25 days and still no release of the Nashville Trans shooters manifesto

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
Why is this being withheld??? In other times these tragedies happen the manifesto is released days later.

Well, I think we now know why:

City Council members said shortly after the incident that there was a “manifesto” and that it would be released. But since then, state and local police have gotten “assistance” from the FBI in psychologically profiling the killer, which has been used as a reason to block release of the materials.

The woke FBI has stepped in for no reason to hamstring this.. probably to stop a “trans hate Christians” narrative.. as it would put Christians as victims, which cannot happen according to the left. Only leftists get to be victims. If a leftist does horrible things, it needs to be suppressed because it would hurt their cause.

I would imagine the woke would blame the dead Christians for making a trans person murder them. Seriously
Why is this being withheld??? In other times these tragedies happen the manifesto is released days later.

Well, I think we now know why:

City Council members said shortly after the incident that there was a “manifesto” and that it would be released. But since then, state and local police have gotten “assistance” from the FBI in psychologically profiling the killer, which has been used as a reason to block release of the materials.

The woke FBI has stepped in for no reason to hamstring this.. probably to stop a “trans hate Christians” narrative.. as it would put Christians as victims, which cannot happen according to the left. Only leftists get to be victims. If a leftist does horrible things, it needs to be suppressed because it would hurt their cause.

I would imagine the woke would blame the dead Christians for making a trans person murder them. Seriously
They definitely should release the manifesto.
I have read stories that those who have seen it say this person methodically planned this shooting out in great detail and that they fear it could be used as blueprint for other potential mass shooters if made public. This might or might not be true I will give them the benefit of the doubt on that but they can still release parts that pertain to the reasons and motivations for the shooting and keep the planning part under wraps.
Are you looking for pointers?
Most aren't but you know if it had been a "white nationalist" manifesto it would have been immediately accidentally leaked to the press and we would have been hammered constantly by the news and leftest pundits on how every white person who is slightly right of Marx are the most dangerous beings in the history of the universe.
Our American constituency needs to dump the RNC/DNC profe$$ional politician$ & replace them with original intent constitutionally based Representatives of & for the people.
It would take an actual, kinetic, civil war to do that now. It isn't going to happen BUT the alternative is to actively, KINETICALLY resist obeying these criminal bastards in the future. Do that on an organized scale and they'd have no power to enforce their demands.
I am sure the heavily redacted Democrat version or their own translated version will be out any day now...
If one appears that isn't totally fabricated for their uses, it would look like a black sheet of paper with a key word here or there. That crazy bitch acted out of hate and its pretty damned easy to guess who/what she hated. Unless someone in FBI leaks it, we'll never see it. I think the FBI leakers are going to be left out of the loop, more and more in the future. Wray and his criminal scum Schutzstaffel friends can't risk any truth getting out.
Why is this being withheld??? In other times these tragedies happen the manifesto is released days later.

Well, I think we now know why:

City Council members said shortly after the incident that there was a “manifesto” and that it would be released. But since then, state and local police have gotten “assistance” from the FBI in psychologically profiling the killer, which has been used as a reason to block release of the materials.

The woke FBI has stepped in for no reason to hamstring this.. probably to stop a “trans hate Christians” narrative.. as it would put Christians as victims, which cannot happen according to the left. Only leftists get to be victims. If a leftist does horrible things, it needs to be suppressed because it would hurt their cause.

I would imagine the woke would blame the dead Christians for making a trans person murder them. Seriously
It's more complicated because this is a democrat party-controlled media.

1. Did Biden invite the Nashville killer-tranny's victims' family to the WH?

2. Why did Biden's controlled media announce that toxicology tests would be performed on Hale's dead friend, then we hear of no results?

Toxicology test results would have given media-reading prisoners an inkling of an image to allow them to decide for themselves how this friend's death may have played a role in Hale's apparent depression. This introduced non-knowing seems deliberate, and links with such things as origins of viruses that kill Americans.

3. When did Hale begin to collect weapons, and what is the timespan of the collecting chron?

Because Hale had two dead friends, which media-reading prisoners have access to a complete chron (one death occurred before the other death), that chron cannot be compared with the gun-collecting chron to see whether the introduced esoterica in 2. may resonate with possible depression or resonate with cold, calculated plans to murder.
I have read stories that those who have seen it say this person methodically planned this shooting out in great detail and that they fear it could be used as blueprint for other potential mass shooters if made public. This might or might not be true I will give them the benefit of the doubt on that but they can still release parts that pertain to the reasons and motivations for the shooting and keep the planning part under wraps.
They’ve revealed that info about shootings before.
True and maybe this person took it to another level I don't know but I don't see any legitimate reason for them not releasing anything to date.
Probably so nobody says anything negative about trans people. From what I can tell it’s important to always make sure they are brave victims.. even if they murder
It's always about, 'how can we get the people to see it our way' these days. The truth is never a factor. It's like Blinken's phony document, signed by 50 high ranking intelligence personnel, blaming Hunter's laptop on Russian disinformation. It's always a coverup with these people. Their methods are usually to delay things until people forget about them or to fabricate an officially sanctioned lie like Blinken did.. There is no truth in our DOJ anymore.
It would take an actual, kinetic, civil war to do that now. It isn't going to happen BUT the alternative is to actively, KINETICALLY resist obeying these criminal bastards in the future. Do that on an organized scale and they'd have no power to enforce their demands.

We could shut this country down in 24 hours if we wanted to. Leftists burn, loot, and riot. We would just shut it down. And I'm not sure the local police, the military and the Natl Guard YET have sufficient number of Woke to even counter.
Why is this being withheld??? In other times these tragedies happen the manifesto is released days later.

Well, I think we now know why:

City Council members said shortly after the incident that there was a “manifesto” and that it would be released. But since then, state and local police have gotten “assistance” from the FBI in psychologically profiling the killer, which has been used as a reason to block release of the materials.

The woke FBI has stepped in for no reason to hamstring this.. probably to stop a “trans hate Christians” narrative.. as it would put Christians as victims, which cannot happen according to the left. Only leftists get to be victims. If a leftist does horrible things, it needs to be suppressed because it would hurt their cause.

I would imagine the woke would blame the dead Christians for making a trans person murder them. Seriously

The Powers That Be in this nation seem to be running an experiment on what happens when the people lose trust in ALL the institutions.

Okay. Good luck with that.

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