‘2000 Mules’ offers the least convincing election-fraud theory yet

Because there is zero evidence that there was voter fraud. Because trump and Mike Pillow said so it`s true? It doesn`t work that way after 4th or 5th grade.
Have you watched the doco? If you haven't then you know FECK ALL about this topic. Those who refuse to watch it do so because they don't want their beliefs challenged.
Maybe because your side hasn’t actually been able to identify any credible fraud
I know, it is not that hard. I mean it happened in North Carolina. A holy roller Republican minister running for Congress hired a convicted felon to, you guessed it, harvest ballots. The minister won the election but it was successfully contested, and investigation followed, the results of the election was nullified, and they had a new election. The minister didn't bother to run.
So, you are making fun of proven facts because your dimwitted Dim buddies laughed at a fact based movie that proves the criminality of dimwitted Dims and you call Trump nonsensical? Do you not see how ignorant that is Commie?
2000 mules proved one thing, and it cost them two million dollars. Evidently a good investment. It proved that there were a few hundred people that passed within ten feet of a drop box, multiple times. That's it, nothing more.

I posted the location of the Atlanta dropboxes. Libraries. Every single employee of those libraries passed within ten feet of those dropboxes. If they had a cell phone, THEY WERE A MULE. Recreation centers. Ever have a kid play rec ball? Where did they practice? Well now, every parent with a kid playing rec ball and going to practice at a rec center where a dropbox is located that happens to have a cellphone, IS A MULE. Community centers, around here many community centers have adult daycare. Elderly people are dopped off for a few hours a day to "recreate" with their peers. If they happen to have a cell phone, and the community center happened to have a dropbox, THEY WERE A MULE.
In Pa. where the legislature has been in Republican hands for 30 of the last 32 years, they didn`t allow the mail in ballots to be counted until the polls closed. Why they quit counting at midnight was so they can do what everybody else does at night. Sleep! The J6 committee put a stake in the heart of the voter fraud crap this morning. Trump made asses of all of you. Why are you still letting him victimize you?
Because they have sold their soul to him. They can't admit that they've been conned after that. Plus, this isn't politics for them, it's a lifestyle.

I loved the line from one of the witnesses today, talking about how the Trumpsters just keeping up with fraud fantasies: "It's like playing whack-a-mole". Prove one conspiracy theory wrong, three more spring up.

Because they have sold their soul to him. They can't admit that they've been conned after that. Plus, this isn't politics for them, it's a lifestyle.

I loved the line from one of the witnesses today, talking about how the Trumpsters just keeping up with fraud fantasies: "It's like playing whack-a-mole". Prove one conspiracy theory wrong, three more spring up.

Would you get of the projector it needs a break.
Because they have sold their soul to him. They can't admit that they've been conned after that. Plus, this isn't politics for them, it's a lifestyle.

I loved the line from one of the witnesses today, talking about how the Trumpsters just keeping up with fraud fantasies: "It's like playing whack-a-mole". Prove one conspiracy theory wrong, three more spring up.

November is coming.

Prepare to REALLY cry.
This "film" was discussed at todays hearing. It provoked much laughter. All of trumps conspiracy theory nonsense wa destroyed by trumps on people who informed trump..
The "film" will have to go in the fiction section on netflix.
Laughter in a room full of Trump haters... means nothing at all....
That geo-location data was not created by True the vote. They BOUGHT it, just as many other entities have done. That kind of data proves enough that our government has been using it to find and arrest some of those 700 "insurrectionists" who were in DC on 1/6. CDC used it to track whether citizens were observing the 6-foot separation rule during the pandemic. But you seem to think that it cannot be accurate to prove anything even when there are substantial additions of video recording the SAME PEOPLE going from one dropbox to another, over, and over, and OVER. Try it again...
Look, that data does not show them going to a drop box over and over again. It shows them passing within ten feet of a drop box over and over again. A HUGE difference.
Of course, so did Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General, and THE REPUBLICANS' VERY OWN HAND-PICKED FABULOUS CYBER NINJAS.

But hey, who cares, they're all evil Hitler commie Chinese deep state swamp fake news radicals. We know, we know.
The fact that everyone in power is in on the cover up doesn't disprove anything. I already knew that.
Have you watched the doco? If you haven't then you know FECK ALL about this topic. Those who refuse to watch it do so because they don't want their beliefs challenged.
Well said. So, on that note... you're watching the Jan 6 hearings, right?

Because "If you haven't then you know FECK ALL about this topic. Those who refuse to watch it do so because they don't want their beliefs challenged."
The fact that everyone in power is in on the cover up doesn't disprove anything. I already knew that.

Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General, and THE REPUBLICANS' VERY OWN HAND-PICKED FABULOUS CYBER NINJAS ARE ALL COMMIES!!!
Prove it. Your word is highly suspect.
D’Snooze is a RW Propagandist
Even the RW media refuses to give his claims any credibility
Nice try. The number of Americans questioning the legitimacy of that election is growing steadily. This doco made its biggest splash in the community of Independent voters. Here's the thing, Norton... we don't give a fook whether YOU and those LIKE YOU believe it. It will NOT be allowed again without chaos following on the heels of it.
You people who think that just because your media 5th column repeats a story, everyone else MUST shut up and accept it, are foolish and are going to get a wake-up call if it is tried again. YOU wouldn't sit down, shut up and pay up just because the media disagreed over election results and we won't either. It worked the first time because it was almost impossible to believe that one party would go that far to steal power.
Looks bad for the Dems, that's for sure. We're moving towards your phony Christian White Nationalist Theocracy. Can't argue.

And it changes nothing I said. Tough shit.
And there you go again,




to making sense.
It sure does. You think people walk in fucking circles all day? The technology is precise. The SCOTUS and the NYT say so.
Look dumbshit, I have explained this in the thread already. Libraries, recreation centers, and community centers. The drop box is right at the front door. Employees, parents of athletes, people working out, senior citizens going to adult daycare, the mailman, the UPS driver, security guards, students studying at the library, hell homeless people finding respite in the library--every damn one of them passes within ten feet of the drop box and not a single damn one of them is a mule.

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