21 Unwritten Rules That People of Color Follow


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
I'm not sure what thought process causes a white person to believe that they know better what people of color do or don't experience when it comes to racism. I mean their opinion that racism doesn't even still exist versus people who have and will live it for the entirety of their lifetimes.

People Of Color Are Sharing The Unwritten Rules They Follow That Most White People Are Clueless About
I do understand that there is still racism in this country, not to the extent that some of the activists on this board portray it as.
But, I also know that there is reverse racism in this country also.
I'm not sure what thought process causes a white person to believe that they know better what people of color do or don't experience when it comes to racism. I mean their opinion that racism doesn't even still exist versus people who have and will live it for the entirety of their lifetimes.

People Of Color Are Sharing The Unwritten Rules They Follow That Most White People Are Clueless About
26. Never pass a cop car EVER even if they are going 20mph on a 4 lane
I do understand that there is still racism in this country, not to the extent that some of the activists on this board portray it as.
But, I also know that there is reverse racism in this country also.
These people are so full of fucking shit 90% of the time

It takes away from the true happenings.........................Get a fucking life
The MAIN problems I see here are "ME, ME, ME" and "Feel sorry for me" syndromes.

They have ALL labeled themselves, which tells me they KNOW for an UNDENIABLE FACT that they act like the stereotypes that have been given to them....which sets them out from all other people......of the same race and of the same color. This is THEIR CHOICE, not other peoples.

They come to THIS country but REFUSE to BECOME AMERICAN, accepting our styles, our fashions, our societal manners and etiquettes, follow our laws and rules, and of course speak English.

GRANTED, it can be difficult for some people to learn another language. I'm all onboard with them trying their best to speak English. Which means they are working on it!! It's those that cannot be bothered and expect US to speak THEIR languages that pisses me off.

These people CLAIM they come to the USA to get away from what they had in THEIR countries.........but THEY BRING IT WITH THEM, instead of leaving it all behind. People are going to NOTICE THAT!!

If you are NOT going to induct yourself into a different society you claim you want to be a part of, then you are going to stand out. You are basically "spitting" in peoples faces of that country you just moved to. Yes, there is ALWAYS an adjustment period. But if you've been here more than a year......it is fully expected that you know enough English to order in a fast food place, and wear appropriate attire set for your level of comfort, conformity, and religious beliefs if so called for.

I've spoken with many people who have had a hard time learning our ways and our language, but they've all had a sense of humor about it, and have taken everyone's advice and criticisms and filtered out what they needed to add to their lives in order to become American. The difference is, as I said before, THEY ARE LEARNING!!

I've seen many Eastern Indian women wearing American clothes that also have a scarf around their head, but have the tail of it tucked into their shirt or blouse. Absolutely perfectly acceptable. Seeing this tells me they have accepted their new home into their lives, while still holding on to their personal beliefs.

I've worked with ladies from Russia who had a wicked sense of humor. She loved trying to teach me Russian, but damn if that shit aint hard as hell to learn! I've worked with some Eastern Indian men who still dressed in their desert style clothing, but were in the process of learning, while holding down a job. Again, perfectly acceptable.

As for blacks.........what they've done to themselves over the decades, is all ON THEM! They keep preaching they want CHANGE, but thats ALL they do........is preach about it!!! They NEVER DO anything to change!
Other people will change, when they see the blacks working on changing. Until then, it's ALL ON THEM!!
I'm not sure what thought process causes a white person to believe that they know better what people of color do or don't experience when it comes to racism. I mean their opinion that racism doesn't even still exist versus people who have and will live it for the entirety of their lifetimes.

People Of Color Are Sharing The Unwritten Rules They Follow That Most White People Are Clueless About
So do all "people of color" have secret meetings to discuss these 21 UNWRITTEN RULES that they all must follow?
Such lying garbage. USA is the least racist country in earth and why there is a gazillion 3rd worlders down the border. They won't be satisfied until no White people exist.
So do all "people of color" have secret meetings to discuss these 21 UNWRITTEN RULES that they all must follow?
Poc is a leftist term for anything that isn't from European ancestry. Has nothing to do with color. It's a loaded genocidal term to justify kill whiteys.
I do understand that there is still racism in this country, not to the extent that some of the activists on this board portray it as.
But, I also know that there is reverse racism in this country also.
Then what extent is it? You have no Scientific evidence for your claims either. Your feels or premonition aren't evidence either. The problem with many whites is that they want reality to conform to their belief system.
I'm not sure what thought process causes a white person to believe that they know better what people of color do or don't experience when it comes to racism. I mean their opinion that racism doesn't even still exist versus people who have and will live it for the entirety of their lifetimes.

People Of Color Are Sharing The Unwritten Rules They Follow That Most White People Are Clueless About
As a man of color, I know from experience that the claim that America is systemically racist against people of color is hysterically overwrought. Indeed, the charge is racist filth in and of itself and myopically overlooks the multiethnicity of American-European ancestry. Further, blacks who don't buy into lefty's race-baiting agenda know that pound for pound blacks are the most racist demographic in America.

1. "I am a Mexican American woman. I ALWAYS make sure to have my receipt in my hand when leaving a store. The number of times I’ve been stopped and asked for a receipt..."​

Everyone regardless of race or gender should do this. I do, and I'm a white guy,.


I look like a white man, and I've been stopped a few times in my life and asked to see my receipt!!
No biggie, I pull it out of my bag and show them. They smile, say THANK YOU, and I'm on my way.
I'm not sure what thought process causes a white person to believe that they know better what people of color do or don't experience when it comes to racism. I mean their opinion that racism doesn't even still exist versus people who have and will live it for the entirety of their lifetimes.

People Of Color Are Sharing The Unwritten Rules They Follow That Most White People Are Clueless About
You must be a lawyer. You twist everything into something it is not. The majority of the people in this country are not racists. Sixty years ago, the majority of the people in this country were racists. That's it. End of story.
As an elderly White male, I keep a gun in my car when driving through a Black neighborhood.

1. "I am a Mexican American woman. I ALWAYS make sure to have my receipt in my hand when leaving a store. The number of times I’ve been stopped and asked for a receipt..."​

Everyone regardless of race or gender should do this. I do, and I'm a white guy,.
Yeah, there were a lot of these, that came down, not so much to racism, but to the fact that implicit bias is just part of being human.

It sucks, but it is what it is.

Old folks are suspicious of young, men of their assumptions of women, LGBT folks know, that straight folks will never know, or care what it is like to live in their shoes, and all of these. . . vice versa. . . etc. etc.

And all minorities, when their life is inconvenienced, or bullied, or face oppression in some way, feel. . that this is unfair, and that the most normal demographic never suffers any inconvenience or fear. Folks don't want to ever walk a mile in an other's shoes.

That is why most straight white males, go out of their way, to just treat everyone as people, but somehow, a lot of folks WANT, these days, to be seen as their identity.

#2 talks about sundown towns. Most straight white men, think better of it, than to go into someplace like South Chicago, or East LA after dark. . . so, I really don't see how this is unique, other than there are more places run by white men, but? It is, after all, a majority nation.

#8 Speak Russian. . . see how many sideways looks you get these days. :auiqs.jpg:

#11 This? This will be true of anyone. . . if they are driving a beater car, which has never been in the neighborhood before. Most folks that own property in nice neighborhoods are aware of what is supposed to be going on there, and don't give a shit about the color of suspicious folks.

#14 Just sounds like this guy is smoking too much weed and is paranoid.

#15 Staff in stores will follow around any demographic they feel is worthy of their attention. They follow around teen-aged white girls. They follow around white guys with facial hair and man buns. If you have neon hair and a pin cushion face. . . they are also going to follow you around. They tend to know, statistically who is likely to nick things. It isn't personal.

#17 Is worried about being judged for his music? Seriously? White hair-bangers loved to be judged for loud obnoxious music. He needs to grow a pair.

. . . yeah, I lot of this article does seem like, it is purposely trying to stoke the racial divide. All folks face bullying and oppression, even straight white males. People are so soft today, it is like they expect to go through their days with out a single negative social experience.

I am definitely for folks having as much empathy and love for everyone they meet, but to assume that only POCs ever are on the receiving end of folks being an assholes to them? Is the height of victim mentality.

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I'm starting to get tired of the PC and SJW pushed by the ruling elites, intentionally to divide us a nation bs. :rolleyes:


people who have and will live it for the entirety of their lifetimes.
Like white people have for the past 50 years? You are extremely disingenuous when you suggest that people of color, and black people in particular, do not practice anti-white racism on a daily basis and yours and a few other posters on this board prove that it consumes your lives. Maybe you should live less for racism and more for humanity.
I'm not sure what thought process causes a white person to believe that they know better what people of color do or don't experience when it comes to racism. I mean their opinion that racism doesn't even still exist versus people who have and will live it for the entirety of their lifetimes.

People Of Color Are Sharing The Unwritten Rules They Follow That Most White People Are Clueless About
Nobody but the left claims that whites think racism doesn't exist.
Anyone who's been in other countries knows that America is one of the least racist countries on the planet.
I'm not sure what thought process causes a white person to believe that they know better what people of color do or don't experience when it comes to racism. I mean their opinion that racism doesn't even still exist versus people who have and will live it for the entirety of their lifetimes.

People Of Color Are Sharing The Unwritten Rules They Follow That Most White People Are Clueless About
The problem I see is that more blacks are committing crimes.
If you see anyone involved in a shooting....99% of the time it is a black.
If you see someone ripping off Walgreens....99% of the time it's a black.
If you see someone beating a senior citizen or and old Asian lady....99% of the time it's a bunch of black kids.
If you see someone jumping on a car.....99% of the time it's blacks.

Stop breaking the law and maybe people will change their attitude about you. :iagree:
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