2017: CNN reporter mocks Mitch McConnell for needing help with stairs, not realizing he survived pol


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Shall Republicans spend the next 10 years attacking this reporter for mocking a polio survivor? No, but only because she's a nothing who works for a network that will soon become extinct:

CNN political reporter Daniella Diaz sent a tweet on Monday pointing out that President Trump and Sen. Mitch McConnell locked hands while walking up stairs at the White House following their Rose Garden press conference. Diaz seemed to be mocking the Republican duo – but while followers quickly pointed out that the Kentucky senator is a polio survivor, the tweet remains on her feed nearly 24 hours later.

“That hand-lock between Trump and McConnell, though,” Diaz wrote with video of the incident.
A Latino has special rights. She and her hooked nose were oppressed by Whitey for centuries. Crooked Hillary collapsing in the summer sun was because she slipped on the ice according to the fake news this turd works for.
those at cnn probably realized it

but dont give a damn

you see mocking the disabled is another A-OK activity

if you are a leftist

more so if the mocked does not agree with their position
"CNN Piece On Importance Of Journalism Featured Next To Article Examining Trump's Eating Habits
U.S.—A piece promoting the importance of journalism and defending the profession as a noble guardian of democracy was featured on CNN's website Friday right next to an article examining President Trump's eating habits in great detail.

The opinion article went on for nearly 2,000 words, calling journalists "America's last hope" and labeling President Trump's attacks on the press as "dangerous" and "unprecedented." Meanwhile, the piece on Trump's eating habits described in detail the Big Mac he had for lunch on Friday, what kind of beverage he ordered, and how many of the fries he finished.

"Unbelievable: the president of the free world just asked for extra ketchup on his Big Mac. I don't believe we want to live in this kind of a country," the breathless editorial began. "What kind of a dystopian nightmare is this where the president can super-size his fries and drink? I keep hoping I'm going to wake up, but the nightmare continues."

CNN's Presidential Diet Specialist penned the piece, waxing eloquent on the exact way that Donald Trump munched on his fries and describing in gruesome detail the grease dripping from his fingers. "Good journalism is how we're going to combat this idea that the media is fake news," he said of the article. "And I'm going to do that be continuing to write about everything Trump consumes, from burgers and fries to those little pretzel bites with the peanut butter inside."

CNN Piece On Importance Of Journalism Featured Next To Article Examining Trump's Eating Habits
Stand up Chuck, let ‘em see you! Oh, God love you. What am I talking about...

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