2015's Worst Movies

Well, they announce the Oscar Nominees with fanfare but forget the most unbiased of all – The Razzies

And, I will admit right off that I haven't seen a s ingle one of them. And, don't plan to unless they show up free on TV.

Anyhow, the awards are @ These Movies Were Just Named the Worst of the Year

You may like Adam Sandler, The Cobbler , it is on Netflix...I really liked it

I have seen a few on the list and agree.
I watched Dragon Sword on TV On Demand last night - had John Cussak and Jackie Chan so I thought it'd be good.

The whole damn thing was subtitled! Nothing but zillions of extras, no worthwhile plot, and showing how old Jackie is getting.
I did watch The Cobbler on Amazon Prime earlier this week. It was okay, I didn't fall asleep. Of those nominated for Oscars I'll wait for The Big Short to show up on Prime or Netflix.

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