21 Millionaires In Congress Helped 25 Billionaires Pay Almost Nothing In Taxes

Ok then let's pay them more so they can pay more in taxes. That's the trade off. Owners will have to pay more in salaries if they want to pay less in taxes. Share the wealth.
Pay them more to sit on their fucking ass and do nothing...no fucking way...Take them to the middle of the ocean and drop them off, if they make it back, give them welfare, if they dont, the fish have to eat..
Ok then let's pay them more so they can pay more in taxes. That's the trade off. Owners will have to pay more in salaries if they want to pay less in taxes. Share the wealth.
Pay them more to sit on their fucking ass and do nothing...no fucking way...Take them to the middle of the ocean and drop them off, if they make it back, give them welfare, if they dont, the fish have to eat..
Pay them more to sit on their fucking ass and do nothing...no fucking way...Take them to the middle of the ocean and drop them off, if they make it back, give them welfare, if they dont, the fish have to eat..
Correct me if I'm wrong but in America aren't the people who work the hardest paid the least?
Correct me if I'm wrong but in America aren't the people who work the hardest paid the least?

People who dont fucking work, get paid free stuff. Then people who work 40 hours a week, get average pay. Those that get paid big bucks work sometimes 80 hours or more a week. Dumbfucks like you listen to your prog masters who tell you that you cant believe this because then what they tell you is a lie.

Why do pro athletes get paid more than you? CEO's got their masters degree then put in lots of hours to manage a bunch of whiney employees. Try opening a business and see if you can run it with only 40 hours a week work..
That's more or less a myth.
Bullshit. Ever do landscaping? Dish washer?

I'm watching these guys hang new gutters on my condo. How much do you think they make? I'm sitting in my home typing on the computer making almost $100K. It doesn't seem fair. But hey fuck it I went to college and I'm good at sales. That's valuable to corporations.

Isn't it funny that even though companies can't find enough help, that's not really raising wages like it should. Instead companies would rather go out of business. That's what I'm seeing.

I think McDonald should pay 3 people really well to run a store and the rest should be automated. I don't care if automation replaces 10 shitty jobs. Fuck those jobs. In the future McD employees will be more like computer programmers.
Propublica is out with another blockbuster story on the IRS and who isn't paying their taxes—25 billionaires, among the world's richest people, one of whom even manipulated the system so much he got a $4,000 tax credit for his children.

The consequences are stark. As of 2018, the 25 billionaires were collectively worth $1.1 trillion. It would require the combined wealth of 14.3 million regular wage earners to equal that. Those wage earners paid $143 billion in taxes in 2018. Those holding $1.1 trillion that year paid $1.9 billion. Here's the really frustrating part: "billionaires don’t have to evade taxes exotically and illicitly — they can avoid them routinely and legally." They hold their wealth in dividends, stocks, bonds, and other investments that are taxed at lower rates than wages.

So wage earners should pay more in taxes than billionaires? 100 times more?
Yeah. I'm not for wealth distribution, but the dems should have passed their reconcillation bill raising taxes on those making over 500k with an "extra" levy on those making a million or more.
Yeah. I'm not for wealth distribution, but the dems should have passed their reconcillation bill raising taxes on those making over 500k with an "extra" levy on those making a million or more.
Wealth distribution:

Bankrupt the American manufacturer, renig on pensions, send jobs overseas, hurt American workers, CEO gets big pay raise, investors benefit from the increase in profits.

Make it so corporations don't pay any taxes. Wealth distribution.

Stop hiring Americans to cut your grass or be your maid. Instead, hire illegals for much less. Wealth distribution.

Hire indian's from India to do customer service rather than Americans. Wealth distribution.

Make cuts to social programs to pay for tax cuts. Wealth distribution.

You aren't for it? Probably because you aren't rich. They are all for it.
Saw this and thought you'd find it interesting.

About 15% of households own stocks, and 13% hold business equity or other residential property

For more Americans to have a “seat at the table” of the economic system, the report concludes, “lawmakers should consider ways in which public policy can open up more pathways to asset ownership to a wider array of Americans.”

To the surprise of few people, the wealth income gap among American communities is yawning ever wider,

The EIG report — which focused specifically on income from interest, stock dividends and rent — discovered that the gap between counties with the lowest and highest asset income per capita increased sixfold between 1990 and 2019.

The report demonstrates that while asset values may soar, they are only enjoyed by a fraction of Americans, while the rest must depend on wages. “The reality is this: building asset wealth is currently unattainable for the majority of Americans,” the report stated.

Anyone the age of 18 and up can buy stocks.

If they don't it's not my problem.
Got it. You're down for wage earners paying $143 billion in taxes while billionaires pay $1.9.
Yes we are. Who's the tax money being spent on, hint not the billionaires. Let those receiving government services pay for them. Enough with your wealth envy and mooching.
Propublica is out with another blockbuster story on the IRS and who isn't paying their taxes—25 billionaires, among the world's richest people, one of whom even manipulated the system so much he got a $4,000 tax credit for his children.

The consequences are stark. As of 2018, the 25 billionaires were collectively worth $1.1 trillion. It would require the combined wealth of 14.3 million regular wage earners to equal that. Those wage earners paid $143 billion in taxes in 2018. Those holding $1.1 trillion that year paid $1.9 billion. Here's the really frustrating part: "billionaires don’t have to evade taxes exotically and illicitly — they can avoid them routinely and legally." They hold their wealth in dividends, stocks, bonds, and other investments that are taxed at lower rates than wages.

So wage earners should pay more in taxes than billionaires? 100 times more?

You really are a fucking idiot. There are 535 people in congress, just 25 can't do a damn thing by themselves.

Anyone the age of 18 and up can buy stocks.

If they don't it's not my problem.
Anyone can max out their 401K from the minute they start working but most don't. My buddy did. He doesn't tell me exactly what he has but I'm guessing it's $3 million dollars and he's 52.

His financial adviser convinced him to retire. He has no kids. She told him he has enough to afford all the shit he likes to do for the rest of his life so the only reason to keep working is if he wants to die with more money left over.
You really are a fucking idiot. There are 535 people in congress, just 25 can't do a damn thing by themselves.

You know what sucks? Everyone in our government is rich. So we basically have the rich deciding how things should work for the rest of us. Even at the state level if the politician isn't rich, they are beholden to the rich.

It's funny Trump supporters will argue with me but then they too agree the system is rigged. How do the rich divide us? God, Gays, Guns, Racism. Social wedge issues.

Even Trump supporters know the rich rule and are corrupt. Any time Trump couldn't do what he wanted to do Republicans admitted their own party is full of deep state globalist rino's. When the Republican governor of Georgia didn't cheat for Trump they accused him of being corrupt. Because he wouldn't go along with corruption, they accused him of being corrupt.

Republicans don't know the real corruption within their party. They only get it for a second when things don't go their way. Then they start seeing the corruption.
You know what sucks? Everyone in our government is rich. So we basically have the rich deciding how things should work for the rest of us. Even at the state level if the politician isn't rich, they are beholden to the rich.

It's funny Trump supporters will argue with me but then they too agree the system is rigged. How do the rich divide us? God, Gays, Guns, Racism. Social wedge issues.

Even Trump supporters know the rich rule and are corrupt. Any time Trump couldn't do what he wanted to do Republicans admitted their own party is full of deep state globalist rino's. When the Republican governor of Georgia didn't cheat for Trump they accused him of being corrupt. Because he wouldn't go along with corruption, they accused him of being corrupt.

Republicans don't know the real corruption within their party. They only get it for a second when things don't go their way. Then they start seeing the corruption.

I don't call it the district of corruption for nothing. But I find it kind of funny how you embrace every issue you noted in one form or the other.

Yeah. I'm not for wealth distribution, but the dems should have passed their reconcillation bill raising taxes on those making over 500k with an "extra" levy on those making a million or more.
So you want to punish black athletes?
You know what sucks? Everyone in our government is rich. So we basically have the rich deciding how things should work for the rest of us. Even at the state level if the politician isn't rich, they are beholden to the rich.

It's funny Trump supporters will argue with me but then they too agree the system is rigged. How do the rich divide us? God, Gays, Guns, Racism. Social wedge issues.

Even Trump supporters know the rich rule and are corrupt. Any time Trump couldn't do what he wanted to do Republicans admitted their own party is full of deep state globalist rino's. When the Republican governor of Georgia didn't cheat for Trump they accused him of being corrupt. Because he wouldn't go along with corruption, they accused him of being corrupt.

Republicans don't know the real corruption within their party. They only get it for a second when things don't go their way. Then they start seeing the corruption.
Dumbocrats don't know the real corruption within their party.

Nancy Pelosi Net Worth
As of 2021, Nancy Pelosi’s net worth is estimated to be roughly $120 million.
The bitch steers our tax dollars to her hubby's company, who then shares in the wealth with the bitch. If you did this you would be arrested for racketeering, while she just smiles and tells you to hate the rich...But you dont hate her huh?
Nancy Pelosi Net Worth

The bitch steers our tax dollars to her hubby's company, who then shares in the wealth with the bitch. If you did this you would be arrested for racketeering, while she just smiles and tells you to hate the rich...But you dont hate her huh?
Same for disantos in Florida but you’ll vote for him.

Compare pelosies agenda to any republicans. The republicans are the party of conservative rich America

funny thing is, your masters love abortion, no guns in their organizations, they cause global warming and they hire illegals. And you want them to get more tax breaks
Same for disantos in Florida but you’ll vote for him.

Compare pelosies agenda to any republicans. The republicans are the party of conservative rich America

funny thing is, your masters love abortion, no guns in their organizations, they cause global warming and they hire illegals. And you want them to get more tax breaks
Uhm, Pelosi who is a Progressive bitch, who tells you that she if for the little guy, then goes out and screws the little guy. And stupid fucks like you actually believe her..
Anyone can max out their 401K from the minute they start working but most don't. My buddy did. He doesn't tell me exactly what he has but I'm guessing it's $3 million dollars and he's 52.

His financial adviser convinced him to retire. He has no kids. She told him he has enough to afford all the shit he likes to do for the rest of his life so the only reason to keep working is if he wants to die with more money left over.
Exactly my point.

I bet your friend drove used cars and didn't buy a new cell phone every 6 months either.

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