205 Million Obamacare Hawaii Exchange- IMPLODES

Just thank God you don't live in Hawaii.
Use your brain MG. The only legal subsidies are those run by state exchanges. Those that don't have state exchanges set up have to pay the full Obamacare price. Obamacare is dying and will be dead soon if somebody doesn't bail it out. Didn't take as long as we thought BTW.
Business owners are becoming more creative with how they insure their employees.

Although the additional taxes don't come into effect until after the next Presidential election... I used to provide my employees with what would be considered a "Cadillac Plan".
They could see any doctor they wanted ... Get any treatment they wanted ... And policy requirements/approval amounted to giving the hospital or doctor their insurance card.
Crap ... The insurer would pay for airfare if necessary to see a specialist.

No doubt ... Coverage like that costs anyone a lot of money.
Additionally ... The ACA has targeted plans like the one I offered my employees with additional taxes.

  • Imposes 40% excise tax on the value of coverage exceeding $10,200 for individual coverage and $27,500 for family coverage ($11,800 and $30,950 for retirees and employees in high-risk jobs) to be indexed annually.
  • Family coverage threshold ($27,500 or $30,950) applies to single and family coverage under a multiemployer plan.
  • Coverage subject to tax include the value of the total premium for employer-provided accident and health coverage, employer and employee contributions to health flexible savings account (FSA), and employer and employee salary reduction contributions to health savings account (HSA).
  • Employer must calculate the tax and alert the coverage providers of the share each is responsible for.
I had planned on getting low level coverage for my employees ... And putting the extra money I now pay towards their better coverage in HSA's for their use if necessary to avoid the new taxes and still contribute more towards their healthcare ... But the Government won't allow that either and will tax the HSA's as well.

The only thing the new tax is attempting to do ... Is punish the people who can and are willing to provide more for their employees.
The government isn't looking out for your best interests ... It is penalizing those who do more ... And actually care more about the people who we have invested in.
The government doesn't want anyone to have any control over their healthcare decisions ... Unless they are willing to pay a 40% excise tax for having it.

As is ... I will not pay the extra taxes ... And will provide lower coverage.
I will take the money I used to spend on coverage and invest it ... Then use it to offset as much of the additional healthcare costs I can annually (at least until the money runs out) ... The employees are extremely upset with the changes.

Business owners are becoming more creative with how they insure their employees.

Although the additional taxes don't come into effect until after the next Presidential election... I used to provide my employees with what would be considered a "Cadillac Plan".
They could see any doctor they wanted ... Get any treatment they wanted ... And policy requirements/approval amounted to giving the hospital or doctor their insurance card.
Crap ... The insurer would pay for airfare if necessary to see a specialist.

No doubt ... Coverage like that costs anyone a lot of money.
Additionally ... The ACA has targeted plans like the one I offered my employees with additional taxes.

  • Imposes 40% excise tax on the value of coverage exceeding $10,200 for individual coverage and $27,500 for family coverage ($11,800 and $30,950 for retirees and employees in high-risk jobs) to be indexed annually.
  • Family coverage threshold ($27,500 or $30,950) applies to single and family coverage under a multiemployer plan.
  • Coverage subject to tax include the value of the total premium for employer-provided accident and health coverage, employer and employee contributions to health flexible savings account (FSA), and employer and employee salary reduction contributions to health savings account (HSA).
  • Employer must calculate the tax and alert the coverage providers of the share each is responsible for.
I had planned on getting low level coverage for my employees ... And putting the extra money I now pay towards their better coverage in HSA's for their use if necessary to avoid the new taxes and still contribute more towards their healthcare ... But the Government won't allow that either and will tax the HSA's as well.

The only thing the new tax is attempting to do ... Is punish the people who can and are willing to provide more for their employees.
The government isn't looking out for your best interests ... It is penalizing those who do more ... And actually care more about the people who we have invested in.
The government doesn't want anyone to have any control over their healthcare decisions ... Unless they are willing to pay a 40% excise tax for having it.

As is ... I will not pay the extra taxes ... And will provide lower coverage.
I will take the money I used to spend on coverage and invest it ... Then use it to offset as much of the additional healthcare costs I can annually (at least until the money runs out) ... The employees are extremely upset with the changes.


Yep.....Obama promised that it wouldn't raise our taxes or cost us one dime.
Business owners are becoming more creative with how they insure their employees.

Although the additional taxes don't come into effect until after the next Presidential election... I used to provide my employees with what would be considered a "Cadillac Plan".
They could see any doctor they wanted ... Get any treatment they wanted ... And policy requirements/approval amounted to giving the hospital or doctor their insurance card.
Crap ... The insurer would pay for airfare if necessary to see a specialist.

No doubt ... Coverage like that costs anyone a lot of money.
Additionally ... The ACA has targeted plans like the one I offered my employees with additional taxes.

  • Imposes 40% excise tax on the value of coverage exceeding $10,200 for individual coverage and $27,500 for family coverage ($11,800 and $30,950 for retirees and employees in high-risk jobs) to be indexed annually.
  • Family coverage threshold ($27,500 or $30,950) applies to single and family coverage under a multiemployer plan.
  • Coverage subject to tax include the value of the total premium for employer-provided accident and health coverage, employer and employee contributions to health flexible savings account (FSA), and employer and employee salary reduction contributions to health savings account (HSA).
  • Employer must calculate the tax and alert the coverage providers of the share each is responsible for.
I had planned on getting low level coverage for my employees ... And putting the extra money I now pay towards their better coverage in HSA's for their use if necessary to avoid the new taxes and still contribute more towards their healthcare ... But the Government won't allow that either and will tax the HSA's as well.

The only thing the new tax is attempting to do ... Is punish the people who can and are willing to provide more for their employees.
The government isn't looking out for your best interests ... It is penalizing those who do more ... And actually care more about the people who we have invested in.
The government doesn't want anyone to have any control over their healthcare decisions ... Unless they are willing to pay a 40% excise tax for having it.

As is ... I will not pay the extra taxes ... And will provide lower coverage.
I will take the money I used to spend on coverage and invest it ... Then use it to offset as much of the additional healthcare costs I can annually (at least until the money runs out) ... The employees are extremely upset with the changes.


Yep.....Obama promised that it wouldn't raise our taxes or cost us one dime.

he certainly did
oh more joy for you the people.

Health exchange considers higher fees as federal grants end
Chris Loveless, Digital Content Director ,[email protected]
POSTED: 10:59 AM MDT May 12, 2015


The state's health exchange is looking at more than doubling the fee that insurers pass onto customers who buy policies.

The Denver Postreports Connect for Health Colorado staff recommended the increase Monday as $177 million in federal startup grants come to a close and as insurance carriers prepare to submit their rate plans by May 29.

If the health exchange board approves the 3.5 percent charge for premiums, the fee for a $4,000 yearly plan would go up by $84. Staff also recommended upping a monthly assessment charge for 1.2 million private insurance policies to bring in $2 million more. (how abut that? they "The health exchange BOARD can do what ever they want)

ALL of it here:

Health exchange considers higher fees as federal grants end News - Home

The plan is expected to come up for a vote next week and would boost revenue for the exchange by $5.8 million.
Obumercare is the worst system possible.

It was written by insurance companies to pack as much of your money into their pockets as they can.

oh I know. this passed on the people against their will. by THE Democrats. It was so slimy, but their base of voters didn't care. so now they get to PAY more for it too. I can't work up any sympathy for them
It wasn't against their will as much as it was without their knowledge. They were misled.

A relative was paying $160/month for an individual catastrophic plan a few years ago. unaca passed, their plan got dumped because it wasn't unaca compliant, new plan (all their plans have been with BC) was $525/month. This year it jumped to $650 per month. Six hundred and fifty dollars PER MONTH for coverage, many are things they can not/will not ever need/use. What is the alternative? Go onto the damn website and what, have someone else foot the bill? How is this better? If individual insurance was 'too expensive' prior to this mess, can some leftist please explain how a 400% ... FOUR HUNDRED PERCENT -- increase in premium is better, more affordable?

The entire system is going to collapse, the government will say "we tried to fix it, it can't be done, single payer is the only way" and both sides have no problem with it. None. They should all be shot, all of them, including the Rs. They cried 'repeal' (for show) but in the end gave obama the bucks he asked for to fund it. Bastards.
Yep.....Obama promised that it wouldn't raise our taxes or cost us one dime.

I guess it just depended on who exactly President Obama considered to be "us".
The taxes are real ... They are an "excise tax" ... And no one cares because it only hurts the people who do "more" and want to pay for "better coverage".

Socialism ... The desire to punish the overachievers.

oh more joy for you the people.

Health exchange considers higher fees as federal grants end
Chris Loveless, Digital Content Director ,[email protected]
POSTED: 10:59 AM MDT May 12, 2015


The state's health exchange is looking at more than doubling the fee that insurers pass onto customers who buy policies.

The Denver Postreports Connect for Health Colorado staff recommended the increase Monday as $177 million in federal startup grants come to a close and as insurance carriers prepare to submit their rate plans by May 29.

If the health exchange board approves the 3.5 percent charge for premiums, the fee for a $4,000 yearly plan would go up by $84. Staff also recommended upping a monthly assessment charge for 1.2 million private insurance policies to bring in $2 million more. (how abut that? they "The health exchange BOARD can do what ever they want)

ALL of it here:

Health exchange considers higher fees as federal grants end News - Home

The plan is expected to come up for a vote next week and would boost revenue for the exchange by $5.8 million.

All those Fed grants will end and the States will have to pick up the costs for all ACA folks on Medicaid.

The Fed Govt is good at kicking costs back to the States. To bad those fucking idiots didn't read this POS bill before they passed it.
Meanwhile in Kentucky hospitals are laying off staff due to funding cuts by the government.

We will be seeing a lot more of this folks.
The Vat can now go locally and have been able to since last year, if the vet lives over 50 miles from the nearest VA or you are having long wait periods to see the doc at the VA..It's called veterans choice

That's true ... But the vet has to know that before they go to the VA or request services.
Otherwise ... They will send the vet to wherever they want.

If you are a vet ... And want to ensure you get the best service from the VA ... Then make sure you have an advocate that will explain all you are entitled to.
I mean damn ... It is the government ... And they will shortchange you as a vet if they can.
They cut costs by screwing the people who complain the least ... And accept the punishment.

Every eligible vet was sent a letter with their ID card for services outside the VA, but you must get prior authorization...

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