Kathianne said:
Me too, I mean about Chloe's lover. Then there is the Logan 'aid'. He's in on it, whatever it is. :laugh: Can't wait for tomorrow. Logan's wife is going to hang him out to dry. :beer:

Logan's aide was really a shocker. "not" (pretending to be a 14 year old in the 90s is fun).

As soon as I heard the tape I knew that he was in on it. I keep trying to place the guy running it all, but I don't think we have seen him on the show before... There must have been something else he was in.

This is an odd one, they want the Pres. of Russia and the US to give up on a peace accord? Are they going to try and blame big business on this?

(Scenario: Liberal writers want to make producers of weapons into bad guys, how do they do it? Create a scenario where they pay a group of bad guys to end a peace accord so they can produce more weapons...)
logans aide i think is the same guy that arragnged the take out of bauer at the end of season for where logan sort of looked the other way when he set it up.
the hobbits invade ctu! wheres frodo! it'll be intersting to see over the coarse of this season if and when someone punches out sean astins character. hes got the chloe'esque qualitys that she displayed in the thrid season real annoying and know it all. its going to be real intersting to see who the guy cummings is working with and who he works for. whos the main vilian. so far so good.
That's who it was! Jeez, I was trying to remember where I saw that little guy. Samwise! Crap.
He was Rudy, too!

At first, I was thinking he may have been the mastermind, working from the inside. But, I guess since he basically single-handedly saved the assault, that's out.

The previews say something about a mole working in CTU. Those guys must have the slackest screening process of any government agency! I really think it's probably the guy Chloe was in bed with at the very beginning (Spencer?).

I hate that I have to wait for a week now! Every time I've seen 24 up until now, it's been on DVD, so I didn't have to wait to see the next episode. What am I gonna do for a whole week?
I hadn't watched this show ever until I saw the season 5 premeire w/ my brother at his place. Awesome. I liked it so much I "borrowed" his set of season 4 DVDs to watch, which bumped it up to one my all time favorite TV shows. The part where the Amnesty Global (hired by the terrorist leader himself lol) lawyer won't let CTU interrogate the only person who can lead them to the nuclear warhead is priceless. After watching that though, Michelle Dessler getting blown up was kinda sad.
you just know something like that would happen here. except it wouldn't be the terrorist leader calling it would be one of his buddies.
I'm enjoying both Jean Smart and Samwise. Both are good additions to the cast, though it will probaby be their only season.

If I could have my wish, Tony will be involved again, but it seems unlikely now.
you never know. tony was shot in the neck in season three and came back like 5 episodes later.
So, what'd everyone think of tonight's episode?

I cringed when they brought out the "mole in CTU" thing again, but they seem to be going a different direction with it. I mean, hell, the guy got busted in less than fifteen minutes!

The guy that plays the Chief of Staff just has a face that makes me want to set fire to his house. Maybe he's just a great actor, but I really, really, really hate the guy.

Do they film some of the show in Canada? The reason I ask is that at the beginning, at the airport, a police car passed in front of the camera that clearly said 'Ontario Police', even though it had California plates. If that was unintentional, someone should probably be getting fired for that right about now.

I was disappointed that Jack didn't go all apeshit on Spencer, I really thought that was what it was building up towards. I don't know whether to believe his Internal Affairs shpiel or not.

The scissors into the neck was pretty graphic for a primetime show, no? Guess they meant that Viewer Discretion Advised this week!

Chloe.... *sigh*. I'm sure I'm one of millions of nerds fawning over her right now.

I really like Sean Astin's character, even though I thought I'd hate him at first.

So, was the nerve gas released in the hangar? How did it kill the rats?

Next week's looks pretty good, now I have to figure out how to kill six days!
with the nerve gas i think it was just a bit that leaked over time. the fact that the nerve gas was headed for russia means that there must be another threat for the states either that or ctu is going international! i want to see a throw down,bra pulling,hair pulling,biting jello wrestling chick fight between audrey and jacks new lady. sounds good doesn't it:D the mole for once thought he was doing the right thing which is an interesting take on it. this episode seems like it was a set up episode of whats to come so it shall be interesting!
Dan said:
Do they film some of the show in Canada? The reason I ask is that at the beginning, at the airport, a police car passed in front of the camera that clearly said 'Ontario Police', even though it had California plates. If that was unintentional, someone should probably be getting fired for that right about now.
i read some interesting spoilers over at eonline about what might happen in the up coiming episodes as well as speculation over people faking their deaths. let me know if you guys it posted here.

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