2020 Ties for Hottest Year on Record, NASA Says (Nullfying 10,000 "it's cold this morning" posts here)

Thats cause CO2 does not lead to heating. It follows heating and raises after heating occurs.
As I've explained many times.. it has been the case until this latest warming cycle that CO2 (and other GHGs) usually follow AND EXACERBATE solar forced warming periods.

HOWEVER, for the first time, humans (since the Industrial Revolution/mainly 20th C/especially Late 20th C) have flooded the atmosphere with CO2, CH4, etc, and that has LED to THIS warming.

Scientists have measured if it was the sun/solar forcing and it isn't/wasn't.. It's our increasingly thick GHG Blanket which is trapping radiation from being reflected back out into space at the precise spectral wavelengths of those GHGs.

That's it in a nutshell.
Hope it increases your understanding even if it doesn't override your blinding politics.

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As I've explained many times.. it has been the case until this latest warming cycle that CO2 (and other GHGs) usually follow AND EXACERBATE solar forced warming periods.

HOWEVER, for the first time, humans (since the Industrial Revolution/mainly 20th C/especially Late 20th C) have flooded the atmosphere with CO2, CH4, etc, and that has LED to THIS warming.

Scientists have measured if it was the sun/solar forcing and it isn't/wasn't.. It's our increasingly thick GHG Blanket which is trapping radiation from being reflected back out into space at the precise spectral wavelengths of those GHGs.

That's it in a nutshell.
Hope it increases your understanding even if it doesn't override your blinding politics.

Wrong some scientist have claimed it is not the sun while others have said it is, And they have data to support their claim. You just chose to ignore it.
Wrong some scientist have claimed it is not the sun while others have said it is, And they have data to support their claim. You just chose to ignore it.
Why don't you post the tiny fringe for us.
I've posted mine/the mainstream.
Why don't you post the tiny fringe for us.
I've posted mine/the mainstream.
The IPCC would agree with the "tiny fringe" if they didn't include the urban island heat effect dataset and used the high variability solar out put dataset that NASA uses.
Keeping you honest is a full time job.
That's seven posts/Trolls in six threads (in 10 mins) you Obsessively STALKED.
I generally just ignore and use them now when I want to bump up my threads.

You're a ONE LINE TROLL, but again good for looking like my posts are replies instead of blogging.
That's seven posts/Trolls in six threads (in 10 mins) you Obsessively STALKED.
I generally just ignore and use them now when I want to bump up my threads.

You're a ONE LINE TROLL, but again good for looking like my posts are replies instead of blogging.
Don't you agree that the IPCC would agree with the "tiny fringe" if they didn't include the urban island heat effect dataset and used the high variability solar output dataset that NASA uses?
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It's the WSJ citing/quoting NASA officials.
Only a Denier IDIOT like you would compare that to the 'National Enquirer.'
You turd.
There are some graphics in the article tho, but not reproduceable.

So far all you have presented is lib/greenie hysteria

what do you plan to do about it?
So far all you have presented is lib/greenie hysteria

what do you plan to do about it?
You are Definitely missing all my Renewables thread starts.
Not difficult to find either.

This country is doing amazingly well on that front.
Faster than any legislated GND!
It's cheaper in many respects and investment is very socially conscious these days

But I'm afraid the warming/Sea Level Rise is already baked into the cards and up to our hips, due to lack of effort outside us and the EU. Chindia is a disaster and there are many mini-versions.
The last chance to significantly mitigate it would have probably been Gore 2000.


You are Definitely missing all my Renewables thread starts.
Not difficult to find either.

This country is doing amazingly well on that front.
Faster than any legislated GND!
It's cheaper in many respects and investment is very socially conscious these days

But I'm afraid the warming/Sea Level Rise is already baked into the cards and up to our hips, due to lack of effort outside us and the EU. Chindia is a disaster and there are many mini-versions.
The last chance to significantly mitigate it would have probably been Gore 2000.


Do you believe renewables should have storage capacity so that when the sun doesn't shine or the wind doesn't blow the supply of electricity will remain the same? Don't you think that would be a good idea?
The Industrial Rev/GHG warming is what's at issue.
Obviously it has been warmer many times in Earth's history, but of course we know why it was and WHY this time is caused by humans.

Are you like 12 yrs old?
You post like a Child... and a dumb one at that.
And you're a REAL science guy, so there!

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