2016 National Democratic Primary


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Democratic Maryland Governor Prepares 2016 Presidential Bid

August 20, 2013 By Ryan Mauro


Hillary Clinton’s domination of the Democratic presidential preference polls is undeniable, but that isn’t stopping Vice President Joe Biden, Howard Dean, Governor Andrew Cuomo and Senator Amy Klobuchar from testing the waters. While these prospective candidates gauge the viability of competing against Clinton, Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley seems to have made up his mind to run—and that’s bad news for the adversaries of Islamism.

“By the end of this year, we’re on course to have a body of work that lays the framework of the candidacy for 2016,” O’Malley told a group of reporters.

Obviously, it’s an uphill climb for O’Malley. The latest Rasmussen poll has Clinton with 63% of the Democratic vote, followed by Biden with 12%. Only 2% choose O’Malley (tied with former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa), but he still has low name recognition.


Democratic Maryland Governor Prepares 2016 Presidential Bid | FrontPage Magazine
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Democratic Maryland Governor Prepares 2016 Presidential Bid

August 20, 2013 By Ryan Mauro


Hillary Clinton’s domination of the Democratic presidential preference polls is undeniable, but that isn’t stopping Vice President Joe Biden, Howard Dean, Governor Andrew Cuomo and Senator Amy Klobuchar from testing the waters. While these prospective candidates gauge the viability of competing against Clinton, Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley seems to have made up his mind to run—and that’s bad news for the adversaries of Islamism.

“By the end of this year, we’re on course to have a body of work that lays the framework of the candidacy for 2016,” O’Malley told a group of reporters.

Obviously, it’s an uphill climb for O’Malley. The latest Rasmussen poll has Clinton with 63% of the Democratic vote, followed by Biden with 12%. Only 2% choose O’Malley (tied with former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa), but he still has low name recognition.


Democratic Maryland Governor Prepares 2016 Presidential Bid | FrontPage Magazine

If Hillary does not run, then I see O'Malley becoming the front runner on the Democratic side. Biden will not win the nomination even if Hillary stays out, which would absolutely shock me if she is not.

Hillary Desperately Trying to “Obamize” her Image for 2016

October 18, 2013 By Daniel Greenfi


First Team Hillary started the branding with a line of “Ready for Hillary” slogan (conceding that they weren’t ready for her in 2008) and tried to copy Obama by selling a bunch of Ready gear.

Unfortunately the designs came straight from someone’s horrifying nightmares. They would have made Lady Gaga hide in a closet and beg the designers to go away.

So now it’s on to Plan B. Or Plan H.

Obama’s people made the O into a big part of his brand. Team Hillary wants to do that with their H. They’re calling it “Herculean” for some reason, even though that’s not exactly the term you must associate with Hillary. But I guess it’s better than the Harridan H or the Hapless H.


Hillary Desperately Trying to ?Obamize? her Image for 2016 | FrontPage Magazine
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Democratic Maryland Governor Prepares 2016 Presidential Bid

August 20, 2013 By Ryan Mauro


Hillary Clinton’s domination of the Democratic presidential preference polls is undeniable, but that isn’t stopping Vice President Joe Biden, Howard Dean, Governor Andrew Cuomo and Senator Amy Klobuchar from testing the waters. While these prospective candidates gauge the viability of competing against Clinton, Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley seems to have made up his mind to run—and that’s bad news for the adversaries of Islamism.

“By the end of this year, we’re on course to have a body of work that lays the framework of the candidacy for 2016,” O’Malley told a group of reporters.

Obviously, it’s an uphill climb for O’Malley. The latest Rasmussen poll has Clinton with 63% of the Democratic vote, followed by Biden with 12%. Only 2% choose O’Malley (tied with former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa), but he still has low name recognition.


Democratic Maryland Governor Prepares 2016 Presidential Bid | FrontPage Magazine

If Hillary does not run, then I see O'Malley becoming the front runner on the Democratic side. Biden will not win the nomination even if Hillary stays out, which would absolutely shock me if she is not.

The Dems should not put Hillary up...too close to Obama. Somehow "slow and steady improvement" isn't going to close the deal in 2016. New blood is one thing but a new direction is better in terms of electoral success.
We could do a lot worse than OMalley

But the nomination is Hillary's for he asking. The key will be who she picks as VP. Whoever she picks will be heir apparent once Hillary leaves

I'm thinking Elisabeth Warren or Corey Booker
The Case Against Clinton 2016

Posted: 10/22/2013

It's three years away, but the punditocracy is already discussing 2016 candidates, and while the Republican field is already loaded with possible candidates (Rubio, Cruz (!), Paul, Walker, Bush III (!!) and Jindal) the Democratic field is apparently sealed: Hillary Clinton. RealClearPolitics finds Hillary getting 61 percent of the vote in a Democratic primary against Biden (11), Warren (7), Cuomo (2), Warner (1) and O'Malley (0). There is a Super PAC (with 1,000,000+ Facebook "likes") designed to lay the groundwork for a Clinton presidential run.

There is certainly a strategic reason for Democrats to play down Clinton: three more years under press scrutiny will only make her less appealing. But there are other reasons to question whether America needs another Clinton presidency.

The Case Against Clinton 2016 | Sean McElwee
We could do a lot worse than OMalley

But the nomination is Hillary's for he asking. The key will be who she picks as VP. Whoever she picks will be heir apparent once Hillary leaves

I'm thinking Elisabeth Warren or Corey Booker

Julian Castro. He is the future of the Democratic Party. As much as I like Elisabeth Warren, she would likely be poison to the ticket. Booker wouldn't be a bad choice, but here is what you need to think about. What does putting Warren or Booker on the ticket do for the ticket? Booker wins you NJ most likely. Of course, unless Christie is the Republican nominee, NJ goes Dem no matter what.

What happens if you put Castro on the ticket? Number one, you get Hispanics excited nationally which will help register more Hispanics than ever before and get more to vote than ever before. In Texas, it puts Texas in play. While a Clinton/Castro ticket still may not win Texas, it would make the state close enough that the Republican candidate would be forced to spend a lot of time there campaigning. This would take money and the Republican candidate's time away from other states. Having to defend Texas would be devastating for any Republican campaign.
The Media’s 2016 Presidential Fantasies

Political journalists are dreaming of a contest that’s just not there.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Jan. 24, 2013

Nov. 11 2013
By David Weigel

These are dark times for America’s most beloved industry, the political media. In three years, the country will elect a new president. As they have since 2009, reporters and readers assume that the Democratic candidate, and likeliest winner, will be Hillary Clinton. Forget about the voters—won’t anyone think of the Web traffic? Nobody wants to cover the coronation of an icon who’ll be too staffed up and confident to give real access (or leaks) to reporters.


Simply by existing, articles like these make a progressive upset of Hillary Clinton more likely. They alter the odds from zero to zero. Several things can be true—Warren can be outsmarting the financial industry, the Clintons can be worried about a shift in the Democratic Party, Warren might be more likely to run if Clinton does than if Clinton doesn’t—without there being any chance of the front-runner losing. Actually, the idea that an insurgency needs to seize a presidency in order to win is sort of retrograde, and it’s surprising that the disappointing (for progressives and a whole lot of other people) victory of Barack Obama hasn’t cured it.

Race matters. There’s no mention of the Democratic Party’s ethnic demographics in the New Republic’s or the New York Times’ Warren pieces. Scheiber reminds us that Obama was able to upset Hillary Clinton: “All it takes is a single issue and a fresh face to bring the bad memories flooding back” among progressives. Both Scheiber and the New York Times’ Jonathan Martin mention Bill de Blasio’s victory in New York City’s Democratic primary for mayor. And you can’t explain the Obama or the de Blasio win without black voters.


The professional left doesn’t know how to win. Scheiber quotes the co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, who says Clinton’s support from the financial industry could hurt her and “there’s very much a wait-and-see approach to Hillary among progressives.” And the PCCC should know, having co-branded itself with Warren with all the subtlety of a NASCAR driver showing off a new endorsement badge. The PCCC regularly asks supporters to stand with Warren on her new bank regulations; it sent members the senator’s response to the last State of the Union under the headline “Elizabeth Warren SOTU Awesomeness.”


Over time, conservatives stopped expecting a president to get elected, lead, and solve all their problems. They built a grassroots machine and a litany of policy goals—the activists would speak, and the president would nod along. By 2012, Grover Norquist could tell a national conference that the next Republican president need only come to the job “with enough working digits to handle a pen.” That’s where progressives need to get, that un-glamorous and under-covered triumph of movement over party. Maybe, like Ron Paul, they can use a campaign to build the ranks. But if the Obama experience hasn’t taught them that a dreamy presidential candidate won’t bring about paradise, what will?

Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, and 2016 speculation: Media is applying dumb theories to the next presidential race.

WaPo’s Cohen: Gender Won’t Help Hillary as Much as Race Helped Obama

“The prospect of a woman becoming president has an air of inevitability about it, rather than the gleeful surprise that accompanied Obama’s stunning rise...”

1.2.2014 |Bradford Thomas |


One thing he feels pretty certain about, though, is that Hillary’s gender will not help her as much as Obama’s race helped him.

Cohen’s “looking back” piece for 2013 focused on Hillary’s “unlucky” year, in which things utterly out of her control (of course) have negatively impacted her chances in 2016. Two of the more prominent of those unlucky factors: Obama’s cratering approval numbers and the “catastrophic” Obamacare rollout, with all the misleading and outright deception involved in its promotion. But being a good soldier, Hillary will have to grin and bear those burdens:

“As a former member of Barack Obama’s Cabinet, she has to defend the indefensible, kiss the ugly baby of Obamacare and smile for the cameras. She can do it — no one soldiers on better — but ugly is ugly, and the rollout of Obamacare has been just that.


Without her gender to rescue her, and with the current anti-establishment mood in the country, Cohen worries that Hillary’s abundant political experience and knowledge and her “daunting intellect” might not be valued enough by voters to insure her victory:


The from-Obama-to-Hillary shift has begun in earnest in the media. The number of articles defending the increasingly indefensible Obama are diminishing by the day, and filling their spots will be more and more Hillary 2016 pieces.

WaPo?s Cohen: Gender Won?t Help Hillary as Much as Race Helped Obama | Truth Revolt
If the murdering, queer Hildebeast Clinton runs, I hope she is vetted better than The Kenyan was! It's only fair to do so.
If the murdering, queer Hildebeast Clinton runs, I hope she is vetted better than The Kenyan was! It's only fair to do so.

No candidate was vetted more than Obama was

How else would we know he was a Kenyan?
If the murdering, queer Hildebeast Clinton runs, I hope she is vetted better than The Kenyan was! It's only fair to do so.

No candidate was vetted more than Obama was

How else would we know he was a Kenyan?

You lie like a rug! BC(real one), college records, commies he associated with, his sexual history etc. As a private citizen, he could never have gotten a TSC by the FBI, but now the fool is our CIC! Go figure.
If the murdering, queer Hildebeast Clinton runs, I hope she is vetted better than The Kenyan was! It's only fair to do so.

No candidate was vetted more than Obama was

How else would we know he was a Kenyan?

You lie like a rug! BC(real one), college records, commies he associated with, his sexual history etc. As a private citizen, he could never have gotten a TSC by the FBI, but now the fool is our CIC! Go figure.

Of course he would have gotten TS clearance.

You still going birther on us?

Case closed
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Democratic Maryland Governor Prepares 2016 Presidential Bid

August 20, 2013 By Ryan Mauro


Hillary Clinton’s domination of the Democratic presidential preference polls is undeniable, but that isn’t stopping Vice President Joe Biden, Howard Dean, Governor Andrew Cuomo and Senator Amy Klobuchar from testing the waters. While these prospective candidates gauge the viability of competing against Clinton, Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley seems to have made up his mind to run—and that’s bad news for the adversaries of Islamism.

“By the end of this year, we’re on course to have a body of work that lays the framework of the candidacy for 2016,” O’Malley told a group of reporters.

Obviously, it’s an uphill climb for O’Malley. The latest Rasmussen poll has Clinton with 63% of the Democratic vote, followed by Biden with 12%. Only 2% choose O’Malley (tied with former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa), but he still has low name recognition.


Democratic Maryland Governor Prepares 2016 Presidential Bid | FrontPage Magazine

He is dead meat, once hildabeast gets done with him he will be just another John Edwards.
It's clear that Hilary Clinton is in much better position to win the Democratic primary in 2016. But, we need to be a little bit careful when it comes to concluding whether she will be the Democratic nominee. Remember back in 2008 she was highly favored to win the primary, but she was caught by surprise and beaten by candidate Barack Obama.
It's clear that Hilary Clinton is in much better position to win the Democratic primary in 2016. But, we need to be a little bit careful when it comes to concluding whether she will be the Democratic nominee. Remember back in 2008 she was highly favored to win the primary, but she was caught by surprise and beaten by candidate Barack Obama.

Could happen.....probably won't
It's clear that Hilary Clinton is in much better position to win the Democratic primary in 2016. But, we need to be a little bit careful when it comes to concluding whether she will be the Democratic nominee. Remember back in 2008 she was highly favored to win the primary, but she was caught by surprise and beaten by candidate Barack Obama.

And anyone who thinks she can't get the nomination and go on to win the GE election only needs to look to 1976 and 1980 on the REPUBLICAN side for an example.

In 1976, Gerald Ford narrowly edged out Ronald Reagan for the nomination. Sound familiar?

Four years later, Reagan cruised to the nomination and cruised in the GE.

'nuff said.

My, how people tend to forget even recent history.
I think Hillary is a safe candidate for the Democrats in 2016. She is well known, respected (except from the right), experienced and a woman

But she has been in the public eye for 25 years. She is no longer inspiring and seems like a tired old lady.

If Republicans can put out a candidate who is young, dynamic and has a vision of the future that inspires the middle class....they can win
But if Republicans pull out their anti-Hillary playbook and start spouting Whitewater, blowjobs and Benghazi they will turn Hillary into a victim and will turn off voters

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