2009 BCS National Championship

Who will win the 2009 BCS National Championship Game?

  • LSU

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Florida

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Texas

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Oklahoma

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • USC

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Alabama

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Oklahoma State

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ohio State

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Ole Miss

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I picked USC but it could be anybody really. And is it just me or are you sick of seeing the same teams in the title game over and over again?

It's time for a playoff system with eight teams or more.
I picked USC but it could be anybody really. And is it just me or are you sick of seeing the same teams in the title game over and over again?

It's time for a playoff system with eight teams or more.

a) I will never tire of seeing LSU in the Title game
b) If not LSU, would prefer to always see an SEC team in the title game (exception: BAMA)

c) That being said, I agree 100% except that I think we should have at MOST 8 teams. There are often more than 4 or even 5 teams that have rational claims to #1 at the end of the reg season. There's never more than 8. If we have an 8 team playoff, the chances of leaving out the "real" #1 are next to nothing.
I'm sorry, why is LSU in this poll? Your roster looks like a junior varsity team, at best. Don't get me a wrong, LSU is my second favorite team in the SEC. But this year, it just ain't gonna happen.

And why is Ole Miss there? Houston Nutt will never win a national title. He's too ignorant to coach a team to that kind of play.

Texas is looking good, but if the Big 12 is anything like it was this past year, they'll have a rough go of it.

USC always looks good in the preseason, but when the clock starts, they fall apart.
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I'm sorry, why is LSU in this poll?
Russell Shepherd [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2Zqqz1zSZs]YouTube - Russell Shepard Highlight Video[/ame]

He graduated high school a semester early so he could start practice this past January. He's not getting a red shirt.

Y'all all going down!!!!

And why is Ole Miss there?
Most underrated team of 2008. They are going to destroy you Hogs. So are we.

USC always looks good in the preseason, but when the clock starts, they fall apart.

Russell Shepherd

He graduated high school a semester early so he could start practice this past January. He's not getting a red shirt.

Y'all all going down!!!!

A quarterback does not a team make. You're going to need more than that to have a chance. You realize that Arkansas recruited one of the best secondaries in the nation, including possibly the best CB pick in the nation Darius Winston (who is from my hometown)? We can actually stop the pass now, and with Ryan Mallett, we can throw the pass too.

Most underrated team of 2008. They are going to destroy you Hogs. So are we.

If they were so underrated, why did they need a lousy call from the ref to win the game over Arkansas? We look much better this year than we did last year. We have a quarterback who can actually throw, we have receivers who can actually catch, and we have a defense who can actually stop the pass. I don't expect an outstanding season, but Ole Miss will be easy to knock out. They'll be no better this year than they were last year, and they looked pretty lousy last year. The only reason they did so well in the SEC is because the SEC as a whole was subpar last year.

They will at least have home field advantage this year, and if we win, I hope Petrino spits in their end zone, much like that worthless fuck Nutt did to us. I also hope that Petrino leads the Hogs onto the field in the middle of their opening ceremonies. Houston Nutt was such a disrespectful shit last year, and he did it out of spite. It's not our fault he is only a mediocre coach. We gave him 10 years, and he gave us nothing. His recruiting style is horrid. The best players on his team last year were actually Orgeron's recruits, it won't take him long to recruit 9127957957 running backs to screw up their offense.
Russell Shepherd

He graduated high school a semester early so he could start practice this past January. He's not getting a red shirt.

Y'all all going down!!!!

A quarterback does not a team make..

Who said we were going to use him as a quarterback? :evil laughter:

We have a quarterback who can actually throw,

You'd just better hope he doesn't get arrested the night before the big game.
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You'd just better hope he doesn't get arrested the night before the big game.

Lousy argument. He's a college kid who got drunk at a bar in the offseason. He didn't cause any trouble, he didn't get behind the wheel. Trust me, Petrino will give him more shit than the police did.
You'd just better hope he doesn't get arrested the night before the big game.

Lousy argument. He's a college kid who got drunk at a bar in the offseason. He didn't cause any trouble, he didn't get behind the wheel. Trust me, Petrino will give him more shit than the police did.

Russell Shepherd doesn't drink because he isn't old enough to. I guess he figures the laws actually apply to him. In the off season he has a private football coach and when he isn't doing that he's studying football on his own and when he isn't doing that he helps feed the homeless. He lives eats and breathes football. He doesn't have time to go and drink himself into puking like your Mallet does.

Who do you think is more likely to get suspended for a big game next year?
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Oh, I never claimed Mallett to be a saint, but your argument about Mallett is pointless. He will be playing next year, he will be our starting QB, and he will be a force to be reckoned with. If Casey Dick's passing game can beat you guys two years in a row, Mallett should have no problem.
Oh, I never claimed Mallett to be a saint, but your argument about Mallett is pointless. He will be playing next year, he will be our starting QB, and he will be a force to be reckoned with. If Casey Dick's passing game can beat you guys two years in a row, Mallett should have no problem.

Two years in a row? Sorry, the first year we lost because of McFadden. The second time was because we didn't have a DC. We have one now. You're going down in Tiger Stadium next year. Better go see that Boot while you still have it.

BTW - in 2007, congrats on beating the national champions.
Who the hell voted for USC? You guys are good but you play in a pansy conference. If you drop just one game your hopes are over. I hope you're prepared to have a perfect season if you want to get to the NC. LSU will see you there.
Two years in a row? Sorry, the first year we lost because of McFadden.

I disagree. Our secondary actually won that game for us. And if I remember correctly, Jones did better in that game than McFadden.

The second time was because we didn't have a DC. We have one now. You're going down in Tiger Stadium next year. Better go see that Boot while you still have it.

The second time was because Casey Dick had finally learned how to throw, but it was a bit late...being his last game and all. It was a nice way for him to finish, though. Matt Jones finished his last season in similar fashion. Same team, same stadium, same last minute win.

BTW - in 2007, congrats on beating the national champions.


Meh, but Ole Miss got that honor this year. So two years in a row, Nutt beat the NC. Lame.

And finally, stop being delusional. LSU is NOT going to the NC this year. The SEC West alone will be a challenge for them (Auburn and Mississippi St are the only "gimmes" for any of the West teams this year), not to mention the rest of the conference.
Two years in a row? Sorry, the first year we lost because of McFadden.

I disagree. Our secondary actually won that game for us. And if I remember correctly, Jones did better in that game than McFadden.

Maybe so, its all a drunken haze to me. I tried to forget that game as soon as it happened - though as we walked back to the car from the game, I was going over the numbers in my head, and it struck me that only three things - granted one of the very unlikely - needed to happen for LSU to make it to the NC. I tried to explain this to my wife and father, they just told me I was crazy, that it would never happen, that no 2 loss team would ever go to the NC..........

The second time was because Casey Dick had finally learned how to throw, but it was a bit late...being his last game and all. It was a nice way for him to finish, though. Matt Jones finished his last season in similar fashion. Same team, same stadium, same last minute win.

Casey Dick was also going up the 2008 LSU defense which may as well not have even had a coach. Mallory and Peveto were train wrecks. Thank god we have a coach that realizes train wrecks when they happen though and they're gone now. Our secondary was horrible in 2008. That last game winning play, 4th and like 1 with what, 20 second left, no timeouts, and the clock running - and I swear to God our stupid DC's and secondary looked like they honestly thought it wasn't going to be a pass play.

Oh well - the team learned, Miles learned, and frankly Jordan Jefferson was incredible in that game, as was he in the Bowl formerly known as the Peach. That's why I say we might be using Shepherd not as a QB - he can pass, run, catch, but we've already got Jefferson for QB and while he was slow to pick up the play book he was on fire by the time we waxed Georgia Tech.

And finally, stop being delusional. LSU is NOT going to the NC this year.
I will acknowledge that it is more likely we win it the following year. A lot of the folks from our #1 recruiting class from this year will be experienced by then.

We're still winning in '09, too. Got to. If either LSU, USC, or Florida wins, they will go down as the team of the decade. (Thought USC won't deserve it as it will be only their 2nd NC) Its gotta be us. We play Florida at home in 09, that's a huge advantage.

It will be either LSU or Florida. LSU v Florida in Tiger Stadium next year very well may determine who goes to the NC right there.

The SEC West alone will be a challenge for them (Auburn and Mississippi St are the only "gimmes" for any of the West teams this year), not to mention the rest of the conference.

Bama will lose. They lose Sarah Jessican Parker Wilson this year, they have no QB, and as LSU fans learned oh too hard this year, not having a QB is a huge deal. And with Saban teams - when it rains, it pours.

Ole Miss is the only west team I'm really afraid of - rationally - whereas I'm always afraid of the Hogs because seems like you guys get the best of us when we least expect it. Seems like its always close with you guys.
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I appreciate whom ever voted for BAMA, but it won't happen. We are rebuilding our offense this year. I'll take Florida. LSU winning is nothing short of delusional.

P.S. Why don't you two quit rubbing each others balls. Both of your teams blow. Alabama is the SEC. 24 SEC titles that cannot be disputed. Stick that in your pipe an smoke it.
I appreciate whom ever voted for BAMA, but it won't happen. We are rebuilding our offense this year. I'll take Florida. LSU winning is nothing short of delusional.

P.S. Why don't you two quit rubbing each others balls. Both of your teams blow. Alabama is the SEC. 24 SEC titles that cannot be disputed. Stick that in your pipe an smoke it.

Actually Bama has 21 SEC Titles, and 5 of them are shared with other teams. But its not surprising you would inflate the actual number, considering you claim 5 more national titles than you actually have.

Curiously, Bama hasn't won a single SEC Title yet this century, while LSU has won THREE. And come to think of it, bama hasn't won a national title yet this century either, and LSU has TWO.

Enjoy reminiscing about how great bama was 35 years ago.
Maybe so, its all a drunken haze to me. I tried to forget that game as soon as it happened - though as we walked back to the car from the game, I was going over the numbers in my head, and it struck me that only three things - granted one of the very unlikely - needed to happen for LSU to make it to the NC. I tried to explain this to my wife and father, they just told me I was crazy, that it would never happen, that no 2 loss team would ever go to the NC..........

I remember it well. The previous year, Arkansas was on a 10 game winning streak, all we had to do was beat LSU and Florida to make the National Championship (as if that were so easy anyway, right?), and we lost to LSU in the last quarter. So the next year rolls around, and LSU starts out on top. I told my best friends (who are from southern Louisiana and of course LSU fans) that I hope LSU wins out and then loses to Arkansas and gets knocked out of the NC race. They had already lost one game, so going up against Arkansas, I knew that if we beat them it would ruin their NC chances. After we won, I celebrated big time. Then I started looking at the BCS...and I knew it was possible, but there were a lot of "ifs" that had to happen in order for LSU to make it. Somehow, all the pieces fell into place. I was so frustrated I could have screamed, and I still, to this day, haven't heard the end of it.

Crimson, Alabama used to be one of the best teams in college football. USED TO BE. Get over it. You're no better now than any of the rest of the SEC. You've had just as many bad years this decade as even Mississippi State.
I know how well liked the Buckeyes are on this board as I have seen the posts about them and how the big ten is an overrated conference to begin with BUT I voted for them, had to...its my home state and I have been a tried and true supporter for 27 years now. I will admit that they have had a tough go against the SEC but their teams through the years have been pretty solid.
Maybe so, its all a drunken haze to me. I tried to forget that game as soon as it happened - though as we walked back to the car from the game, I was going over the numbers in my head, and it struck me that only three things - granted one of the very unlikely - needed to happen for LSU to make it to the NC. I tried to explain this to my wife and father, they just told me I was crazy, that it would never happen, that no 2 loss team would ever go to the NC..........

I remember it well. The previous year, Arkansas was on a 10 game winning streak, all we had to do was beat LSU and Florida to make the National Championship (as if that were so easy anyway, right?), and we lost to LSU in the last quarter. So the next year rolls around, and LSU starts out on top. I told my best friends (who are from southern Louisiana and of course LSU fans) that I hope LSU wins out and then loses to Arkansas and gets knocked out of the NC race. They had already lost one game, so going up against Arkansas, I knew that if we beat them it would ruin their NC chances. After we won, I celebrated big time. Then I started looking at the BCS...and I knew it was possible, but there were a lot of "ifs" that had to happen in order for LSU to make it. Somehow, all the pieces fell into place. I was so frustrated I could have screamed, and I still, to this day, haven't heard the end of it.

Crimson, Alabama used to be one of the best teams in college football. USED TO BE. Get over it. You're no better now than any of the rest of the SEC. You've had just as many bad years this decade as even Mississippi State.

Yet Arkansas still has problems beating us. What does that say about you. Fuck both of you.

12 National Championships. (Even if you only count 7, that is still more than Corn Dog University and Arkansas put together.)

21 SEC Championships. (Still more than you both put together.)

Yes, we are rebuilding. You can enjoy it while it lasts, but is just about over. Go rub each others balls somewhere else.
Yet Arkansas still has problems beating us. What does that say about you. Fuck both of you.

Since 1998, Arkansas has won 5 out of 11 meetings. I wouldn't say that we have any more trouble beating you than you do beating us.

12 National Championships. (Even if you only count 7, that is still more than Corn Dog University and Arkansas put together.)

No one is arguing that, historically, Alabama is one of the greatest college football programs in the country. In modern football, you're just average.

21 SEC Championships. (Still more than you both put together.)

Arkansas hasn't even been in the SEC for 21 years. We hold 13 SWC Championships, adding that to LSU's 10 SEC Championships. Oh no, 23 > 21.

Furthermore, considering the monopoly Alabama has traditionally held in college football, it means very little.

Yes, we are rebuilding. You can enjoy it while it lasts, but is just about over. Go rub each others balls somewhere else.

All of the SEC is rebuilding, except for perhaps Florida. Trust me, it won't be a walk in the park, friend.

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