2012 Presidential Election Wager Proposal


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2011
Inside Mac's Head
There have been a variety of bets made by forum members regarding the outcome of the election. Avatars, signature lines, exiting the forum, etc.

I propose this to any and all who are willing:

If the candidate that you oppose is victorious, agree to give him a 6 month "grace" period. During that time, you agree to refrain from posting obviously incendiary comments and make a concerted effort to support him as a patriotic American should. Loyal opposition to policy.....reasonable in tone and delivered with valid reasons for the opposition....is acceptable.

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it ain't gonna happen! :lol:

If Obama wins, the repubs will have a meltdown.

if Romney wins, the Democrats will see it as ''payback time'' for all the vitriolic abuse and obstructionism that the repubs gave Obama from the nano second
he took office....

It's going to get even uglier imo.
There have been a variety of bets made by forum members regarding the outcome of the election. Avatars, signature lines, exiting the forum, etc.

I propose this to any and all who are willing:

If the candidate that you oppose is victorious, agree to give him a 6 month "grace" period. During that time, you agree to refrain from posting obviously incendiary comments and make a concerted effort to support him as a patriotic American should. Loyal opposition to policy.....reasonable in tone and delivered with valid reasons for the opposition....is acceptable.


After first discussing this with legal council and especially with the bolded proviso in place, I agree to this proposal.

It's like the "no CinC bashing" rule my old board used to have...until it was apparent that Barack Obama was to be the President...then the rule went away. Funny that...
it ain't gonna happen!

If Obama wins, the repubs will have a meltdown.

if Romney wins, the Democrats will see it as ''payback time'' for all the vitriolic abuse and obstructionism that the repubs gave Obama from the nano second
he took office....

It's going to get even uglier imo.

Totally agree. The best outcome will be the enactment of the "fiscal cliff" and the cutting of the Budget from $4T to $3T. After that it will be a 4-year food fight. The only potential hope is that the grown-ups like Senator Coburn can cobble a coalition together to get something done. However, they would need to get it past Reid & McConnell, so I'm not optimistic. In the House.....I have no clue?! The Debt Ceiling debacle was more than enough to show how dysfunctional politics has become.
it ain't gonna happen! :lol:

If Obama wins, the repubs will have a meltdown.

if Romney wins, the Democrats will see it as ''payback time'' for all the vitriolic abuse and obstructionism that the repubs gave Obama from the nano second
he took office....

It's going to get even uglier imo.

I don't think so.

Who ever wins is going to enjoy the fruits of Obama's labor. Most major corporations are back in the black and ready to go.

The issue is going to be tax cuts and defense contracts. This time around Obama will have a great deal of wiggle room to "avoid" the fiscal cliff. If Republicans want those sweet sweet defense contracts..they are going to have to cave on the tax cuts for the rich.

And some other things.

If Romney wins and re-institutes the same old Bush economics..look for another meltdown at the end of his administration..after a "successful" start. Kind of a mini-Bush redux.
Just put it there for reference. How many childish votes do you have to cast before you lose your "grown-up" status?

Even Santorum and Paul Ryan had to swallow hard on a few votes to be team players and get bonus points for committee assignments.

Coburn talks a good game. I saw him on TV and liked what he said. Then again, I disagree with many of his actual votes. Its like the "American Jobs Creation Act" that actually expedites outsourcing jobs. The DC whores just can't be trusted.
it ain't gonna happen! :lol:

If Obama wins, the repubs will have a meltdown.

if Romney wins, the Democrats will see it as ''payback time'' for all the vitriolic abuse and obstructionism that the repubs gave Obama from the nano second
he took office....

It's going to get even uglier imo.
You act as if this cycle is new.

Of course there was never any vitriolic abuse of Bush.

Nevah. Evah.
it ain't gonna happen! :lol:

If Obama wins, the repubs will have a meltdown.

if Romney wins, the Democrats will see it as ''payback time'' for all the vitriolic abuse and obstructionism that the repubs gave Obama from the nano second
he took office....

It's going to get even uglier imo.
You act as if this cycle is new.

Of course there was never any vitriolic abuse of Bush.

Nevah. Evah.

hmmmm, thought it was you guys that did not want President Bush brought up? :tongue:

There was hatred towards President Bush, which followed the hatred spewed towards President Clinton....

but those 2 are not who the op is talking about.... ;)
I gave Obama the benefit of the doubt in 2008 I was willing to wait and see which Obama we would get the in my opinion the far left Obama we saw in the Democratic primary or the centrist Obama we saw in the general election to me we got the far left Obama and I don't see that changing if he is reelected. As far as Romney goes it will be the same deal if he is elected do we get the hard right Romney we saw in the primary or the more moderate version we will now get in the general election like Obama I will just have to wait and see.
I just honestly can not see Romney having an 'easy street'....the Dems will definitely be following the actions of the Republicans towards Obama imho.

I personally did not blast Bush in a nasty, vitriolic way, though I did disagree with his policies, I did not hate him with a passion....he was our President and he was given respect by me.

and Obama, although I was pissed that Hillary was not given the time of day and treated unfairly by the DNC, I did not vote for him, but once he became President, I did give him the respect the position deserved.

and IF Romney wins, he will get the same respect from me....

I grew up in a Military family, and no matter who the President was, my father would have pulled out the GI belt if I had been disrespectful towards the President....and that stuck with me through adulthood.
This thread reminds me of a recent daily show, where he showed clips of people like Bill Oreilly declaring Obama a failure as early as 6 weeks in.

You do know the daily show takes comments and edits them and takes them out of context to help with joke Stewart is making right?

Do I know the daily show is a comedy show? Yes.
This thread reminds me of a recent daily show, where he showed clips of people like Bill Oreilly declaring Obama a failure as early as 6 weeks in.

You do know the daily show takes comments and edits them and takes them out of context to help with joke Stewart is making right?

Do I know the daily show is a comedy show? Yes.

Just checking there are a lot of people who actually think the Daily Show is real news.

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