21 Millionaires In Congress Helped 25 Billionaires Pay Almost Nothing In Taxes

Exactly my point.

I bet your friend drove used cars and didn't buy a new cell phone every 6 months either.
With the 5 trillion dollars the Demoncraps have just pushed through congress, you can bet that the DOW will hit in the next two years 40,000. Thus making the rich even richer, even though Joe Biteme says they will pay their fair share in taxes. Yeah, right. But also, in the next two years you will see gasoline prices hit record highs probably around 10 dollars a gallon in 2024, as the full effect of printing all that money will have. A cheese burger at McDonalds will be 6 bucks, while the employees make 15 dollars an hour. They will still be behind inflation, because progressives have no clue what inflation does to them... Misery and poverty, that is the Progressive way to make everyone equal. Except those progressive elites like Nancy Pelosi who steal our taxes to make themselves richer.

Hugo Chavez Net Worth: $1 Billion Hugo Chavez net worth: Hugo Chavez was a Venezuelan politician who had a net worth of $1 billion at the time of his death on March 5th 2013.
Occupation: Politician, Soldier, Human Rights Activist
Date of Birth: Jul 28, 1954-Mar 5, 2013 (58 years old)
Height: 5 ft 8 in (1.73 m)

Hugo Chavez Net Worth | Celebrity Net Worth


Exactly my point.

I bet your friend drove used cars and didn't buy a new cell phone every 6 months either.
Free car and phone. He was a Pharma Rep.

I have a free company phone now too. My boss keeps saying, "you should go get a personal phone". FUCK THAT! Even if it's only $60 a month, that's $700 a year. x 10 years that's $7000. Plus interest??? I just don't download porn and I don't ever text anything inappropriate.
With the 5 trillion dollars the Demoncraps have just pushed through congress, you can bet that the DOW will hit in the next two years 40,000. Thus making the rich even richer, even though Joe Biteme says they will pay their fair share in taxes. Yeah, right. But also, in the next two years you will see gasoline prices hit record highs probably around 10 dollars a gallon in 2024, as the full effect of printing all that money will have. A cheese burger at McDonalds will be 6 bucks, while the employees make 15 dollars an hour. They will still be behind inflation, because progressives have no clue what inflation does to them... Misery and poverty, that is the Progressive way to make everyone equal. Except those progressive elites like Nancy Pelosi who steal our taxes to make themselves richer.

Hugo Chavez Net Worth: $1 Billion Hugo Chavez net worth: Hugo Chavez was a Venezuelan politician who had a net worth of $1 billion at the time of his death on March 5th 2013.
Occupation: Politician, Soldier, Human Rights Activist
Date of Birth: Jul 28, 1954-Mar 5, 2013 (58 years old)
Height: 5 ft 8 in (1.73 m)

Hugo Chavez Net Worth | Celebrity Net Worth

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First you brag that the stock market was great during the Trump years now you're complaining that the Democrats are making the stock market too good for the rich.

Sorry you don't have the money to play the stock market. Perhaps you should not be a Republican. Doesn't sound like you have enough scratch to be a Republican.
First you brag that the stock market was great during the Trump years now you're complaining that the Democrats are making the stock market too good for the rich.

Sorry you don't have the money to play the stock market. Perhaps you should not be a Republican. Doesn't sound like you have enough scratch to be a Republican.
Under President Trump the stock market was doing well because people were working making real money. I guess you dont know that affects the market. Then with Joe Biden Admin working with China they released upon the US and the world the Kung Flu so Democrats could shut down the best economy ever, because they knew Creeper Joe would never win the election against that economy. Two month later the economy got rolling again because red states started opening. Then the big steal happened. Joe thinks you can just print money and not pay any repercussion for those actions. He is dead wrong. Stupid people like you never study history, when you dont, you are doomed to repeat it.

Oh by the way, i have over 40,000 HD stock and 152,000 shares of CIM....You figure it out..
Billions. Why?
Bullshit, they don’t make it by a paid set income salary. Most of their wealth is calculated by assets, real estate, investments so most of it is not counted as “income” on an income tax.
Shit like this is deceiving.

If you are a billionaire then your wealth is mostly tied up in assets. Most assess in the US are taxed multiple times.

Like all of us try to do personal income can be legally shielded from the federal income tax in some circumstances but most of us pay a shitload of other taxes besides the income taxes, both directly and indirectly.

For instance, if you buy things or use services provided by a corporation then you are indirectly paying the trillion a year collected in corporate taxes.

The Federal income tax only is about a trillion of the four trillion the Federal government collects each year and only about an eight of the total combined taxes collected in the US every year.
Under President Trump the stock market was doing well because people were working making real money. I guess you dont know that affects the market. Then with Joe Biden Admin working with China they released upon the US and the world the Kung Flu so Democrats could shut down the best economy ever, because they knew Creeper Joe would never win the election against that economy. Two month later the economy got rolling again because red states started opening. Then the big steal happened. Joe thinks you can just print money and not pay any repercussion for those actions. He is dead wrong. Stupid people like you never study history, when you dont, you are doomed to repeat it.

Oh by the way, i have over 40,000 HD stock and 152,000 shares of CIM....You figure it out..
Working people got hurt when Trump started a trade war with China. Remember he said under 3% growth wasn't good enough when Obama was POTUS? Trump had 2.3% growth in 2019. Candidate Trump would call POTUS Trump a uge failure.
Shit like this is deceiving.

If you are a billionaire then your wealth is mostly tied up in assets. Most assess in the US are taxed multiple times.

Like all of us try to do personal income can be legally shielded from the federal income tax in some circumstances but most of us pay a shitload of other taxes besides the income taxes, both directly and indirectly.

For instance, if you buy things or use services provided by a corporation then you are indirectly paying the trillion a year collected in corporate taxes.

The Federal income tax only is about a trillion of the four trillion the Federal government collects each year and only about an eight of the total combined taxes collected in the US every year.
And trump's tax bill doubled the number of mega corporations who now pay zero federal taxes.
Bullshit, they don’t make it by a paid set income salary. Most of their wealth is calculated by assets, real estate, investments so most of it is not counted as “income” on an income tax.
And if I remember correctly Bernie said that a guy like him pays less % in taxes than his secretary does.
And trump's tax bill doubled the number of mega corporations who now pay zero federal taxes.

I love to see the fucking greed of you little Libtard shitheads worrying about what other people pay in taxes. It makes you look like pathetic little squirmy assholes. Tax Karens

More than half the people in the US don't pay any into the trillion a year collected in income taxes. They are the real freeloaders. The very rich may be able to skate from the income tax if they the IRS deduction stars are aligned right but they pay a shithlaod of other taxes that you don't pay in the same amount. Hell, most of them gives away in charity a million times more than little shits like you pay in taxes.

The problem is not the Revenue Code that always produces winners and loser but the fact that the filthy ass government spends so much money that we are all directly or indirectly taxed.

It is not that we don't collect enough taxes it is that we spend too much money on the cost of government. Way too much.

By the way I got a nice little tax decrease from Trump's tax plan so shut your Commie whore mouth.
I love to see the fucking greed of you little Libtard shitheads worrying about what other people pay in taxes. It makes you look like pathetic little squirmy assholes. Tax Karens

More than half the people in the US don't pay any into the trillion a year collected in income taxes. They are the real freeloaders. The very rich may be able to skate from the income tax if they the IRS deduction stars are aligned right but they pay a shithlaod of other taxes that you don't pay in the same amount. Hell, most of them gives away in charity a million times more than little shits like you pay in taxes.

The problem is not the Revenue Code that always produces winners and loser but the fact that the filthy ass government spends so much money that we are all directly or indirectly taxed.

It is not that we don't collect enough taxes it is that we spend too much money on the cost of government. Way too much.

By the way I got a nice little tax decrease from Trump's tax plan so shut your Commie whore mouth.
Listen. A long time ago the rich people who ruled our country decided what was fair. But apparently they weren't as greedy as the rich who rule today. We need another FDR. Fuck Trump we need a FDR. One that wants to strengthen social security and medicare.

Do you know how many problems socialized medicine would solve? People can't retire till 65 because they can't afford healthcare. People can't start a business because they can't afford healthcare. People don't have kids because they can't afford healthcare. People die because they can't afford healthcare.

Of course the public option won't be as good as your corporate cadillac plan, but it will provide coverage to people who might suffer a catastrophic illness. We can afford it. If we could afford the Afgan war for 20 years, we can afford socialized healthcare for people who need it.

Fuck rolling back the Trump and Bush tax breaks. Roll back the Reagan tax breaks too. The rich got greedy and fuck you for defending them as they do not pay their fair share.

And don't say class warfare doesn't exist. A long time ago we decided what tax breaks were fair for the poor, middle and upper class. The rich starting with Reagan have waged war on the rest of us and they are winning. Blame it on Obama and Pelosi if it makes you feel better. At least we agree finally the rich don't pay their fair share. We need to sock it to Nancy Pelosi.
I love to see the fucking greed of you little Libtard shitheads worrying about what other people pay in taxes. It makes you look like pathetic little squirmy assholes. Tax Karens

More than half the people in the US don't pay any into the trillion a year collected in income taxes. They are the real freeloaders. The very rich may be able to skate from the income tax if they the IRS deduction stars are aligned right but they pay a shithlaod of other taxes that you don't pay in the same amount. Hell, most of them gives away in charity a million times more than little shits like you pay in taxes.

The problem is not the Revenue Code that always produces winners and loser but the fact that the filthy ass government spends so much money that we are all directly or indirectly taxed.

It is not that we don't collect enough taxes it is that we spend too much money on the cost of government. Way too much.

By the way I got a nice little tax decrease from Trump's tax plan so shut your Commie whore mouth.
You mean when the rich politicians give their rich constituents big tax breaks and give you crumbs and it widens the gap between them and you, you don't complain? You must be comfortable on the GOP plantation.
Of course the public option won't be as good as your corporate cadillac plan, but it will provide coverage to people who might suffer a catastrophic illness. We can afford it.


It's not like Medicare is going broke.........wait, what?
Working people got hurt when Trump started a trade war with China. Remember he said under 3% growth wasn't good enough when Obama was POTUS? Trump had 2.3% growth in 2019. Candidate Trump would call POTUS Trump a uge failure.
Trump was attempting to bring production back here. You tell us how then. The 2020 election was stolen. And we Republican voters and all Non Prog voters could see how a percentage of Repug politicians are. For they seem to help to enable the Progressive Socialist party.
Listen. A long time ago the rich people who ruled our country decided what was fair. But apparently they weren't as greedy as the rich who rule today. We need another FDR. Fuck Trump we need a FDR. One that wants to strengthen social security and medicare.

Do you know how many problems socialized medicine would solve? People can't retire till 65 because they can't afford healthcare. People can't start a business because they can't afford healthcare. People don't have kids because they can't afford healthcare. People die because they can't afford healthcare.

Of course the public option won't be as good as your corporate cadillac plan, but it will provide coverage to people who might suffer a catastrophic illness. We can afford it. If we could afford the Afgan war for 20 years, we can afford socialized healthcare for people who need it.

Fuck rolling back the Trump and Bush tax breaks. Roll back the Reagan tax breaks too. The rich got greedy and fuck you for defending them as they do not pay their fair share.

And don't say class warfare doesn't exist. A long time ago we decided what tax breaks were fair for the poor, middle and upper class. The rich starting with Reagan have waged war on the rest of us and they are winning. Blame it on Obama and Pelosi if it makes you feel better. At least we agree finally the rich don't pay their fair share. We need to sock it to Nancy Pelosi.

Fuck you and your greedy class warfare shit. It is simple greed and it is despicable.

The rich people in this country are the job creators and all them pay more taxes in one month than little shits like you make in your pathetic miserable greedy life. Most of them give a tremendous amout to charity.

Hell, the Hollywood Limousine Libtards and the rich Silicon Valley Libtards even finance the filthy Democrats so stop your bitching.

You still are so damn stupid as to not understand that the problem we have is that the fucking government is too big and spends too much money, not that we don't collect enough taxes from people that make more money than you do.

The reason you are confused about things like this is because you are a dumbass Moon Bat that doesn't know any more about Economics than you know about History, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics or The Constitution.
Trump was attempting to bring production back here. You tell us how then. The 2020 election was stolen. And we Republican voters and all Non Prog voters could see how a percentage of Repug politicians are. For they seem to help to enable the Progressive Socialist party.
You don't bring production back. Not the way he tried to do it. By fucking with the system.

you give tax breaks to get companies to move back home. Or you give tax breaks to companies here that are competing against those importers. But you don't disrupt business. Not so you stall an economy.

China schooled Trump. Or I bet you think he won that negotiation because they gave him some crumbs to save face. Barely.
You mean when the rich politicians give their rich constituents big tax breaks and give you crumbs and it widens the gap between them and you, you don't complain? You must be comfortable on the GOP plantation.

I see all that money that is putting my children and grandchildren in debt by the Democrat filth and RINOs going to the goddamn Negroes, Illegals, union bosses and Democrat fat cats.

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