2020 prediction: Trump will win

Trump's helping to destroy the West.
Putin won: West divided & conquered.

Bullshit. The west destroyed the west with their open-border immigration policies and their desire to sell nuclear technology to Iraq, Iran, etc. German is quite possibly Russia's biggest customer. The Germans obviously don't believe that Russia is a threat.

A mix of Crapitalism, and the Synagogue of Satan destroyed the West.

Trump's a Crapitalist, while his son & law & daughter are card carrying members of the Synagogue of Satan.

Trump's part of the problem, not part of the solution.

He gives people false hope, ignorant people fall for it because they're well ignorant.

If only was autism a superpower, you would be the superman.

I'm not Autistic.
But, I think most of you Western Europeans have Autistic tendencies.

Which explains why you tend to latch onto singular ideas, and just start chimping out all one track minded, incapable of greater understanding.
Trump's helping to destroy the West.
Putin won: West divided & conquered.

Bullshit. The west destroyed the west with their open-border immigration policies and their desire to sell nuclear technology to Iraq, Iran, etc. German is quite possibly Russia's biggest customer. The Germans obviously don't believe that Russia is a threat.

A mix of Crapitalism, and the Synagogue of Satan destroyed the West.

Trump's a Crapitalist, while his son & law & daughter are card carrying members of the Synagogue of Satan.

Trump's part of the problem, not part of the solution.

He gives people false hope, ignorant people fall for it because they're well ignorant.

If only was autism a superpower, you would be the superman.

I'm not Autistic.
But, I think most of you Western Europeans have Autistic tendencies.

Which explains why you tend to latch onto singular ideas, and just start chimping out all one track minded, incapable of greater understanding.

You are not autistic?

Now that is not something that can be believed.
Trump's helping to destroy the West.
Putin won: West divided & conquered.

Bullshit. The west destroyed the west with their open-border immigration policies and their desire to sell nuclear technology to Iraq, Iran, etc. German is quite possibly Russia's biggest customer. The Germans obviously don't believe that Russia is a threat.

A mix of Crapitalism, and the Synagogue of Satan destroyed the West.

Trump's a Crapitalist, while his son & law & daughter are card carrying members of the Synagogue of Satan.

Trump's part of the problem, not part of the solution.

He gives people false hope, ignorant people fall for it because they're well ignorant.

If only was autism a superpower, you would be the superman.

I'm not Autistic.
But, I think most of you Western Europeans have Autistic tendencies.

Which explains why you tend to latch onto singular ideas, and just start chimping out all one track minded, incapable of greater understanding.

You are not autistic?

Now that is not something that can be believed.

Autistic people tend to be one track minded, like you are.
Bullshit. The west destroyed the west with their open-border immigration policies and their desire to sell nuclear technology to Iraq, Iran, etc. German is quite possibly Russia's biggest customer. The Germans obviously don't believe that Russia is a threat.

A mix of Crapitalism, and the Synagogue of Satan destroyed the West.

Trump's a Crapitalist, while his son & law & daughter are card carrying members of the Synagogue of Satan.

Trump's part of the problem, not part of the solution.

He gives people false hope, ignorant people fall for it because they're well ignorant.

If only was autism a superpower, you would be the superman.

I'm not Autistic.
But, I think most of you Western Europeans have Autistic tendencies.

Which explains why you tend to latch onto singular ideas, and just start chimping out all one track minded, incapable of greater understanding.

You are not autistic?

Now that is not something that can be believed.

Autistic people tend to be one track minded, like you are.

I know what autism is, it is your posts in a nutshell.
Since everyone in DC seems to be disregarding laws and our constitution and bill of rights lets just forgo the election and name Trump President in November...
screw them...
A mix of Crapitalism, and the Synagogue of Satan destroyed the West.

Trump's a Crapitalist, while his son & law & daughter are card carrying members of the Synagogue of Satan.

Trump's part of the problem, not part of the solution.

He gives people false hope, ignorant people fall for it because they're well ignorant.

If only was autism a superpower, you would be the superman.

I'm not Autistic.
But, I think most of you Western Europeans have Autistic tendencies.

Which explains why you tend to latch onto singular ideas, and just start chimping out all one track minded, incapable of greater understanding.

You are not autistic?

Now that is not something that can be believed.

Autistic people tend to be one track minded, like you are.

I know what autism is, it is your posts in a nutshell.

You are Autistic, if anything.

Repetitive & One track minded thinking are part of Autism.

Like thinking Capitalism is the solution, no matter how many times it f*cks you over.

Autistic people are set in their routines.
You are not autistic?

He's just an idiot.

The idiots are people who think Trump's going to save this country.
(Rolls eyes)

Dumb savages typically aren't aware that they're dumb savages.

And you think Biden is going to save the country?

Best of luck...

No, there you go with your Autistic rigid logic.

Nobody's saving America.

America like the rest of the Western European Autistic cretins are doomed to go extinct.
And they all probably predicted a Hillary landslide. LOL

Good point... imagine by how much more Trump will win when it's actually predicted he wins.
He needs to win the popular vote as well this time around, if we ever expect to have some calm and peace and to appease his ego......

Which is highly unlikely imho.

So 4 more years of Hell on Earth..... how wonderful! :rolleyes:

Trump's ego is already healthy sized with a yuge phallic tower as his home in the middle of the richest city. Jelly?

We need to win the popular vote to send a clear message to Washington. America is the land of Americans... just like they did in the UK, wasn't that amazing? We will do it bigger, better... as Americans always do.
Bah Humbug!!!!! Beelzebub Be Gone!!!!

God wouldn't wish that on His worst enemy!

''Torture on Earth'', which is what that will really be if he wins again to someone (prim and proper) like me, is not remotely appealing to me! It's just another phrase covering the term, ''HELL on Earth''!


"Torture on Earth" "Hell on earth" "Beelzebub"...

You are very prim and proper sounding princess. So this is the story about the princess and the pea. The president has not good enough hair and it is "hell"?
Norman, how about some straight talk...

There is not a single ounce of decency, in Donald Trump, he's arrogant, bold, a deceiver, a liar of all liars, he's a womanizer, disrespectful, indecent, a divider/divisive, repentant of nothing, selfish, a con man, a thief, a man of lawlessness, crooked, corrupt, a man of chaos, with money as his almighty God that he believes makes him great, boastful, a back stabber, disloyal, vengeful, vindictive, greedy, dishonest...

And that's not the half of his vices, with no virtues to be listed.

He's absolutely exactly what kind of man my parents spent my entire teen life, teaching me, to stay away from...and reproof/rebuke!!!!! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING Will Robinson! Is echoing so loud and clear, my ears hurt! :eek:

I can't change what my parents taught me now, it's ingrained and will never be lost... I'm stuck with what I was taught!

And he is every single thing that my religion and my God taught me to rebuke as well....

he's what Peter describes as an antichrist...

just because this man, who is leading you all astray imho and away from decency and God's wisdom, became president, does not change my stance on him.
AND as a side note, I also think he is a knee jerk, unwise, divisive, dangerous and destructive to our Nation, President!

nuff said? :lol:
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Good point... imagine by how much more Trump will win when it's actually predicted he wins.
He needs to win the popular vote as well this time around, if we ever expect to have some calm and peace and to appease his ego......

Which is highly unlikely imho.

So 4 more years of Hell on Earth..... how wonderful! :rolleyes:

Trump's ego is already healthy sized with a yuge phallic tower as his home in the middle of the richest city. Jelly?

We need to win the popular vote to send a clear message to Washington. America is the land of Americans... just like they did in the UK, wasn't that amazing? We will do it bigger, better... as Americans always do.
Bah Humbug!!!!! Beelzebub Be Gone!!!!

God wouldn't wish that on His worst enemy!

''Torture on Earth'', which is what that will really be if he wins again to someone (prim and proper) like me, is not remotely appealing to me! It's just another phrase covering the term, ''HELL on Earth''!


"Torture on Earth" "Hell on earth" "Beelzebub"...

You are very prim and proper sounding princess. So this is the story about the princess and the pea. The president has not good enough hair and it is "hell"?
Norman, how about some straight talk...

There is not a single ounce of decency, in Donald Trump, he's arrogant, bold, a deceiver, a liar of all liars, he's a womanizer, disrespectful, indecent, a divider/divisive, repentant of nothing, selfish, a con man, a thief, a man of lawlessness, crooked, corrupt, a man of chaos, with money as his almighty God that he believes makes him great, a back stabber, disloyal, vengeful, vindictive, greedy...

And that's not the half of his vices, with no virtues to be listed.

He's absolutely exactly what kind of man my parents spent my entire teen life, teaching me, to stay away from...and reproof/rebuke!!!!! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING Will Robinson! Is echoing so loud and clear, my ears hurt! :eek:

I can't change what my parents taught me now, it's ingrained and will never be lost... I'm stuck with what I was taught!

And he is every single thing that my religion and my God taught me to rebuke as well....

he's what Peter describes as an antichrist...

just because this man, who is leading you all astray imho and away from decency and God's wisdom, became president, does not change my stance on him.
AND as a side note, I also think he is a knee jerk, unwise, divisive, dangerous and destructive to our Nation, President!

nuff said?

Your parents taught you to stay away from a billionaire who is so liked that he had to be removed from home alone, because people love him too much and SJWs can't handle that?

Life must be hell indeed if that is your parents. My parents told me becoming a billionaire and having a phallic tower in the middle of NYC is the "American dream".
He needs to win the popular vote as well this time around, if we ever expect to have some calm and peace and to appease his ego......

Which is highly unlikely imho.

So 4 more years of Hell on Earth..... how wonderful! :rolleyes:

Trump's ego is already healthy sized with a yuge phallic tower as his home in the middle of the richest city. Jelly?

We need to win the popular vote to send a clear message to Washington. America is the land of Americans... just like they did in the UK, wasn't that amazing? We will do it bigger, better... as Americans always do.
Bah Humbug!!!!! Beelzebub Be Gone!!!!

God wouldn't wish that on His worst enemy!

''Torture on Earth'', which is what that will really be if he wins again to someone (prim and proper) like me, is not remotely appealing to me! It's just another phrase covering the term, ''HELL on Earth''!


"Torture on Earth" "Hell on earth" "Beelzebub"...

You are very prim and proper sounding princess. So this is the story about the princess and the pea. The president has not good enough hair and it is "hell"?
Norman, how about some straight talk...

There is not a single ounce of decency, in Donald Trump, he's arrogant, bold, a deceiver, a liar of all liars, he's a womanizer, disrespectful, indecent, a divider/divisive, repentant of nothing, selfish, a con man, a thief, a man of lawlessness, crooked, corrupt, a man of chaos, with money as his almighty God that he believes makes him great, a back stabber, disloyal, vengeful, vindictive, greedy...

And that's not the half of his vices, with no virtues to be listed.

He's absolutely exactly what kind of man my parents spent my entire teen life, teaching me, to stay away from...and reproof/rebuke!!!!! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING Will Robinson! Is echoing so loud and clear, my ears hurt! :eek:

I can't change what my parents taught me now, it's ingrained and will never be lost... I'm stuck with what I was taught!

And he is every single thing that my religion and my God taught me to rebuke as well....

he's what Peter describes as an antichrist...

just because this man, who is leading you all astray imho and away from decency and God's wisdom, became president, does not change my stance on him.
AND as a side note, I also think he is a knee jerk, unwise, divisive, dangerous and destructive to our Nation, President!

nuff said?

Your parents taught you to stay away from a billionaire who is so liked that he had to be removed from home alone, because people love him too much and SJWs can't handle that?

Life must be hell indeed if that is your parents. My parents told me becoming a billionaire and having a phallic tower in the middle of NYC is the "American dream".
I'll take a poor man, with decency and a love for God and me :), any day of the week over an indecent, silver spooned, cheating billionaire like him!
Trust me Norman, there ain't nothing that will change my mind on this...!

If he were a Dem president, I'd feel the same way!

I could not listen to Bill Clinton's voice he so pissed me off, even though he was a fairly good president... after his impeachment, I had to hit the mute button, every time he spoke!
Trump's ego is already healthy sized with a yuge phallic tower as his home in the middle of the richest city. Jelly?

We need to win the popular vote to send a clear message to Washington. America is the land of Americans... just like they did in the UK, wasn't that amazing? We will do it bigger, better... as Americans always do.
Bah Humbug!!!!! Beelzebub Be Gone!!!!

God wouldn't wish that on His worst enemy!

''Torture on Earth'', which is what that will really be if he wins again to someone (prim and proper) like me, is not remotely appealing to me! It's just another phrase covering the term, ''HELL on Earth''!


"Torture on Earth" "Hell on earth" "Beelzebub"...

You are very prim and proper sounding princess. So this is the story about the princess and the pea. The president has not good enough hair and it is "hell"?
Norman, how about some straight talk...

There is not a single ounce of decency, in Donald Trump, he's arrogant, bold, a deceiver, a liar of all liars, he's a womanizer, disrespectful, indecent, a divider/divisive, repentant of nothing, selfish, a con man, a thief, a man of lawlessness, crooked, corrupt, a man of chaos, with money as his almighty God that he believes makes him great, a back stabber, disloyal, vengeful, vindictive, greedy...

And that's not the half of his vices, with no virtues to be listed.

He's absolutely exactly what kind of man my parents spent my entire teen life, teaching me, to stay away from...and reproof/rebuke!!!!! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING Will Robinson! Is echoing so loud and clear, my ears hurt! :eek:

I can't change what my parents taught me now, it's ingrained and will never be lost... I'm stuck with what I was taught!

And he is every single thing that my religion and my God taught me to rebuke as well....

he's what Peter describes as an antichrist...

just because this man, who is leading you all astray imho and away from decency and God's wisdom, became president, does not change my stance on him.
AND as a side note, I also think he is a knee jerk, unwise, divisive, dangerous and destructive to our Nation, President!

nuff said?

Your parents taught you to stay away from a billionaire who is so liked that he had to be removed from home alone, because people love him too much and SJWs can't handle that?

Life must be hell indeed if that is your parents. My parents told me becoming a billionaire and having a phallic tower in the middle of NYC is the "American dream".
I'll take a poor man, with decency and a love for God and me :), any day of the week over an indecent, silver spooned, cheating billionaire like him!

Yeah, but the billion dollars and a lofty car sure is a plus... princesses have high standards.

Talking of that, where are the men? Maybe even too high standards? Not many trillionaires around...

My prediction: the princess changes her stance the moment the mysterious prince declares that president Trump is the gift from God to America, as he will, because he is a prince.
Bah Humbug!!!!! Beelzebub Be Gone!!!!

God wouldn't wish that on His worst enemy!

''Torture on Earth'', which is what that will really be if he wins again to someone (prim and proper) like me, is not remotely appealing to me! It's just another phrase covering the term, ''HELL on Earth''!


"Torture on Earth" "Hell on earth" "Beelzebub"...

You are very prim and proper sounding princess. So this is the story about the princess and the pea. The president has not good enough hair and it is "hell"?
Norman, how about some straight talk...

There is not a single ounce of decency, in Donald Trump, he's arrogant, bold, a deceiver, a liar of all liars, he's a womanizer, disrespectful, indecent, a divider/divisive, repentant of nothing, selfish, a con man, a thief, a man of lawlessness, crooked, corrupt, a man of chaos, with money as his almighty God that he believes makes him great, a back stabber, disloyal, vengeful, vindictive, greedy...

And that's not the half of his vices, with no virtues to be listed.

He's absolutely exactly what kind of man my parents spent my entire teen life, teaching me, to stay away from...and reproof/rebuke!!!!! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING Will Robinson! Is echoing so loud and clear, my ears hurt! :eek:

I can't change what my parents taught me now, it's ingrained and will never be lost... I'm stuck with what I was taught!

And he is every single thing that my religion and my God taught me to rebuke as well....

he's what Peter describes as an antichrist...

just because this man, who is leading you all astray imho and away from decency and God's wisdom, became president, does not change my stance on him.
AND as a side note, I also think he is a knee jerk, unwise, divisive, dangerous and destructive to our Nation, President!

nuff said?

Your parents taught you to stay away from a billionaire who is so liked that he had to be removed from home alone, because people love him too much and SJWs can't handle that?

Life must be hell indeed if that is your parents. My parents told me becoming a billionaire and having a phallic tower in the middle of NYC is the "American dream".
I'll take a poor man, with decency and a love for God and me :), any day of the week over an indecent, silver spooned, cheating billionaire like him!

Yeah, but the billion dollars and a lofty car sure is a plus... princesses have high standards.

Talking of that, where are the men? Maybe even too high standards? Not many trillionaires around...

My prediction: the princess changes her stance the moment the mysterious prince declares that Trump is the gift from God to America, as he will, because he is a prince.
My prince, is a lifelong Republican, and I thank the good Lord, he is not a Trump supporter!!! :D
"Torture on Earth" "Hell on earth" "Beelzebub"...

You are very prim and proper sounding princess. So this is the story about the princess and the pea. The president has not good enough hair and it is "hell"?
Norman, how about some straight talk...

There is not a single ounce of decency, in Donald Trump, he's arrogant, bold, a deceiver, a liar of all liars, he's a womanizer, disrespectful, indecent, a divider/divisive, repentant of nothing, selfish, a con man, a thief, a man of lawlessness, crooked, corrupt, a man of chaos, with money as his almighty God that he believes makes him great, a back stabber, disloyal, vengeful, vindictive, greedy...

And that's not the half of his vices, with no virtues to be listed.

He's absolutely exactly what kind of man my parents spent my entire teen life, teaching me, to stay away from...and reproof/rebuke!!!!! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING Will Robinson! Is echoing so loud and clear, my ears hurt! :eek:

I can't change what my parents taught me now, it's ingrained and will never be lost... I'm stuck with what I was taught!

And he is every single thing that my religion and my God taught me to rebuke as well....

he's what Peter describes as an antichrist...

just because this man, who is leading you all astray imho and away from decency and God's wisdom, became president, does not change my stance on him.
AND as a side note, I also think he is a knee jerk, unwise, divisive, dangerous and destructive to our Nation, President!

nuff said?

Your parents taught you to stay away from a billionaire who is so liked that he had to be removed from home alone, because people love him too much and SJWs can't handle that?

Life must be hell indeed if that is your parents. My parents told me becoming a billionaire and having a phallic tower in the middle of NYC is the "American dream".
I'll take a poor man, with decency and a love for God and me :), any day of the week over an indecent, silver spooned, cheating billionaire like him!

Yeah, but the billion dollars and a lofty car sure is a plus... princesses have high standards.

Talking of that, where are the men? Maybe even too high standards? Not many trillionaires around...

My prediction: the princess changes her stance the moment the mysterious prince declares that Trump is the gift from God to America, as he will, because he is a prince.
My prince, is a lifelong Republican, and I thank the good Lord, he is not a Trump supporter!!! :D

He voted for Trump, didn't he?
Norman, how about some straight talk...

There is not a single ounce of decency, in Donald Trump, he's arrogant, bold, a deceiver, a liar of all liars, he's a womanizer, disrespectful, indecent, a divider/divisive, repentant of nothing, selfish, a con man, a thief, a man of lawlessness, crooked, corrupt, a man of chaos, with money as his almighty God that he believes makes him great, a back stabber, disloyal, vengeful, vindictive, greedy...

And that's not the half of his vices, with no virtues to be listed.

He's absolutely exactly what kind of man my parents spent my entire teen life, teaching me, to stay away from...and reproof/rebuke!!!!! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING Will Robinson! Is echoing so loud and clear, my ears hurt! :eek:

I can't change what my parents taught me now, it's ingrained and will never be lost... I'm stuck with what I was taught!

And he is every single thing that my religion and my God taught me to rebuke as well....

he's what Peter describes as an antichrist...

just because this man, who is leading you all astray imho and away from decency and God's wisdom, became president, does not change my stance on him.
AND as a side note, I also think he is a knee jerk, unwise, divisive, dangerous and destructive to our Nation, President!

nuff said?

Your parents taught you to stay away from a billionaire who is so liked that he had to be removed from home alone, because people love him too much and SJWs can't handle that?

Life must be hell indeed if that is your parents. My parents told me becoming a billionaire and having a phallic tower in the middle of NYC is the "American dream".
I'll take a poor man, with decency and a love for God and me :), any day of the week over an indecent, silver spooned, cheating billionaire like him!

Yeah, but the billion dollars and a lofty car sure is a plus... princesses have high standards.

Talking of that, where are the men? Maybe even too high standards? Not many trillionaires around...

My prediction: the princess changes her stance the moment the mysterious prince declares that Trump is the gift from God to America, as he will, because he is a prince.
My prince, is a lifelong Republican, and I thank the good Lord, he is not a Trump supporter!!! :D

He voted for Trump, didn't he?
no, I think he told me he held his nose and voted for Hillary... it darn near killed him! But he could just not vote for Trump... I guess you would call him a never Trumper.... though he is not too vocal about it, like I am!!! :)

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