21 Unwritten Rules That People of Color Follow

So do all "people of color" have secret meetings to discuss these 21 UNWRITTEN RULES that they all must follow?
No, but democrats and other race baiting kooks believe all minorities share a sort of hive mind. Democrats and the like do not believe blacks can be individuals independent of their skin color.
I'm not sure what thought process causes a white person to believe that they know better what people of color do or don't experience when it comes to racism. I mean their opinion that racism doesn't even still exist versus people who have and will live it for the entirety of their lifetimes.

People Of Color Are Sharing The Unwritten Rules They Follow That Most White People Are Clueless About
Of course the reality of the matter is that anti-white racism is much more common than anti-black racism.

Fuck off, you clueless low IQ negro.
The problem I see is that more blacks are committing crimes.
If you see anyone involved in a shooting....99% of the time it is a black.
If you see someone ripping off Walgreens....99% of the time it's a black.
If you see someone beating a senior citizen or and old Asian lady....99% of the time it's a bunch of black kids.
If you see someone jumping on a car.....99% of the time it's blacks.

Stop braking the law and maybe people will change their attitude about you. :iagree:

The other 1% are Karens and Kyles of all colors that think their shit don't stink, they do no wrong, and everybody owes them everything.

I'm not sure what thought process causes a white person to believe that they know better what people of color do or don't experience when it comes to racism. I mean their opinion that racism doesn't even still exist versus people who have and will live it for the entirety of their lifetimes.

People Of Color Are Sharing The Unwritten Rules They Follow That Most White People Are Clueless About
Anyone who would deny racism exists in the United States would be classified as an idiot, having said that, I can tell you that racism exists across the planet and across the racial spectrum.
In China, blacks are referred to as black monkeys. As for whites, they're called Gwailou (ghost devils). In Japan, I've seen signs saying: "No Blacks" and "No Whites."
Frankly, it goes on across the globe. In the United States, laws enacted by white politicians, ended segregation and Jim Crow laws. Enacted laws and federal law enforcement protected blacks so that they could enter schools that were formerly restricted to whites.
Will it ever go away? Doubtful. Those whose white families were part of the Confederacy, still consider their loss of the war as "the great disappointment." Sad that they just can't let it go. I will never understand why they can't really look back and understand how vile it was to buy and sell humans like livestock and after the slavery ended, hate those that were free of bondage as well as their descendants.
Now, as for the 12 unwritten rules that people of color follow: The cause is as a result of a mixture of negative news media stories ("If it bleeds it leads headlines") brought on by criminal activity which tends to be high in the large Democrat run inner cities. As for why there is high crime in those cities, you have to look in part at failing schools and their poor instructors, the often lack of positive male parent role-models in the young people's lives, negative peer pressure and the idea that the young people can make better money selling drugs, rather than starting at the bottom in jobs and working their way up. A good comparison is African black families versus black American youths. The migrant African black youths have both parents, are eager to learn and overcome the lousy schools they are saddled with and aren't looking to "make a quick buck" via drug deal. Thus, they are succeeding, whereas their American counterparts aren't. This is just one aspect.
Anyway, the constant press of the negative actions of young people of color (especially among the black communities) in large metropolitan centers are noted by whites and they grow suspicious when encountering people of color. The same is true of people of color in other nations. They look upon whites and other races with some suspicion. Is it right? Of course not.
But, how is it solved? I doubt you can ever get rid of all of it. Legislation can't change minds, only suppress much of the negative outward expression. How do we end all of the negative press? Both parents in the kids lives (good parents, not gang member or drug dealing parents). Help the youth with their studies, demand better schools for the kids, as well as experimenting with different methods to get the youth to understand the subjects if they have trouble learning in traditional ways. Keep them away from drugs and gangs, that just ensures jail time and worse.
As for some of those twelve unwritten things, some are things all should be aware of, well:
1. I always have my receipt on me when leaving a store. Tossing it in the trash before leaving would be foolish. As for my likelihood of being asked to prove proof of purchase, I can only refer to the above about high crime areas and perception. Bad press doesn't help.
3. Most crime reported in high crime areas are purported to be committed by black youths and they often wear hoodies (an unfortunate fashion choice). When the police are called, it would be absurd for them to stop anyone "not" fairly matching the description of the culprit in some way. If a victim says he/she was robbed by a thin male black wearing blue jeans and a dark gray hoodie, well that could match a fair amount of the people in the general neighborhood, so they stop similar looking people.
4. One can only apologize to the Middle Eastern man, or any Middle Eastern man that their attire might stir some concern. However, a PEW Study done in Muslim nations, found that the equivalent of the entire population of the United States would like to see all "non-believers" converted, subjugated or killed. That's enough to make anyone nervous. In my opinion, as long as they aren't harassing or threatening anyone, Muslims can go wherever anyone else can, regardless of attire.
7. Everyone is supposed to have some form of ID on their person, when out and about and present it to law enforcement when asked. Technically, when law enforcement stops a citizen, or other person, they are actually in a state of temporary detainment, unless they are arrested and thus are expected to cooperate. If you don't cooperate, expect to escalate things in a negative way.
8. If anyone, regardless of race, tells someone to speak English, tell them to SHUT THE F*CK UP! It's none of their business.
9. If you're angry and justly so, obviously let the other person(s) know it. BUT...what I've been seeing are angry black women jumping over counters and physically attacking low pay workers for not getting an order right or not financially reimbursed for food that they literally ate all of, but claim they didn't like. Also, young black women physically fighting each other in fast food chains. It's all bad press and colors peoples impressions of young black women in general. Is it wrong to be a little concerned about young black women entering places for some fast food in a group? Yes, but the public videos of such behavior doesn't help.
10. If anyone laughs at someone that is not eloquent in the English language, they are idiots. The retort to that should be, you go to my country and see if they are rude and laugh at you for mispronouncing words in our language. They won't.
11. Hell! If anyone, regardless of race, drives slowly through our neighborhood, I think in the negative. Why? Number one: Porch Pirates. Packages are being stolen in our area. Number two: Home Burglaries. Some homes in the area have been broken into when the owners are away. So get over it.
12. Buy a home wherever you want. Forget what the racial predominance in the area is. For that matter, after moving in, make it a point to greet your neighbors. It used to be that people would make it a point to go over and introduce themselves to the new residents. However, in this era of massive crime increases, most people tend to stay isolated and a bit suspicious of anyone, regardless of race. But, take the time to introduce yourself and invite a family over. The more social you are with those in your new surroundings, the better.
I'm not sure what thought process causes a white person to believe that they know better what people of color do or don't experience when it comes to racism. I mean their opinion that racism doesn't even still exist versus people who have and will live it for the entirety of their lifetimes.

People Of Color Are Sharing The Unwritten Rules They Follow That Most White People Are Clueless About
Want to be victims are so damn stupid. To stupid to grasp that white people follow most of these rules as well?

1. "I am a Mexican American woman. I ALWAYS make sure to have my receipt in my hand when leaving a store. The number of times I’ve been stopped and asked for a receipt..."​

1. I look white and I always have my receipt in my hand or at the top of my purse as I am leaving the store.

2. "I'm from Louisiana where they still have 'sundown towns.' Avoid them at all costs, but if you have to pass through at night, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A FULL TANK OF GAS so that you don't have to stop."​

"When road tripping, every Black person knows not to stop in a rural area for gas or a pee break if you can help it, especially at night. I know someone whose child actually peed their pants because the area they were driving through was a sundown town, and they weren't going to risk it."
I don' t drive around on empty tanks of gas especially in unknown or sketchy towns after Dark...kinda a no duh situation.

3. "As a Black person, no matter how cold or windy it is, my hood stays off, and my earbuds/headphones stay off my ears."​


Black person walking with a hoodie with the hood off

Getty Images
Don't know why earbuds and earphones have to stay off---but wearing a hoodie where people can't see your face going into a store is almost a sure sign that the one doing so regardless of color is up to no good---and it is rude to do so. Last several people that I have seen putting on a hoodie to go in a store were black. IN fact, just last week in Fort Myers late night, I saw a black male get ready to go into a WAWA and put his hoodie on--he stopped and went back to his car when his buddy tapped him on the arm and nodded at the cops sitting behind the WAWA gas station. Should I be suspicious? Florida in April wearing a hoodie over the face?

4. "As a Middle Eastern man, I make sure to always shave and dress professionally when I go to the airport. I also try to arrive an extra hour earlier because nine times out of ten, I am the randomly chosen passenger to get searched by the TSA agents."​


My husband used to work for one of the major airlines---as upper management no less. We'd get to fly free, and 9/10 those f'ing TSA agents would pull me aside to be the randomly chosen as well. I don't want to hear anyone elses whinning about it----some of us looking white folks get this treatment all the time and it isn't even white women blowing up the planes.

5. "As a Black woman, I usually keep my college jacket in the car. If I have to go to the emergency room, I'll receive better treatment if doctors see that I have a higher education."​


This comment is just stupid----

6. "Make sure your hands are visible to the cameras when handling money at work. If money were to go missing, you would be the first one they suspected."​


BIPOC cashier

Drazen_ / Getty Images
Umm, the whole point of the cameras is to account for the money---everyone handling the money is supposed to make sure that their hands and cash are seen.

7. "I'm Mexican. I ALWAYS carry ID in case I'm stopped and asked to prove my legal status in the country."​


Newsflash, I always carry ID on me as well. DUH.

8. "In predominantly white places, I don’t speak loudly in another language. I fear someone will tell me the cliché, 'This is America; speak English.' Or someone might go off on my family for speaking another language."​


You are in america--speak english. It's rude not to. Stop being an ass.

9. "No matter how angry you get, you try and remain calm. If you raise your voice even a little – regardless of what you say or how you say it – you are instantly labeled an 'angry Black woman' and judged wrongly, even when you’re right."​


Black worker sitting in an office, looking frustrated

Jay Yuno / Getty Images
If you are white and you raise your voice, you are called a Karen....

10. "As Asian people, we have to try our best to pronounce every syllable correctly. Instead of compassion and understanding if we mispronounce something, we get laughed at and called names. People who can only speak one language will question our intelligence when we are multilingual."​


Learn English---if you live here. Good manners and common sense.

11. "As a Mexican American, you don’t drive slowly through nice neighborhoods to admire the beautiful homes because people might think you're 'casing the place.'​

Doesn't everyone?

12. "I want to buy a house in the next couple of years, and I actively avoid looking for properties in a primarily white location. It's just much more likely to be unwelcoming."​

"Moving into predominantly white areas as a person of color brings unwanted attention and puts an unnecessary target on your back. Someone will always think you’re suspicious and could call the cops, or they could even try to 'solve the problem' themselves. I have lived in predominantly white areas, but I currently live in a predominantly Black area and feel safer now, knowing that I don’t stand out."

House in a pretty neighborhood

Karamysh / Getty Images/iStockphoto
Are you really so shallow that you care what you neighbors think? Or you imagine as you project your racism unto others thinks? Stupid. White neighborhoods go in up in value more often than non-white, they also have better students which make their schools better as well generally speaking. If you are going to be loud and obnoxious, your neighbors may not like you or if you don't keep your lawn and house up, they may not like you but other than that--no one cares.

13. "As an Indian who lived in Texas, I’d avoid wearing traditional clothing in public at all costs. Certain parts are better than others, but better to be safe."​

This poster is full of chit--

14. "As a Latino, I always try to keep my distance when walking near white folks because they start guarding their pockets and purses when they notice me near them. It’s pretty sad honestly. They criminalize me without even knowing me."​


There may be caused with this poster

15. "As a Black woman in a predominantly white area, I make a point of approaching staff first in stores when I walk in. I ask an innocuous question in a friendly, high-pitched voice, even if I don't need anything. They seem to feel safer around me and do not follow me around when I do that first."​


She is likely right about this.

Black person at a counter in a clothing shop

Maskot / Getty Images/Maskot

16. "I scan the room wherever I go to see if I am the only person of color. I'm looking for allies who are going to have my back if something goes wrong."​

"I also check if there are enough folks who look like me because then I can let down my guard and feel comfortable and welcome. Otherwise, I'm going to have to 'prove myself' the whole time I'm there, being extra approachable and non-threatening (even though there is nothing threatening about me). Smile extra wide and choose my words carefully."

Yep certain Blacks and their racism----they expect other blacks to back them up no matter how wrong they are which is why cops have to worry about other blacks attacking them as they arrest criminals who are victimizing other blacks. It's crazy stupid.

17. "As a Black man who loves hip-hop, I often have to censor the music that I listen to so I won't be judged as a 'thug.'"​


Probably a wise thing to do-----people are going to think badly of you listening to music that screams women are whores and cops are pigs.

18. "I need to have photos of both my girls on hand in case someone thinks I'm kidnapping them. One looks like her dad, who is white, and the other looks like me, Samoan and brown."​

"I’m Black and married to a white man; our baby is white. I make sure I have a picture of his birth certificate and that my screen saver is a photo of us together, just in case."
Jazzy Peterson

Black mother holding her white baby

Ridofranz / Getty Images/iStockphoto

19. "As an Asian American born in the US, I add my English middle name on my resume to help minimize false assumptions from hiring managers that I'm a recent immigrant from Asia who would not fit into the 'culture' of an American company. I believe that if I had a common last name like Smith, I would have experienced more career opportunities in my life."​


Yep---can't argue. Makes perfect sense.

20. "As a Black person, I don’t wear backpacks to the store or mall. It’s acceptable for certain individuals, but I know I would automatically look suspicious if they see me carrying a backpack."​

Anyone wearing a backpack into a store is suspicious...

21. And finally, "Never speak Arabic at any security checkpoint. The more gentrified you sound when you speak, the better."​


True---Why would you want to speak Arabic at any security checkpoint given all the bombings that arabics have done? Even if you are arabic and you see another group of arabics doing this, it should ring as suspicious and alert you to use caution.


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Then what extent is it? You have no Scientific evidence for your claims either. Your feels or premonition aren't evidence either. The problem with many whites is that they want reality to conform to their belief system.
Stay in your bubble, I'm not even trying to move you away from your "belief system".
Did the OP offer "Scientific Proof"?
Yeah, there were a lot of these, that came down, not so much to racism, but to the fact that implicit bias is just part of being human.

It sucks, but it is what it is.

Old folks are suspicious of young, men of their assumptions of women, LGBT folks know, that straight folks will never know, or care what it is like to live in their shoes, and all of these. . . vice versa. . . etc. etc.

And all minorities, when their life is inconvenienced, or bullied, or face oppression in some way, feel. . that this is unfair, and that the most normal demographic never suffers any inconvenience or fear. Folks don't want to ever walk a mile in an other's shoes.

That is why most straight white males, go out of their way, to just treat everyone as people, but somehow, a lot of folks WANT, these days, to be seen as their identity.

#2 talks about sundown towns. Most straight white men, think better of it, than to go into someplace like South Chicago, or East LA after dark. . . so, I really don't see how this is unique, other than there are more places run by white men, but? It is, after all, a majority nation.

#8 Speak Russian. . . see how many sideways looks you get these days. :auiqs.jpg:

#11 This? This will be true of anyone. . . if they are driving a beater car, which has never been in the neighborhood before. Most folks that own property in nice neighborhoods are aware of what is supposed to be going on there, and don't give a shit about the color of suspicious folks.

#14 Just sounds like this guy is smoking too much weed and is paranoid.

#15 Staff in stores will follow around any demographic they feel is worthy of their attention. They follow around teen-aged white girls. They follow around white guys with facial hair and man buns. If you have neon hair and a pin cushion face. . . they are also going to follow you around. They tend to know, statistically who is likely to nick things. It isn't personal.

#17 Is worried about being judged for his music? Seriously? White hair-bangers loved to be judged for loud obnoxious music. He needs to grow a pair.

. . . yeah, I lot of this article does seem like, it is purposely trying to stoke the racial divide. All folks face bullying and oppression, even straight white males. People are so soft today, it is like they expect to go through their days with out a single negative social experience.

I am definitely for folks having as much empathy and love for everyone they meet, but to assume that only POCs ever are on the receiving end of folks being an assholes to them? Is the height of victim mentality.

View attachment 639623

I'm starting to get tired of the PC and SJW pushed by the ruling elites, intentionally to divide us a nation bs. :rolleyes:


You must be a lawyer. You twist everything into something it is not. The majority of the people in this country are not racists. Sixty years ago, the majority of the people in this country were racists. That's it. End of story.
She’s a school kid, either high school or college. On another forum she mentioned finishing her last paper.
Want to be victims are so damn stupid. To stupid to grasp that white people follow most of these rules as well?

1. "I am a Mexican American woman. I ALWAYS make sure to have my receipt in my hand when leaving a store. The number of times I’ve been stopped and asked for a receipt..."​

1. I look white and I always have my receipt in my hand or at the top of my purse as I am leaving the store.

2. "I'm from Louisiana where they still have 'sundown towns.' Avoid them at all costs, but if you have to pass through at night, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A FULL TANK OF GAS so that you don't have to stop."​

"When road tripping, every Black person knows not to stop in a rural area for gas or a pee break if you can help it, especially at night. I know someone whose child actually peed their pants because the area they were driving through was a sundown town, and they weren't going to risk it."
I don' t drive around on empty tanks of gas especially in unknown or sketchy towns after Dark...kinda a no duh situation.

3. "As a Black person, no matter how cold or windy it is, my hood stays off, and my earbuds/headphones stay off my ears."​


Black person walking with a hoodie with the hood off

Getty Images
Don't know why earbuds and earphones have to stay off---but wearing a hoodie where people can't see your face going into a store is almost a sure sign that the one doing so regardless of color is up to no good---and it is rude to do so. Last several people that I have seen putting on a hoodie to go in a store were black. IN fact, just last week in Fort Myers late night, I saw a black male get ready to go into a WAWA and put his hoodie on--he stopped and went back to his car when his buddy tapped him on the arm and nodded at the cops sitting behind the WAWA gas station. Should I be suspicious? Florida in April wearing a hoodie over the face?

4. "As a Middle Eastern man, I make sure to always shave and dress professionally when I go to the airport. I also try to arrive an extra hour earlier because nine times out of ten, I am the randomly chosen passenger to get searched by the TSA agents."​


My husband used to work for one of the major airlines---as upper management no less. We'd get to fly free, and 9/10 those f'ing TSA agents would pull me aside to be the randomly chosen as well. I don't want to hear anyone elses whinning about it----some of us looking white folks get this treatment all the time and it isn't even white women blowing up the planes.

5. "As a Black woman, I usually keep my college jacket in the car. If I have to go to the emergency room, I'll receive better treatment if doctors see that I have a higher education."​


This comment is just stupid----

6. "Make sure your hands are visible to the cameras when handling money at work. If money were to go missing, you would be the first one they suspected."​


BIPOC cashier

Drazen_ / Getty Images
Umm, the whole point of the cameras is to account for the money---everyone handling the money is supposed to make sure that their hands and cash are seen.

7. "I'm Mexican. I ALWAYS carry ID in case I'm stopped and asked to prove my legal status in the country."​


Newsflash, I always carry ID on me as well. DUH.

8. "In predominantly white places, I don’t speak loudly in another language. I fear someone will tell me the cliché, 'This is America; speak English.' Or someone might go off on my family for speaking another language."​


You are in america--speak english. It's rude not to. Stop being an ass.

9. "No matter how angry you get, you try and remain calm. If you raise your voice even a little – regardless of what you say or how you say it – you are instantly labeled an 'angry Black woman' and judged wrongly, even when you’re right."​


Black worker sitting in an office, looking frustrated

Jay Yuno / Getty Images
If you are white and you raise your voice, you are called a Karen....

10. "As Asian people, we have to try our best to pronounce every syllable correctly. Instead of compassion and understanding if we mispronounce something, we get laughed at and called names. People who can only speak one language will question our intelligence when we are multilingual."​


Learn English---if you live here. Good manners and common sense.

11. "As a Mexican American, you don’t drive slowly through nice neighborhoods to admire the beautiful homes because people might think you're 'casing the place.'​

Doesn't everyone?

12. "I want to buy a house in the next couple of years, and I actively avoid looking for properties in a primarily white location. It's just much more likely to be unwelcoming."​

"Moving into predominantly white areas as a person of color brings unwanted attention and puts an unnecessary target on your back. Someone will always think you’re suspicious and could call the cops, or they could even try to 'solve the problem' themselves. I have lived in predominantly white areas, but I currently live in a predominantly Black area and feel safer now, knowing that I don’t stand out."

House in a pretty neighborhood

Karamysh / Getty Images/iStockphoto
Are you really so shallow that you care what you neighbors think? Or you imagine as you project your racism unto others thinks? Stupid. White neighborhoods go in up in value more often than non-white, they also have better students which make their schools better as well generally speaking. If you are going to be loud and obnoxious, your neighbors may not like you or if you don't keep your lawn and house up, they may not like you but other than that--no one cares.

13. "As an Indian who lived in Texas, I’d avoid wearing traditional clothing in public at all costs. Certain parts are better than others, but better to be safe."​

This poster is full of chit--

14. "As a Latino, I always try to keep my distance when walking near white folks because they start guarding their pockets and purses when they notice me near them. It’s pretty sad honestly. They criminalize me without even knowing me."​


There may be caused with this poster

15. "As a Black woman in a predominantly white area, I make a point of approaching staff first in stores when I walk in. I ask an innocuous question in a friendly, high-pitched voice, even if I don't need anything. They seem to feel safer around me and do not follow me around when I do that first."​


She is likely right about this.

Black person at a counter in a clothing shop

Maskot / Getty Images/Maskot

16. "I scan the room wherever I go to see if I am the only person of color. I'm looking for allies who are going to have my back if something goes wrong."​

"I also check if there are enough folks who look like me because then I can let down my guard and feel comfortable and welcome. Otherwise, I'm going to have to 'prove myself' the whole time I'm there, being extra approachable and non-threatening (even though there is nothing threatening about me). Smile extra wide and choose my words carefully."

Yep certain Blacks and their racism----they expect other blacks to back them up no matter how wrong they are which is why cops have to worry about other blacks attacking them as they arrest criminals who are victimizing other blacks. It's crazy stupid.

17. "As a Black man who loves hip-hop, I often have to censor the music that I listen to so I won't be judged as a 'thug.'"​


Probably a wise thing to do-----people are going to think badly of you listening to music that screams women are whores and cops are pigs.

18. "I need to have photos of both my girls on hand in case someone thinks I'm kidnapping them. One looks like her dad, who is white, and the other looks like me, Samoan and brown."​

"I’m Black and married to a white man; our baby is white. I make sure I have a picture of his birth certificate and that my screen saver is a photo of us together, just in case."
Jazzy Peterson

Black mother holding her white baby

Ridofranz / Getty Images/iStockphoto

19. "As an Asian American born in the US, I add my English middle name on my resume to help minimize false assumptions from hiring managers that I'm a recent immigrant from Asia who would not fit into the 'culture' of an American company. I believe that if I had a common last name like Smith, I would have experienced more career opportunities in my life."​


Yep---can't argue. Makes perfect sense.

20. "As a Black person, I don’t wear backpacks to the store or mall. It’s acceptable for certain individuals, but I know I would automatically look suspicious if they see me carrying a backpack."​

Anyone wearing a backpack into a store is suspicious...

21. And finally, "Never speak Arabic at any security checkpoint. The more gentrified you sound when you speak, the better."​


True---Why would you want to speak Arabic at any security checkpoint given all the bombings that arabics have done? Even if you are arabic and you see another group of arabics doing this, it should ring as suspicious and alert you to use caution.
I’m six foot two and used to be built like a linebacker. As a teenager I learned how NOT to intimidate people. I used to get my feelings hurt by people assuming I was on the brute squad, or was going to harm them. Everyone makes assumptions.
Adding to the list and an honest observation.

Why do I see an over abundance of African Americans that will not use a crosswalk and will wonder in the middle of a busy road? I spent a few years in N.C. in a vert diverse city. And honesty, the racial relations, at least on the surface, was really good. Worked with a lot of hard working people of every race.

But one thing that was very noticeable. African Americans, for whatever the reason, would cross a 5 - 6 lane busy road and not care about the oncoming traffic. At night, it would be even worse. Especially in poorly lit roads. Walking down the middle of the road, black hoodies on, could barely see them on road. I don't think this was the mentality, but it sure seemed like they were daring people to hit them.

Just this past weekend. A couple were walking from a corner gas station. The crosswalk was 15 feet from them. They decided to jump out and cross directly behind me. A car was turning right and could not see them behind me and had to hit the brakes hard to keep from hitting them as they sauntered across the street. The driver honked, they laughed and scoffed like it was the drivers fault. Makes no goddamn sense.

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