2020 prediction: Trump will win

Your parents taught you to stay away from a billionaire who is so liked that he had to be removed from home alone, because people love him too much and SJWs can't handle that?

Life must be hell indeed if that is your parents. My parents told me becoming a billionaire and having a phallic tower in the middle of NYC is the "American dream".
I'll take a poor man, with decency and a love for God and me :), any day of the week over an indecent, silver spooned, cheating billionaire like him!

Yeah, but the billion dollars and a lofty car sure is a plus... princesses have high standards.

Talking of that, where are the men? Maybe even too high standards? Not many trillionaires around...

My prediction: the princess changes her stance the moment the mysterious prince declares that Trump is the gift from God to America, as he will, because he is a prince.
My prince, is a lifelong Republican, and I thank the good Lord, he is not a Trump supporter!!! :D

He voted for Trump, didn't he?
no, I think he told me he held his nose and voted for Hillary... it darn near killed him! But he could just not vote for Trump... I guess you would call him a never Trumper.... though he is not too vocal about it, like I am!!! :)

Never Trumper?

The princess is dating a LOSER?

I hope he lied and actually voted for Trump, but did not want to break delicate princess feels. Otherwise this is big bad news...
I'll take a poor man, with decency and a love for God and me :), any day of the week over an indecent, silver spooned, cheating billionaire like him!

Yeah, but the billion dollars and a lofty car sure is a plus... princesses have high standards.

Talking of that, where are the men? Maybe even too high standards? Not many trillionaires around...

My prediction: the princess changes her stance the moment the mysterious prince declares that Trump is the gift from God to America, as he will, because he is a prince.
My prince, is a lifelong Republican, and I thank the good Lord, he is not a Trump supporter!!! :D

He voted for Trump, didn't he?
no, I think he told me he held his nose and voted for Hillary... it darn near killed him! But he could just not vote for Trump... I guess you would call him a never Trumper.... though he is not too vocal about it, like I am!!! :)

Never Trumper?

The princess is dating a LOSER?

I hope he lied and actually voted for Trump, but did not want to break delicate princess feels. Otherwise this is big bad news...
:lol::lol: I don't wanna know, if he did! :D
there is a 70 percent chance Trump will lose

there is a 30 percent chance Trump will lose in a landslide
Yeah, but the billion dollars and a lofty car sure is a plus... princesses have high standards.

Talking of that, where are the men? Maybe even too high standards? Not many trillionaires around...

My prediction: the princess changes her stance the moment the mysterious prince declares that Trump is the gift from God to America, as he will, because he is a prince.
My prince, is a lifelong Republican, and I thank the good Lord, he is not a Trump supporter!!! :D

He voted for Trump, didn't he?
no, I think he told me he held his nose and voted for Hillary... it darn near killed him! But he could just not vote for Trump... I guess you would call him a never Trumper.... though he is not too vocal about it, like I am!!! :)

Never Trumper?

The princess is dating a LOSER?

I hope he lied and actually voted for Trump, but did not want to break delicate princess feels. Otherwise this is big bad news...
:lol::lol: I don't wanna know, if he did! :D

Wait, you aren't dating Golding Gator by chance?
My prince, is a lifelong Republican, and I thank the good Lord, he is not a Trump supporter!!! :D

He voted for Trump, didn't he?
no, I think he told me he held his nose and voted for Hillary... it darn near killed him! But he could just not vote for Trump... I guess you would call him a never Trumper.... though he is not too vocal about it, like I am!!! :)

Never Trumper?

The princess is dating a LOSER?

I hope he lied and actually voted for Trump, but did not want to break delicate princess feels. Otherwise this is big bad news...
:lol::lol: I don't wanna know, if he did! :D

Wait, you aren't dating Golding Gator by chance?


I'm married to the nicest guy in the whole wide world! He's my soulmate, and I am his soulmate! Luckily, we were blessed!
No need to be Nostredamus to predict this one.

All 3 Moody Models Confirm Trump Will Have Landslide VICTORY In 2020 – Here Are The Numbers

Mark Zandi is the chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, a global financial-research group. He says President Trump will easily win reelection, according to three different economic models that Moody’s used to gauge the 2020 race.

The Moody’s prediction model has been accurate since 1980 — missing only once in its four-decade history. That was in 2016 when it wrongly predicted that Hillary Clinton would win the electoral college.

While the 2016 election was dominantly won, the three different Moody’s Analytics prediction models including the Pocketbook Model, the Stock Market Model, and the Unemployment Model mostly point to an even bigger victory margin.

Trump wins the Pocketbook Model 351 electoral votes to 187.

He wins the Stock Market Model 289 votes to 249.

And, he wins the Unemployment Model 332 votes to 206.

“The Moody’s projections were based on how consumers feel about their own financial situation (the Pocketbook Model), their assessment of the stock-market gains under Trump (Stock Market Model), and unemployment data (Unemployment Model),” BizPac Review adds.

All 3 Moody Models Confirm Trump Will Have Landslide VICTORY In 2020 - Here Are The Numbers - Conservative US

Too bad they didn't consider the "Americans" model, let's make it a Trumpslide. Win even bigger, better...
The Moscow Poll?
We have to remember all the propaganda headed our way via TV, Hollywood, web and "education". These are political advantages the left are too cowardly to admit to.

All their intrinsic advantages
They still can never get more than about half of the country to agree with them.
That illustrates how bad their product is

No truer words spoken.
there is a 70 percent chance Trump will lose

there is a 30 percent chance Trump will lose in a landslide

Here's is what will happen.
Everyone who voted for Trump in 2016 will vote for him again in 2020.
After seeing how he runs the country even more minorities, and working class folks will vote for him.
The urban plantations, aka "blue archipelago", will keep many of their voters who are promised free stuff, but never get anything.
After the democrats actually pick a nominee, half of their voters will feel disenfranchised and stay home.
Trump wins in a landslide, the GOP takes the House because the 31 dems who won in Trump districts lose
The GOP keep the senate .

Here is what happened in 2106 in case you forgot. In 2020 Trump will have 4-years of presidential experience.
And they all probably predicted a Hillary landslide. LOL

Good point... imagine by how much more Trump will win when it's actually predicted he wins.
He needs to win the popular vote as well this time around, if we ever expect to have some calm and peace and to appease his ego......

Which is highly unlikely imho.

So 4 more years of Hell on Earth..... how wonderful! :rolleyes:

Trump's ego is already healthy sized with a yuge phallic tower as his home in the middle of the richest city. Jelly?

We need to win the popular vote to send a clear message to Washington. America is the land of Americans... just like they did in the UK, wasn't that amazing? We will do it bigger, better... as Americans always do.

Sorry, but NYC isn't the richest city in America. That belongs to Silicon Valley and 8 other places in California. But, nice to see that you have learned to use Trump's "truthful hyperbole".

New York ranks in at 23 out of the top 25 richest cities in America.

The 25 richest cities in the US: California has eight of them

23. New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA
• Median household income:
• Households earning $200,000 or more: 13.2%
• Adults with a bachelor's degree: 39.6%
• March 2019 unemployment: 3.9%

Home to over 20 million people, New York is by far the most populous metro area in the United States. With a median annual household income of $75,368, it is also one of the wealthiest. A significant 13.2% of households in the metro area earn at least $200,000 a year, a larger share than in all but six other metro areas nationwide. The high incomes are due in part to the city's status as a global financial hub, home to high-paying employers in the finance industry, including firms like JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, and Goldman Sachs.

Income inequality is a bigger problem in New York than most other American cities. The poverty rate in metro area of 12.8% is higher than nearly every other city on this list.

[That belongs to Silicon Valley and 8 other places in California.

California also has the highest poverty rate in the nation.

Guess you missed post 27 where it said that income inequality is a bigger problem in NYC than most other American cities.
observing American politics is a hoot as long as you keep a sane perspective and remember that the main goal is entertainment
Trump electoral college landslide will probably be bigger than 2016. Democrats might only succeed in getting more Democrats to turn out in states they were already going to win.

Trump’s numbers across numerous key matrixes improved surrounding the impeachment gambit.

In reality, this election will rest on
a) independents who are in
b) swing states.​
Independents are prone to the galvanizing excitement of partisans. Since Trump’s people are galvanized, and Democrats are not exciting their base, independents will go for Trump. That was also reflected in polling over impeachment itself.

Independents are not some 5 or 10% of the voting base that might just ‘push one candidate or other’ over a notch to victory. Independents make up a whole 38% of the electorate.

Only 41% of independents supported impeachment.
The far left is doing all they can to get Trump elected in 2020!

They do not have anyone that can defeat him in the current pack!

All they had to do was not act as crazy as Trump and they doubled down on stupid!

Obama was far left and to these candidates Obama is now right wing!

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