people who think that just because your media 5th column repeats a story, everyone else MUST shut up and accept it, are foolish and are going to get a wake-up call if it is tried again. YOU wouldn't sit down, shut up and pay up just because the media disagreed over election results and we won't either. It worked the first time because it was almost impossible to believe that one party would go that far to steal power.
Amazing how gullible Trump supporters are
I wish you well

Meanwhile, Trump’s legacy as President is being destroyed by the Jan 6 commission
It is long overdue

How he has remained out of prison is beyond me
Look dumbshit, I have explained this in the thread already. Libraries, recreation centers, and community centers. The drop box is right at the front door. Employees, parents of athletes, people working out, senior citizens going to adult daycare, the mailman, the UPS driver, security guards, students studying at the library, hell homeless people finding respite in the library--every damn one of them passes within ten feet of the drop box and not a single damn one of them is a mule.
Not every coincindence in this election breaks for Biden. We heard that about the ballot drops that were 94% Biden votes. Your excuses are ridiculous and by making them you are admitting it happened.Thanks.
Amazing how gullible Trump supporters are
I wish you well

Meanwhile, Trump’s legacy as President is being destroyed by the Jan 6 commission
It is long overdue

How he has remained out of prison is beyond me
No one has forgotten the booming economy before the scamdemic. And they are reminded daily by the inflation. Trump's legacy is just fine.
That's pretty much what you deluded fucks have been doing for the last two years. Fingers in ears, chanting manically that the election was stolen. Grow the fuck up.
2,000 Mules as much as proves it was and you know it or your are unbelievably stupid. Are you that stupid?
If you just believe hard enough, you can win. No matter how stupid and wrong you are.

Isn't this the Trumpster ethos in a nutshell?
No one has forgotten the booming economy before the scamdemic. And they are reminded daily by the inflation. Trump's legacy is just fine.

Trumps economy was all he had in his favor. His behavior as President was an embarrassment to our nation

Most Presidents would have used COVID to show leadership in a crisis. Much like Bush did on 9-11

Trumps inept leadership showed he was only concerned with his own election. How soon will this be over, not what can I do for suffering Americans

His tantrum at losing the election leading up to Jan 6 sealed his legacy as worst modern President
2,000 Mules as much as proves it was and you know it or your are unbelievably stupid.
Listen, you guys have given up trying to prove anything (if that was, indeed, ever you goal). Clearly, all you're trying to do now is spread distrust and undermine the nation.

So, you know, fuck off and die. Soon.
From D’Snooze?

Every one is laughably bad. Even Conservatives hold their noses
What conservatives?... which ones?.... the only one holding her nose is lady justice.... this committee and their side show is disgusting...
Trumps economy was all he had in his favor. His behavior as President was an embarrassment to our nation

Most Presidents would have used COVID to show leadership in a crisis. Much like Bush did on 9-11

Trumps inept leadership showed he was only concerned with his own election. How soon will this be over, not what can I do for suffering Americans

His tantrum at losing the election leading up to Jan 6 sealed his legacy as worst modern President
That is all your opinion which is not fact based, which means it is as useless as you.
Listen, you guys have given up trying to prove anything (if that was, indeed, ever you goal). Clearly, all you're trying to do now is spread distrust and undermine the nation.

So, you know, fuck off and die. Soon.
This administration has already done that. You are projecting. I did not get vaccinated, I will outlive you.

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