‘2000 Mules’ offers the least convincing election-fraud theory yet

Dinesh D’Snooze?

I would rather poke my eyes out with a dull pencil
'At its heart, “2000 Mules” is a triumph of capitalism. There’s huge demand for proving that Trump didn’t lose in 2020, and this film provides just enough of a veneer of authority to let people collapse comfortably into that belief. That it doesn’t survive even mild external scrutiny is as irrelevant as pointing out contradictions in a religious text is to recent converts: They want to believe what they want to believe.

“Their ability to keep their side ignorant is total,” radio host Dennis Prager said during the pundit panel portion of the film. It’s an interesting commentary on how partisan belief works, certainly.'

And for conservatives, that ignorance is willful.
Ooh Clayton woke up from his nap and mommy was out of formula......
Of course, so did Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General, and THE REPUBLICANS' VERY OWN HAND-PICKED FABULOUS CYBER NINJAS.

But hey, who cares, they're all evil Hitler commie Chinese deep state swamp fake news radicals. We know, we know.
They are all DEEP STATE
Trump is the only one we can trust
'At its heart, “2000 Mules” is a triumph of capitalism. There’s huge demand for proving that Trump didn’t lose in 2020, and this film provides just enough of a veneer of authority to let people collapse comfortably into that belief. That it doesn’t survive even mild external scrutiny is as irrelevant as pointing out contradictions in a religious text is to recent converts: They want to believe what they want to believe.

“Their ability to keep their side ignorant is total,” radio host Dennis Prager said during the pundit panel portion of the film. It’s an interesting commentary on how partisan belief works, certainly.'

And for conservatives, that ignorance is willful.
You really have to hand it to D’Souza. The guy is making millions scamming the retards.

If that isn't the American dream in action, I don't know what is. It gets me right here... <sniff> :crybaby:
This "film" was discussed at todays hearing. It provoked much laughter. All of trumps conspiracy theory nonsense wa destroyed by trumps on people who informed trump..
The "film" will have to go in the fiction section on netflix.
So, you are making fun of proven facts because your dimwitted Dim buddies laughed at a fact based movie that proves the criminality of dimwitted Dims and you call Trump nonsensical? Do you not see how ignorant that is Commie?
'At its heart, “2000 Mules” is a triumph of capitalism. There’s huge demand for proving that Trump didn’t lose in 2020, and this film provides just enough of a veneer of authority to let people collapse comfortably into that belief. That it doesn’t survive even mild external scrutiny is as irrelevant as pointing out contradictions in a religious text is to recent converts: They want to believe what they want to believe.

“Their ability to keep their side ignorant is total,” radio host Dennis Prager said during the pundit panel portion of the film. It’s an interesting commentary on how partisan belief works, certainly.'

And for conservatives, that ignorance is willful.

Democrats cheated.

You "won" Biden.

God is awesome like that. You cheated, you "won", but in the end, it has done you in for generations. Not just politically. The culture too.

ETA: your decimation is so complete you have even lost Hispanics by wide margins, and cut so deeply into the Black vote it's stunning. At this rate....well, it's hard to say.
Because there is zero evidence that there was voter fraud. Because trump and Mike Pillow said so it`s true? It doesn`t work that way after 4th or 5th grade.
Except for the over 40,000 ballots that were determined to be fraudulent in Maricopa county.

Except for the numerous precincts in Wayne County (Detroit), where the number of votes exceed the population, including children.

Except for the roughly 200,000 ballots that an investigator in Wisconsin found to be fraudulently cast.

Except for the ballots that mysteriously appeared in the dead of night in both Milwaukee and Detroit, which broke 99% for Xiden.

Except for the more than 200,000 more votes counted than ballots cast in PA.

Except for the video evidence in Fulton County, where the vote riggers were caught rolling out tens of thousands of fake votes from concealment, and counted with no observers.

Newp....Not a shred of evidence!
All this nonsense because the useful idiots know they're in for a historic shellacking this fall. It makes no difference whether or not 2000 mules is truth or not, the inflation and gas prices alone will sink the dims this fall.
Good Grief!

Another round of this crap shows up that will fill a dozen pages plus of back and forth screaming over the same freaking grounds that were screamed over TWO years ago a year ago and every month since, yet you are not bored of the same arguments you have seen dozens of times.

Let the dead horse rest in peace!
And for conservatives, that ignorance is willful
That geo-location data was not created by True the vote. They BOUGHT it, just as many other entities have done. That kind of data proves enough that our government has been using it to find and arrest some of those 700 "insurrectionists" who were in DC on 1/6. CDC used it to track whether citizens were observing the 6-foot separation rule during the pandemic. But you seem to think that it cannot be accurate to prove anything even when there are substantial additions of video recording the SAME PEOPLE going from one dropbox to another, over, and over, and OVER. Try it again...

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